I like to Work It Out with a purpose.
Yes, being fit is a purpose… but I’m talking about an event.
Sticking to a fitness routine is easier for me when I have a set goal. Β It’s like a light at the end of the tunnel. Β Today’s Work It Out is about my most recent tunnel-light.
Last weekend I competed in my second figure competition – The Palmetto Classic in South Carolina. Β This recap has been difficult for me to write. Β I’m struggling with being proud of the results. Β I placed in the Top 5, which is great… but I was #5. Β In my first competition I placed 4th. Β Granted, I do feel like the competition was a bit tougher this time around… butΒ I’d been working SO hard to gain. Β And I did gain… just not enough.
After the competition I asked the judges for feedback. Β My feedback was “get bigger.”
I know that I should be proud to have even gotten to compete, let aloneΒ place. Β I know that I worked hard and did my best. Β I don’t mean to sound ungrateful… I just want to be better.
Yesterday I admitted to feeling a little lost – there is a certain melancholy after something your work so hard for ends. Β BUT I have to remember it’s not over. Β I am going use the judges’ feedback as a motivator. Β I will do another competition and come back better.
The only time you should look back is to see how far you’ve come.”
Being better requires a plan. Β It’ back to the gym for me – heavy weight, low reps. Β I’m also going to play with my food more, increasing my intake and experimenting with numbers.
Diet changes will be done slowly – if you try to add all at once your body doesn’t know how to react and (if you’re me) you feel so full that you don’t stick to the plan.

Lisa and Me
And now for the positive: I was less nervous and I felt more prepared. Β I knew what to expect and had a better idea of how to eat on competition day. Β I also had an amazing team with me – Lisa (who competed in Bikini) and our trainer, Steve. Β Having a support system and people to laugh/bitch and moan/over-analyze performance with is invaluable.
One thing about my poor abs is that they respond to volume. Β This means if I even drink a glass of water, you will see it in my stomach 5 seconds later. Β On competition day you don’t drink water, but some people will eat a combo of sugar and carbs to pump up. Β Often this means something like a waffle with syrup. Β For me, this is too much volume. Β I figured it out though! Β I took a gel (like the goo that runners eat) to have at pre-judging. Β It was low volume, but still gave me calories in the form of carbs and sugar. Β Perfect!
The most difficult thing about competition day is that after pre-judging you have to wait 6-7 hours until the show that night. Β So what do you do?! Β Immediately following the pre-judging many competitions have a small treat. Β I ate my Barney Butter, savoring it like someone who hadn’t had nut butter in years. Β π
After that, Lisa and I laid around the hotel and talked… and ate a little. Β Since I had time for my food to digest (read: move out of my abs), I ate chicken, asparagus, and sweet potato. Β Lisa and I also split a glass of wine. Β And I had about a quarter of a warm cookieΒ the hotel put out. Β It was delicious.
The night show is when awards are presented. Β I loved the statue trophy, and you better belive it is proudly displayed in my living room now!
And then, as you saw yesterday, it’s time to EAT. π
I’m supposed to be resting until Wednesday… but I wanted to hit something so I took a kickboxing class. Β It was SO much fun to go back to an old love.
Do you like to have a finish line or end goal to train for?
How do you deal with feedback? Β Is it a motivator?
Congrats on placing! That’s awesome! Your hard work really paid off! I think it’s great that you keep going, trying to get even stronger. Such a positive attitude!
Oh girl, I can relate on that feeling of wanting to be better, but I jjst want to tell you again, that you did such an amazing job and you have ALL my admiration!! But I know – it’s always different to how WE see ourselves and how others see us. I think it is great that you take the feedback as a motivator!! I do that too, Constructive Criticism can be great to move forward.
I struggle a lot with my focus on goals. I practised so hard to live in the moment, that sometimes I just lose sight and forget why I am working for something. Need to create a balance here!!
Lucie, thank you!! Constructive criticism is certainly the way to keep looking at it.
You look amazing, Laura! The good thing about competing is you have plenty of time to improve and work on your physique. It’s funny reading your recap, as I did want to compete SO badly, but it sounds so tough. My stomach sounds like yours in the way it responds to food/water – no doubt I’d be jealous of everyone eating their yummy snacks! Congrats on fifth place and I can’t wait to see you take first one day!
Thank you Tara! The stocmach thing is the hardest for me – especially when I’m bulking. It’s good to know that you CAN get there… even if it is just for a day. LOL!
Congrats!!! You look awesome!!!
i still wanna say congrats again! you’re such an inspiration to those who wanna do this and i’m in awe of your efforts!
Lindsay, that means so much! I can’t wait from some Crossfit games from you. π
You rock! Be proud!
A finish line can make things fun, but as you know, it often leads to post-race blues. I’m happy to have one, but I’m also happy to just keep on keepin on.
You should be very proud of yourself! Congrats! I like to have a goal to train for but when I reach the finish line, I definitely get a little melancholy. Last week I ran a race that I got a PR but I was still not that happy. I could have done a lot better. I should have done a lot better. But now it’s time to move on to the next goal. Regroup and work hard.
Thank you Angela – I was always the SAME way with race PRs. I was all “why couldn’t I move my feet 2 more seconds?!”
And remember that the judging can be so varied based on judges. You have good feedback to move you forward, but be satisfied in bringing your best. I got fourth in my first show too…out of four. haha! So you’re on a better track than I was. Glad you’re still loving it! That’s the most important thing.
You still got a trophy!!! LOL! I just got pics of the line up… and they are right. Next time. Grrrr…
I’m so very excited for you, Laura! Top five is excellent! I suppose you need to remember that your place in each competition will depend on those you’re competing with. You’re the best you can be and you’ll keep working at it. Perhaps some others have been working longer, know different tricks of the trade and have a bit more bulk than you. You’re pretty tiny or at least that’s how you appear in your photos and after all each person’s body is different. I’ve learned that over the years with Weight Watchers. One person’s 130 pounds can look a lot different from someone else’s 130 pounds. Five people can be all the same weight but all wear different sizes. You have everything you need to be a success. Each competition teaches you something new and helps to make you better for the next. I’m so proud of you for what you’ve accomplished. Big hugs and congrats to you!!
You are right, Fran. Weight looks a lot different on different people. But yeah… I need some more muscle pounds. The fries I ate at lunch today should help. LOL! π Thank you for all of your encouragement!
Congrats on placing! And getting feedback from the judges means that you know what to work on for next time – so you know how to improve even more. But, you did do fantastic and you should be so proud of yourself!
use it, use that motivation. It will only make you better. I think you are learning more about your body, which is a great thing! i love your drive Laura. Rest up now and come back to tackle more after. But always… BE PROUD
I should have asked for Bulking Healthy Bites. LOL! Thank you, Lindsay. π
and yet Ive been in your shoes completely with the GET BIGGER!!!! feedback and it was a challenge as genetics (mine not yours :)) can be a….tough thing.
Genetics are a stumbling block… but they CAN be overcome. π
U look amazing Laura..and judging really is subjective! I’m glad you are using it as a learning to tool to do even better next time…and I wouldn’t be surprised if you placed 1st next time (just sayin’ π )!
Thank you!!!! I hope 1st does happen… I’m aiming for it but man… top 3 would be awesome. π
I’ve always believed that getting on stage is winning in itself.
What’s important is that we stand proud for everything we have done in getting ourselves to where we are right now without any regrets of having done anything differently! (like skipping on our workouts or ‘cheating’ on our competition diet). You gave 110% of yourself to your goal and you rocked it!
You set your mind to something and you achieved it!
You’re a winner in my eyes!
You are right – just getting up there takes serious balls. My legs were SHAKING!
Can’t wait for your competition!!!
Laura, you look phenomenal and I know you put your heart into this competition. No use bating yourself up because you had results and they were great. Sometimes it is more about the competitors and to be fair, do you know if they were all natural?? π
Thanks, Janet! The organization I compete in is all natural. No ‘riod rage here… after all that asparagus I don’t need any added rage. LOL!
Congrats again! I think you did great! When’s the next one?!
thanks! I’m not sure yet… I’m aiming for Oct/Nov.
When you mentioned feeling lost after it being over, the first thought that jumped into my mind was the feeling I get after Christmas… so much anticipation and build up, and then it’s all over just like that. I know it’s not the same thing, but it’s the only way I can relate π
I think it’s awesome that you’re going to be doing another comp and working on improving based on what you learned. You have so much dedication and determination, that I’ve no doubt you’ll reach your goals π Congrats again, Laura!
Christmas is the perfect comparison! I used to open all the presents too fast and then be downright depressed. LOL!
Thank you, Amanda!
You did great Laura! I swear, being fitness focused can really give us more of an opportunity to beat ourselves up! I do the same thing to myself on hard runs! I think re-evaluating what we are looking to accomplish and focusing on how to make things better is a really great motivator! Don’t beat yourself up though. If you love what you’re doing and you look forward to more, then go for it!
You’re right… I think there’s a helathy level of beating, but yuo have to be able to turn that around and focus it on improvement. And take a little break to treat ‘yo self, right? π
You look fantastic and are such a rock star. I fall into the “could’ve done better” trap way too often after a race. Even if I’m proud of myself (because just doing it is an accomplishment, I get all up in my head trying to figure out where I messed up.
I really hope you are proud of yourself and this accomplishment, because you should be. You’re so dedicated and inspiring.
Awwww… thank you! I am proud… just ready to be better. π
I must say it was very hard to hear the feedback straight after the show as you are tired, hungry and dehydrated and in a less than perky mood.
But like you after reviewing the feedback and photos I know appreciate how far I have come and realized that yes I do have things I can improve (as no one is perfect). That is the great aspect of the sport.
I think a scary side of the sport however is the post competition blues that can creep up the days following a show. We have lived such structured lives for many weeks that people don’t seem to know what to do with themselves.
Yes, yes it was. We looked like rockstars though. And we’ll be back looking even better. π
I’m enjoying the lack of structure, but definitely flet a little lost for a couple of days. And – oddly enough – I still want protein.
You are such a winner in my eyes since I know how hard this is to do!!! I am an easy gainer so I feel for you & makes it even harder for you – and what you are competing in – lots of competition in that arena!
Always learning as they say & you have & will…
When I did bodybuilding, the thing that drove me crazy was having to eat to gain & not looking like I wanted during that process – meaning not leaner…
Enjoy how much you accomplished & really enjoy rest & eating! π
You know this means a ton to me – thank you again. π At least I don’t have to do all that cardio, right?!?!
The eating part is fun, but you are right – seeing what it does to you while you’re gaining is no fun. But the good thing about having a couple competitions done is that you know you can get back there and what it takes to do it.
I can understand your feelings but just know that you have come a long way and that you can do it! So much to be proud of! I used to take critical feedback really personally, but now I try to focus taking good advice (meant to build me up) and using it to my advantage – which sounds like exactly what you’re going to do. Good for you!
You are really good about that – I admire how great you are with self-improvement!
congrats Laura! I’m so proud of you and I see MAJOR progress since your last comp!
SO proud and happy for you!! At least you know where to go now and have a plan. Eat more, play around with your macros and lift heavy. It also sounds like you have a kick ass trainer who is willing to help you get bigger. Just think, it will be Thanksgiving before you know it and you’ll look back at these pictures proud of what you accomplished (5th is kick ass!! You placed!!!) and you’ll have gained so much. Look forward to enjoying this next journey to a bigger booty. π
That you! That is excatly my plan. At least gaining is wayyyy more fun than the cutting. π
First off congrats! You look amazinggggg! Even though you weren’t as happy with your results as you’d hoped, with the judge’s advice, now you can only get better.
Thank you!!! π
I know no one enters a competition to get 5th, you wanted 1st dangit! But I’m still really impressed and I can see the difference in muscle you’ve gained since the first competition. You rocked this in my mind, and you’ll rock the next one too.
Thanks, Alayna! It sounds silly, but other people saying they see progress makes me feel better. π
I’m glad that you took the time to write this post to sort through your melancholy feelings AND point out the positive in all your accomplishments! You look incredible in your photos and though it may be hard to look past placing 5th (lower than last competition’s 4th), it really is important to see the bigger picture and realize it’s not placing lower in the EXACT same competition, it’s placing not much lower at all in something that was probably a harder competitive environment! I struggle with seeing the big picture and not seeing number as absolutes too, so I feel ya.
For me and fitness, end goals can be triggering for me to exercise obsessively, so I actually try to just focus on taking it day by day – zero training plan, just doing what I feel given the moment. Each person has different end goals though! Or a desire to have end goals!
It is also a challenge for me not to see feedback as de-motivating. I look at it as “you were bad and here’s why” but it’s so important to see it as an opportunity to improve! Youc an do it!
I really appreciate your reading it, Caitlin. It was a more competitive talent pool, so there’s that…
I’m going day-to-day this week and it’s been a really nice break! What’s your favorite way to move?
Great recap, Laura. 5th place is incredible!! Although I can definitely understand wanting to do better, and always pushing yourself for more… definitely been there, at least in the running scene. I’m glad you were so much more relaxed and could enjoy the day. You mentioned that the competition was tougher, does that mean the judging was harder? Or there were more strong competitors there? That’s a difference in racing too- results can vary so much depending on the numbers of competition, etc… anyway, congrats again. You’re so inspiring!!
I don’t think the judging was more harsh, but the other competitiors were fierce. They woman that won 1st in my class is normally a Fitness compeititon, which is a WHOLE other level of beast mode.
Thank you – you are a big inspiration! Now I have to start running again so I can get through the Peachtree Roadrace!
You look incredible and your dedication to this is truly an inspiration for others. I hope you will remember that . I, personally, am a bigger critic on myself than anyone else could be, though external feedback is definitely motivating. When I used to compete in dance competitions, the feedback would often cloud my vision of where I had come from.
It’s important to remember to focus on the accomplishments you have achieved already, while working toward new goals. I think if we are too absorbed in what we need to do, it can become overwhelming.
Jody had it right – you are such a winner. Bask in the progress you’ve already made!
That is so good for you to say, Heidi. Thank you! π
You should absolutely be proud of yourself, regardless of where you placed. And 5th place is seriously impressive! The way you’ve stuck with this and been dedicated every day, every moment is something to be proud of in itself. You’re such an inspiration to so many people!
I so appreciate it! I’m working on it… it’s not easy to get up there. π Thank you!!!
All I can say is, I NEED A SPRAY TAN! lol π
Orange IS your color. π
So happy and proud of you! I know we haven’t had too strong of a connection (yet! ;)) but I have competed in bikini four times, placing differently at each show and I can completely relate to your feelings of defeat. Like you should have done better. The best part about that? Everyone feels that way. It’s so rewarding just knowing you put yourself, mentally and physically, through something so challenging not everyone can do it. By just being at that show, you won. Congrats on your placing and bring on the fuel for the next one!!!
Thank you!!! I love following your journey too. You make such a great point – everyone feels like this *well, except 1st place). It helps not to be alone. π
Babe, you are amazing. I know it’s easier for us to see and say how incredible your achievements are than it is for you to take a step back and see how brilliant your successes have been, are, and will continue to be, but believe it. So ridiculously impressive. Go girl!
Thank you!!!! This reminds me… that bacon-caramel chocolate? Not good. I threw away 3/4ths of it… and I NEVER waste chocolate.
Not going to lie; I’m completely bored by the bacon chocolate thing these days, but that’s still better than being grossed out by it! π
(Though I know you mean your experiment didn’t work, not that the whole idea is bunk.)
so here’s the deal … the difference with feedback about your body vs. something you produced (which in this case there is obviously overlap) is that you can only do SO much. you might not be able to “get bigger” (I think you can, but maybe not enough to please the judges). maybe you switch to bikini and get a first place finish if you’re not happy after your 3rd competition?
agreed on the abs thing. it doesn’t take much to show in my belly either (and mine is much larger than yours!)
I CAN get bigger, but not that fast. 6 more months and I’ll be closer… and then 6 more… π And bikini is NOT an option. I don’t have hips, boobs, or sex appeal. #fail.
P.S. You were right about the chocolate.
Yeah βΒ you’re right. I think you can get bigger and I am glad you know that it’s not an overnight thing. Also, I’d argue over sex appeal! But I’d rather not have hips or boobs myself (my boobs are kind of bothering me lately because they got bigger and that’s annoying).
PS Sorry about your chocolate … π maybe your friend who makes those that you’d mentioned can make some (and you can send me one?!)
you should be VERY proud – we all are!!
I think what makes you a success is that you ask for feedback in the first place – and then use that as a motivator. Two competitions and placing both times? You’re doing FANTASTIC, girl.
Thank you!!! I actually was more interested in going to dinner, but I’m glad now I got the feedback. I knew it, but it helps to have confimation.
Great attitude… you did amazing!!! I understand you are being hard (ish) on yourself so I applaud you getting up and using it as motivation mojo. (0:
Hee hee… motivation mojo. Love it. Thank you! π
Okay the fact that you’re even competing is more than I could possibly do! It honestly sounds like a NIGHTMARE to get judged on your body! All of our bodies are different so how the heck do they even judge what you can and can’t accomplish??
I think all you can do is do YOUR personal best. You literally can’t compete with someone who naturally has a “better body” according to the judges…seriously don’t be hard on yourself!! You worked hard and it seemed like you were having fun along the way! <3
LOL! It is a bit nightmare-ish now that I think of it. BUT, it’s a building process and I love a challenge. π
Thank you!!! xo
Oh honey congrats for placing! I know what you mean though..I mean I DONT know how it feels to compete yet but I can imagine the slight disappointment in knowing you trained hard only to get told “train harder.” π I’m in the same boat..I’m not nearly as big as I should be but we can only do so much. I try and think about what it is I”m shooting for and what the competition is: I’m literally going to be JUDGED. So when you think about it, it’s kind of like someone else’s opinion. And we can’t help that. I mean we CAN to an extent but…well you know what I mean. π
Definitely get back on that horse and train train train and improve on something for the next show. I see a lot of amateurs and even pros who just get up there and say “I wasn’t in the top 5 this time around, but I got a chance to showcase my (back, hammies, glutes etc) and how they improved.” Think of it less as someone judging you and more about you showing off. That’s how I’m going to try to look at it.
Oh and book a photo shoot dear! No sense wasting all that prep on 15 seconds of stage time. Take some pro photos and let’s see that progress!
Michelle, thank you SO much! Building does take time… my coach had to remind me that it’s called body BUILDING for a reason. π
No photo shoot this time, but maybe in October/November when I hope to compete again.
Congrats on the competition! I don’t think I’d ever be able to do it and be as committed so major props to you. And the fact that you ENJOY doing this is HUGE! I think of it like running, I never could have trained for my first 1/2 marathon if I hated running and while I know I may want to keep improving my time, I also know it’s not possible for every race or run to be perfect despite the work I’ve put in. Congrats again!
Thank you! It’s all about finding something you love. After two half marathons, I think my (long) running days are over. π
Having a goal is great motivator, and definitely helps to keep me on track. You should be very proud of this competition. Each time you compete there will be something to learn, good or bad, something new or something different. You look amazing, and it’s been so fun to read about all the prep leading up to last weekend!
You are right – it’s all about the jouney! Thank you, and thanks for following along!!! π
Love your approach to feedback–And your shoulders. Wait, those two weren’t really related. But I made them be so. I know you’ll rock the stage for a THIRD time when you get back up there–It’s not about perfection or really winning, it’s about knowing you’ve put your heart into (and improved, no matter what level that puts you on!). I absolutely admire you, your dedication and your attitude. So ROCK ON! (And let me know if you have a free weekend any time this spring/summer for a guest ;D )
LOL! Thank you on both counts though. π Third time is the charm, right?
Kirk knows you so well – the first thing he asked after we cheered for your award is how you were feeling about it. I knew this was a bigger event, so I hoped you were still thrilled with your placement, but I also know it’s addicting to win and you want to win more each time. It’s okay to be a little down about it, but I am SO proud of you and was bragging to my parents about you. You are awesome!!
Am I that predicible? LOL! Thank you SO much for everything. Love you both!!!
I think it really depends on my mindset as to how I take the feedback. If I am in a receptive mood it will motivate me and I will do good things with it. There are times though that “constructive” feedback pisses me off and I become totally dejected by it.
I know you will take the advice “get bigger” and do just that with it.
The best to you as you get ready for the next competition…do you have one scheduled?
That is me too – sometimes it takes me a while to hear what’s being given to me.
Not yet – it’s grow time!
I understand your disappointment because I think I would feel the same way…But you know what’s coming next – we all are amazed at your progress and think you HAVE really improved! Well done! And I sure wish I could eat and NOT have it affect my abs…but such is life. π Way to rock it! We’ll celebrate at BLEND soon – maybe a drink (or chia shot) on me! π
Thank you, Bonnie!!! Those darn abs… I have lerned to let it go until right before competition time. *sugh*
Hooray for Blend! And of COURSE we wil have to share a glass of vino. π
Laura: You should be proud of your accomplishment. I know what it is to work really hard and not meet your own expectations, it is damn frustrating, but the important thing is that you did the best you could by working your ass off. Think about how much time you had between your first competition and your second, it wasn’t that long. It is extremely difficult to add muscle mass and size in that short period of time…and you tried your very best. Keep working on it….it will come. I have been on a really strict diet and exercise plan to get back to my original fit weight of 120 lbs (from 150 that I was in December…yuck!) and to lean out big time……it is NOT easy. I am proud to say I weighed in at 122 today and I am lifting what I was lifting when I was 30 and at the top of my game. I feel so good and I am focused to keep it up. I know we are competitive by nature, but it should not always be about winning, but about being proud of what we have accomplished. Stay focused and success will eventually come…it is the steady drop that makes the hole in the rock! π
Marlin, thank you so much! I love you guys. AND I’m blown away by your discipline and progress! Can’t wait to see it in person. π
First of all like all your friends and reader – I am extremely proud of your accomplishments π I can see why you are feeling that way because after you worked hard so much – I would take all the comments as a total motivator and go further from there. For now just be proud, enjoy, and stay focused.
That’s great advice. Thank you so much for all of your comments along the way. You always make me simle. π
Maybe soon!… Keep this on your calendar in case you are free… MM at Eddie’s, Saturday, June 29th at 9 :00 pm. We have a table as usual and it is Corinne’s birthday weekend celebration, we would love for you to join us if you can! π
Alright I totally understand the melancholy feelings after something you work so hard for is over (I felt that way after every gymnastics meet), and I even understand the little bit of sadness at placing 5th since you are so competitive. I also totally appreciate the way you pointed out the positives and your willingness to seek out feedback. That alone (ignoring all the hard work and dedication you put into this) says oodles about your character. Chin up; you are amazing.
YOU are amazing. Thank you. These words mean a lot to me. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one with the melancholoy. π
You are awesome!!!
you’re amazing!! so inspiring and just a wonderful person!!! we are so proud of you and soooooo happy for you. We know you will keep working hard and before you know it you will reach your goals!! such an inspiration!! HUGS
Lori, I cannot tell you how much I’m looking forward to Blend. You guys are a huge inspiration to ME! xoxo
Laura, let me begin with this… I don’t know you personally, but based on what I know about you from reading your blog, I feel like I can be a blog friend and go all blog-emotiona-girly-deep with this one. You look freaking awesome. Top 5? In a figure competition? That’s something to (not only be proud of but) to BRAG about. I’m from South Carolina, so I’m sorry the judges were stupid. I don’t claim them as my own. And their advice? Get bigger? I’d do some research and send some photos out to get some better feedback from alternate sources. I’m no pro in body sculpting, but I didn’t think “big” women were necessarily the best. What did the winner look like? I think your best bet moving forward is analyzing the winners. But you are awesome, nonetheless. Top 5 is amazing. I strive for top 10 overall when I run races. It always sucks when someone beats you—I hate it! But being in that top group is something to be proud of. And the fact that you strive to be on top is a good thing. It keeps the dream alive! Don’t let this one get you down. You’re young, healthy, and you have plenty of opportunities ahead of you!
LOL! You, my friend, are a fabulous blog-friend. π I really, really appreciate the vote of confidence. The winner was totally ripped. She normaly competes in the Fitness category. I finally found the professional pics online, so I’ll have to post so you guys can see the comparison. Thank you!!!
Laura, you are a winner. It is as simple as that. You worked hard. You look amazing. You placed. Please don’t think that you are somehow a loser because you didn’t win. I get so mad at sports reporting, especially at events like the Olympics, where they treat the people who do not come in first, as losers. It is so not true. You are the fifth best of millions!
I know that there is a certain sadness or melancholy when you don’t achieve the big goal, but think about what you did achieve. Most women wouldn’t even dare to think about doing what you’re doing, let alone the perseverance to train, diet, etc., all the things that go into competing. You are a champion.
Debbie, you are such a good friend. Thank you!!! The thing I keep telling myself is that I did my best for where I am… and I have time to bring it even harder. Bam.
You worked really hard, and you should feel proud of what you were able to accomplish! Competing horses for years I learned there are some kinds of feedback I can learn and improve from and others that make me want to shut down and give up. I think positive criticism if presented in a thoughtful manner can be very helpful.
You are so right. Growing up is learning to take it and make it useful! Thank you!!!
Hey love, I totally get where you’re coming from, I do it every time with exam and coursework grades… It’s like I’m expecting to get 100% or something! :/ I just want to say though, you did absolutely awesome! You LOOK absolutely awesome and I’m soooo proud of you for achieving what you have achieved! Takes some balls to stick to that plan and training regime and not only see it through to the end and get up on stage to strutt your stuff but also to GO BACK FOR MORE! You are my hero! Keep doing what you’re doing and don’t let any pesky negativity get in the way of things! You ROCK!
Balls, indeed! π You are way too kind though. Thank you!!! When are we going to finally hang out?! π
Sorry to hear you didn’t place as well as you hoped, but in my humble opinion….um TOP 5?! Go YOU! π
Plus, that’s good that the judges gave you feedback that you could take and use for your next one, right? π You’re awesome, Laura.
Thank you, Paige! There’s always the next competition π
Congratulations! You looked amazing and worked soooooo hard! π
I hear ya! 5th to 4th can be disappointing especially when you try so hard..but you looked amazing!
Sometimes its all about how the judges are doing that day. So don’t cut yourself short in anyway π
Use it as fuel to push even harder, but just be happy with what you are doing and you’ll always come off the stage #1!
Can’t wait to hear about your next show π btw…I have a few blogs I go to when i don’t feel like going to the gym and now yours is one of them. TY!
Yes – I convert anything I can to FUEL!
And that is one of the biggest compliments I’ve ever received. Thank you!!!
You should be beyond proud of yourself!! 2 Top 5s?!?! That is amazing Laura! Think about how amazing you will be once it is your 5th competition? I mean really, who can walk right into a competition and place both times? You look great and I think you should be proud and definitely take what you can from your competitions and grow (both emotionally and physically) π
Keep that strong head up!
I’m working on it. By #5 I’ll be an old pro. π Thank you so much for all the encouragement. All of these comments have made me feel SO much better.
Bodybuilding is challenging, as you present no just a talent… but your own being. Laura, you worked out like a warrior, made huge sacrifices, and place in the top of your field. Please use that feedback, and don’t let it get you down – those words have value to guide your training, but offset by the huge amount of what you’ve already done right. I admire you as a person, a foodie, and a warrior. You’ve made a fan (and a friend) in me.
Kevin…. thank you for these words and encouragement. the admiration is mutual. So glad to have gotten to know you. π
Well, I know you didn’t do as well as you hoped…but at least the Barney Butter was all you could have dreamed of? π
I kid. I kid.
Seriously, I am constantly in awe of your discipline throughout the WHOLE process. You KNOW I could never push myself so hard in the gym, and I love that you are so steadfast in every goal you set. Five is my lucky number, if that means anything?
Glad you are able to take criticism–no matter how simple or lame—and turn it around as motivation for the next one!
I mean, it was NUTTY BUTTER… π
And you DO push yoursefl, just in difffernet ways. I’m in awe of you and your running.
Cheers to luck #5 and to being reunited soooooon!!!
I think you look amazing–those judges are crazy! You are so hard on yourself, but I understand when you work really hard you want the recognition you deserve. Just more motivation for next time!
You are so sweet – thank you! I do see the room for improvement, but I’m 100% using it for motivation.
You are stinking awesome friend!! I think top 5 is AWESOME! I’m really out of the loop… what is the difference between bikini and figure competitions?
I salute you, because I would be way to terrified to do this. You are my hero!
Thank you, Brittany!!! Bikini is a little softer look – more like a fitness model (read: more boobs and hips).
Congratulations my friend on an amazing placing and stunning figure – I totally understand that sometimes your effort deserves greater award but you did brilliantly π
Choc Chip Uru
I so appreciate it. π Now for some dessert!
Congrats on 5th place! I did my first show last weekend too and totally felt how u did on comp day- less nervous and more prepared!! Makes it easier hey?! π
You did it! I don’t care what place you got, I know how hard you worked and just in general I think you’re so brave for stepping up on stage and putting yourself out there. It’s not easy, at all!
Thank you Allie!!! It’s not easy, that’s for sure!
I wish the judges could have been a bit more forthcoming on their feedback. I mean, was it a particular area that they were looking for or do they mean overall…because you are not a big person. I think the gains you put on since your last competition have been REMARKABLE and I honestly don’t see that you could have done much more. Sorry, I can’t help but take the mama-defense mode in this. I just think that was a bit douchey of them to say. Going back to mama-mode, I know you are frustrated with your placement, but you also know that you worked your ASS off for this…you did everything you could with what you had. Don’t you DARE feel like you didn’t measure up in the end. I know it’s a competition and placement matters, but when you take all the judging and statue trophies away, what do you have? A girl who became a total BEAST in like what? 5 months?! That’s fucking awesome! You’re awesome! Now let’s go draw those judges faces on some punching bags and have our way with them!
You’ll have to see the top 5 pics… the girls that won was a beast! She was actually bigger/more ripped than a typical figure competitor. Normally competes in the Fitness category. π
But THANK YOU!!! I want you as my body guard/defender at the next competition. Maybe I need to find one in Tennessee…
You rock. Seriously. 1 more weeeeek!!!!
since I don’t compete I can only equate this to a running PR. When you’ve been focusing so hard on that goal and know that you did everything you could to make it happen, then there is definitely a mix of disappointment and acceptance because you know you can try again and it’s not Earth shattering. I think we are allowed to take the time mentally and emotionally to process it! Sometimes we skip that because we are people who like to focus on the positive, but it’s ok to recognize it!
Thank you, Amanda! It is like running – and then you’re like what if I’d moved my feet half a second faster?! LOL! But in the end, we know we gave it all we had and there is always another shot. π