Can you imagine running a 10K in 27:36?
The 24-year-old winner of this year’s Peachtree Road Race (the largest 10K in the world) did it. His name is Peter Kirui. He’s Kenyan. Surprise, surprise.

Peachtree runners
I spectated for a bit this year, but didn’t run. It’s a little disheartening because it’s the first I’ve skipped in 5 years. My knee and my trainer both have put a halt to my running, so I passed my number along to my boss’ wife. She didn’t win the women’s division. That prize went to Mamitu Daska from Ethiopia, who finished the 6.2 mile run in 32:22.
After a little cheerleading, I hit the gym to lift weights before heading to the lake for a day of getting sunburned fun in the sun. Having done shoulders with my trainer on Tuesday, chest and biceps yesterday, a jet ski ride, and a sunburn… I can barely lift my arms. Good thing its leg day!
Post-lake there were fireworks. My BFF and I hit the country club where we grew up for a 20 minute display that would rival and city production.
The breakfast I began the day with for-sure kept me moving all day.
Several people had told me about Paleo “Oatmeal,” but I wast in a hurry to try a Paleo meal when I can have the real thing. You see, the Paleo diet shuns bread-y carbs. This oatmeal doesn’t actually include oats.
Despite my hesitation, curiosity got the best of me and I’m so glad it did. This creamy oat-less oatmeal is going in constant rotation.
The banana gets that yummy caramelized taste, and I was surprised and how much this actually LOOKED like oatmeal.
Even better, it came together quickly and delivered and TON of protein to my tired muscles. I amped it up more in my version with protein powder (I used Sun Warrior Vanilla here). The addition of butter extract really have it that oatmeal taste – you know the one. When you were a kid and would have a glob of melty butter on top of your oats… alongside wayyyy too much brown sugar. It’s cool, we didn’t know and better
Paleo Oatmeal
- 1/2 C egg whites
- 1/2 scoop protein powder
- 2 T unsweetened vanilla almond milk (or other liquid)
- 1 T ground flaxseed
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 banana, well-mashed
- 1/4 tsp almond extract
- 1/8 tsp butter extract
Whisk together ingredients in a small bowl until well-combined.
In a small saucepan, cook mixture over low-med heat, stirring frequently to avoid lumps and reach oatmeal-like consistency (~5 mins).
Top your “oatmeal” with your favorite oatmeal topping. I went with blueberries.
Serves 1.
I’m a little annoyed with myself for getting so badly burned. Doh.
Did you run a race? Enjoy a fireworks show? Both?
Have you tired one of the Paleo oatmeal bowls before? Any thoughts on the program? It wouldn’t work for me right now, but I’m curious about others’ experiences!
I’m silly and got burned too – the day started off cloudy so I skipped the SPF in favor of “catching up” on sun. Mission accomplished.
I will definitely be trying this out! I try to stay about 80% paleo so this is a perfect replacement for the grains!!! Hope you had a happy Fourth!
Awesome! Let me know how you like it. I was impressed with the texture!
Glad you found a suitable, filling, and tasty paleo oatmeal! It looks good!
I am pissed because while I didn’t get burned yesterday – for some reason, I am peeling on my chest. This crap better go away because that will NOT look pretty with my wedding dress!
That’s so weird! I’m sure you’ll be fine – exfoliate!
32:22’s a walk in the park. 😉 That’s so incredible, especially since that’s not even a flat course!
Right?! I should have mentioned the ATL hills.
Dangit, now I wish I hadn’t had my oats today! I would have definitely make this one! I DO remember butter on my oats as a kid! My grandfather taught us that! I’m glad you had a great day. We did the anti celebratory 4th of July with work and not going out on the lake at all. I’m hoping for some quiet lake time next week!
Can you believe how we used to eat? That melty blob of butter was sooooo good though.
27:36?! Holy $H!T!! Who trains him, cheetahs?
I’ve seen that oatmeal, and I’d love to try it. Soon!! My two faves – oatmeal & eggs, right? 🙂
That looks so good! Glad you had a good fourth!
I cannot imagine eating “oatmeal” made from eggs. You make it look good though! I’m not really into the whole Paleo thing… but to each their own!
that’s why it took me so long to try! It is oddly good though!
I’m still not convinced “Oatless Oatmeal”. as its ‘scrambled egg whites’ 😉
I just ate good food around good friends and watch fireworks in the surrounding. It was nice. Just bummed to be back at work. *thumbs down* haha. Glad you had a Good 4th too!
I was the same way… but it definitely isn’t a scrambled texture!
No comment on that oatmeal. 😉
I had a good day – my first trip to the aquarium was great and we’re even more ready for a dive trip now!! Too bad we have to wait until at least September. 🙂
You need to get hooked up with Lindsay’s sister’s chickens. 😉
I’ve never been to the aquarium! Worth a trip?
This looks gorgeous! Glad you had fun celebrating!
I’m so going to try this! I feel like I eat WAY too many carbs!
YUM – that looks great! I should definitely give that recipe a shot! And I’m glad you had a good 4th – looks like a fun one!
Thanks Bonnie! It a nice change from the usual breakfast.
lol. I like Mark’s comment, which was basically my reaction.
Paleo as in Paleolithic? I’ve been reading a lot about that diet recently and while I think it has an appeal, we have to keep in mind Paleolithic men and women NEVER lived beyond 40. Of course, one might argue then that humans shouldn’t be, weren’t meant to be living beyond 40, but does anyone really want to make that argument?
Anyway, sorry to derail the comment box. Being an amateur of ancient and medieval history with too much time on my hands I tend to think too much about this stuff… 😀
Glad it was good though! It looks good!
Yup, Paleolithic. And you DO make a good point… didn’t they die early because they were eaten by tigers or something? LOL!
I think that breakfast looks good and I am allergic to oats anyway, but my body also doesn’t like banana much, lol. I’m so complicated!!! 🙂
I think it would work with pumpkin or sweet potato puree. You just need something creamy to add to the mix.
Good to know you had a great time! The oatmeal with berries looks delish! 🙂
Looks so delicious! I can’t wait to try this over the weekend! 😀
Thanks! Please let me know if you do – I love hearing other’s takes on it. 🙂
ohh i like this idea, going to try it out tomorrow!!
Thanks! Let me know what you think!
I know it was a bummer not to run – but I think it was so smart to create a new big goal – which is the coolest goal ever too! Glad you had a good day, despite the burn – I didn’t get burned yesterday, or maybe I did, but I just couldn’t tell because I was still burned from Sunday. #FAIL sunscreen should be my homeboy…
LOL!!! Sunscreen NEEDS to be my homeboy too!
Sounds like it’s time for a little HGH for your knee there my friend. 😉
Ha! I’m focusing on building up the quads now. And crossing my fingers.
I haven’t seen this Paleo alternative to oatmeal yet – it looks really tasty if nothing else!!!
Ugh – sorry about the burn =( Vitamin E!! I swear it works!!!
It was! Perforce for nailing your protein needs when building.
Do you just rub Vitamin E directly on it?! I haven’t heard that one!
Yeah! There’s a spray…I can’t remember the name of it… Sun Remedy or something… Sun 911?… it was invented by a tennis player who got sunburned all the time – it has vitamin E, aloe, magnesium I think…it comes in a dark blue bottle and you spray it on as soon as you can, and it helps the sunburn heal faster. I didn’t believe it so I did a case study on myself – I spritzed one side of my body with it and just put aloe on the other, and the side with the spray healed about 3x faster.
I need that! I just have the Banana Boat after spray and I don’t think it does anything. The fact that you tested it makes me love you. So awesome.
I am so happy you posted this and that it has protein in it 😀 I will be trying this 😀
love u hun
I thought you’d like this one. 🙂 Love you too!
Ooh, I haven’t seen anything like this yet! I’m not into the whole Paleo thing really, but I do find some good (wheat free) recipes here and there. Any time I can disguise eggs to taste like something else is awesome in my book. Totally trying this one.
I know how you feel about having to be a spectator instead of a participant–it’s hard and it sucks.
I agree with you – I don’t think it’s the plan for me, but they have some good ideas!
Wow, I’d be glad with that as a 5km time, let alone 10 km! I gotta say- I’ve seen this oatless oatmeal recipe floating around on multiple blogs lately but yours is the first one that leaves me feeling slightly more inclined to try it. From your pic above, it looks freaking delicious..and hey, anything involving glazed banana has gotta taste good! As for Paleo in general, I am not knocking it at all but personally, I don’t think it would work for me- giving up basics like oats and yogurt will only leave me feeling deprived!
For real! That kid must have been on skates. 🙂
Thank you so much! I think the banana and a little protein powder makes it more palatable.
I did not run a race or watch fireworks on July 4th (though I need to start running at least a few miles soon- I signed up for a 5k in Colorado and the altitude will kill me!). I did teach a packed spinning class in the morning though!
This “oatmeal” looks AWESOME. I’m definitely trying it out asap!
You are brave running in CO. The 2 laps we did before boot camp had me breathless!
Let me know how you like the oats – I bet it be perfect to fuel you after your marathon class-teaching .:)
I’ve yet to dive into any kind of paleo diet type recipes but this looks like one I’d be down for trying! Yum. Buzzed ya!
This looks really tasty my friend, though I have actually yet to try paleo properly 😛
Hope you had an awesome 4th!
You finally tried it! I knew you would love it 🙂
I did! The texture is amazing!
This is ON… I’m definitely trying this paleo oatmeal. I haven’t run in a month. Not since the warrior dash. I just wanted a break because my feet and my hip were friggen torn up. After a month of no running I’m feeling like my old self and aching to get out there. I am actually reading the book “born to run” which helped spark the barefoot running trend. Guess what I bought… running sandals. This will either be amazing, or the dumbest thing I’ve ever done. LOL
If you haven’t read the book… it’s an excellent and inspiring read (if not a little pompous).
Books or even mags always get me pumped up to go. Sadly, I can’t run any more so running books may just make me cry. Ha! Let me know how you like those sandals. My trainer wants me to get Vibrams to lift in.
I can’t keep up with all of these diets! Thank goodness I have you 😀
thanks for recommending this to me! i’ll definitely try this soon. i’ve never even heard of butter extract though! now i need to hunt some down. 🙂
Let me know what you think! The butter extract is optional, but soooo good. They carry it at Whole Foods.
I wanted to try No-Oats Oatmeal because the real stuff makes my stomach hurt, but I love it so much! This recipe was prety good! Its the first time I’ve tried to make it so I don’t have anything to compare it to….except real oatmeal.
It is definetly “like” oatmeal….but certainly different.
I also added some chopped almonds. Gives it just a little more texture, and tastes good. 🙂
Blueberries was a good choice.
I give it a thumbs up and I’ll most likely make it again!
What brand of Glutamine do you use?
I don’t workout nearly as intense as you do. Would it still be beneficial for me to take glutamine?
I’m not brand-loyal – just make sure it’s Japanese grade (most are). It’s beneficial for anyone – in addition to being a protein building block, it supports the immune, digestive and nervous systems.