It doesn’t happen often, but yesterday I almost cried.
It took me 2 months to get into the ortho Dr., but I finally made it. After an hour-long wait (grrrr…), I was called back to the exam room. The Doc was great (he’s a talker, which explains the wait). He does a lot of work on the Atlanta Braves, among other sports teams. Unfortunately that resume didn’t lessen my injury.
The Dr. actually said I was pushing my body to the extreme… and that made me feel proud. Isn’t there a quote about taking up too much room if you’re not living on the edge? 😉
It turn out that the pain is my left knee is due to a torn ACL. I always thought that when you tear an ACL you couldn’t even walk! Apparently there are varying degrees of tears.
Next step is to go for an MRI to confirm the extent of the damage – he’s betting I have some lateral meniscus repair work that needs to be done too. I can’t even get in for that consult until late June (hazards of choosing a popular Dr.), which puts me having surgery around August. 4-6 months after that I’ll be back in fighting shape. That’s 2013. Ugh.
Nonetheless, I’m pretty depressed. I was hoping it was just a strained something. At least I have What I Ate Wednesday to make me smile. (Jenn, can I get a hug??)
Check out my eats below; then click here to hope on over to our host – Jenn @ Peas and Crayons – to see what everyone else ate Wednesday (or – more than likely – Tuesday).
I was told that plyo probably isn’t be best thing for me to be doing with a torn ACL (that explains all the knee pain after…). Good thing I got in one last P90X Plyometrics workout pre-doctor visit this morning!
I re-fueled with a Laura-style Frapp: loaded with protein and spinach! Yes, it looks weird. But it was good.
Green Protein Frapp
- 1 C chilled coffee
- One scoop vanilla protein powder
- Giant handful spinach
- 1.2 large banana
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1/8 tsp guar gum (to thicken)
- Ice
Salad. In a box. It seems simple, but eating right out of the container make me happy. If only I could get a salad into an almost-empty PB jar.
In my box:
- Mixed greens
- Asparagus
- Cauliflower
- Cucumber
- Tempeh croutons (lemon-pepper tempeh, sautéed in a pan and cooled)
- Hummus dressing (1 T spinach hummus + 2 tsp apple cider vinegar)
I’ve been eating almost totally vegan since the Food & Wine Festival gut-buster. The availability of local farm-fresh eggs at this weekend’s farmer’s market in the park was too much to pass up.
Dinner was an egg scramble with hatch chili salsa, sautéed kale, Daiya pepper jack cheese, red pepper flakes served over a sprouted grain tortilla.
There were many, but I was too depressed and too busy at work to take pics: lots of cashews, kombucha, dried sea weed, Think Thin bar… and some other depression-snacks stuff I can’t remember.
Have you ever had knee surgery?
If you are vegan/vegetarian, what food do you “miss” the most? If you’re NOT , which food most keeps you from trying (if any)?
I’m so sorry to hear this Laura, but I hope you can feel me hugging you? 🙂
Thanks, Meg. 🙂
oh no girl 🙁 i’m so so sorry. i spent about 8 volleyball playing years living in fear that this would happen to me. good news is i have several friends who have made amazingly quick recoveries after their surgeries so fingers crossed you can too!
That’s good to hear. I’m not looking forward to a 4-6 month recover time.
Oh no! I am so sorry to hear this! I hope the damage isn’t severe and that you make a fast recovery.
Oh no, I’m really sorry Laura..I know how discouraging and frustrating news like that is! Did the doctor suggest any workouts which you can do while the damage is on the mend? On a brighter note, I’m glad you were able to get in some yum eats! As much as I love chicken & fish, I am sure I’d be able to give them up…however yogurt & eggs are what keep me from being vegan. I enjoy them too much to even consider eliminating them out of my diet!
No, but I’m sure once I have the surgery I’ll be doing a lot of PT.
Those are my two things too! And cheese. I love cheese.
I’m not sure taking your body to the extreme and getting an injury is a good thing though- take it easy!
coffee and sweet, mmmm I wonder how that tastes….
I’m a vegetarian but I don’t ‘miss’ anything. I LIKE the smell of cooking meat (except bacon- ew!) but I don’t crave it at all!
You sound like my momma. LOL!
I’m so sorry to hear that luv! Hopefully this will keep you from exercising for a while, but it won’t be a nagging injury for life like runner’s knee or something. Rest up!
BTW – the eggs look fab!
Oh honey, I’m so sorry! I’m sure the recuperation time will be rough (if nothing but the fact that we all want to be better like yesterday) but like you said, it could be a lot worse. I’ve seen a lot of people come into the hospital with knee injuries that totally take them down. In fact, just the other day, I had a patient who fractured the top of her tibia when she collided with her 80lb labrador in the backyard! 🙁
I’m pretty much used to injuring myself lately…over the last few years I’ve sprained my ankle, back, knee (all from being accident prone), AND discovered I have some sort of problem with my SI joints! I feel like a horse that needs to be put down.
On the bright side, it looks like you had a pretty delicious day! Love the salad in a box…I do that all the time! Why waste another dish? And I think you’re on to something…they should start selling 5 pound containers of PB that resemble salad boxes!
Number ONE reason I could never be vegan: EGGS! Gotta have my drippy yolks!
I fractured my tibia once too! Talk about a miserable experience.
SI pain is no good… get well, horsie! 😉
Ah no, hope your knee heals quick! I’m a vegetarian and mostly vegan (still eat honey and trace dairy in chocolate etc) but I have started to eat eggs again as I had a serious craving! I try and keep a fluid and practical approach to my diet, I’m 100% vegetarian – I’ve never ever missed meat or fish – but I’m more flexible with veganism 🙂
Thanks Lauren!
I had egg cravings too. There’s something about a perfectly cooked egg. 🙂
Bummer about the ACL tear 🙁
First of all, container meals are the best. Another reason we are friends. [And now I just want to make a salad with peanut butter dressing so I can shake it in a peanut butter jar.]
More importantly, I am SO thinking about you. I know how important fitness is in your life, and don’t worry, you will get back in fighting shape. I think my ATL trip should be in August. I can help take care of you. I’ll eat half of the lettuce so you can fill up and finish off the container.
And I’ll test peanut butter recipes in your kitchen….
Also, I was so sad that I skipped the eggs.
When I toured Polyface I almost gave in and bought a whole dozen of farm fresh ones. Every now and then I do miss a good runny yolk.
Maybe a thai peanut salad???
You should come to ATL ASAP. There are sooooo many good restaurants opening this week! Or if you come is Aug, maybe we can get pity-food if my knee is jacked up. 🙂
That is a real bummer about your ACL!! I hope you heal quickly! I always se people that come in right after the ACL tear in the ER and never see the “after” so keep us posted!! And as per usual your eats make me hungry 🙂
Everything looks tasty! Laura, so sorry to hear about your knee. That’s such a shame. Sounds like you have a good doctor, though. Hope all goes well!
Thank you so much! 🙂
Oh no. I’m sorry to hear about your injury. Hopefully the MRI will show that it’s not too bad. Keep us posted. Yummy eats for the week!
[Fitness, Health and Happiness]
Thanks Jill! I’m so ready to get it over with!
So sorry to hear about your tear. I know many who have suffered the same injury – as I was a soccer player growing up and it was fairly common! You will rehab and be back on your feet in no time!
Ohhhh… yeah, soccer is notorious for these with all that lateral.
Hey Laura! Stay strong and positive. Think ahead to the future and how you will make a badass come back. While my situation is not entirely the same, I don’t need surgery, but as you know all this year had to stop running and lifting. As a former rugby player this was seriously devastating. It took me awhile to learn I gotta listen to my body and do right by it. Longevity is goal!
I’m so sorry to hear you are going through this!
Thanks Ashley! Longevity is key – thanks for the reminder!
Oh Laura I am just so sorry to hear about this… stay strong and positive as much as you can in a rather crappy situation! You are one bad ass lady though (oh and that is awesome!) and I know you will come through this with flying colors
Thank you! I can’t wait to return to full-on bad-assery. 🙂
Oh no! So sorry to hear about your ACL. That really sucks.
I’m so sorry to hear about your torn ACL. I can only imagine how you feel. However, after the surgery and a few months of healing, you will be good to go!!! Just focus on that! 🙂
oh my goodness! I’ve never torn an ACL, but I’ve heard it’s excruciating.
actually, my dog tore her ACL once. i hope you get a bright neon cast like she did.
LOL! I don’t think I get a cast… but when I broke my knee I had a purple cast. 🙂
Oh noes, Laura!! So sorry to hear about your knee 🙁 🙁 I know way too many people who have had the same injury and all different degrees of it 🙁 I hope you have a speed recovery!! I’ve never had knee problems, but I do have a bum ankle. When I was in high school and awesomely rebellious and cool (ugh lol), I twisted my ankle pretty badly to where I couldn’t walk that great. But since I was awesomely rebellious, I never told my parents and never went to the doctor and figured I could RICE and it’d heal on its own. It became known as the bum ankle that prevented me from running. But now it’s a lot better and using the Couch to 5K has actually helped me and the ankle! I hope you get better soon! <3
There aren't really foods I miss now that I"m vegetarian. I'm going on six years being a vegetarian; my hubby is going on 12 years. My mom and the rest of the fam (majority) have been their whole life, so I've been around it for a long time! I guess I kind of miss BBQ, but just subbing tofu has worked just fine 'n' dandy!
I’m glad your ankle is finally getting better! I did something similar with my other knee… why were we so stubborn as kids?! 🙂
Aack, I’m sorry to hear about the diagnosis! At least you have some course of action now. Surgery is never fun, but hopefully that’ll get you back on the road soon.
I had a slight ACL tear back in 2008 after my last marathon, and it made running miserable. It healed itself with rest (which was imposed on me by being newly preganant). I don’t think that’s the kind of a treament plan you’re look for 🙂
An ACL tear while preggo sounds miserable! Glad you’re all better now. Apparently I hurt it months ago, so it’s not going to do it’s thing on it’s own. Ugh.
I am very sorry to hear about your injury and I really hope that you will get well asap!! Sending you hugs and positive energy!! I probably won’t be able to be a vegan or vegetarian my whole life because of ice cream, I know there are many vegan options, but none of them are even close to Cold Stone icecream 🙂
LOL! Cold Stone is a great reason to keep dairy in your life. 🙂
I am SO sorry about your ACL tear. But you know what, at least you work hard! I know you’ll have a good attitude about this once the initial shock passes. Love ya <33333333
Thanks Allie. I think I’m going through the stages of grief. LOL!
Aw no, I’m so sorry about your ACL! I’ve played soccer forever and have had a bunch of teammates with the same problem, thats no fun at all 🙁 but I’m sure you’ll bounce back sooner than you think! Sending lots of hugs and positive energy too!!
And I’m not totally vegan or vegetarian, but I try to make half my week vegan, whats stopping me from going completely vegan is figuring out how to plan my meals well enough so that I get enough protein. If I do it I want to do it right! 🙂
The protein piece is tough – I eat a lot of protein shakes!
Thanks for the reassurance… I’m just ready to get it over with!
Food I miss the most…I don’t really think about it often! Sometimes I miss runny eggs (eggs benedict!). 🙂
oh no! what bad news. 🙁 sending you a wiaw hug.
I’m really sorry to hear about your ACL – sending healing vibes your way!
{Virtual hug} I’m sorry about your knee! Bacon is what I miss the most in terms of meat – but I can get that flavor from a good smoked gouda. 🙂
Mmmmm… bacon. Heather uses (vegan) bacon syrup. Have you tried it? It was awesome in some hummus she made!
awwwwwwwwww no. MAJOR hugs. You’ve got to be more bummed than what this post reflects. I love your “I was pushing my body to the limit … which made me proud” note. I’d have the same reaction. “So basically a doctor just told me to quit being badass.”
<3 Hope that it's not too terrible and that it doesn't require surgery.
This kind of made my day: “So basically a doctor just told me to quit being badass.” Thank you. 🙂
My chiro told me that I don’t have anything wrong with my knees. My quads have NO MUSCLE on them anymore because LiveFit focused so much on butt and thighs and I simultaneously quit running and biking to work. And a muscle is being all weird and pulling on something it shouldn’t because of that. So I’m working on building my quads, and I can start running again.
And keep being a badass. No matter what the dr. says.
Quads have a huge impact on knees. Building mine up is how I “healed” my other knee. Gotta keep the balance between those and the hamstrings though.
No kidding … I “healed” my other injury after 4 years (hammies and hip) … causing this new one. DAMMIT.
Oh my goodness, that is terrible 🙁 Hopefully it will be a much quicker recovery than they imagine! Get well!
I am so sorry! This is devastating news! I wish you a speedy speedy recovery!
You poor thing! I always thought that you’d definitely know if you tore your ACL too!
Greg tore his, but it was majorly bad and he’s had 2 or 3 knee surgeries. But, he can do pretty much anything now (he wants to run a full marathon, but I’m hoping he doesn’t really…)
I love your bad ass and am sending you a big virtual hug (that was SO nerdy).
The Doc said I could run again 4-6 months after surgery… maybe a celebration marathon? 😉
Thanks for the nerdy virtual hugs. xo
Oh, Laura, I’m so sorry! I hate injury news, especially when you have to cut back doing something you love. Hope it is a speedy healing process. I do the same thing with “depression snacks”- yours all sound very healthy. 🙂
Thank you! The snacks definitely weren’t all healthy. 😉
Oh Laura I am so sorry to hear that you have a torn ACL. I know the process will be long but keep your chin up. Sending a hug your way because I know this killing the workout monster in you.
Ha – you know me so well. The workout monster has decided to ignore the pain until surgery. 😉
Gosh am I sorry to hear about this. I have so many injuries at this point I tend to ignore them (don’t take my advice…ever). Swimming, I hear, is great for people like us! LOL. Feel better dahling. Those tempeh croutons sound awesome!
You sound like me. 🙂
That sucks! So sorry about that 🙁
Laura!! 🙁 🙁 🙁 I am so sorry about the ACL. And the waiting period and recovery time. I know that’s going to be tough, but you’re a tough girl!! At least now you know what is going on and can get on the road to being healed! Love you!
Awww… love you too!
oh my gosh I am so sorry, you will get through this!
Oh girl. I feel your pain!
I tore my ACL and meniscus a few years ago and it was awful! I initially tore it at the gym and didn’t realize what I did so I just ignored it for two weeks, but certain movements I would make, I would feel a weird pulling in my knee. I also thought I just strained something. Then finally one night, I bent down to pick something up and I couldn’t get back up and could not put my leg straight! I had the surgery and recovery is not easy. The first week after surgery was the worst for me. It’s odd, but you forget how to even lift your leg up! I will never forget being at therapy when I finally “remembered” how to lift my leg up and everybody was clapping! LOL! The worst part is the stupid leg brace which seemed to always be falling down.
You are strong and in great shape and I have no doubt you will have a speedy recovery! Just make sure to stick with the therapy!
I’m so sorry you had to go through that! it helps to know what to expect though… I didn’t even think about not being able to lift my leg! Ouch.
I saw the title of your post and my heart sank – girl, I am so sorry, but if anyone can get through this, it is you. My thoughts are totally with you!
Thank you so much Laura! The hard part right now is the wait!
Oh noooooo!!! So sorry about this. 🙁 I tore my MCL and meniscus about six years ago, and after two consults, decided to put off surgery. There was a risk either way, so I decided to rest it and see how I felt. I’m glad I did, because I do not handle surgery well (and it loves me, waah!) but now I think I’m developing a bit of arthritis in that knee. Just, and I know you will, get a second opinion to make sure surgery is necessary. My first doc was all for surgery and my second (was an ortho for the Falcons, maybe the same guy????) felt I could be more conservative, but did warn me about the arthritis. Either way, happy healing!
Who was that Dr? My guy has worked on some Falcons too!
He did say I could wait, but if I want to be able to run more than a couple of mile I have to get it done. Plus it’s leading to damages of the meniscus. Ick.
My thoughts are with you my friend, sending lots of hugs and wishes your way hoping you get better soon!
Best of luck!!!
Choc Chip Uru
That means a lot, friend. 🙂
Oh love! 🙁 So, so sorry to hear that! Sucks big time! Sending you a massive hug… you get it??? 🙂 Keep your chin up, ok? You are one tough lady and I’m 100% certain you will kick recoveries ass and be back on top form in no time!
I appreciate the vote of confidence. 🙂
Lots of hugs back. When I’m all healed i’m going to come crash your OK digs. 🙂
Oh no, I’m so sorry about your ACL! Don’t let it bring you down though. Remember that you still have your whole life to workout after you heal from this! 🙂
I love eating vegan/vegetarian a few meals per week, but I don’t think I could ever fully eat that way because I love fish, Greek yogurt, and cheese too much!
That is a great reminder. I have to remember that 6 months isn’t a lifetime. THANK YOU!!!
I’m so sorry!! Can you still hike??
Totally! He just said that I should watch out with the later movement and distance running until surgery. Next weekend its ON!
Oh my goodness! That is terribly about your ACL….I know how into fitness you are, but knowing you I know you will find a way to keep yourself mean and lean just like you always are. It will be such a small amount of time you will be out of doing your normal routines in the grand scheme of your life. Keep that in mind!! You will be in my thoughts my dear!
You know, now that I think about it I have eaten vegetarian all week without even noticing it haha! I have friends all the time ask me why I am not a vegetarian I practically eat that way everyday. Anyways, I love your dinner meal. Eggs are my go to meal A LOT of the days of the week because they are so good for you and quick and easy.
It’s hard to keep it in perspective, but I am trying!
I’d say I’m about 90% veg too. It’s so easy!
I’m so sorry about your knee! I know you’ll recover quickly though just because you really do take such good care of yourself. You’ll be on the edge again soon! 🙂 (Hugs!)
I hope so -thank you so much!!! 🙂
Oh noo.. hope you feel all perfect soon! looks like you already have a great doc, get that surgery done soon, and get that physical therapy and u will be good to go in months!:) hubbs waited too long to get his done and all his muscles got too weak taking longer therapy. wish you the best!
That’s what I hear about waiting – I’m going to get it all taken care of and out of the way ASAP. Thank you!! 🙂
Wow I’m sorry to hear about your injury 🙁 The same thing happened to me about a year ago. I hit a speed bump while rollerblading (i know right), literally flew through the air and landed on the curb. My knees broke my fall and I ended up with a torn ACL, and a dislocated patella. I couldn’t walk for weeks. MRI/ultrasound, physio/pain meds, depression from not working out. I was thrilled when the doctor told me I wouldn’t need surgery 🙂 Now, a year later, I’m back at the gym, strength training, practising yoga, running, and rollerblading but I have to ice my knees and go to physio regularly. I can’t seem to squat like I used to though 🙁 I truly hope for the best for you and your recovery. It’s not an easy one, but you’ll bounce back by the sounds of it…good luck xo
That rollerblading is dangerous! I’ve injured myself skating a LOT. 🙂
Glad you’re doing better now. Are you able to run longer distances? Thank you!
I’m still not able to run long distances like I used to before my injury 🙁 I can still run just not as long and hard 🙁 this past weekend was Ottawa Race Weekend, which I realllllly wanted to race…but I felt like I just wasn’t ready yet. So instead, I participated in a yogini yogathon, an entire day of yoga. I feel that’s what my body wanted…and I’ve definitely learned to listen to my body more! My advice to you is to just stick with the therapy-even if you think you don’t need it. Take it easy and don’t push yourself too hard 🙂 take care for now xo
Thanks for the input. Hope you’re back to 100% soon! 🙂
i had pain in April 2nd week; i thought it was just normal because of running. went to my primary Dr; he asked me to get x-ray, ice the knees, take OTC aleve and rest. x-ray didn’t reveal any fracture; 2 weeks after when ran stairs taking multiple steps i felt like my knee was going to give out. then realized something seriously wrong; again went to the primary; he asked me to see ortho and PT. went to ortho prescribed MRI, and the diagnosis was complete proximal acl tear. i am really stressed; i used to run at least 4-5 times a week ; now it’s been almost 3 months; it’s killing me. . Ortho told me to get surgery. am not sure what to do. not been running; went to ny last week; running to catch train; travelling in train even these simple things bothers my leg. i used to walk for miles. is non-surgery is right choice?
From my understanding, you can choose not to have surgery… depends on how much pain/restriction you can tolerate. Good luck!