Do you ever ignore a “trend” and then realize it actually caught on… and maybe you should have paid more attention?
I’m a big girl. I can admit that I have fallen wayyyyy behind on the social media train.
Sure, I Facebook. I AM human.
Beyond that, I am totally in the dark. I don’t “get” Twitter. Stumble? Clearly I don’t need help falling. And WTF is a Reddit?!
Is that a typo? You want a rabbit? Wrong store, buddy!
In conclusion, I now Tweet and Stumble.
Here’s my Shameless Plea. Follow me. Stumble through this crazy web with me. Love me.
And then will someone tell me what it all means?!
Speaking of using social media… one my my league-mates made me some fresh bittersweet chocolate pudding AND and big jar of apple sauce. It is amazing, slurp-able deliciousness.
Check out her Little Tart Bakeshop on Facebook – you won’t be sorry!
Explain Stumbleupon to me. I don’t get it. I do use twitter. Mainly when I’m bored at work.
I think StumbleUpon is a “bored at work thing” too, but you can also add your posts there to get more traffic.
My biggest issue is figuring out the point of having twitter+FB+whatever else people use. Maybe I’m too much of a FB junkie to have time for Twitter too? LOL!
I’m dying laughing-that is hilarious! That’s soooooo something my mom would say!