That day of the week where you can make a final push to get your work done and start Monday with a clean inbox. Your last chance to be productive for the week. Or you should screw around on the internet reading surveys like this.
Everyone seems do have done this Last Chance survey this week. I think the first place I saw it was on Brittany’s blog. I’m joining the party today!
Last food you ate?

Vitamix money shot
A post-workout protein shake. Butternut-Cherry Bomb. I started making this 2 years ago and it remains on of my favorites.
Last beverage you drank?
Water. I drink 120 oz a day. Constant peeing.
Last workout?
Leg day! It was my FIRST workout post-competition (except for some walk/runs). I was so thrilled to get back in the gym that I didn’t complain that it was legs. Next competition is March!
Last thing you pinned?
Alexandra’s Spunky Monkey Pumpkin Pie. Protein, peanut flour, and pumpkin. Does it get any better?
Last text message you sent?
A text to my trainer complaining that I now have to take 2 weekly rest days. Lame.
Last blog you visited?
Some random blog while in search of a homemade cottage cheese recipe.
Last tweet you sent?
A reminder to ever my NuttZo giveaway!
Last place you visited?
The ATM. I walked through the drive thru on my way back from the gym. Only slightly concerned I was going to get mugged.
Last time you did ab work?
Wednesday. It was my last “off-plan” day. Normally I’m not allowed to do much ab work, so before I got my new training plan I planked. Am I really that neurotic?
Last show you watched?
Grey’s Anatomy is on as I’m drafting this post. It’s a half-assed effort at watching… I’m paying more attention to writing this.
Last thing you baked?
Mama Pea’s Pop Tarts. Last Friday I promised I’d make the post-competition. So glad I did. Instead of her strawberry filling, I made a pumpkin-cinnamon center.
What is the last thing you Instagramed?
My new Harbinger weightlifting gloves. A little post-competition treat to myself!
Last item on your to-do list today?
Review an Excel model in advance of a client call. It’s as much fun as it sounds.
Do you like sprints, or do you like steady state better?
If I have to be on a treadmill, sprints. Outside I like to steady run and watch the scenery.
Do you need coffee to get going in the morning?
No. I like my morning cocktail (apple cider vinegar and FitMixer Aminos), but I do prefer to have a cup after lunch to warm up (why must they keep it so cold in my office?!) and get me through the afternoon.
Don’t forget to enter to win a jar of NuttZo nut butter! Click here to enter. Contest ends Tuesday at midnight!
The end of the day can’t get here fast enough because Allie and Heather are coming to spend the weekend with me!!! So. Excited.
Pick one (or 2 or 3…) and share your answers!
Do the powers that be keep your office at arctic temps?