My cooler is packed, I’m ready to go…
Yes, this is a Rachel Ray bag.
I wouldn’t have done it… but it was the perfect size and isn’t too loud to bring into a business meeting. #sorryimalittlesorry
Packing for this trip was a lesson in being prepared. It didn’t take as long as you would think; doing a massive weekly food prep is the biggest time-saver I know. It certainly saved me here – this is a pic of the 8 meals I’ll have to eat while on the road. Normally I wouldn’t quite go to this extreme, but with just over 2 weeks until my first figure competition, I’m not taking any risks!
Shirt from Rawxies.
I’ll be sharing some tips and tricks when I get back, but today we have a guest blogger! My friend Kat will be doing a bi-weekly guest spot from now on. I told her to write about whatever she wanted… so we’ll all be surprised together! 🙂
Seriously, I trust this girl. She’s a HUGE inspiration when it comes to determination, athletics, and taking time to enjoy life despite being just a busy (maybe ever busier) than I am. I’ll quite rambling and let her introduce herself.
Heeeeeeere’s Kat!
I’ve never written a blog before, but I think I’m going to become a regular @ Laura’s Sprint to the Table. I don’t Twitter or Instagram, and I’m not great on Facebook, but I LOVE blogs. When presented with an opportunity to do a bi-weekly guest blog for Laura, I couldn’t pass it up!
This is who I am:
My name is Kat, and I would say that I’m random and silly, overly outgoing, and I’m pretty extreme!
I live life to the fullest and I’m not sure I was ever taught how to do something in moderation (editor’s note: go big or go home!). I’m a 3rd year law student (read—so busy I don’t know what to do with myself) with two part-time jobs. I’m also an ultra runner, and triathlete (I say that, but I’ve only ever done two triathlons, both Half Ironman distance – note, extreme). I’ve never run a marathon, but I decided to run a 50 mile Ultra in September. I’m also in the middle of a 30 day yoga challenge—one class a day for 30 days.
That doesn’t sound extreme to you? Then just try it!
I’m also a huge foodie! I love to eat out (a lot of times out of necessity), and cook at home (a real treat because of my busy schedule). I also have a real talent for making the most randomly delicious meals and snacks, without spending more than 5-10 minutes in the kitchen.
Since this is an intro, I thought I would give you a brief overview of why I think I’m a great guest blogger for Laura’s Sprint to the Table! (Yes, I’m also modest…) <– editor’s note: add that to the list of things we have in common.
Ways we are alike:
- Focus on fitness – for me it’s part of my daily life in some form or another
- Love for all things foodie – we are both completely obsessed with greens and protein
- Love for life
- Very, very busy all the time!
Ways we are different:
- I run long distances—extremely long
- My main diet restriction is that I’m gluten-free (and NOT because it’s a trend—I need to be for my health!)
- I do yoga
- I don’t lift any more (not since wrestling in college, really)
My goal is to show you how you can seemingly pack more hours in to a day by being hyper-efficient, get everything you want to get done, DONE, have a ton of fun, feel like wonder woman, and still sleep 8 hours almost every single night. Yes, it’s possible!
I will probably bore you with my own “strange but goods,” my crazy training schedule, my amazing eat-out adventures, and random crap in between as I see necessary!
Oh, and I would love feedback as I get the ball rolling… since I’m such a newbie at this!
I need to make one of those popular “That moment” graphics saying “That moment when you pull out a can of tuna during a meeting.”
Kat’s Questions:
Do you ever feel like you can’t fit it all into one week?!
When did you last say “I’m too busy,” or “I don’t have time to run/workout/etc.”?