It’s a travel week at work
That means a quiz post is on order. I always do these when I’m short on time, thinking it will be a quick post.
The joke’s on me. These almost take me longer than a regular post because I debate so much over the choices. Indecisiveness prevails.
WHAT DO YOU LOVE MORE?(Copied from a bazillion other bloggers.)
1. Strength training or cardio?
Strength training all th way. Which is convenient since I’m going to do a figure competition. 😉
I do hate this machine though:

My Nemesis: Hack Squats
2. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
Brinner! (That’s breakfast for dinner.) I’d eat breakfast for any meal. PB & Jeggs, anyone?
3. Dress up or workout clothes?
Workout clothes. Getting me to wear “real” clothes is like pulling teeth. If you really think about it, it’s pretty stupid that we have to dress uncomfortably to go sit behind a desk all day.
4. Wine or beer?
Hi, have we met? I love wine. I traveled to Italy to drink it. If I could, I’d live on a vineyard. Or in a wine glass.
5. Peanut butter or almond butter?
I love all nut butters. Especially these Nutty Butters. If forces to choose… I’d have to go with my childhood classic: peanut butter. Preferably in the form of a simple, grilled PB & J.
6. Heels or flats?
I’ll get even more specific than that. Flip flops.
More terrifying than wearing a bikini on stage for my competition is the though of having to walk across that stage in stripper heels.
7. The actual cake or the frosting?
20 years ago (wow… that make me feel old), I would have said icing. Now I’m all about the cake. Unless it’s cream cheese-pecan icing on carrot cake. That required equal parts of both. 🙂
8. Spring, summer, fall, or winter?
Either spring or fall. Maybe a little more fall because I love trips to the mountains to get apples and see the leaves change. But spring is so fresh and full of possibility.
Ohhhh… just remembered that fall also means college football season. FALL. Go Jackets!
9. Real animal or stuffed animal?
Stuffed. I love the idea of a real animal. I’m a cat lover. However, I am terribly selfish.
My boss and I were actually just talking about this and she said I’m centered around self right now. Not self-centered, but focused on accomplishing specific goals. So much so that it’s all I can do to keep my house plant alive. Is that a terrible thing to admit?
10. Bright or light?
Errrrr… black? If you look in my closet, it’s all black. To me, it’s comfy like workout clothes. Black workout clothes, that is. 🙂

Black with accents of gray.
I’m in Texas selling (I hope) some work today. I forgot my cowboy hat, but the dude on the plane next to me let me borrow his. (Not really, but he was wearing one.)
Don’t forget: click here to enter my giveaway for a loaf of high protein bread from P28 High Protein Bread – ends tonight at 11:59p!
Are you/have you ever been centered around self?
How about you? Pick a couple and tell me your loves!