It’s hard to believe it’s all over!
Christmas seems to have flown by. While I’m always ready for the rush to be over, it’s a little sad too. I love the lights and anticipation… and the baking. 🙂
I have to go out of town unexpectedly this morning, so today’s is a photo recap. I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, or Merry Un-Affiliated Holiday Weekend!

Christmas Eve Breakfast - Toad in a Hole with white truffle salt and greens

Bacon Spread = new favorite WF discovery

The best cake I've ever made

Round 1 of desserts

Mom, we're out of 'nog!

The calm before the storm Christmas Morning

My favorite present

Too much excitement for this tired puppy!
The fitness recap is a day late too… but I managed to NOT take a day off this week. Saturday was a little light, but I still got moving. That’s sometimes the hardest part this time of year – making the time for yourself to get out to do even a little fitness. Once I do it I’m so happy I did. It’s true what they say – you never regret a workout!
Two things to highlight:
- I’m still digging Body Rock – it’s a great resource when you only have a few minutes to squeeze in a workout
- I went running for the first time in a month – the worst part about not running is how very hard it is to get back out there. My legs felt like sandbags. I won’t be taking that much time off again!
Workout Recap (12/19 – 12/26)
- Monday – P90X Biceps/Back, 100 push-ups
- Tuesday – This BodyRock, Kickboxing, Legs
- Wednesday – P90X Triceps/Chest
- Thursday – This BodyRock (again), 4.5 mile run, 100 push-ups
- Friday – Kickboxing, Elliptical
- Saturday – All 3 of these BodyRocks, 100 push-ups
- Sunday – This BodyRock (again), P90X Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X
- Monday – TRX suspension class, 100 push-ups
Later this week I’m going to share Christmas brunch and the details on that cake… it was insane. I wish I could take credit for that recipe!
What was the best present you received?
Are you a little relieved the madness is over? Maybe just a little sad too?