Happy WIAW! (What I Ate Wednesday)
There seem to be a lot of posts lately where people are talking about their accomplishments. I think that’s awesome!
The part that makes me sad is that many of these posts are pre-faced with something along the lines of:
“I don’t want to sound like I’m bragging…”
“Not to sound full of myself…”
Why do we have such a hard time sharing our “wins?” Charlie Sheen certainly didn’t and he isn’t even a winner.
Maybe it’s a female thing. Not to stereotype, but I have never heard a dude apologize or hesitate before talking about a success.
Women tend to be raised to support and nurture. Society tells us we are “caretakers.” This doesn’t have to mean we need to keep it to ourselves when we’ve accomplished something! We are allowed to be proud of ourselves and receive support and kudos from others. Personally, I love sharing in your successes and cheering you on!
Share a personal success one person today. I dare you.
Today I am proud of myself for 3 reasons:
- I got out of bed and ran twice as far as I promised myself I had to
- I remembered to take pics of everything I ate for WIAW! (Yes, I take my pics on Tuesday… I’m told that’s ok. 🙂 )
- I made some serious deliciousness with the other half of my butternut squash
Here’s the story of my 3 prideful moments on what I’m now creatively dubbing Terrific Tuesday:
1. Run
Promising low mileage is one way I coax myself out of bed for morning runs. I don’t really enjoy going right from the bed to the street (that’s what she said), but on work days I don’t have time to chill first. So I make myself promises:
“If you get up, you only have to run a 5K. It will be easy. Get up!”
I had some verrry filling Mexican last night, so I didn’t need a snack other than to take my B-12 (awesome AM energy booster) before taking off. Apparently this was just what the Dr. ordered for me today.
- Distance – 6 miles
- Time – 49:22
- Pace – 8:20
I think that’s my fastest time yet at this distance! Admittedly my leg was shaking on the brake pedal while driving to work, but in a good “I pushed myself” way.
Typically I realize half way through my food-eating for the day that I’ve forgotten to take pics of everything I ate. Not the case today!
My name is Laura and I am chia pudding-obsessed.

Blackberry Almond Chia Pudding
A few days ago I made Peach Cobbler Chia Pudding. I’ve also done Banana Cashew Chia Pudding. Today was Blackberry Almond Chia Pudding.
My favorite so far is still the Peach, but this was not bad. I added a bit of butter extract which make it more pie-like. Not bad at all, my friends.
Blackberry Almond Chia Pudding
- 1/2 C blackberries, cut in half
- 1/4 C unsweetened vanilla almond milk
- 1 T almond butter
- 1 T chia seeds
- 1/4 tsp butter extract
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well, mushing blackberries slightly in the process. Store in refrigerator overnight. In the morning, stir and enjoy!
Eaten at my desk, but it was so good I didn’t care.

Roasted Butternut Red Pepper Lentils
Leftover Roasted Butternut Red Pepper Lentils… which may have been even better than they were on day one. The flavors had a chance to meld, I topped it with the last bits of fresh mozzarella… and I was one happy camper luncher.
Snack #1:

Celery and a freebie PB packet
Snack #2:

Peanut Butter Creme-filled Chocolate Newman-O's
Yesterday I got these in the mail from Mary @ Bites and Bliss. I won a recent giveaway she hosted… talk about bites OF bliss. What could be better than FREE Chocolate + PB cookies!?
Easy salad with a couple more of my little kid hidden veggie Chicken Bites.

Simple Salad with Chicken Bites
Snack #3:

Chocolate-Banana Green Creatine Protein Shake w/ Fiber
3. Serious Deliciousness

Newman's Own Spelt Pretzels and...
What exactly is that yellow-orange glob of tasty with my spelt pretzels? Check back tomorrow… *insert evil laugh here*
Happy WIAW/Hump Day!
Share your win with me! What have you done lately to make yourself proud?