Thankfully, Americans can turn anything into a food holiday. I’m taking the day off to enjoy some BBQ time. Hope everyone is enjoys some sunshine and good eats today!
Peach Caprese Salad
Good Morning, fellow long weekend-ers!!!
It’s another short post, as I am continuing to enjoy the long weekend. And I have the sunburn to prove it. Terrible, I know.
Thank you everyone for the positive feedback to my new Fitness page! I’m excited about continuing to grow/improve it.
As for my mystery lunch… it was a (Georgia) Peach Caprese!
Peaches are in season now and I’ve had great luck finding perfect ones at local farmer’s markets. Try subbing them for tomatoes in other dishes too – they are delicious in sandwiches (with parm and prosciutto), salads (with blue cheese and arugula), or even in salsa (with cilantro, onion, and mango)!
Check out my guest post @ The Athlete’s Plate for a riveting write up. Thanks again to Matt for asking me to be his guest!
Peach Caprese Salad
- 1 medium ball of Mozzarella di Bufala
- 1 large peach 1/4 cup fresh basil
- 1 tsp high-quality olive oil
- Salt and pepper, to taste
Slice mozzarella into 1/4 inch rounds. Peel peaches and slice those into similar sized rounds. Chiffonade (chiffonade = stack basil in a small pile and roll into a cigar-like shape then slice into ribbons) the basil using a sharp knife (a clean cut helps prevent the leaves from darkening).
Layer the mozzarella and peach slices on a plate and sprinkle the basil over the top. Finish with a drizzle of olive oil and salt and pepper, to taste.
Note: You can also drizzle them with a balsamic reduction, which is what I did here.
I’m off to run up a mountain before hitting up some festivals. Good times.
Do you keep up with workouts over holidays or call it a total vaca?
NEW Fitness Page!
Happy Memorial Day Weekend!!!
If today’s post seems a bit rushed… that’s because it is. I’m headed out the door to spend the day on the lake with friends. (Note to self: remember the sunscreen!)
I have an exciting addition! I added a “Fitness” page. Check it out in the top menu or by clicking here.
The page has 3 categories:
- Workouts – a summary of workouts I’ve posted (are you doing your push ups?!)
- Related Topics – more general fitness tips/observations
- Races – races run and links to their recaps
Feedback/requests welcome! 🙂
Thanks to the crazy rain we had Thursday night, I had a kickin’ run yesterday. The temperature was perfect and the air was clean. I think this was my fastest pace yet for a more-than-5K run.
- Distance: 5 miles
- Time: 41:18
- Pace: 8:24
Then I came home and dug down into a new layer of hell with Excel. Not. Kidding.
Happily, I did have a fantastic lunch.
And at 5:30p I had my first in-home massage. Why have I not been doing this my whole life?! It was amazing. If you are like me, every time you have a massage you wish you could just relax/sleep/do-anything-but-get-dressed-and-drive-home.
The answer is an in-home massage. They come to you! All I had to do was roll off the table and onto the couch. Bonus: it’s about the same $$$ as going to the spa!
Time to roll out!
Are you a beach person or a lake person? Are you enjoying either this weekend?
Tank-Top Ready Triceps
It’s a big day.
- We are just a few
loooonghours from a long weekend - I’m going to pick up my first jug or local raw milk and straight-from-the-farm eggs
- This is my first post by request (never mind that the request is from family member… thanks Aunt Teresa!)
Recently I posted a shoulder workout sure to leave you shoulders lookin’ good. My aunt commented that she would like some ideas for triceps as well. Ask and you shall receive.
Triceps are my favorite body part to work. Thoughts of tight tris = awesome motivator! Since Memorial Day Weekend marks the official beginning of tank top season, I worked mine big-time last night. 🙂
I always work my chest and tris on the same day. There are a lot of opinions out there, but I subscribe to the primary/secondary theory. Triceps are secondary muscles in chest exercises; therefore I like to work my triceps on the same day as my chest. I find it goes a long way in my being able to totally exhaust the muscles.
- I like to keep my heart rate up. I sprint to rest my arms.
- Grouping exercises is an easier way for me to organize/write a routine when I’m using sprints.
- My first group incorporates non-chest/tri muscles. It’s more of a warm-up.
- Almost every workout I do ends with abs (albeit some days are lighter than others).
I ALWAYS end with a green protein shake… and after particularly hard days, I end with a glass of vino.
This is my go-to tight-tri workout. It may seem long, but remember you are just 11 moves (14 if you do the abs) and 1 quick mile from a shake (and maybe some wine).
1. Warm up for 5 mins (jogging or elliptical)
2. Group 1
20 Diamond Push-Ups
Your hands should form a diamond (to target tris) like this:
20 Skull Crushers
Lie flat on your back with a dumbbell in each hand. Bend your elbows, lowering barbell toward your forehead. Be sure your weights aren’t too heavy… otherwise you may actually crush your skull. Straighten elbows (without locking them!) and repeat.
20 Seated Leg Tucks
30 Seconds of Fast Squats
Important Note: get low, but be SURE not to let your knees go over your toes. That’s how you hurt you knees.
3. 1/4 Mile Treadmill Sprint
4. Group 2
Dumbbell Press with Twist – 3 sets of 15
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Hold a dumbbell in each hand slightly above chest, with your elbows slightly bent out to the sides and palms facing forward. Extend your arms over chest (without locking your elbows!), and turn each palm to face your head. Reverse motion to return to starting position and repeat.
Bridge Fly – 3 sets of 12
Lie on a stability ball (you can also use a flat bench) with a dumbbell in each hand. Dumbbells should be slightly above upper abdomen with elbows to your side. Lower dumbbells to sides until chest muscles are slightly stretched. Bring dumbbells together in hugging motion until dumbbells just touch. Repeat.
Note: Hold your butt up, keeping your body in a straight line. This will give the added benefit or engaging your glutes and abs.
5. 1/4 Mile Treadmill Sprint
4. Group 3
Overhand Push-Down – 3 sets of 12
Place hands 6-10 in apart on straight bar with an overhand grip (palms down). Pull down until your forearms so they are parallel to the floor. This is your starting point. Be sure to keep your elbows close to your body and feet slightly bent, shoulder width apart and bend your knees slightly. Push the bar down slowly toward legs until arms are fully extended (don’t lock elbows!). Your elbows should still be close to the body and your core should be tight. Repeat.
Underhand Push-Down – 3 sets of 12
Same as above, but with hands holding the bar in an underhand position.
Straight Arm Pull-Down – 3 sets of 15
Stand facing the cable machine with your feet shoulder-width apart (or with one foot slight in front of other). Using an overhand grip on the straight bar, place hands shoulder-width apart. At the start, the bar should be slightly higher than shoulder level. Keeping your elbows slightly bent, tighten core and pull the bar down until it reaches your upper thighs. Be sure to keep your arms straight (again, without locking your elbows) throughout. Slowly allow the bar to raise back to shoulder height, maintaining your tight core.
5. 1/4 Mile Treadmill Sprint
6. Group 3
Tricep Kickbacks – 3 sets of 12
Place left knee and left hand on a bench. With your right hand, hold a dumbbell keeping elbow against body. Straighten the lower part of the arm all the way, then bend back to a 90˚ angle. Do not move the shoulder. Repeat 12x with each arm to complete a set.
Tricep Push-Backs – 2 sets of 15, 1 set to exhaustion
Holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand with feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Arms should start straight down at sides with palms facing back. Lift arms straight back (~2 ft behind you), pausing for a second before return to sides. Repeat.
On your third set, repeat as many times as possible (to exhaustion).
7. 1/4 Mile Treadmill Sprint
8. Abs (a.k.a. Bonus Round)
Decline Crunches – 2 sets of 25
Bicycles – 2 sets of 30
Planks (click for times/tips) – best ab exercise ever for flat abs (in my experience)
If you aren’t tired after all of that… I’m seriously impressed. Don’t skip your 20g of protein post-workout!
After this crazy work week, I couldn’t be more ready for 3 days off. AND I’m kicking it off right with a massage this afternoon. 🙂
What is your favorite body part to work out?
How are you kicking off the long weekend?!
Unwinding with Gratin
You know those days when you walk in to work thinking everything is going smoothly? Your projects are expanding, there’s a long weekend ahead of you… life is good. And then everything turns upside down.
Yeah… welcome to my Wednesday.
It started out well. I ate a prune (instant stick-to-your-ribs energy!) and hit the streets for an run before the heat was too overwhelming.
- Distance: 5 miles
- Time: 41:38
- Pace: 8.28
When I walked in from my run, the concierge told me I had a package. Packages aren’t bills! Oh happy day! 🙂
I won a copy of Heidi Swanson’s new cookbook, Super Natural Every Day, from Lisa @ Snack Girl! I never win anything – and THIS is a rockstar item to win.
If you don’t already know her, Heidi is one amazing cook. I’ve never made anything from her blog that I didn’t love. Check her out @ 101 Cookbooks.
Smiling in my cookbook-winning afterglow, I enjoyed a repeat breakfast: Protein Banana Pudding. This time I spread it on an Udi’s Gluten-Free bagel. It was pretty good! The texture still felt “normal” – something a lot of gluten-free breads lack (IMHO).
Full-disclosure: I never eat breakfast at the table. It gets scarfed down in the bathroom in my mad-morning rush whilst chastising myself for not getting out of bed earlier.

I bought myself flowers
Then I got to work and the proverbial shit hit the fan.
The highlight of my day was using the restroom on another floor. Why? Because they had a sign on the door explaining why there are black mats on the floor between the stall dividers.
Apparently there was “concern voiced over the shiny finish to the restroom floor and the lack of privacy. The solution was to add a couple of mats strategically placed mats between stalls to obscure the view of the person beside you.”
Who does that?! It did make me laugh, which was exactly what I needed. 🙂
Back in the safety of my own bathroom home, I took a moment to exhale before beginning dinner. Gena @ Choosing Raw posted a recipe for Vegan Summer Vegetable Gratin. I’ve been waiting forever weeks days to try it.
Step 1: Make it non-vegan… I was out of milk!
This Gratin is time consuming to make, but I promise it’s worth it. The panko gave the eggplant an awesome crunch. All that basil will look excessive when you’re layering, but it adds an amazing flavor. Next time, I’ll may adding more tomatoes (they were fantastic roasted!).
This was incredibly good as-is. I had 2 servings.

Seconds. That’s a cookie on the plate behind the gratin. + a glass of Syrah.
Summer Vegetable Gratin
- 1 1/2 medium zucchinis, sliced into 1/4 in rounds
- 2 medium tomatoes
- 1 large eggplant, sliced into 1/2 in rounds
- 1 egg, beaten
- 3/4 C whole wheat panko
- 2 tsp oregano
- 1 tsp red pepper flakes
- 1 C Daiya pepperjack cheese
- 1 C fresh basil, cut into ribbons
- S+P, taste
Sprinkle the eggplant and the tomatoes with a generous dose of salt and let them sit for ~30 mins. This draws out moisture and takes the biterness out of the eggplant.
Meanwhile, set oven to broil, and sprinkle the zucchini slices with salt and pepper. Place them on a piece of foil in the oven until nearly crispy (but still moist). Remove and set aside. Reduce oven heat to 400 degrees.
Firmly pat eggplant and tomatoes dry. On a plate, mix the oregano and red pepper flakes into the panko. Dip eggplant slices in the egg, then dredge them in the panko and transfer to a foil-lined baking sheet with the tomato slices.
Place them in the oven for 15 mins. Flip the eggplant slices over and remove tomatoes (the should be soft and browning). After 25-30 mins (or when the eggplant is browned and crispy), remove the egplant.
Reduce oven heat to 350 degrees. Layer 4-6 slices of the eggplant in a small casserole dish. Top with 1/3 of the Daiya and 1/3 of the basil. Next, layer the zucchini and tomato slices. Add another layer of 1/3 of the Daiya and 1/3 of the basil, followed by the remaining slices of eggplant. Top with the remaining third of Daiya and basil.
Bake for 10-15 mins, or until the Daiya is melted. The vegetables will be slightly crispy from the baking.
Make 6 servings.
Cooking relaxes me after an especially hard day. Weird, huh?
What do you do to unwind?
Does your office have those mats between the stalls?! Creepy.
Tasting, Tasting 1-2
Saturday and Sunday I visited the tasting tents at the Food and Wine Festival. I miiiight have snuck in Saturday… shhhh!

The gates of heaven
The food was all good, but I was a little disappointed that there wasn’t more variety.
There’s only so much fried chicken and BBQ I can consume.

Indian-Spiced Fried Chicken and Waffles = worth it
An exception to the “too much fried” rule is the above Indian-Spiced Fried Chicken and Waffles by Asha Gomez of Spice Route Supper Club. I have GOT to check out one of her events ASAP. Rumor has it she may be looking for a restaurant space…
Celeb Highlight: I got to meet Chef Norman Van Aken (the father of fusion… I shook his hand!).
Food Highlight: The beer, cheeses, and desserts (duh).

Best beer – New Heaven

The cheese spread (pun intended)

Coming to Whole Foods ATL soon!
I wish I’d done a better job remembering to photograph… there’s was just so much to eat! 🙂
My favorites beer/cheese/dessert:
- Wild Heaven Craft Beers – I’d had these before, but Invocation and Ode to Mercy are the two brews offered by this new Decatur, GA-based brewery. If you find them, drink them immediately. It’s the best new beer I’ve tasted in a long time.
- Sweet Grass Dairy’s Truffled Chevre – Decadently delicious. There’s no other way to describe this. Need proof? They are complete OUT for the season. 🙁
- The Hungry Peach’s Peach Cobbler Cupcake – Moist, flavorful, light…
dignity is the only thing that kept me from devouring their whole display - High Road Craft Ice Cream – Every flavor was good (I shamelessly sampled everything), but if I had to cheese I’d say don’t miss the Caffeine Cacao and the French Toast (JUST like your mamma’s… in ice cream-form). Good news for Georgian’s – they are coming soon to Whole Foods! #godblesswholefoods
I had a great time hanging out with 2 new friends on Saturday and the Lippy crew on Sunday. (Nathan’s wife, Chelsee = coolest chick ever.)

Me and Nathan Lippy. Our hair matches a little.
If you ever wonder if your “clean” way of eating really makes a difference, eat like I did all weekend. Monday I woke up feeling like crap. Too. Much. Rich. Food.
I seriously almost hurled during the flight to my client meeting.
At least it was better than it would have been: I ran 5 miles Saturday morning, took an hour walk that afternoon, played 2 ball games Sunday morning, and then ran 3.5 miles. I should re-name this blog Run-Eat-Repeat. 🙂
I’m trying to mini-detox this week. It’s not working so well since I’ve been traveling, but I’m definitely eating much cleaner than I did this weekend! Monday I drank my breakfast (not in a noon-game tailgating way) before rushing to the airport:
Some days, you just need a green smoothie. This was one of those days.
I did my P90X Ab Ripper X (best ab workout ever, btw), followed by my 75 push-ups (are you doing yours?!). Then chugged enjoyed this refreshing smoothie.
Mango-Almond Smoothie
- 1/2 champagne mango
- 1/2 banana
- 1 C fresh spinach
- 1 C unsweetened vanilla almond milk
- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
- 1 tsp Maca
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp almond extract
- water (adjust to desired consistency)
Put it in a blender. Pour into glass. Top with your favorite crunchy treat (I love this low-sugar citrus-granola).
Drink up!
Even though we’re already mid-week, this may be a timely discussion question given the upcoming long weekend…
How do you detox after a weekend of indulgence?
Nectar of the Gods
Saturday afternoon I had the opportunity to attend a Sommelier Roundtable at the Food & Wine Festival. Special thanks to my new friend, Corinne, for helping me make that choice!
A Sommelier is a wine professional. A certified sommelier must take courses and pass exams to earn the formal title. There are 4 levels of certifications, the highest level being Master Sommelier. Only 180 people have ever earned the title of Master.
Participants in the Sommelier Roundtable included:
- Virginia Phillip– Master Sommelier (only the 9th woman to earn the title!), The Breakers Palm Beach
- Heath Porter – Director of Wine, The Greenbrier (Advanced Sommelier)
- Stephen Satterfield – Founder/President, International Society of Africans in Wine (Certified Sommelier)
- Clint Sloan – Beverage Director, McCrady’s and Husk (Advanced Sommelier), named one of F+W’s Top Sommeliers of 2011
The session was attended by yet another Master Sommelier, Andrea Robinson. She is one of 15 women to have been appointed a Master Sommelier.
Needless to say, I was starstruck. Thankfully, they were serving wine.

Ready to taste
So what did we taste?
1. Rose Brut
Name: Alfred Gratien Brut Rose Champagne
Notes: This champagne (Did you know that to be called a “champagne,” the wine must originate from the Champagne region of France? Otherwise, it’s just sparkling wine) was pleasantly crisp, lots of strawberries and raspberries on the nose, some minerals, tiny bubbles and a deliciously yeast-y finish (think fresh breakfast rolls).
Price: ~$70
My Rating (1-5): 4.0
2. Lebanese Red Wine
Name: 2001 Chateau Musar Gaston Hochar, Red
Notes: An interesting blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Carignan, and Cinsault from Lebanon (who knew they made wine in Lebanon?!). It was extremely dark in color. Heavy on the nose, strong woodsy/licorice taste with a nice spice at the beginning. It packed a surprisinglysmooth finish… though I thought it died a bit too soon.
Price: ~$30
My Rating (1-5): 3.0
3. Syrah
Name: 2006 Joubert-Tradauw Syrah
Notes: Intoxicating coffee scent. Hints of plum as the wine opened up. Long, smooth, cocoa-filled finish. Complex layers, not one to sip on a hot day. Would love to drink with a fillet or dark chocolate. This bottle will definitely impress at a dinner party!
Price: ~$20
My Rating (1-5): 4.5
4. Sherry
Name: Lustau Dry Oloroso Don Nuno Sherry
Notes: I’m not a big sherry drinker, but this changed my mind. Caramel with a hint of burnt orange on the nose. More citrus at the beginning, then the caramel intensifies and some nuttiness is apparent. Well-balanced flavors, toasted nut flavor on the end. Unlike many sherries, there is no overpowering alcohol taste. We were given an almond to eat as we tasted – this made the flavor really pop and left me dreaming of enjoying a glass with a simple chocolate-hazelnut tart.
Price: ~$28
My Rating: 4.2
Can you guess which sommelier chose which wine?
- Rose Brut – Heath Porter
- Lebanese Red – Clint Sloan
- Syrah – Steven Satterfield
- Sherry – Virginia Phillip
All of the wines were so different – it’s hard to choose a favorite. This will not be the last time I have that Syrah though! Or the sherry.
If you are interested in learning more about Sommeliers, click here.
I am carving wine after this post. Which means it’s past time to hit the gym. 🙂 Tasting tent recap tomorrow!
Are you a wine drinker? What’s your favorite region/grape… or other beverage?
Food Heaven

The sign says “The end is near.”
While the Rapture never took place, this weekend I died and went to food heaven.
The first (hopefully annual!) Atlanta Food & Wine Festival ran from Friday until Sunday. My friends weren’t into going, so I decided to go it alone. In the end, I am SO glad I did.
Doing things alone really forces you to get out of your comfort zone and meet new people. Which I did – lots of very cool fellow food and wine lovers.
Day 1
Friday night I glammed it up to attend a party at The W Hotel called “Break the Rules.”

Pre-event, hoping someone will talk to me
The food was created by Nathan Lippy and his team. Nathan is an up-and-coming chef and video blogger from FLA. He, his wife, and sister were nice, down-to-earth, fun people. They even let this loaner tag along with them through the tasting tents! 🙂
Everything was delish AND I found people to hang with, no problemo.
Check out his blog here. Nate has some out-of-the-box food and media ideas. He also hosts the world’s first interactive cooking show!
My Top 3 dishes of the night:
1. Cereal Milk Pana Cotta – Nate’s pana cotta was flavored with cereal. And yes, it tasted like cereal milk. In a good way.

Check out the serving tray!
2. Beer-Battered Fried Pineapple with Avocado Chipotle Cream – This one was my favorite, mostly for the spicy avocado cream (you know I’m a sucker for spicy food). The serving tray method added to the cool factor.

She let me have seconds
3. Bacon, Fried Bananas, and Vanilla Ice Cream with Maple-Rum Sauce – Sweet, salty… need I say more?!

Bacon. It’s not just for breakfast.
There was SO much to taste, but I somehow managed. I’d like to thank my 5-mile morning run and my second stomach.
Day 2
Saturday the Foodster group trekked out to Wonderland Farms where we hung out with the owners, Sheldon Fleming and Deborah Summerville.
These two are in incredible pair – it is so rare to met people so passionate about their work. Wonderland Gardens is located in a lower-income area of Atlanta where obesity and related diseases are prevalent. Sheldon and Deborah bring in local youth and adults to educate them on nutrition and wellness. They even offer hands-on education!
Speaking of hands-on… I farmed! Sort of. We tilled the land, planted a few veggies and herbs, and even braided garlic. I couldn’t use a camera while farming, but Nate came by to take some pics (check out his FaceBook page for more shots!).
Then it was lunchtime. We feasted on BBQ courtesy of Nathan Lippy and the guys at Community Q BBQ (1361 Clairmont Rd. Decatur, GA, 404-633-2080). The group was also treated to cold beers and a brief education from Atlanta’s own Sweetwater Brewery.

@BBQGeek makin’ ribs

The summer pea salad was my favorite side

Dried cherry slaw, summer peas, marinated cucs, hedge hog mushrooms, a rib (they still creep me out), and smoked chicken.
As if that wasn’t enough, I hauled it back into the city just in time to take part in a Sommelier Roundtable.
Buuuutttt… I have to get on a plane, so more on that (and some awesome, affordable wine suggestions for you!), as well as the tasting tent extravaganza tomorrow.
I’ll never hesitate to go to an event alone again – I had the BEST time this weekend!
Would/have you ever gone to an event alone? How about dinner or a movie?
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