This is going to be a quickie – I’m about to hit the road with my preg-o BFF. (I’m bringing lots of roadtrip snacks for the fetus baby!)
We leave in 2 hours. I haven’t packed or even showered. But the snacks are ready. Typical. 🙂
First though – my Braves WON yesterday!!! This is going to be a great season.
Back to the roadtrip. It’s wedding weekend for Christina!
Check out her wedding location:

This girl is getting hitched in fairy-tale land!
I’ll be taking tons of pics to share – from the location to the dresses to the food (did I mention the bride’s degree in PASTRIES?!), this wedding is going to be off the chain. Fo’ shizzle.
Why does Snoop Dog carry an umbrella?
Fo’ drizzle.
Laugh. You know you want to.
The bridesmaid dresses are strapless… so you know I went to the gym this morning for one last workout to pump up my arms/shoulders.
My workout clearly exhausted Stevie, who had to sleep while holding my hand. Gimme back my caffeine, kitten!

How cute is that?!
For me, that workout called for a protein-filled breakfast.
Chocolate-banana-butterscotch-banana-filled oats, to be specific.
I like protein powder. I like oatmeal. The combo never sounded great though…
In need of the protein and not feelin’ a shake, I went for the hot oat-protein blend. It was surprisingly good!
I’m confident this is how Arnold eats his oatmeal.
Actually… this is supposedly an actual pic of Arnold’s oats:

I’m fascinated and creeped out at the same time.
My oats are slightly less cheerful, but very good nonetheless.
Pumped Up Oatmeal
- 1/2 C oats
- 1/2 C unsweetened almond milk
- 1/2 C water
- 1/2 banana
- 1/2 tsp butterscotch extract
- shake of salt
- 1/2 scoop chocolate protein powder
- 1 tsp maca
- Scoop of PB
Combine first 6 ingredients in pot and cook according to you oatmeal packaging instructions, stirring and mashing banana as you go. Just before done (~30 secs to go), stir in the maca and protein powder.
Pour into bowl and top with your choice of deliciousness. Mine was TJ’s Roasted Valencia PB.
Have you ever put protein powder in something unexpected? Was it good?
Hasta la vista, Baby!