Vacation is a time for relaxation.
I would say rest and relaxation, but I’m not good at being still.
Taking a break from your exercise routine doesn’t have to mean being sedentary. Being active away from home is one of the best ways to explore a city! Today’s Work It Out is dedicated to a few of the ways Lisa, Heather, and I stayed active in Napa* last week.
*Raising a wine glass doesn’t count as lifting. But not for lack for trying.
The cottage we stayed in had bicycles available to guests, so on day 1 of our trip Lisa and I decided to cycle from winery to winery. There was plenty of entertainment, as neither of us bicycle. As we were pulling out of the cottage area, a couple stopped to tell us we needed to take a few practice laps before we got on the road. Haha!
It was a blast – we went up and down some hilly roads on the cruiser bikes (read: no gears or handle breaks). Talk about a killer quad workout! The unexpected value add was that it kept us from buying too much wine – you can buy more than you can fit in the basket on the front of the bike! That is, until we discovered a winery that offered to deliver to our cottages. Tee hee.

Photo courtesy Lisa
On day 2 we’d planned to take a break from wine gluttony enjoy the town. We set out on a 7 mile hike up Oat Hill Mine Trail. The trail was filled with flora and fauna I’d never seen before.
This tree’s red bark fascinated me:
We were rewarded for our hard work up the winding trial with a stunning view:
Then we were rewarded again with a mud bath that afternoon. No pics of that (it was a nude area), but it was certainly a fun experience (if not a teensy claustrophobic).
Heather arrived the next day. She is doing the Live Fit program right now and needed to run 30 mins of sprints. I tagged along and pointed us down the Silverado Trail. I hadn’t been in that direction on the bike, and it was fun to watch the fog lift from the valley in the cool morning air.
I don’t normally run with other people, so it was also a nice change to have Heather there. I definitely wouldn’t have done 30 sprints without her encouragement!
Added bonus: after being so fit you can feel good about flexing in front of a giant bottle of wine from Del Dotto Vineyards called “The Beast.”
Nevermind the fact that the winery owner was looking at me like I was nuts. #shameless
Finally, we took one long, long walk to dinner. I thought we could cut down a side street to get to dinner… it ended up making a 3/4 mile walk more like a 3 mile walk. I don’t recommend this method of exercise unless you have very patient friends.
The upside was seeing a gorgeous sunset over the vineyards.
The downside was walking the last mile in the dark… rockstar Heather ran the last mile to get them to hold our reservations.
Exercising without knowing you’re exercising is a blast. So is getting home and back to a routine… vacation wears me out!
How do you stay active on vacation?
Have you ever taken the long way on accident? I’ve gotten lost on runs more times than I would like to admit.