Life could be worse.
My view as I draft this post:
I am not going to insert a ton of commentary before handing it over to Kat for her bi-weekly guest spot. I’m enjoying my time in AZ, and the food I brought along is actually quite good. Not feeling deprived at all!
If you want to check out what/how I’m eating, follow me on Instagram!
And now, here’s Kat… who somehow is always on my wave-length even when we haven’t hung out in a while.
As a Runner…
I really got my groove back in terms of mileage… must be that time of year where I can run any time of day and it’s gorgeous. I have to admit, I love the heat. I keep having this thought in my head, “just run.” And then I do. I run when I’m lonely, bored, inspired, because I think it’s pretty out, because it’s raining out, because I don’t feel like driving, because people at Boston didn’t get to finish their race. Just run.
I’m back up to my 60-70 miles per week range. I know. It’s crazy, but it’s hours each week where I feel free, explore my city, explore myself, and can just be (Editor’s note: that’s exactly why I like to run… just take your mileage and divide by 3). I don’t think about how my body looks, how my hair looks, and I don’t feel judged or lonely. I just run…in the sun, in the rain, if it’s cloudy, if it’s windy.
I wish that every moment of every day could feel like running.
For those who run like that, and were denied the opportunity to finish the Boston Marathon, I feel incredibly sad, and more inspired to run. If someone thought that runners were a good target, they got it wrong. Everyone I know ran the day after the Boston Marathon.
We runners are not to be messed with.
Anyway, moving past that, as I increase my mileage for the season, I have been tweaking a few things. First, I’m considering changing up my shoes. I found ones that worked all year last year, and I loved them, but I’m in search of something new to fit my new needs: mega trail running. Moving on past my addiction to the Brooks I’ve been wearing will be hard! But I know my body needs something different to boost my performance, and to help get me more ready for my first 100 miler!
Oh wow! I think I just officially broke the news! I’ll be running my first 100 miler in October! The Oil Creek 100. This means my health is of the utmost importance, and staying injury free is more important than ever. Time to make some changes!
See, between July and now I have had three pairs of the same road shoes. What am I so afraid of?!?!
I’m also trying out my first compression gear. So far, I like it better for recovery than to actually run in.
Lastly, I’m trying something new with my nutrition. Why? Because I want to try different things to see what works (Editor’s note: I tell people ALL the time not to be afraid to do this! Changing it up for a week or so won’t kill you or make you obese). Lately, I’ve been adding more good fats.
7 reasons this is good for you:
- Increased heart health
- Increased bone strength
- Stronger immune system
- Liver health
- Healthy bones
- Healthy nerves
- Improved brain function
How could you go wrong??? (Note: this is all in connection with a balanced diet. I do not eat saturated fats at every meal!)
One of my new favorite good-fat recipes is so easy, you will be shocked, and it is good as a side dish, dessert, or breakfast. Let’s just call it Coconut-Avocado Mousse!
It’s sweet, creamy, easy, and delicious. I topped it with berries for breakfast, or for a before-bed snack (Editor’s note: this is a midnight snack WAITING to happen)! I tell you what! You should definitely try this.
It would also go well with ice cream (Editor’s note: or what about frozen and made into ice cream?!), topped with granola, or even topped with dark chocolate shavings (I know this first hand). It also makes a great spread on toast!
Coconut-Avocado Mousse
- ½ avocado
- 2 T coconut milk (not the light stuff – the real stuff)
Mix it all up!
Also, in honor of the near future when Laura will be eating only asparagus, I will also be consuming copious amounts, in sympathy (Editor’s note: you are such a kind and thoughtful friend 😉 ).
You should know that this would also be delicious with asparagus! 😉
I have an insane amount of running shoes, but they’re all different. I’m really interested to hear everyone else’s shoe habits!
What steps have you taken to change when upping mileage?
How many pairs of the same running shoes do you have?
How do you know when your routine is ready for changing? Intuition or something else?
Congrats on going for the 100 miler! Very impressive! I think we all run for the same reason – it’s freeing and it’s time to just be. I’m usually brand loyal – Mizuno but I just got a pair of Brooks last week. I’m kind of loving ’em!
which style of brooks? Road or trail? And I’ve heard great things about Mizuno!
I have never tried Mizunos… or Brooks! Clearly I need to visit the running store. 🙂
Congrats on going for the 100 miler! I can only imagine how rewarding it will be when you finish that.
Thanks! It will be incredible! I’m sure my post will be epic. 🙂
100 miles! I can’t even imagine!! That’s awesome.
Haha thanks! I found my calling!
100 miles, wow!! My body starts resisting at the peak of marathon training… I don’t think I could push it any further, but I am in awe of those who do. Best of luck!!
Thanks Laura. Sometimes it’s not about pushing, just feeling for me. Even when it hurts, I feel like I’m getting stronger. Have you tried trail running??? I could do it all day. However, I’m not sure I could/would ever run a road marathon! You must have some kind of mental strength for that! 🙂
I know that feeling… I get that way at the Half mark!
“I don’t think about how my body looks, how my hair looks, and I don’t feel judged or lonely. I just run…in the sun, in the rain, if it’s cloudy, if it’s windy.” <—-YES love this, love not feeling insecure, not caring. I actually feel more beautiful and strong even though I am sure I look like a mess.
Lol~ I LOVE that feeling! 🙂 Plus, we are more beautiful anyway when we are doing what we love.
That IS the perfect description.
I am not much of a runner…but when I do run and only if it’s outdoors – I get such a high off it! Not treadmill running…thats just boring to me. Now that the weather is finally warming up in the NE, I’m taking it outdoors for a just a few miles. 😉
Mmmm!!! This avocado mousse sounds fabulous!!! I’m totally trying it WITH asparagus! 🙂
Congrats on the good weather up there too! It’s I think especially important for runners in the NE to keep getting outside. 🙂 They can’t mess with our spirit!
I’m the same way – I get wayyyyy to bored on a treadmill. TV doesn’t even begin to help.
Great post! I have been lacking in the running mojo lately, and I’m not sure if it is due to overtraining or what. The newly warm and sunny weather has been helping a TON, and also breaking free of my normal route and trying to get back into that “running just to run” mindset, not worrying about anything else.
LOVE this coconut avocado combination. I make a citrus dressing with avocado and orange juice, but this looks like a fun twist….a slightly thicker.
Unrelated – I love the word “mojo.”
Thanks! And yea, I’m glad you’re getting back into the right frame of mind!! Using the avocado mouse as a dressing, adding lime, sounds like a great idea.. I know what I’m having for lunch today!
Damn straight the real stuff.
I’ve been using compression gear for a few months now and LOVE it! I’m not big on running in it either (mostly because I need to wear shorts + tanks or I feel like I’m over-heating) but LOVE them for after-run recovery. I used to wake up in the middle of the night with calf cramps as I was increasing my mileage and that no longer happens!
I always thought you were just supposed to wear them for recovery post-run? I get too hot to run in tall socks!!
I’m thinking of amping up the compression! Check this out:
congrats on 100th miler..I have been trying to run more often since my half marathon – i need motivation!
Where do you live?! I will run with you!
I have SO many pairs of the same shoes, I’ve even changed and then come back to the “old” model again. 🙂 When I up my mileage, the biggest change I make is to start rotating shoes – two different models that I alternate each run. It helps use your muscles slightly different (and little injury prevention tip).
As for switching it up, it usually has to be a BIG kick in the pants. 🙂
I rotate shoes and deoderant. Gotta keep the body guessing. LOL!
Haha I totally understand and agree… with the need for a kick in the pants! Thanks for the tip!
Three cheers for the real stuff and 100 cheers for your 100 miler! You’re going to do GREAT! TEEAM KAT!
Thanks!! I really can’t wait! Well, I can wait.. until I’m all trained up!
Wow 100 miles! Also, did you mean UNsaturated fats?? Those are the good fats, saturated fats are the ones we shouldn’t have as much of. Avocado is “good fat” which is unsaturated fat!
Whoa. Good catch… monounsaturated would have been the word. Editing. 😉
No – I meant saturated fats!!! The saturated fat content of Avocados are 14% (which is VERY high). It’s more common in animal products but also comes in avocados and coconut oil. Coconut oil is like the second highest in saturated fat… which is why it’s great (in moderation only).
Obviously you don’t want to eat enough to raise your cholesterol but it’s part of a healthy diet. (see the portion on “Saturated Fat is Wrongfully Accused”
Trans fats are the bad ones!! They’re transformed into something the body doesn’t know how to process.
Interesting! I don’t want to harp on it much anymore but Avocados do have far more mono & polyunsaturated fats than saturated fats (although there is quite a bit!). I worked on a nutrition study with avocados last year at the USDA 🙂 Boy did I learn about fat!
Congrats my friend you definitely deserve this dreamy mousse as a reward 🙂
Brilliantly done 🙂
Choc Chip Uru
🙂 Thanks!
I agree with Kat — don’t mess with runners!
I hate to admit it … I’ve been a fair weather (or at least fair-ish weather) runner this year. I typically love winter running, but was scared of spraining my ankle or getting another injury. I am anxiously awaiting the time of year that I can just go out and run (unfortunately in Iowa that lasts about a week. our seasons are: almost winter, winter, still winter, and construction). hoping to be back in the double digits for weekly mileage (and totally miss pulling 40-60 mi per week).
Haha – construction is a season in ATL too. It lasts all year.
Omg.. IOWA! I’m not jealous of your weather. aye! Well I Hope it’s great when you are able to get out!
First, you can never have too many shoes so banish that thought.
Second, 100 miles….you are a machine. I just recently started jogging because I’m training for a Tough Mudder, and I’m lucky to run a couple miles. I’ve got bum knees and I’m trying to learn how to work through it. Next time, I’ll just thing of your 100 mile race and that should be enough to push through it.
I love the sound of this mousse. I use avocado in a chocolate pudding and it just makes everything so creamy and delicious. Gotta love the healthy fats.
I did Tough Mudder!!! It was 14 miles, but awesome. Breaking it up with obstacles helps a LOT.
Meghan! Thanks. I hope you use my race as motivation. Also… thanks for the “you are a machine,” comment. People usually go with “you’re insane” 🙂
yeah… i totally added some dark choc cocoa powder to this for dessert. YUM
Phew. Sanity is for the weak. 🙂
we have a variety of shoes, we like to keep our feet guessing. we feel that keeps our feet strong, sometimes we don’t even wear shoes when we workout.
I so wish I could go barefoot! My PF put a stop to that. Boo.
Yes! I want to be more of a barefooter..