I’m trying to be better about repeating recipes.
Even though repetition pains me.
I’m slowly re-making some older recipes on the blog, but adding new twists to keep them interesting! Â This recipe is based on a more savory bake – a Cottage Cheese and Egg Herb Bake I made back in June of 2011 (have I really been blogging that long?!).
Today’s version is more strange but still good. Â This is a sweet egg bake! Â I used blueberries and basil, along with a little lemon stevia and cinnamon to make this a dessert-like breakfast.
Making a bake for breakfast may seem ambitious during the morning rush, but if you make it in steps while you’re getting ready it’s really not so bad! What results is a fluffy, souffle-like breakfast filled with bursting berries and the almost sweet, clove-like basil.   Bursting with strange deliciousness.
My pics are from a version that I completely over-stuffed (it’s a chronic affliction).  This has become a good thing in my book… but I have adjusted the recipe so that won’t happen to you. 😉
[tasty-recipe id=”18070″]
I’m at the Blend Retreat all weekend hanging with some of my best strange blogger friends.  Not that I’m bragging… LOL!  SO EXCITED!!!
Have you ever made sweet eggs? Â How about PB & Jeggs?
What are you looking forward to this weekend? Â Will I see you at Blend???
Oh girl! You always know how to pique my curiosity! Blueberries and basil? AND cayenne? WITH lemon?! My mind is whirling right now! And seriously…LOVE the practical guide (especially the note for guys…”do whatever guys do” Hahaha)! You know I’m ALL about the eggs lately so this is (or some variation of this) is bound to happen soon…and now that I have some pointers, it shouldn’t be a problem, huh? 😉
Can’t wait to see you innnnnnnnnn what? Like 16 hours?! I know…I should be sleeping right now…ugh, such is the zombie life…and what happens when you spend the night with a snoring boyfriend! Lol
Haha – seriously though. What DO guys do in the morning?! I’m a little jealous they can just roll out.
Can we go back to Blend?!
Oooooh, I looove sweet eggs!!! And paired with cottage cheese?? A dream!! Definitely need to make this, thank you!!
Have fun at the blend retreat, so jealous! 🙂 I’ll have a drink with my girlfriends in Spain on you 🙂
I love your PB & Jeggs recipes, all of ’em! I really want to try this, but I’d like to sub tofu for the cottage cheese, if I blended it with the eggs do you think it would still work as well?
I hope you have a great time at the retreat! I’m planning to go to the BodyPower Expo in Birmingham (UK) and meet Dana Linn Bailey, and I hope to meet Tara from Sweat Like A Pig, who has kindly given me advice on how to make the most of the day as it’s my first Expo, and she is going too! 🙂
I think a tofu sub is a great dairy-free option!!! Brilliant. Let me know whe you think if you do it Actually, you could do the whole thing as a tofu bake to make it vegan… hmmmmm…
Did you get to meet DLB and Tara?! Jealous!!
Creative! I can’t say I’ve ever had eggs with berries, but hey – why not? Have a great weekend!
This sounds so delicious, Laura! Oh, how I wish I was attending Blend! I’ll be looking forward to hearing about all of the shenanigans from you and Heather! Travel Safe!!
I wish you were there too!!! Next year? 🙂
Nothing more than I like that sweet eggs 🙂
Actually, I like my eggs are sorts of ways! I mean, you can’t put your eggs all in one basket…you gotta explore…even if it be strange 😉
Have a fabulous weekend!!!!
I’ve put cinnamon on fried matzoh, but this concoction looks so much better than my matzoh!
I have been sitting on this sushi for months, waiting until it went live so I could share it with you. I thought of you when I made it, while we enjoyed eating it and as I was writing it up.
I swear I’m not a stalker. Just happy to stretch out and try something wild, knowing that if it worked I had a place to share.
Enjoy your Blend-ing!
I bet that sushi smells good after months of sitting on it… 😉
We like quick! Thanks for sharing!
Sometimes it is just easier to work with recipes you already know you like. I hate getting disappointed with new recipes. This definitely qualifies as a crazy but good.. I never would have paired those flavours together. 🙂
ERRRMUUUHHHGOOOOOSH!!! This looks so tasty! I swear that sometimes we are kindred kitchen spirits – I was just telling my family that sweet eggs would probably taste pretty good…all I got was weird looks.
Not going to Blend this year…..one day! 🙂
Ok I am not gonna lie, this one kinda freaks me out haha. It looks so good, but the ingredients do sound a bit weird. I think its the combination of egg whites and blueberries that is tripping me up haha, still looks interesting enough to try!
Ok… that just means you HAVE to try it now. 😉
I love blueberries. This looks fantastic. Definitely pinning this. Thanks for sharing (as always).
blueberries and basil sounds yummy!!! we love basil 🙂
That actually looks really good. I’ve been unable to jump on the sweet eggs bandwagon, but I think I could do this one. Have fun at Blend!
That actually sounds really, really good! Thanks for sharing!
I don’t even think that sounds that strange! Just delicious! 🙂 🙂
This sounds so good! I bring strange oatmeal messes into work everyday an always get strange looks. My boss thought the blueberries in my oatmeal were black beans and for a week thought I was eating black bean oatmeal breakfast.
Black bean oats… could be #strangebutgood… 😉
i have never hard sweet eggs but sounds good 🙂 have fun
Interesting! I’ve heard of sweet eggs before and bet they’d be really good! Have so much fun at Blend!!!
I love making sweet concoctions with eggs, my fave is apple cinnamon egg “loaf”
PS- between this and the yogurt you are inspiring serious basil cravings!
Loving all the berries & basil on your blog lately–Such a classy flavor combo that I always forget about (Me? Forget something classy? Go figure.) Love the sound of the original recipe too, makes me happy that you’re going back to/reinventing old ones–then I get to see some old stuff PLUS drool over a new recipe. Have a BLAST and Blend and say hi to all the gals from me!
So jealous you are at blend! Its my best friends wedding or else I would be there!!! Have a great time 🙂 Love + Shine Courtstar
Always so interesting!!! I need a cook but I have no money! 😉
Eggs are cheap!!! 😉
I loveee sweet eggs – they always remind me of french toast 🙂 I definitely never would have come up with this strange but sweet sounding creation on my own… Thanks for sharing!
Exactly! I don’t know why people are scared of them. French toast is the best. 🙂
Ooooooh puuuuurdy!!
I really like the pictures on this one, especially the basil leaf poppoing out the top. Blueberries and basil go so well together.
Funny story ’bout that. I had already taken pics before I realized that – duh – I could dress that mess up with a basil leaf. I fail at picture-taking…
Well, I love blueberries and mint, and I’ve discovered that most things that pair well with mint, also pair well with basil. [As I know you know they are in the same family, but I’m saving you from having to think, “Duh, Sarah is NOT so smart.” ;)] You know what is good with blueberries and mint? Mango and ginger. I wonder if THAT would be good with eggs?
I must confess… I don’t like mint. I mean, I can tolerate it every once in a while if the starts are aligned just right… BUT I get what you’re saying. I find the same to be true with sage.
I loved this!! I used my fresh blueberries from my garden. It was delish! Thanks!
I really want to eat this today, but don’t have 40 minutes time to bake it…I’m thinking an omelet!
LOL! That’s why I included the tips to doing it fast. Pop it in the oven and it’s doneby the time you’re showered and dressed! 🙂
I should’ve listened. The omelet version turned out AWFUL. Next time, I follow your guidance 🙂