I got a new camera just in time.
How else would I have been able to take this lovely Frankenstein-like self-portrit?
Those are stitches in my chin. There are 4. That is also a big glass ‘o vino in my hand. I deserved it. What you can’t see is that my jaw is broken in 2 places.
We had a “Rookie Expo” this Sunday for derby. I fell. Chin-first.
However… I am actually lucky. My jaw is fractured in 2 places, but isn’t displaced. One fracture is in the lower left mandible and the other is in the right condyle. My chin is (obviously) busted too.
Here’s the most relieving part – since nothing is displaced, I don’t have to have plates screwed into my jaw or even have my mouth wired shut! I was having nightmares about eating nothing but chicken broth for 6 weeks.
I had to promise to take it easy and not chew anything for 6 weeks. Not even noodles. Helllloooo soup.
Other than some soreness and swelling, I’m ok!
Sooooo… anyone have a favorite creamy soup recipe?
[…] slurp-able reality looked more like […]