It’s wrong to play favorites.
You know you have one.
There are children foods you like more than others, and the same goes for workouts.  Try as I might to love leg day, my heart lies with Chest and Bicep day.
After last week’s Work It Out FAQ post, I received a lot of questions about what a typical week of workouts looks like for me. Â I thought it would be an easy post to throw together until I realized I’d actually neglected my favorite Day!
A typical week of workouts will come, but today’s Work It Out couldn’t be delayed – its high time I post my favorite workout.
And you all have to try it as a personal favor to me because I’m not allowed to do chest yet.
Working out Chest and Biceps on the same day may seem odd to some of you. Â The more traditional school of thought is to do Bis/Tris and Chest/Back. Â I used to subscribe to that theory too.
The idea behind doing Chest/Bis together and Back/Tris together is that you use your Biceps as a secondary muscle for Back day, and Triceps as secondary on Chest day. Â By splitting them up, you are about to get more out of each muscle group. Â For example, if you do Chest with Tris, you will be fatigued before you should be on your Tri exercises because you used them while doing bench presses first.
People will argue any number of ways is “right.” Â Bottom line: Don’t be afraid to experiment and figure out what YOU like best.
On to the fun part! Â This is my favorite workout of all time. Â I hope you like it too!
Click the names for explanations:
- Flat Bench Press – dumbbell
- Decline Bench Press – bar
- Incline Bench Flys – dumbbell
- Vertical Press Machine
- Preacher Curls – EZ bar
- Standing Bicep Curls – dumbbell
- Lying Bicep Curls – cable
- Standing Concentration Curls – dumbbell
Check out my free Macro Calculator, which helps time your meals to get the most out of your workouts!
What is your favorite workout?
Which muscle groups do you like to work together?
I love chest and arm workouts. This is a good one, I’m pinning it now.
Thank you! Would love to know how you like it. 🙂
Ah I won’t lie – I HATE working my biceps because they’re so weak…chest is a different story though! Although I used to follow a chest/tri and back/bi split, I might have to give this a shot–> it might even get me to start liking bicep workouts ;)!
They are my favorite becasue you can see change there so quickly. Maybe chest/bis would be good for you since you’d get to start with your favorite?
Ah, I love to combine chest and biceps, two of my favorite. Somehow I didn’t get to the video with the lying Bicep Curls, but maybe that’s just me. Love the workout!
Oops! I think I fixed it now. 🙂
I pair chest and biceps to change it up, but my usual go-to is chest and tris. Like you said, gotta find what works best for you! This looks like a great workout for me to use when I need a change in routine. Thanks for posting!
Thanks! It’s probably not such a big deal if you aren’t trying to body build too… I’m guessing with a baby you aren’t curling 40s these days. 😉
legs are my all time favorite part to lift probably because they are my strongest…. i like doing shoulders second best
I need your enthusiasm for legs. I’m practically crippled after Monday leg day with my trainer!
Thx I might try this bicep and chest workout today! I’ve taken a few days off the gym during a trip to the beach, time to get back after it today!
Awesome!!! It’s a good one to get back with. 🙂
Thanks for sharing this workout, especially since its your favorite and you can’t do it yet! Recently my favorite workout has been crossfit but my groupon is expiring so I’m looking for fun new strength workouts. I have no problem with cardio on my own but still feel slightly lost in the weight room.
Don’t let it intimidate you – once you get the hang of it and have a good menu of exercises to do you’ll feel completely comfortable. Let me know if you have any questions. 🙂
Whenever I do four-day splits with my workouts, I tend to pair chest and biceps together too! For some reason it just doesn’t feel like a really good workout if I do bi’s and tri’s together. Favourite workout would probably be legs, just because they’re easily my strongest and I love seeing triple digits on my weights 😉
Ugh.l I WANT to like legs more. I just don’t.
I like to switch it up. I think changing it around is always a good thing b/c it keeps the muscles guessing and also helps eliminate boredom.
I did the same chest workout yesterday except I finished with the peck deck 🙂
Love training back!
I can’t WAIT to do the pec deck again!!! 😉
we never really work the chest haha a body part we seem to neglect, although we do push-ups haha every little bit helps right?
Push ups are great! I started with a good base because I’d been doing 150 PUs every day.
I like working my biceps because I can actual see the progress I’ve made over the past year or so. My favorite is anything lower body because it is my strongest!!
This workout looks great!!!
I am the same way – I think bis are one of the fastest areas to devlop.
You bring up a good point Laura!
My all time fav workout is P90X Legs and Back – I balance an 8lb ball on my lap during wall squats and oooh the burn! 🙂
I usually like to work back and biceps and chest and triceps – after reading your post, I see there’s some sort of method to (what I thought is) my madness 🙂
I used to love P90X!!! My mom was just saying that DVD alwyas leave her butt nice and sore.
Oooooh playing hooky is always REALLY fun! 🙂 Hope you enjoyed it!
I actually love this idea of chest & bis. And I think chest flys for some reason, are super cool. Not sure why?? I just feel legit doing them. the end.
That’s my top reason for working out – to feel Legit. Rawr. 😉
I love working biceps since I finally started seeing improvement the last year. That’s motivating! Awesome that you played hookey- we need more of those days.
glad you played hookie! yes, i noticed. And guess what, i hate preacher curls, but i love 21’s.
I must admit that I much prefer working out my arms and chest over my legs. My legs do so much already, walking, running, ellipticalling, standing…… they don’t want to do anything MORE!!!
That’s how I feel too!
P.S. My blog loves you. It doens’t think you’re SPAM.
We’re BLOG-MATES! Thank god your blog loves mine! I think if it didn’t my blog might commit blog suicide! 😮
So like you!! Years ago after I had my time under my belt, I started to do what I felt was right for me & like you, working biceps/back or chest/triceps was not right exactly for your reasons above. In fact in those days when times were different for me, I split quads & hamstrings to different days.
I do an all weight workout on Monday BUT I do split up how I work the body parts so the muscle groups are fine & I can still lift heavier. PLUS this day is after a few weight rest days so no matter what, I am raring to go! 🙂
I actually do chest only once a week now (no competitions here) because chest is the least worries for me as a aging adult… I work it hard though in that 1 day. All other parts get 2 times a week & some get more – a little of this & that thrown in – like my glutes that want to fight me with age! 😉
You split quas and hams?! You are hard core.
So you now to an all weight and then do the splits too? I’m so amazing by your tenacity… and ability to recover!
I don’t split them anymore – I did when I was younger & also when I was competing…
I do an all weights Monday – no chest. Then chest on Tuesday, then splits Wed & Thurs.. triceps & back may get worked wed or Thurs depending on how they feel from Monday.. some weeks the DOMS is still there come Wednesday like this week with tris so doing them tomorrow. Some weeks the back hurts more & I do that Thursday but this week I did it today.. 🙂 I always do bis & shoulders for now on Wednesday as my second day… Monday is heavier for me & it is not that I don’t try to lift my best the other days but they usually are not as heavy as Monday… 🙂
Interesting! I’m doing bis and shoulders together right now while I can’t do chest. I actually like it!
Running is definitely my favorite form of exercise! Thanks for sharing!!
PS: I did notice you took off & I was HAPPY!!! 🙂
Ah – you spent an EXTRA day in the mountains – I’m so jealous!! I’m really craving a vacation now (yes, I’m spoiled and like to take vacation), especially since we originally had one planned for the first week of September.
We deserve a vacation after November!!! 🙂
playing hookie is sometimes so needed! 🙂 you know I’ll be trying this workout! xoxo
Running, I need to get back into it 😀
Great workout tips today!
Hey friend!!! How have you been?