How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat?
If you do eat your meat first, Google might give you a green light.
Apparently Google has begun giving their food a rating system. (You know, the food that they supply their employees for FREE… no, I’m not jealous…)
- Green = eat anytime
- Yellow = eat occasionally
- Red = splurge rarely
What’s next? The Google Food Pyramid?
It is an interesting concept. I wonder if it has the desired effect? Would color–coded foods make you think twice?
Apparently vending machines (the only items that aren’t free to Google employees) are priced according to nutritional value.
For example:
“Quaker Chewy Bars are 15 cents each, Famous Amos cookies re 55 cents, and an enormous Ghirardelli chocolate bar
is $4.25.”
Not that Quaker Chewy Bars are the pictue of health… but there are worse out there.
Check out this article for more info.
If you are ME and you want pudding before you eat your meat you simply make it for breakfast. Breakfast makes sweets acceptable – duh.
When searching for a sweet yet healthy source of protein for breakfast (read: too busy to go buy eggs or Greek yogurt), look no further then your trusty protein powder/drink supply.
Can’t decide between chocolate and vanilla? Use both!
Want to cinnamon? Dump it in!
How about some chia seeds for extra post-run hydration? Done.
Want a little crunch with it? Those raw Banana Nut Bars I made Friday are even better after sitting a couple of days.
Note: the banana granola and the banana in the pudding were a perfect pair!
You’ve just witnessed the thought process that lead to the birth of Chocolate Breakfast Pudding.
Chocolate Breakfast Pudding
- 1/3 dark chocolate EAS (or any chocolate milk alternative)
- 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder
- 1/2 banana, mashed
- 1/2 T chia seeds
- 1/4 tsp cinnamon
Mix it all together and refrigerate overnight (or at least 2-3 hours for the chia to become “pudding”). Stir and devour!
I would love healthier (and free!) options at my office’s lunch spot!
How would you feel if your employer implemented a similar system?
Does your opinion change if they are supplying the food to employees for free?
I would love it if my work center used this strategy! I’d save so much money since I’d only go for the lighter options anyway 🙂 Currently we have a snack bar that is made up of hostess cakes, chips, cookies and fiber one bars. As far as drinks go it’s mostly soda.
I love the idea of chocolate pudding for breakfast!
Now that is my kind of breakfast. 😉
Interesting approach Google is taking. The coded system wouldn’t affect my eating choices since I don’t really like to rely on someone else’s opinion on what is good/bad ect…..I’d love the free part though….ehehe.
Actually…I kind of like the approach google is taking! I feel like maybe a lot of bloggers might not care for it with the reasoning that “food should not be seen as good or bad,” which I agree with…but I think for stuff like this, we have to take ourselves out of our “healthy-living blogger worlds” and put ourselves in the real world. Where, I’m sorry, but America has a bit of an obesity epidemic going on, plain and simple. I think it’s interesting that they’re not just eliminating what they coin as “red” foods, though. I think it’s a good message at the same time…shows that you don’t need to completely eliminate something in order to stay healthy.
Basically, I think it’s awesome that a company that employs SO many people offers such great options for employees. Natalie (CinnamonBums) did an awesome post recently about her trip to Google and the food. It all looked so good!!
This looks awesome! Color-coded food would totally help me. I’m actually considering going out, buying some stickers, and color-coding my snack food. That really just might do the trick. Wow.
On a side note, what’s up with chia seeds? They’re all over food blogs! I bought some the other day for that very reason; not it’s time to find a way to try them!
Check out this post for a good recap and my FAVORITE chia-recipe ever:
Let me know how you like them!
Looks so delicious, love this! 🙂
Mmm I love when you put together words like breakfast, pudding, and CHOCOLATE! All in one perfect recipe 🙂
At this point, I think solutions like these are a step in the right direction. Honestly, I’m not sure what would help people make better decisions. When I see what people eat at work, when there are plenty of healthy options, I get so frustrated. But I also so think healthy living is a personal responsiblity – there are plenty of resources out there…you just have to make use of them.
Hi! That was me…duh!
That pudding looks amazing and I really wish I were eating it right now!
Google really is determined to take over the world one thing at a time, huh? I don’t think color-coded food would make me thing twice. I feel like I’m pretty in-tune with my body and what it’s craving and I rely on that rather than anything else. Plus, when they implemented the “calories on menus” thing here in NYC, I don’t think it changed much of anything in terms of how people went about eating. And if THAT doesn’t do it, I don’t know what could…
Your pudding looks so simple! I will be adding this to my “cool” breakfasts list.
Ahhhh, I love that song!!! Seriously, that was possibly my favorite song as a little kid and I have no idea why.
The pudding looks absolutely delicious, too! I’ve been on a pudding kick lately so having it for breakfast sounds perfect.
Pudding for breakfast… say no more!! You had me at pudding actually! 😀 I think it’s a good idea by google, any tool that aims to make people more aware of food choices is a good thing. Saying that, I’m not sure it would affect MY choices much but still, it’s a step in the right direction! 🙂
My office has a soda machine and that’s it. So I don’t see them implementing any sort of healthy food system in the break room right now.
Now that song is in my head. All in all we’re just another brick in the wall.
Cold chocolate pudding on hot Summer days should be mandatory!
Love this chocolate pudding and the inclusion of chia – is that ground seed? Looks so silky and delicious!
Google is going to take over the world, I tell ya. Seriously though, that’s genius. And honestly, that’s how food SHOULD be priced, in my opinion. Everywhere. Stupid how it works in reality – good food costs more, cheap crap costs less. Google’s way makes so much more sense to me.
I’m going to try this pudding but with the addition of avocado! I’ve been wanting to make an avo pudding for a while, and I think breakfast may be the perfect time to try it.
I NEVER say no to chocolate!