This is what I came home to:
Apparently my hot water heater went bad while I was at work and leaked all over my floor and down the wall of the unit below mine. Lovely.
Soooo… I was going to have a recipe for you today, but that will have to wait for tomorrow.
Jenn @ Peas and Crayons is making me smile through my check-writing sadness with her What I Ate Wednesday.
Check out my eats below; then click here to see what everyone else enjoyed for WIAW.
I made a smoothie. It was green…
The flavor was Strawberry-Basil. I wouldn’t recommend it. In fact, I didn’t even take a pic. Last week’s Banana-Maple-Ginger was much better:
Clearly I’m addicted to collard green wraps… but this week’s was different! I used a Mexican-inspired hummus in it! That hummus is the recipe that was coming today but will instead come tomorrow. The flood took away my picture-taking light.
My co-workers and I took out lunch outside. They appeared skeptical of my “wrap,” but I offered a bite and it was met with a reasonable amount of approval. 🙂
I have discovered I like to eat constantly throughout the day. I snacked it up all afternoon. Unpictured are some cashews, pineapple, and my daily kombucha.
Pictures below is cottage cheese with nuts, apple, lavar, and some rice cakes.

I had a fancier plan, but the flood changed it… however, this lentil salad wasn’t bad for a late dinner in a hurry!
In the mix was French green lentils, pepper jack Daiya cheese, broccoli sprouts, beets, shallots, celery, olive oil, lemon juice, basil, and S&P. Translation: I scavenged my fridge.
This was seriously the highlight of my day. The picture doesn’t look like much, but let me assure you… this was hard-core deliciousness. It tasted like one of my favorite childhood cereals – Cocoa Krispies.
Cocoa Krispies Protein Pudding
- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
- 1 T chia seeds
- 1 T carob powder
- 1/4 C cereal
- 3/4 C unsweetened vanilla almond milk
- 6-7 drops vanilla stevia
- 1/4 tsp cinnamon
- Pinch of salt
Mix together all ingredients in a bowl, pressing down slightly to break up cereal a bit. Place in fridge for 15-20 minutes to allow liquid to soak in.
Remove from fridge, stir, and devour.
Thank you all so much for the comments about my tattoo yesterday. It is a really special piece to me. 🙂
Who do you call when things break at your house? I had a moment of panic wondering what my next move should be!
What was your favorite childhood cereal?
Don’t forget – click here to enter to win May’s healthy snack box in the NatureBox giveaway!
But strawberry basil sounds so good! Maybe add a little vanilla?
Dinner looks awesome. probably because I love beets. Nice eats.
Possibly… I think tossing in a serrano pepper was the biggest mistake.
Happy WIAW! I will have to try your cocoa krispies protein pudding. Looks yummy!
Oh no! Hope your everything gets fixed in your apartment ASAP. Must have been SO fun to come home to!
My first call when something breaks.. is to my parents. haha. Then we go from there.
Favorite cereal as a child? Captain Crunch.. or Lucky Charms (the marshmallows of course).
It was a joy… oy. All better now. 🙂
Lucky Charms are the best!!!
For a bad day…everything sounds pretty terrific to me!
Laura, you are genius with that dessert- I used to love Coco Pops as a kid, especially when the last bit of milk was all chocolatey! I wonder whether sticking this in the freezer for a bit would make it similar to chocolate Rice Krispie treats? Hope your Wednesday is going well 🙂
Brilliant idea to put this in the freezer… if I can wait that long to chow down. Maybe I need to make 2 servings at a a time.
Bummer about the apartment 🙁
just one of the joys of owning… rent as long as you can!
Heck yes to that dessert… I had several favorite cereals throughout my childhood and would favor one kind, eat it to death and then get quite sick of it! But there was a 1 year period (or so) where all I consumed for breakfast was cocoa krispies, so I am loving your dessert idea. I also have loved- cinnamon life, capn crunch, frosted mini wheats, resses puffs, golden grahams, alpha bits… ahh so many 🙂
that totally sucks about your water heater. Those expenses are never fun and make me curse being an adult. I love cocoa krispies and to this day my mom always has them on hand when I visit.
That protein pudding looks so good! I might have to give that a try!
I love collard wraps…I haven’t been grocery shopping since I’m leave for blend this week. But I can’t wait to go and get my usual warmer weather eats. I’ve been craving nothing but raw fresh crunch.
I call my bf he is sort of a renaissance man – sometimes I hate him for that.
Favorite childhood cereal – puffins and puffed rice! then and now. I remember eating puffed rice at my grandparents with a little sugar on top. Fav guilty cereal was cinnamon toast crunch maybe or reese puffs…sooo bad.
I’m in the same boat – it’s left over city here.
I used to love rice Krispies with sugar on it. The best was the clumps of sugar at the bottom of the bow!
I like to eat all day too! Yesterday i was a snacking MONSTER. My metabolism was on fire all day long. Looks like you were keeping yours revved as well! Best way to do it IMO 🙂
I loved Frosted Flakes as a kid. My mom would try to sneak the reduced sugar ones past me by throwing away the box and keeping just the bag of cereal in the pantry. One taste though and I could always tell they weren’t my beloved regular Frosted Flakes!
I couldn’t agree more!
Your Cocoa Krispies Protein Pudding sounds great! I’m a big fan of chia cocoa pudding with mashed banana, so I’m definitely going to give this a try.
Let me know what you think! I love doing it with banana and cashew butter, too.
Bummer about your hot water heater. I hope you can get it fixed soon! And if you have to resort to cold showers for a couple days, at least it’s already hot like summer out! 😉
I think Cocoa Krispies may have been my fav too – though Post Honey Bunches of Oats and Golden Grahams also have a place in my heart. Thanks for the recipe – I may have to try that out.
Good luck with the water heater. Ahhhh, the joys of home ownership…
Golden Grahams rock! To this day I always sprinkle cinnamon in my cereal.
I need to try those collard green wraps! Do you lightly steam them at all? Or keep them crunchy? I was in cocoa-experimenting mode yesterday too. And I always snack 🙂 I think I missed the tattoo post, gonna have to check that out!
Nope – I eat them raw!
I love this recipe, so simple, delicious and healthy!
What kind of ball is in your smoothie photo?!
It’s a raw cookie dough ball from Lisa @ Healthful Sense:
I am loving all of those eats, especially the seaweed snacks. One of my favorites. And that rice crispy protein smoothie, yum!
My parents or Vishnu are generally my go to people! And I’m sorry about your water heater. I hate it when things like that happen, but at least it’s fixable!
And my favorite cereal growing up was Lucky Charms!
That pudding looks like a must try!! I am definitely going to try it, thanks for sharing it my dear!
Thank you! Let me know what you think!
I can’t wait to try that pudding! It sounds quick, healthy and delicious:) YUM!
That protein pudding sounds right up my alley! Sorry to hear about your water heater…I can only imagine!
I have yet to try chai pudding, I really need to though!
Yeah, you do! It’s so good and really good for you!
Oh my, so sorry about your water heater that do suck. Good looking WIAW foods. Great ingredients in your collard green wraps. I have some micro mustard greens growing and they have tiny leaves but whoa, HOT. How do you like that pepper jack Daiya cheese, I haven’t tried it yet? I don’t care for the mozz one. Hope you have a more pleasant day today.
The pepper jack is ok… you just can’t go into it expecting it to be like real cheese. Love how it melts though!
I’m always so impressed with your WIAW posts and I’m so sorry about your flood! No fun at all….
Sorry about the water heater–home appliance malfunctions are never a good time, and usually way too costly. But instead of drowning your sorrows in sugar and junkfood, you ate nothing but good stuff. Way to go, girl! Thanks for the collard wrap idea–I have some collards in my fridge that I didn’t use for last night’s dinner like I had planned, so now I think I shall make wraps!
I’m not going to lie… I was thinking hard about some wine. But I knew I was going to have some tonight. 🙂
The wraps sound great!
That pudding looks AWESOME – I think I’ll give that a try when I get my stevia prize! 🙂
mmmmm Cereal!! My favorite was Ohs! So terrible for you but so tasty… and OMG my kitchen sink broke yesterday and flooded the cabinet beneath it! Well actually apparently it has been broken for some time but it really flooded bad yesterday and that is what made me notice it. So gross! I hope you were able to get the flooding under control and that nothing bad happened to your things!
For real?! I am blaming the full moon we are going to have this weekend. I hope you didn’t have much damage!
Looks like we’re united in ugly yet delicious pudding glory today 🙂
When stuff breaks, I call the landlords. Landlords can be handy.
Also, that would have to be cornflakes. I ate them chocolate chip vanilla yogurt, haha.
I wish home owners had landlords for that reason… *sigh*
Cool recipe. I’m not a fan of chia pudding, I feel like it needs something else in there, some crunch might be good!
This really wasn’t a traditional chia pudding – if the texture is an issue, this is a great place to start. The cereal hides the chia texture. 🙂
Mmm, this pudding looks awesome – I love cocoa pops (krispies) so this is perfect for a sweet cereal treat!
Thank you 😀
Choc Chip Uru
This is such a great idea- really have to try to pack that crunch in my chia puddings.
I’m so sorry about the water heater – that stuff totally stresses me out! I had a major emergency in the fall and I couldn’t rest until I cleaned it up!
I’d definitely love to talk to your artist – I want more then just the 26.2 numbers!
Sweet! Just say when. She takes about a month to get an appointment with!
that pudding sounds really irresistable!
The strawberry basil smoothie sounds soo good! I would love to give that a try.
I want to give it another shot. I think I needed to add more berries and nix the serrano pepper.
Aw, sorry about the hot water heater! Such a bummer! :/ Hope it can get fixed!
That protein pudding sounds soo good! I think I have all the ingredients on hand so I’ll have to make it sometime soon.
Hope you’re having a great week!
Strawberry basil wasn’t good?!??! I’m super surprised! My favorite cereal growing up was cocoa pebbles! Now I buy the WF chocolate cereal. I have a feeling it’s not much better for me 😀 … I should eat your protein pudding instead!
That sucks. I hope you don’t have to pay for repairs. We’re having a water leak somewhere too – or at least our neighbors below are convinced it’s us. But we can’t find the leak. We have to call our insurance to call the apartment union to call the plumber… blech.
I’m surprised the strawberry basil wasn’t good either. Maybe somethings just shouldn’t be blended?
I will always love granola or cream of wheat. Never was much of a cereal person
I would like to try the strawberry basil again… I think the serrano pepper was too much. And I should have added more berries. Oh well.
Have a great weekend!