Jen’s WIAW is becoming my favorite weekly feature.
I get SO many great ideas reading other people’s posts! Β Head over Peas & Crayons to check them out.
I was fortunate enough to receive samples of the new So Delicious Greek-style yogurt. Β The flavors include blueberry, raspberry, chocolate, and plain. Β Made with coconut milk, the Greek-sytle yogurt isΒ VEGAN.
The nutritional information overall is good. Β The fiber contect is awesome – 8g! Β For those who preferΒ flavoredΒ yogurt, it only hasΒ 11g of sugar. Β That’s a lot for my taste, but it is pretty lowΒ compared to others on the market. Β It also have a ton of Calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and Magnesium.
Admittedly, I was a bit disappointed with protein. Β One of the reasons I love Greek yogurt so much is the high protein content. Β This coconut version only contains 2g.
I tried the blueberry version first. Β While I did like it… it was very different than Greek yogurt. Β The texture wasn’t asΒ creamy and it didn’t have the tartness.
Recognizing that this may be aΒ plusΒ for some of youΒ (especially if you don’t like/have never had Greek yogurt),Β I like the “real” thing better.
Had I tried it expecting a traditional yogurt, I would have been happier. Β I think it’s better than “regular” yogurt! Β (Disclaimer: I don’t like regular yogurt.)
I gave it some more “oomph” with my new love: Peanut Flour. Β Why didn’t you guys beat me over the head to order this sooner?! Β It’s life-changing!!!
It’s incredible. Β Just add a little liquid and salt and you have a protein and fiber-rich peanut butter substance with lessΒ fat. Β Did I mention it’s also gluten-free?! Β I cannot wait to make pancakes and cookies with this.
I’m not sharing – order your own here: Protein Peanut FlourΒ (woo hoo for this hometown Georgia company!)

From a galaxy far, far away...
PBJ Vegan Yogurt Deliciousness
- 2 T Peanut flour
- 2 T So Delicious unsweetened vanilla coconut milk
- Pinch of salt
- 1 container So Delicious Blueberry Greek-style yogurt
In small bowl, mix together first 3 ingredients to form a peanut butter-like substance. Β Swirl in yogurt. Β Inhale bowl of deliciousness.
Moroccan Carrot Salad is even better a day or 2 later! Β I made some extra so I could eat it through0ut the week and I thoroughly enjoyed it in a wrap today. Β I used a Rudi’s spelt tortillaΒ and stuffed it with hummus, carrot salad, cucumber, celery, spinach, and green pepper.
With lots of water throughout the day in myΒ Georgia TechΒ glass.Β Β (16 days until the beginning of the GT football season!!!)
Insert 4 mile, music-less run here. Β Silly Shuffle was out of juice. π
Do you see that sweat?! Β It was so flipping hot. Β No music. Β 630pm. Β I think I ran fast just to get ‘er done.
I fantasized thought about dinner the WHOLE way.
More carrots! Β This time with Shirataki tofu noodles and peanut sauce (yes, more peanut flour!).
Tomorrow you get more details on this! Β This post is getting loooong… it was a fantastic throw-together-meal. Β You should check back. Β Everybody’s doing it.
I cannot believe I FORGOT to take a pic of my snack today.
Pinkberry yogurt. Β SheerΒ deliciousness. Β I got the watermelon (only in stores until August 19th!) with mango and toasted almonds on top.
I also sampled the Salted Caramel. Β It was good, but I prefer yogurts in fruity flavors. Β “Dessert” flavors (like chocolate and caramel) are reserved for ice cream treats. Β Clearly I don’t mind a fruity tart! Β (That’s what she said.)
My nighttime snack doubled as dessert – a chocolate-peanut butter protein shake. Β With spinach, of course.
Almost forgot the pic. Β Lucky me – I was chatting with the famous Jen while drinking it and remembered just in time.
In my shake:
- 1 scoop chocolate casein protein powder
- 1/2 C spinach (I ran out!)
- 1/2 C unsweetened vanilla almond milk
- 1 T crunchy peanut butter
- 1/2 tsp vanilla
- 1/4 tsp cinnamon
- Pinch of guar gum (helps to make the texture more shake-like)
- Ice + Water, to taste
I have dinner plans tonight and it’s making the day dragggggg.
Do you have dessert preferences in terms of what you like fruity vs. chocolate-y?
What is the best thing you’ve eaten so far this week?
Ahhh peanut flour is the BEST! I love it. That’s kind of disappointing about the lack of protein in the greek style yogurt π I try to limit my dairy, but I’ve yet to find anything that compares to greek yogurt, so it’s a staple in my diet still!
Ooh I am getting some peanut flour ordered! I might stop me from eating jars and jars of the real thing every month! π My favourite types of desserts are always the ones with the highest chocolate content! No dessert is too rich for this girl! π
Love the reviews! I’ve been meaning to try peanut flour for a long time, it just sounds so amazing. Easy on the tummy. Peanuty? Yes please! Have you been able to find it in any stores? I might just have to bite the bullet and order online. (I like instant gratification).
Yes! Love the peanut flour-in-yogurt combo…I have one more package of Trader Joe’s peanut flour that I’ve been hoarding for WAAAAY too long, but I might open it up this morning.
Coconut flour + yogurt? Also amazing.
I am impressed that you made peanut sauce with it…I never did anything but mix it in yogurt. [Although this is not surprising really…as that’s pretty much what I do with everything, isn’t it?]
That peanut flour looks amazing. I’ll have to find some next time I go home to the US for a visit. No chance of finding it over here in the UK!
no wayyyy!!! so jealous of your coconut greek yogurt. i love the so delicious regular yogurt and have always thought they ought to make a greek variation. (…even if it’s not too “greek-like.”) one thing i disliked was how much sugar they had, though – glad it’s dropped to 11g. I think it used to be something crazy like 20. Not that that stopped me…
…and peanut flour. amen. i’m all out and have been meaning to order, but iHerb has been out and shipping is way less through them (+ I need other stuff from them.) bummer.
enjoy your dinner out tonight!
Happy WIAW! I always love your eats π
You don’t like yogurt!?
I just don’t like REGULAR yogurt. Greek is where it’s at!
The colour of that yogurt is amazing!
Im definitely checking back for that recipe, looks wayyy to good.
Boo I would have been disappointed with the protein content as well! I love greek yogurt but the high amount of protein is a major plus for me π
Why oh why do I not have a Pinkberry near me?! It’s not fair! Your combination sounds absolutely perfect though!
SO GLAD you got PF!! And holla to Southern Grace Farms.. that is where I get mine too.. clearly ordering at least 6 lbs at a time. I’ve actually got a shipment coming in tomorrow and cannnoot wait! I’ll have to give this a go!
I haven’t liked any of the coconut yogurts and I really thought I would. For me, cool and creamy desserts are my favorite, followed by warm fruit, and then chocolate. I know, a girl who doesn’t flip over chocolate, crazy right?
I keep looking for So Delicious products and can’t find them at the stores near me. Boo! And your wrap looks tasty!
That peanut butter flour is genius! I neeeeeeed it π Loving that wrap too. Healthy food packed with good flavor. Double plus good!
I like my Greek yogurt cheek-puckering and super creamy so I might have been disappointed in this stuff too at first blush. Thanks for the honest review!
Choco beats fruit for desserts…and speaking of desserts I had this kick ass carrot fudge (rice) at Indian Independence Day Monday. Soooooo good
You probably wouldn’t like this then. I am the same way with my Greek yogurt. I think it’s because I learned about it abroad.
Carrot fudge?! I want!!!!
I just got pb flour too and am having fun playing with it! I would be bummed about the protein in those yogurts too, since that’s partially why I love greek!
Oh my goodness, I need to get ahold of some peanut flour!
OMG Laura… isn’t PB flour the BEST?!! I have to order more!! Trader Joes used to carry it but recently discontinued it π
I need to try pb flour, fo sho!
Is PB flour kind of the same as PB2? Because I love me some PB2 π
I love chocolate as opposed to fruity.
And boo about the Coconut milk greek style yogurt. I’ve been trying to do the dairy swap…but almond/coconut stuff doesn’t have as much protein :C
I don’t *think* so… but I’m really not sure. I’ve never tried the powder. Let me know if you find out!
I’ve bought the coconut milk yogurt for my non-dairy eating husband before but I’ve never tried it. You give it quite a good review to I’ll have to keep it all for myself next time!
What a great idea to blend the yogurt with PB flour! I looooved the Trader Joes PB flour but they don’t carry it any more and I have yet to find a new source.
Click the link to get it from the farm I ordered from. They shipped really quickly too!
Yummy this looks delicious!! So healthy! π
Haha that blueberry yogurt mix looks really awesome.
I love how colorful and pretty food can be sometimes.
It makes it way more fun to eat.
Thank you for the sweet review, Laura! I absolutely LOVE the photo of your PBJ Vegan Yogurt Deliciousness! It’s such a beautiful shade of purple, and I cannot wait to try it!
We’re thrilled to hear that you like our new dairy-free Greek-style Coconut Milk Yogurt even better than regular yogurt! Just wanted to address a couple of points and thought this information might be helpful to your readers.
Although folks who are accustomed to eating dairy will notice that it has a slightly different flavor than dairy yogurt, we’re excited to offer a dairy-free option for the 50 million+ people who cannot consume dairy. Our Greek-style yogurt is inspired by the rich texture of Greek yogurt, but it is made with coconut milk so that it is dairy free. Traditional Greek yogurts are high in protein because dairy is high in protein. Coconuts are naturally lower in protein than dairy; therefore, our yogurt is lower in protein than traditional dairy Greek yogurt. But our new Greek-style yogurts are rich in naturally energizing medium-chain fatty acids, contain live, active cultures, have 40-50% less sugar than other cultured products, are an excellent source of fiber (30% of the RDA!), and boast a creamy, rich, taste and Greek-yogurty texture that we hope your readers will enjoy!
Thank YOU! I am enjoying sampling all of the flavors. π
That’s understandable about the protein content. The peanut flour + So Delicious coconut milk was an easy enough fix to that! Any plans to develop a sugar-free option?
I hope you guys come out with a sugar free variety like stevia sweetened or totally plain:)>
Laura I LOVE THIS SITE JUST FOUND IT!!! I Hope you can make some of your delicious brekkie pancakes and stuff vegan oneday:)
Thanks for your comment Aubrey! If you search my recipage, I think you’ll find I do have a lot of vegan foods. I’ve wavered back and forth from vegan to vegetarian to pescatarian over the years. π
I’ve never seen coconut milk yogurt at the store, I would totally try it! Where did you get yours? I may have to give it a go, I love coconut milk ice cream so I think I’d like this yogurt.
I was fortunate enough to receive advance sample of their “Greek” yogurt, but you can find the regular coconut yogurt in major grocery stores around here (Publix, Kroger, Whole Foods). You can tweet So Delicious about it! π
If it’s not high in protein it’s not Greek yogurt to me!
It’s funny, I read about the peanut flour and suddenly heard a huge HOORAY from everyone who misses the TJ’s Peanut Flour. Your post-run photo made me “laugh out loud” and I loved your top π
Ohh, I have never heard of peanut flour! i am very intrigued!!
I’m definitely more of a chocolate lover over a fruits girl π
I love peanut flour! I got PB2 in chocolate and regular and I love mixing it into oatmeal!
Hmmmmm… I haven’t been a big fan of the coconut yogurt and coconut ice creams in the past, but perhaps I’ll try the Greek style yogurt. Thanks for sharing!
I find they are best when mixed with other items. Like coconut “milk” – I couldn’t drink a glass of it, but it makes a fantastic chia pudding!
ahhhh love it! I got wrapped up in that spiral swirl of a galaxy you called PBJ yogurt for a minute there… but i found my way back to reality =)
Love the coconut yogurt-peanut flour combo. I’ve never tried either but I’m very curious!
I LOVE pinkberry. I’m actually the opposite of you, I don’t like the fruity flavors. I always get the caramel. Love it.
i am always on the lookout for dairy free ‘yogurt’ options. most dairy products don’t sit well with my stomach at all! Thanks for the reviews!
what brand of casein protein do you use?
So, I’m super jealous. We ain’t got no good Greek yoghurt, coconut milk yoghurt, or peanut flour here in Aus. BOO. π
wow. I’m trying that purple peanut combo pronto. Looks like the most delicious thing ever!! I’m in love with peanut flour I just need to remember that it’s in my fridge!! I’ve been at peanut free camp all summer so I want it back!!
I went to my favorite health food store for lunch today and tried a bit of everything- good homecoming and most def better than camp food!!
Watermelon frozen yogurt? This needs to be in my life RIGHT NOW!
this whole post made me so hungry! I’m ordering the peanut flour RIGHT NOW! Thanks for the link π
Awesome! I eat it nearly every day. I hope you enjoy it!