I’m on the wagon.
Seriously. 9 days sober.
It’s finally time to get back on the stage. Â I took a year off from competing to grow and it paid off well. Â I put on about 15 pounds (20 at my highest)… and a decent amount of that is muscle. Â Looking back at pictures from a couple of years ago, I can’t believe I was that tiny!
I was hoping to be able to do Physique, but I’m not big enough yet so I’m staying with Figure. Â Maybe next year…
My next show will be at the end of March, so I’m 10 weeks out. Â Playtime is over. Â Time to diet down and cut the fluff. Â Having “bulked” with reckless abandon over the holidays I’m actually looking forward to it. Â Please remind me I said this in a couple of weeks.
What I’m doing is a combo of macros and clean eating. Â I try to hit certain macros, but I’m not doing it with Pop-Tarts. Â Good, old fashioned lean proteins, veggies, sweet potatoes, and whole grains.
This WIAW is on the wagon, but I don’t think it’s boring.  Like I’ve said before, I can’t stick to the competition diet without a little spice.  I tried to list all the flavored I used below so you get a better idea of how I do it.
Read on for my eats, and then check out Jenn’s blog for everyone else’s delicious creations!
Meal 1:
The usual my morning cocktail, followed by my morning sludge.
Breakfast was simple – Mediterranean-spiced egg white scramble and Ezekial toast with coconut oil and cinnamon. The coconut oil and cinnamon was my attempt at revamping the buttery-sugary cinnamon toast my mom made when I was a kid.  It’s wasn’t too bad, actually!  Coconut oil makes everything taste like dessert.
Meal 2:
I added some Thai spice to my Sizzlefish cod and sautéed bell peppers, mushrooms, shallots, and garlic.  Side of sweet potato for “dessert.” Â
To cook the cod, I just place it on foil, season, and bake at 350 for 8-10 mins. Â The foil is necessary; it makes clean up extremely easy. Â I hate doing dishes.
Meal 3:
No-salt deli turkey with nutritional yeast, mustard, and Herbs de Provence.  Lots of hot sauce (real sriracha is better… I shouldn’t have strayed).  Tossed with sugar peas.  Side of kabocha squash.
Meal 4:
This is my favorite meal – peanut butter! Â Usually I do rice cakes, but today I had it on quinoa crisps. Â With kombucha green tea.

I loved my tea tag – it said “You are unlimited.”
Meal 5:
More Sizzlefish, but this one was salmon.  My freezer supply of fish has really saved the day this week since I didn’t get back from Vegas until really late Sunday night.  This fish was baked with lemon, pepper, and thyme.  Eaten with a sweet potato-carob mash .  The mash is just sweet potato, carob powder, cinnamon, and couple drops of vanilla liquid stevia.
I ate in my car. Â With my pinky out ’cause I’m a f@$&ing lady.Â
Meal 6:
It’s still far enough out to have a little red-velvety dessert.  I’ve also been under my macros all week since I’m still sick.
Greek yogurt mixed with chocolate rice protein powder, Cocoa Cardio* (chocolate-beet powder), cinnamon, and a little water. Topped homemade popcorn and some trashy sugar-free chocolate syrup.
*I order Cocoa Cardio from iHerb.  Use discount code USO924 for $5-10 off your order!
Re-reading this post, it seems like this would take a lot of time… I swear it doesn’t once you get the hang of it!
What are your favorite ways to season food?
Is anyone else a little relieved to start eating cleaner post-holiday?
I can’t believe it’s been a year since your last competition! Time flies! I think you look great. Good luck!
Thank you Debbie! Time does fly… a year ago I never thought this day would arrive.
you look great, but good luck cutting the fluff for competition day
Thanks Jennifer! 9 weeks… eek!
I’m with you about enjoying “clean” food after the December period- it feels good to be eating good ol’ home cooked food! Fresh herbs & spices are my go-tos for flavouring food. When paired right, they can really transform a dish!
Looks like an amazing day of ways girl! You will look amazing on stage. Your before and after is amazing go you for putting on quality muscle!! I’m going to try the cinnamon bread truck sounds yummy!!
You look fantastic. I LOVED cinnamon toast when I was younger. It was such a treat when my mom made it for me. Totally going to try your version!
See now I don’t understand when people say clean eating is dull – I’d be very happy with this day of eats! Yeah since the holidays I have been enjoying eating real food, lots of veggies and not waking up everyday with a hangover – alcohol or sugar based. We’ll see how long it lasts!
Isn’t it amazing what no waking up with a hangover will do for your productivity? Who knew… 😉
10 weeks out!!! Argh! I feel as though it was yesterday you announced you were entering it! You should open up a food prep business….just sayin
I agree with Arman. Open up a Meal Prep business, this might make me move to Atlanta. I hate mealprep meanwhile. I still do it 🙂
I SO need Nutritional Yeast. Want some post competition Swiss goodies? 🙂
I wish! If you moved here we would totally prep together. And taunt Arman with pic of us twerking at the gym between sets.
I’m game for an exchange!!! We’re overdue.
me here 🙂
I READ THIS AND THINK: Yay!!!! so glad you are competing again and how great to have a partner in all this!!
It’s SO much better with a partner! Even if she IS across the country most of the time.
hmmm this chocolate beet powder is intriguing – googling now 🙂
Check it out! It’s delish and beets are good for endurance. 🙂
Cheering you on! The countdown begins 🙂
i love making things spicy! i’ve had to tone down the spice due to breastfeeding, but i can still handle a little kick! 🙂
All the sriracha and cinnamon. That’s how I roll. Those pics are incredible. You have a lot to be proud of!
Thank you Megan! Patience is hard… as you well know. 🙂
I def need to try coconut oil and cinnamon on toast! I used to love toast with butter, cinnamon and sugar!
WOW that is a difference. Awesome job lady! I have never done true before pictures and sometimes wish I had ever thought to do so. I know I have lost a lot of muscle, happened after the blood clot ordeal. And with my running, it’s been really difficult to put it back on. Though, maybe that’s the one upside of suddenly being sidelined … And seriously, whole foods for the macros all the way.
Thanks! I wish I’d done better pics. These are all thanks to my over-sharing habit on Instagram. LOL!
I’m excited to watch your prep. Didn’t know you last year. I think you look fab already so really interested in seeing your final pic. Fun!
This year should be more fun to watch… it’ll be harder since I gained more. LOL! 😉
If I could eat like you eat, I’d be in better health and physique but sadly, I like fatty foods and butter dear jeez – esp Alfredo sauce mm it’s heaven! Good luck getting ready!! You made great progress from 2013 to now but you look like you were always fit, it’s not like you were out of shape! Can’t wait to see what happens in 10 weeks! Have a great one and happy hump day Laura! -Iva
Don’t talk about alfredo sauce right now… LOL!
It’s not necessarily “healthier.” It’s just getting the right look for the stage. But thank you!
Hot sauce for the win! (Not Sriracha! Hot Sauce!)
Sriracha is SO much better though!!! 😉
Woohoo! I always love watching your competition prep! You are so dedicated and I don’t think I could ever do it, but I cannot wait to see your progress!!
As creative as you are, you’d have no problem!
I’ve been on a huge dried rubbed sage kick for months, so that’s how I’m rolling these days. It works REALLY well on seafood.
Oh man, that sounds so good right now. I may need some steak for dinner!
can you eat yogurt? salmon with cilantro tzatziki is life-changing.
I can have the Greek yogurt at the end of the day like I did here for dessert. But yeah… tzatziki on salon is the jam.
meal 3 is the best! I simply love it! Can’t wait for your progress! Really excited!
You’re so disciplined! Good luck with your competition! I am totally obsessed with salish (smoked salt – which being the foodie you are I’m sure you know all about) it really makes food taste great! I have never tried Cocoa Cardio but have heard great things. I will totally take advantage of the discount! Thanks 🙂
Yes!!! Salish is amazing stuff! Have you put it on tofu? It makes it taste like eggs!
nothing like getting some nice BEEFINESS in your progress, you look great girl!
You look fantastic!! I’m excited for you to be back into competition mode.
growing naturals is awesome for prep! love their protein and now i’m intrigued by this cocoa cardio. I’ll look into it for healthy bites
I can’t believe you haven’t tried it yet! Red Velvet balls!!!
Umm none of this sounds like competition prep food to me! It just sounds delicious!
Thanks!!! That’s the goal. 🙂
Sweet potato carob mash!? YES PLEASE.
Right?! Anything goes with chocolate. 🙂
Woo bring on competition mode, I am rooting for you from down under!
Could you also bring this popcorn for me 😛
Choc Chip Uru
Thank you!!! You can totally do the popcorn. I just buy the kernels and pop it in a paper bag in the microwave!
Peanut butter being your favorite meal – 🙂
Duh. 😉
You will be amazing at your next show. No worries, you got this girl.
I gained a ton during the holidays and then just kept on gaining. Yesterday and today I finally started getting myself back on track and i feel way better.
I feel you there. I just didn’t care to stop for some reason. Digging out now… but it’s good to feel the energy coming back!
I don’t totally understand this entire Figure competition world, much less get the different between Physique and Figure. I think you look fantastic, mainly because the enormous smile stretched across your face lately. That being said, you’re my friend and I support you in whatever you do. I’ll even start eating loads of asparagus in your honor again. Plus, you get to wear the stripper heels again and that’s awesome.
I should do a post on that! Basically, Physique is bigger/more muscular than Figre and they do a routine. They also don’t have to wear the stripper heels (me real motivation).
I’m curious of what this would look like for a vegetarian. If you were to attempt it, would you eat beans instead of fish? Totally just curious. (I’m not planning on a competition anytime soon! haha)
I actually did do it veggie for a while! Here’s the first WIAW post I did: https://www.sprint2thetable.com/2012/06/a-protein-filled-wednesday/. I stuck to it for a while… but when it came down to it I realized my body just needed meat. A lot of people do it though! Heather (FitAspire) started out doing it vegan!
I love Coco Cardio which I also grabbed from iHerb (giveaway for $50 there on my blog today!). It totally satisfies my hot chocolate cravings. Also I LOVE cinnamon sugar toast. It’s good if you use ghee with cinnamon too!
Ohhhh… butter… I remember what that tasted like… 9 more weeks… LOL!
YUM! &WHERE are you finding kabocha squash??? I’m having a hell of a time trying to locate some:'(
I get mine at these massive international farmer’s markets we have here. Sometimes Publix has it though! Check Asian markets – they almost always have it.
Look at those gains! I’m dieting for the next 11 weeks too. I plan on losing 15lbs. I have a reason but I can’t say what it is! It gives me comfort that you’re dieting at the same time as me 🙂
This gaining thing is mentally hard for me – I am ready to be done already!! I hate watching the scale keep going up, but i know I’ll like the results. 🙂
I understand completely! It does pay off… and it’s a little fun. 🙂