Remember double features at the movie theater?
You could pay for one ticket and see 2 movies.  Some of you just snuck in, I know. 😉
I haven’t seen them do that in so long! Â We should start a petition to bring it back in time for Oscar season next year. Â This year I spent too much money going to see the nominees. Â And I did NOT like Shame.
While this post has nothing to do with movies, it does contain some features!
First up, I was THRILLED (and shocked) when Fitness Magazine reached out to me and asked if I’d be willing to do an interview and submit a recipe for a spot in their “Fit Blogger We Love” series.
Click here for the full interview and to find out what my fitness mantra is.
Feature #2 is a guest post.  I’m guesting Kimberly @ Badger Girl Learns to Cook (not to be confused with Honey Badger).
Click here to check out my reasons for seasonal eating, and for one of my favorite spring recipes: Meyer Lemon Ricotta Penne with Asparagus.
Note to my plant-based peeps: You can use the “cheese” from the recipe in the Fitness Mag feature to make the penne dish vegan.
Annnnd a Bonus Feature:
My Raspberry Baked Oatmeal To-Go made the Food Buzz Top 9 today!
Thank you SO MUCH for the Buzz, and welcome new readers!
My mantra right now is “one more day until Friday!”
What was your favorite Oscar-nominated move this year?
Do you have a fitness mantra? Â What is it?
You are all over the place today lady – in a good way! Congrats on all the great exposure, you deserve it!
As opposed to the crazy way that I’m usually scattered about. 🙂
Thank you for the 2 for 1 feature today!
Congrats on the magazine interview. Way to get your name out there and have more readers 🙂
I read Badger Girl regularly so I was pleasantly surprised this morning when I opened her post and there was your delicious recipe (probably another Top 9 coming your way).
I am WAY behind times and didn’t see any of the Oscar movies (I am pretty sure a silent movie is not for me) I have a hard time sitting still that long and just don’t have the attention span for most movies, OH WELL!
Have a great day!
Thank YOU!
I really wanted to see The Artist! Or course, it was one of the only ones I missed.
So awesome! CONGRATS on everything! 🙂
My fitness mantra is “sunday off day, sunday off day”…so i know im getting closer to the break, i power thruogh the workout.
Haha – I borrowed that one from you this morning. 🙂
I’ve gotta admit, I was a little worried when your post wasn’t up this morning. This was worth waiting for! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! Woooo!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
Awwww… thanks! No worries. 🙂
Congrats on the feature!
I like:
I run because I can &
You’re still lapping everyone on the couch.
LOVE the couch one – I have it “pinned.”
Yay! Glad you’re the fit blogger. You deserve it!
I hear ya, lady! You’ve had an “blawgsome” (<— so lame I know) day! We need to meet up soon.
Ok, that new work rocks. you’re pretty “blawgsome” too. And yes, let’s do meet up!!!
So awesome! That penne recipe sounds so refreshing in this hot weather too.
So much fun! Congrats on it all. And for featuring asparagus in a recipe. I looooove asparagus in spring.
Thank you! Asparagus is the best. 🙂
How amazing – congrats on being featured on Fitness!! And hitting the Top 9 again!! Great week girlie! =)
I knew I’d like the sound of those Raspberry Baked Oatmeal when you mentioned them on my blog! Can’t wait to try them! 🙂
Thnks! Let me know what you think if you do! 🙂
Congrats, congrats, congrats! Holy wow, that is awesome!
I smiled to miyself when I read your interview because just this morning as I was walking to the gym I said to myself, “Every damn day.” and then I thought of you and your shirt!
Thanks Candy!
Funny side note: there’s a homeless guys in Atlanta that has the men’s version of that shirt. It kind of make me want to give him money every damn day…
Very cool!
Congrats on the feature! That’s so exciting! I also just figured out that I have all the ingredients to make your vegan stuffed tomatoes – VERY exciting!! 🙂 Making them this weekend!
Woo hoo! Let me know how you like them!!!
you’re a rockstar!! xoxo
Congratulations on top 9! Truly deserving. 🙂
Hell yeah to your fitness mantra- totally agree! Congrats on all your features! My fitness mantra is definitely “You’re only one workout from a good mood”….low intensity or high, any kind of movement is a surefire way to get those endorphins going!
That is SO true. you never regret a workout. 🙂
Yay- congrats on all that good stuff!! So glad that more people will find out about your fabulous blog!
Once again, I haven’t seen a single movie that was nominated. I never, ever go to the movies. Okay, that’s not true, I go like 3-4 times a year, but it’s usually just whenever Paul Rudd is in a new movie. 🙂
I would like to see the Descendants though!
My mantra: One more week til spring break!!
Thanks Lauren! I don’t know what got into me this year. I’m not a movie person but I suddenly wanted to see like 3 or 4 of the nominated movies. I was, of course, disappointed.
Congrats on the interview Laura…that is awesome!
My fitness mantra? Lift as many bottles/glasses of wines as humanly possible in one day. 🙂
Oops…that was me.
Thanks! I’m digging your mantra. 🙂
Sheez! Why didn’t I get your autograph last weekend?!!? Great job, Laura!!
LOL! Thanks Lindsay. 🙂
Amazing!!!! Congratulations, that feature is amazing 🙂 I have to try your recipe too
Thanks so much! Please let me know if you try it!
oh crap! Congrats on the Fitness feature! You rock! That’s friggen awesome!
the oatmeal is really a great idea! I can see myself making them for school