Park City, Utah’s elevation is at aboutย 6,900 ft.
What did you think I meant?!
I can’t speak for everyone, but after this past weekend’sย Blend Retreat, I was high on life. ย Since so many of you couldn’t make it, I’m going to say something nice about everyone in this post so that you can a) get to know them better too and b) better understand how special this weekend and this group is.
Heather and I left Atlantaย bright and early Friday morning, arriving in Salt Lake City where we saw Sarah and Brittany almost immediately. ย Then our ride,ย Michelle, picked up us up in a bad ass brand-new Jeep rental and we headed to our host hotel, Hyatt, in Park City.
- Heather is from Atlanta, but I felt like I got to know her 100x better. ย She is one of the most genuine people around, and would probably give you the shirt right off her back if you needed it
- Sarah is just as quirky and hilarious as she seems on her blog. ย It is impossible not to smile in her presence, and to be inspired by her enthusiasm for life!
- Brittanyย is like a warm bite of home. ย Her sweet Southern charm immediately puts you at ease, and a minute into a conversation with her you feel like family
- Michelleย is someone I felt instantly would be my friend. ย She is a smart and a great conversationalist – never running out of interesting things to talk about. ย Everything your high school math teacher wasn’t (but she actually teaches math!), and I am 100% sure I’ll be stalking her hometown before the next Blend
I won’t bore you with a recap of my food recap, but let’s just say the first evening there was over the top! ย There was food out the you-know-what, starting with the Justinโs Nut Butterย andย Attune Foods‘ย nut butter and graham cracker snacks. ย Next year I vote they combine forces with Green Mountain and Silk for a happy hour that involved peanut butter-rimmed mocha martinis.
See that fine-looking butt below? ย That’s Sarah again. ย This picture perfectly illustrates how cool it is to be around tons of kindred spirits who are unable to eat or drink anything without first taking a pic.
After an amazing dinner, I crashed HARD. ย Good thing because the next morning’s boot camp with GPP Fitnessย kicked me in the rear. ย Have you ever done a deck of cards workout? ย I had not… and wow. ย It wasn’t for the faint of heart!
You start with a deck of card, and each card represents a move. ย Our 4 exercises were burpees, lunges, sit-ups, and push-ups. The number on each represent the number of reps you should do. ย Jokers are a 2 minute run, face cards count a 10, Aces = 15, number cards = displayed number (ex: Jack of hearts = 10 sit ups). ย By the end you have done 200 of each exercise and run for 4 minutes.

GPP workout
The pic at the end is of Lindsay, Heather, Lindsay, and me:
- Lindsay is one of the organizers. ย She lives near me and I am so glad to get to see her more often. ย You always leave a conversation with her feeling more positive and motivated – like the world is no object for your strength and energy!
- Heather is one of my best Blends. ย I was sad when she and her hubby left Atlanta last year, but we have stayed close. ย She’s been a big inspiration both in terms of recipe creativity and fitness discipline. ย She sets a good example for of balance and healthy outlook on life. ย And she had great taste in beer. ๐
- Lindsay is my brother from another mother. ย I told a group in my room that I have the biggest blogger crush on her (LC – I swear I’m not a creepy stalker). From Healthy Bite brilliance to her boundless energy to her constant sherpa-esqe encouragement… I basically want to be her when I grow up (despite the fact that I think I’m older…).
You can also see from the pic above that Park CIty appears cold and rainy. ย It was. ย I am not ashamed to say that I wussed out on the hike. ย Total fair-weather exerciser. ย Instead, I opted in to Zoomba.
The gorgeousย Annetteย bravely led the class… and – evenย pregnant – showed us up BIG time. ย You may have seen this jewel onย Instagramย (credits to Heather):
Thankfully most ladies were more skilled… but you can be the judge:

Middle photo credit to Heather again
- Heather (on the left) has fast become one of the most special Blend in my life. ย She is thoughtful, SO creative (#strangebutgood-style), and an absolute riot to be around. ย Did I mention she’s gorgeous?!
- Lindsayย (middle, top) is on my #whatsbeautiful Fabulously Fit team, but I hadn’t never met her in person before. ย She is just as spunky and passionate about the fit life as I’d imagined! ย She always looks adorable too – this blows me away as I always look like I had no idea what to wear (and I don’t)
- Megย (middle, bottom) is a doll. ย Really. ย As sweet as she is on her blog, she is even MORE so in real life. ย I wanted to put her in my pocket and take her home with me… but I am scared she’d kick my butt because the is a ball of muscle
- Annetteย (far right) I cannot say enough about. ย Even with chile she can run circles around me. ย I never saw this gorgeous lady without a smile on her face and a kind word to say. ย I wish we’d had more time to talk 1:1, but I’ll be stalking her on the regular from now on.
There is SO much more to say and many, many more pics to share… but for now I must stop the love-fest. ย Perhaps a part 2 on Marvelous Monday??? ๐
I left for the airport ad 6am and didn’t get home until 11pm thanks toย rain delays. ย I love my job… but whoa. ย Someone is working from home today…
Burpees. ย Love ’em or hate ’em?
Say something nice about a blogger you love!
Oh man, jars of Justins? I’d be the girl just taking spoonfuls of that lovely treat.
Everyone’s photos from this retreat looks so fun!
Burpees? Eeeeh, I need to learn to love them. I’m hoping to improve my relationship with them.
I love so many blogs! So many inspiring friends out there!
It was all I could do not to steal the jars right off the table. ๐
I love this blogger love!!! So sweet and so great you make us get to know these ladies better! I am totally in love with Heather (kissmybroccoli) too, not one post without me sitting there with laughter and a smile on my face. And the recipes……oh my.
I hate burpees. I NEVER do them on my own, but if I have to do them in a class, I fake them and skip the jumps. I tried hard, really, but there will never be a good relationship between me and burpees…..
Awwww! You just totally made my day Lucy!! Love you soooooooo much!!! xoxo
I love Heather too!!
Awww, Lauraaaaaaa! You are the absolute SWEETEST! But omg, that pose…what AM I doing?! Haha! You’re lucky I love you (and you built up my ego a bit) or I’d have words with you for posting that! Lol I love what you did with this post! I keep reading through everyone’s recaps and only wishing I had had more time with all the girls there…there are a few I swear I never even saw! Quick, let’s go back and do it all over again!!
Burpees: HATE them…and thanks (?) to the knee I didn’t have to do a single one! ๐
I am SO glad to have finally met Tess (Cross Country Cajun)! Just like it’s been with many bloggers I’ve met for the first time, we hit it off great and within only a few minutes of chatting on the plane, I already felt like I’d known her for years…and the trip back was even better! I swear we didn’t stop talking for one minute! She is so sweet, so genuine, and SO leaving me to move to Texas in 4 days!! Gahhhhh!
As I’ve said… I think you sufficiently got back at me with YOUR post. ๐
I said even during the weekend that I wish I’d spent more time with Tess! She is so cool.
Burpees…I didn’t really like them during my Spartan race lol
I luuuhhhhhhhhh you darling. You humour, your style, your everything ๐
I think you are fahbulous!!! 7 more sleeps?! ๐
i love how you said something nice about everyone. But you know what? It’s all so TRUE! Everyone is real and wonderful and I love that!
I totally have a crush on you. tee hee. And i’m still in withdrawal from not huggin you goodbye!
Awwww! We will have to NOT wait a year to hang out again and hug it out.
What a great time you all had! Never would have made it through the deck of cards…maybe there’s a bingo version of it! ๐ Not that I wouldn’t give it a try…I’d just have to hope that you all wouldn’t laugh at me and would pick me up when I eventually fell over! Gotta get there one of these days!
Aww this is so sweet! It shows how nice you are as a person ๐ I would not want to be in a flexdown with you, haha!
This sounds like an awesome healthy foodie retreat!
Next year you better come!!
What a sweet post of your fellow bloggers! Looks like a blast!
hate burpees! and you’re ridiculous – you look so dang cute in EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love you ๐ ๐
Yay burpees!!! ๐
I’m enjoying reading your recaps! I actually do like burpees. It’s mountain climbers I hate. I want to meet Sarena from The Non-Dairy Queen one of these days. I swear we are sisters!
Oh, that is so gonna happen one day soon! I’m seriously trying to figure that out! The burpees were killer in this workout since we were doing push ups as well! That meant we did 200 push ups all together. Chest to deck style! OUCH!
I want to get in on this meet up!!! ๐
Does anyone love burpees?!
Glad you are having fun!! This looks like a great time!
This is so sweet Laura! Clearly, HLB’s include some pretty fabulous people.
And absolutely not on the burpees…I refuse to belief that anyone likes them!
HATE burpees! i’m so jealous you got to spend time with all these awesome ladies in a fantastic setting. Anyhow–I am a big fan of several who were there–Lindsay C, Christine, Laura (mommy run fast), Lisa W–all are inspiring bloggers that I follow religiously.
AND they were ALL so awesome in person!!! I hope you come next year! ๐
Major brownie points for the title! I can’t dance either, but I always have a blast doing Zumba. ๐
Hee hee. Magic brownie points?
You are too sweet, Laura! *blush* Loved the descriptions of everyone–you hit the nail on the head with so many of the awesome girls we met over the weekend. And the picture of you during Zumba still cracks me up!
I want to add something nice to say about YOU!
Laura is spunky, beautiful and intelligent. She has the best sense of humor, knows how to have a good time, and you can tell she is a TRUE friend/blend. ๐
Michelle, you are TOO kind!!! I am really looking forward to getting to know you better. ๐
yeahhhh I swear I do feel like a big mush bucket with everyone I keep saying OH I LOVED her about, but hey it’s true. I really just wish I had been able to get to know even more people I feel like there are so many I barely got to say more than hello to.
Burpees – I am growing to love them….but only because of how much I hate them.
Blogger I love at the moment I’m going with Laura of because she may have one of the kindest hearts ever
It IS true! We need to have Blend every quarter to have time to talk to everyone.
Laura is the jam. I wanted to spend more time with you both!
LOVE all the descriptions of everybody! And I think Michelle was definitely who I was most excited to meet especially when I found out that she’s totally not your typical math teacher.
PS You probably should do another one because I think you forgot somebody … ๐
LOL! Calee, you had a whole DAY Tuesday. You know I love you, right???
Heather from Where’s The Beach is definitely on my list of bloggers to meet up with next!
Um, I used to love burpees…
Awwww you’re too kind!! Zumba is fun, ehh???! ๐ Next thing you know you’ll be signing up to do the cert….. ๐
It was super fun to get to know you better–you are HILARIOUS. And kept me laughing the little time we had together. Keep being awesome, b/c you rock!! <3
I was telling my co-workers about it and found out the 60-ish year old grandmother on my team does it!!! Totally impressed.
Thank you again for being such a great leader. I loved getting to know you!!
Thanks for posting the picture of my butt not only on IG, but now on your blog.
It’s a good thing you said such nice things about me, or else….well, I don’t know what. Because you would totally win in any fight we had. ๐
Hee hee. It’s such a cute butt!
It was such a great weekend! So fun reading everyone recaps. It was such a pleasure to meet you!
It was so nice to meet you too! I wish we’d had more time!
I totally know what you mean about feeling like you know the bloggers that you read/stalk ๐ You are one of my favorites- as are Oh She Glows, Paleomg, and countless others. It’s people like y’all (yes, I’m originally from Ga too!) that inspired me to start blogging- I’m still a baby blogger but one day I hope to be on the same level! Thanks for all of the great recipes and work-out inspirations!
That’s some amazing company to be included with – thank you!!!
You should come back to ATL. ๐
I LOVE all the blogger love! I really hope to be able to go next year!
You should!!! Best event of the year. No kidding.
Every one of the Blend posts I’ve read this week makes it sound awesome and like something that I should leave my comfort zone and try sometime!!!
For sure! You’d be amazed at how comfortable you immediately feel.
Aw, so much joy and kindness! This is making me so excited for VVC tonight/this weekend, because I can’t wait to see so many of my own best friends, made through blogging, again. ๐
I’m mad at you… you didn’t tell you you are coming to ATL!!!!!
What a great recap. I met Meg and Linz at HLS last year, LOVE them. I want to make it to Blend next year, it is everything I am looking for in a conference. Laid back and easy going! ps you look awesome in that Zumba picture.
I should kill Heather for taking that pic. LOL!
I’ve been seeing that white girl dancing photo of you EVERYWHERE! It’s by far my favorite pic from the weekend. ๐
LOL! Good thing I’m used to looking like a moron. ๐
AWWW you are too sweet! Thank you so much! I’m so glad we got to hang out this week it was so fun. Definitely doing it again soon!
Also, I don’t like burpees, but don’t feel a hate for them either. I’ve had to do so many over the past few days that I think each time I say something bad I have to do them in Crossfit so I’m keeping my mouth shut!
We had to do 15 at kickboxing this week and I whimpered. Total wuss. ๐
That dancing skill ๐
What a fabulous weekend!
oh those burpees!!! haha
you are such an inspiring and beautiful person and we are sooooo honored to have meet you at Blend! we can’t wait until we can hang out again!!
Same here!!! You guys should really come to ATL for a race – there’s an amazing running community here!
What?! I love burpees. They get your heart racing, in a non scary way, and what’s not to like about that. I’m glad you had such a great time and met so many bloggers. I think it would be amazing to meet everyone in real life.
But 200?! I used to say I didn’t mind them… I was skooled. ๐
We had one bootcamp class where we did burpees in between every other exercise. It was ridiculous and I loved and hated it all at the same time.
Before you get your panties in a twist, I didn’t know I was myself until a few days ago! ๐ Was planning to email you when had a moment in computer at VVC, but that ain’t happening! Can I make it up to you with a REAL HUG soon?
LOL! You better. ๐
I’m going through some serious withdrawals! You just made me tear up with this!! Can we plan our meetup already??
Awwww! YES, we should sooth our withdrawals with a meetup plan. ๐