I’ll never tire of surveys.
How do these things take me longer than “regular” posts?
Megan nominated me for one of those Liebster award quizzes a couple of weeks ago andI’m finally getting around to it.  It’s fun airplane project as I fly back to Atlanta from San Diego.  The random pics throughout are from Vegas’ and my long weekend on the coast.
1. What is your current health related goal?
To cut for my 5th figure show on March 21st. Â I think… I’m struggling with motivation right now.
2. What is your biggest irrational fear?
Throwing up. Â It makes me panicky to think about it.
3. Do you enjoy wrapping presents?
It’s okay.  I love watching people unwrap gifts though!  And unwrapping them myself. 😉
4. What’s your favorite cross training activity?
I love lifting.  A lot.  For cardio… I most often run because it’s easy to go do, but I really like any kind of team sport or boxing.
5. If I came to visit you, what would we do?
We would go to my gym for  a killer leg day with my trainer, refuel with my favorite super-thick chocolate beet Red Velvet Protein Shake, walk through the park across from my house, and enjoy the best Atlanta has to offer food-wise.  Think craft cocktails and dinner sourced from farms just outside of town.
6. You have 2 weeks off of work and 2 round trip plane tickets to ANYWHERE. Where would you go and who would you take?
I always want to say Italy; it’s my favorite place in the world! Â But… 2 weeks off for free… I’d have to go further. Â Australia and New Zealand (with Vegas, of course). Â I’d hike everywhere, eat myself silly, tour wineries, and harass this kid.

If I lived in San Diego people would think I was homeless because I’d practically live in Balboa Park.
7. What’s the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you during a run or race?
I don’t know if anything terrible has happened during a race. Â I’m sure I’ve tripped. Â I know I’ve farted passed gas and likely stunk out the person behind me. Â But nothing I couldn’t recover from (or blame on roadkill). Â Knock on wood.
8. Tell me the 3 best days of your life. Or at least the first 3 that pop into your mind.
- The moment I saw Vegas again after 4 (?!) years.  And the day we got married.  Both amazing.
- That time we hijacked a wine tour in Italy and watch the sunset over a vineyard with a magnum bottle of Brunello di Montalcino.
- The day I took the GMAT (the test to get into MBA school).  I did really well, but what made it the best was making my dad proud.
9. Okay, you HAVE to eat a fast food meal. What restaurant would you choose and what would you order?
Does the Whole Foods hot bar count?
10. Have you ever met a celebrity?
I ate a steak dinner with baseball great Ozzie Smith.
11. Share a picture of yourself in non-workout clothes!
I just realized there aren’t pics of me from this week… just food. Â Typical. Â Here’s a shot from the Debutante Brawl, which was 5 years ago from yesterday (thank you, Timehop). Â This is a party where you’re “announced” on a Atlanta roller derby team.
12. If you could choose to have a ‘do-over’ and switch careers, what would you choose and why?
I don’t know if I’d change anything. Â It sounds cheesy and cliche, but every move I’ve made got me to where I am… and I love the shit out of this place. Â That said, if I could do anything I’d be a restaurant consultant.
13. If you won the Olympic Gold Medal – how do you think you would react?
I would be elated… until I woke up from the dream.  HA!
14. What do you want for Christmas?
It’s over, but I got exactly what I wanted.  I really just wanted to hang out with crazy my family, laugh a lot, cook big meals, and share delicious wine.  Again with the cheese…Â
15. What skill do you lack?
I’m not very patient. Â I get frustrated when things don’t move at my pace, or when I can’t accomplish something as quickly as I want. Â And I’m all over the instant gratification… which makes competition diet time HARD. Â I wish I had more discipline. Â But I love food.
Don’t you all want to play? Â I’m nominating a few new(ish)-to-me bloggers I love:
- Kay @ Pure & Complex
- Allie @ VitaTrain4Life
- Emily @ Sweet and Beets
And… anyone else who wants to do it!
I feel bad for you guys getting hit by the snow… it’s a marvelous 70-something in San Diego. Â I wish I was still there!
Pick one and give me your answer!
If you would move anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I used to think I’d love to move to Hawaii. Kauai specifically, North Shore. But then I realized if I live there it would be as special as it is when I visit every few years so, I guess I’ll stay where I am, in beautiful southern California :-).
My husband and I once met Stephen Tyler of Aerosmith at a vegan restaurant in Palm Desert. He actually sat down and chatted with us for about 10 minutes. Pretty cool.
well, i’ve lived there. Actually kona. And i got island fever big time and it cost a ton of money to get by! haha. But i think i could go for San Diego. Yes, let’s go! BEACHES and SUNSHINE!
p.s. Laura.. um hijacked a wine tour? oh i love it!
OMG – I’m jealous of you both! I’m excited to be closer to Hawaii though. Much cheaper to fly from CA than GA!
I’m with you about Australia- it’s on the top of my list…right next to Maldives, Africa & Japan :)!
Ummmm… yes to all of them. We need a sponsor.
…Dude, our three way relationship (you, me and Vegas) was a secret. How could you let it out of the bag?
I would personally create a Whole Foods hot bar for you WHEN you guys come. I’ll even give you snarky looks when you pick at it before paying.
Sorry. I have a big mouth…
But how did you know I pick at it while I load up my hot bar box?!
How cool is this?…and then to see you nominated me? I’m blushing. I love these things too so I will definitely play along! Thank you and I love how much you love food. Is there anything better? Ok, wine but that goes without saying.
Of course! I’m so excited to have gotten to know you! And YES on the wine. 🙂
I cannot handle nausea and vomiting. Ask Alex–I have to go into Savasana and I will essentially not move and try not to freak the freak out. Wanting your Mommy as an adult is a very, very very real thing.
Totally. The last time I threw up I called my mommy at 2am. It was last year. I was 30.
Thanks for doing the survey! It’s always fun to hear more about people. And it’s 65 here today and raining. I’m putting on my “winter” clothes haha!
Thanks for asking me! It funny – it was 65 in San Diego and people were wearing jackets…. I was in a tank top!
I used to always say that I’d move to London, but I don’t know if I’d really want to be that far away from my family. Maybe Boulder?
Boulder is in my US top 5!
Same fear! Omg no! I can’t even say the word!
I share your irrational fear- it gives me serious anxiety!!! Jealous of your weather and fun times in San Diego- I’m about to get killed by this blizzard :/
Oh my gosh you two should come to Australia! 🙂
One day we will! Vegas has been before and loved it!
Another impatient person right here! Also, I think it’s a right of passage to fart on a run. HA!
Haha! just as long as you don’t get more than you bargained for…
I am going to live vicariously through you as you train for your figure show. So excited for you!
Thank you Deborah!
Another impatient person right here! And I also have the same fear of puking. It makes no sense but it makes me so nervous! Enjoy your week!!
I struggle with patience too. I think I’m more patient now but I’m totally an instant gratification type of gal.
As for dream destinations the first thing that came to mind was Italy BUT I’m sure I’ll get there one day. Sweden is so expensive if someone could pay for that trip I’d love to return, it was awesome.
I love both countries! But Italy is by far my favorite… you MUST go!
What a fun post to read!!! I always pick Hawaii as my top place to travel!! And, I would move there in a heartbeat!!!
I can’t wait to go there one day!
I would move to San Diego! I can NOT believe you chose this place – when I spent my 3 months there in 1998, I knew this would be the place I would live in case I would leave Switzerland. Who knows if I go back in May. I mean, I don’t have a job anyway anymore…..
Ummm… YES! I’d die of happiness if you’d move there too!
OH GEEZ I have the very same irrational fear. I have climbed over airplane seats to get away from it…
2 weeks and tickets – I would go back to the same areas we visited while hiking through Mexico for a month in 2010 – Sayulita, San Pancho… so beautiful and I am wanting to go back!
THAT is a story I want to hear.
Ohhh… I just realized how close to Mexico we’ll be! Group trip?
yes yes YES!! when we go to Mexico we fly into – out of San Diego to get there! 🙂
guh – we were standing up, waiting to deplane… a kid being held in the aisle started PROJECTILE vomiting – I already had my bag, and the seats were half empty in front of me… I climbed over to get away!! 🙂
Ok. I’m not kidding. We have to do this!
And that story just made me gag.
OMG, I panic when thinking about throwing up too! I cannot remember the last time!
I would also go to Australia, but if I could go anywhere in the world right now it would be Scotland to be with my husband, but I’m going in 6 weeks so it’s sort of a dream come true! Surveys are fun, I haven’t done one since my Myspace days. #Old. San Diego is amazing – sitting in NH today waiting to be snowed into the house definitely makes an escape seem amazing!
I’m also VERY impatient and I really dislike it, but I don’t have the patience to change…
Haha – I used to love MySpace. So much that I thought Facebook was just a fad. #dumbass
Two weeks, free…I would do the South of France, again. I went on my honeymoon and we road tripped up and down the coast and ate lots of baked goods.
Oh man… that one is on my bucket list!
If I could choose a do over I think I would be a makeup artist or something of the sort I love beauty, glam and all of that so I think it would be a good fit for me! love interviews like these so fun! Good luck with your competition xo C
I could so see you doing something like that – I’d beg you to do my make-up!
Haha I spend way too much time doing random little surveys and all, it is so enjoyable 😛
I agree with you, throwing up is the scariest thing!
Choc Chip Uru
I want to know how you and Vegas met! Four years in between? This sounds like a good story!
And I also have a big fear of throwing up. Ugh.
We played softball together 6 years ago (how’s that for a stereotype?). I tried to get her to go out with me and she said I was too young. Glad she changed her mind! LOL!
So cute! I’ve heard that line before haha! Lucky she eventually changed her mind 😉
Huh, I have been on a ton of planes and I have never seen that. Interesting. Also, I love the pic of you and your sweetie on the treadmills <3
I stopped by your blog, as I always do on my downtime and And I’m reading and then I see my name. I was in shock lol. Congrats on winning this girl. I adore this blog and you truly deserve this award and more. And thank you so much for the award :). I feel bad I won’t be able to complete the questions, but I will definitely mention you on my blog tomorrow 🙂
what a gorgeous picture!