You guys. Hell froze over.
I convinced Vegas to move back to ATL.
I’m kidding…it was a joint decision. I’ve just been wanting it for longer. 😉
We’re a bit stressed, but we have our good friend red wine to help. Why is packing SO much easier when you’re a little tipsy? I’m even more stressed because I have to go before Vegas. I need to start my new job sooner, so I’ll be there to receive the moving pod and get everything moved in. How’s that for some hardcore adulting?
I did shirk responsibility yesterday to take one last Torry Pines hike with my friend Nicole.  I will miss hanging out with her! Here are some shots from the day, borrowed from her IG:
Sooooo…. this is my cheater WIAW. I’m really only posting so I don’t slack on the link up. This is NOT how you should do WIAW. Do as I say… 😉Be sure to link up to Jenn’s WIAW baby at the bottom!
Vegas brought me my coffee to bed, of which I drank half. Then I got up and made our morning cocktails.
That was followed by an egg white scramble. This is past pic of a previous (much prettier) scramble. I was too busy on a conference call and packing the kitchen.
Also not pictured, but it was leftovers of yesterday’s Honey-Orange Soy Glazed Salmon. This time over spinach because Vegas I am devoured the bok choy and mushrooms.
I also stopped by the brewery that inspired the recipe to return their growler. And to have a beer.
I was going to have a salad. Vegas decided that she wanted to celebrate National Italian Day. And so we did.
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I’m so excited to be home!!!
Have you ever moved across the country? I’m on round 2.
Any packing tips? I learned a few the first time across.
Congrats on the move! I just moved back to Boston this week. Packing sucks and sure makes you realize how much stuff you have that you haven’t used since the last time you moved! Safe travels and enjoy your last days in SD 🙂
Good luck getting settled in!
Yay!! You are coming back home to us in the south!!! We have to arrange a meet-up this year. So great! Congrats and love the honey orange glaze… my brother would love it!
Yasssss! I just got your email. Will reply soon!
Good luck on the move! I have lived on the same road my entire life. I have only had to move my stuff one house over so I can’t even imagine what its like to pack up and move further.
I don’t recommend it at all!
OMG NOOOOOO!!! I have yet to come to San Diego to visit! How dare you move back to Atlanta without consulting me first 🙂 Seriously, this is awesome and I know you’re super stoked about your job so you GO!!! Congrats!!
Atlanta is cool too though! I still think we should meet up in Vegas though.
Yay!! When’s the moving date? And what part of town are you moving to?
Midtown… I’m here!!!
Aw so exciting to start new adventures in Atlanta and with a new job! Congrats!
Thanks so much!
Congrats on the new job and welcome back to the east coast!
Well congrats on the new job!!! This is exciting!! At least on the nights you’v had enough wine it is…
Vegan is a smart woman. As are Italians. That italian feast looks #epicccccc.
Vegas is FULL of good ideas… LOL!
You do realize, if you moved to LA – you wouldn’t be moving because you wouldn’t want to leave me. Sadly SOCAL blows so driving down to SD or you up to LA is a total nightmare. If we were in any other state, driving the mileage would be a friggin’ breeze… But here, NOPE – and I don’t hold that against either of us. How funny would it be if… If we actually wound up seeing MORE OF EACH OTHER once you move back to ATL?! 😉
PS: WHAT THAT (and hopefully you know what I am talking about here) TIME COMES FOR THE BOTH OF US AT THE SAME TIME – WE WILL DOCUMENT ALL OF IT TOGETHER !!
I think you’d love ATL with meeeee! The food is tasty. Lots of fresh fishes. Seriously. And tequila.
Congrats on the move back!! Being closer to family is always a plus! (and now I want that salad in the last pic with all the italian goodies!)
Thank you! The Italians just do everything better – wine, pasta, salad… doesn’t matter.
meet up with you and Vegas… in Vegas?
safe travels and happy moving!
This HAS to happen one day.
Congrats on the move and new job! I recently just moved back to my hometown to be closer to my fam and it too my significant other a little longer to get out here (but ended up getting a job with Sweetwater Brewing Co- so it was worth it) but I feel like now all is right with the world. Hope Vegas enjoys ATL!
He works for Sweetwater??? I’m green with beer envy right now.
happy moving and i hope there is more wine waiting for you in ATL.
Mom has made sure of that! LOL!
But….Atlanta gets so hot in the summer!!!
Well at least now you have goals – get that knee in peak condition for Peachtree!
LOL! Just like SD in the fall. 😉
that’s really exciting about the move! Good luck to you both can’t wait to hear all about Atlanta
Packing is hellish! But I wish you the best with it, and I hope the move goes well!
Thanks! We finally are getting good at it… though I’m not sure it’s a skill I want. HAHA!
Is everyone moving? LOL I loved the idea of a moving pod but it just doesn’t work in Manhattan…
Good luck with it!
And I thought we had a tough time with the pod… Manhattan would definitely be impossible!
OMG OMG OMG How did you convince Vegas to Move??? You must be a magician, I love Atlanta, I want to do a few art shows there later this year or next year. I think backing while tipsy sounds like a great way to pack. Breakfast looks delicious! I would devour lunch in one sitting.
LOL! You aren’t kidding about the magician!!! Seriously though, we both wanted to be closer to family.
You have to let me know if you’re ever in ATL! There are so many festivals in the spring that would be perfect for your work!
I am so excited for you! I know how crazy and stressful moving can be but it so worth it when you know you are moving back HOME!!!!
I know you get it! Thanks, friend!
I am so excited for you lovely ladies.
Me. Too. I’m also excited I get to see you soon-ish!
Moving is so exciting (except for that whole boxing and packing and unloading part). Good luck!
Oh yeah… I’m unloading in the rain tomorrow. Good times.
I’m so glad that I got to see you one more time before you leave!! I’ll miss you lady, but I’m excited to see what you’ll be up to back in ATL. Like I said, I haven’t spent much time there… so if I wind up back on the east coast, I’ll definitely be taking a trip there to explore. And I will fully expect you to take me on a foodie adventure there, obviously! 🙂
Me too! That was the perfect last hike. I can’t wait to meet up on the east coast!
I think we may be moving back to Austin in Fall! Wanna wait and we can do a move party? YAY!
Yassssss! I’d miss all that snow though. For real. 😉
But YES to a party!