I love Vegas in sickness and in health.
Just didn’t think we’d have to prove it so soon.
Today’s strange but good is a quickie because we’ve both been hit by the plague. ย I don’t know if it’s the flu or the worst cold ever, but we are miserable.
Yesterday my eye swelled up and started oozing a lovely substance. ย I’ll spare you that picture and instead share the scene on the nightstand:

In sickness and in health…
As you might imagine, I’m craving comfort food. ย My go-to are usuallyย breakfast meals. ย Like French Toast. ย On a competition diet we definitely couldn’t have last week’sย eggnog version, but we worked it out.
French Toast is really all about the cinnamon-y battered bread for me. ย To healthify the old standard, I used Ezekial bread, egg whites, and stevia. ย No syrup, but a protein powder sauce worked just fine. ย It sound strange, but it’s good! ย Vegas cleaned her plate, so it must not have been too bad.
It may be my highly adapted taste buds, but I actually prefer protein sauce to syrup these days. ย Go ahead, tell me I’ve lost it.
Healthy French Toast
- 1 slice Ezekial bread
- 1/4 C egg whites
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp vanilla
- 5-6 drops liquid stevia (or other sweetener)
- Coconut oil spray (or PAM) to grease pan
- 1/3 scoop vanilla protein powder
In a medium bowl, whisk together egg whites, cinnamon, vanilla, and stevia.
Soak bread in egg mixture, flipping to fully coat.
Place on a hot, greased pan to cook (~4 mis each side). ย It will poof up and be golden in color when done.
Meanwhile, mix together protein powder with just enough liquid to make a sauce.
Plate toast and top with sauce. ย Eat.
Note: This is a small meal – if you’re not eating 8 times a day (or suffering from the plague), you may want to double it.
How have you enjoyed making co-workers, friends, or family stare with strange but good creations this week? The link up rules can be found here or by clicking on “Strange But Good” in the menu bar above. In short, I want to see what concoctions have earned you weird looks from co-workers, family and friends! Post your Strange But Good creations, grab the logo below for your blog, and link up here.

Remember to use #strangebutgood in any Tweets and Instagrams of your creations. ๐
Thank you so much for all the comments and well-wishes on Wednesday’s post. ย I was blow away… you guys rock!
What’s your favorite healthified breakfast?
Have you had the plague yet this winter?
this sounds yummy!!! i love breakfast food.. my favorite! ๐ i was sick the day after xmas with the flu….. fevers are AWFUL. lots of rest and liquids! ๐
Aw man hope you guys feel better soon! I’ve been making savoury French toast for lunch loads lately. As for my favourite healthified breakfast? That would be waffles without a doubt!
Well this is actually a good thing…you’ve now seen each other at the absolute worst- Now even the worst of things won’t compare. Hope you’re on the up buddy- This should give you a boost.
That’s what I told her! If you can love me with pink eye, you can love me through anything. That was nasty!
Aaaah I feel with you. Totally hit by this nasty cold/ flu thing, too. I hope you two are better soon.
I love French Toast and I love how you make a supposed cheat food prep-friendly. Thumbs up!
Oy. I hope you’re feeling better!
If it is healthy, surely that means I can eat it all the time right? ๐
Delicious job!
Choc Chip Uru
no plague here BUT BUT BUT no LUUUUUUVE like yours either ๐
Hope you feel better soon!
I couldn’t imagine anything worse than being sick and have to follow a contest prep diet. Serious props to you! Hope you guys feel better soon ๐
I’m convincing myself all of the super-clean food helps speed recovery.
Hope you both feel better soon!
I’ve never had legit french toast but this sounds yummy! And I have all the ingredients so that’s a win right there. ๐
Never?! You owe it to yourself to have the real deal. When done right, it’s better than pancakes.
Hope you guys feel better!! Ezekiel toast is the one thing I miss the most living abroad, you have me so jealous right now! Thanks for sharing I cannot wait to get my hands on some toast and make this delicious french toast!
I can’t believe you can get it there! Someone needs to do a recipe hack on that. They probably already have, actually.
Have you ever tried savory french toast?
Mind Blowing.
Totally! Check this out: https://www.sprint2thetable.com/2013/04/hummus-french-toast/
There is coconut PAM! I know! I can’t even.
is it weird that I couldn’t stop thinking “I need to buy tissues and ezekiel bread” while reading this?
Seriously, though. Feel better.
I know!!! I love all the different oils you can get as sprays. I like using the grape oil too!
Did you get the tissues and bread?
Sickness that soon after your wedding? That has to be a sign the universe defintely trusts you to pass any test it throws your way. After that you can proudly check the love-despite-snotty face test off your list so that’s at least something!? Honestly, though, fingers crossed you’ll both feel better soon!
This is the best comment. I think it is a sign. Thank you! ๐
I make a very similar one but haven’t added stevia. Vanilla and cinnamon are my faves. Hope you are feeling better soon
we got sick after our wedding too. It was sexy… errr not. But glad to be with each other . feel better mrs Vegas!
Mrs. Vegas. I love it.
Just look at that french toast. I am so hungry for some of that right about now lol. This looks amazing.
Oh, no – sorry y’all are both sick – hard to take care of each other when neither of you feels well!! Hope it is a short thing and y’all can enjoy your first month as a married couple!
Thank you! This one is hanging on hard core. ๐
Oh my hope you feel better soon. I’m trying this protein syrup on the pancakes tomorrow. You are a genius! Thanks for sharing!!
Thank you! I’d love to hear how you liked it!
I used to eat french toast EVERY weekend a couple of years ago. No idea why that tradition stopped…I need french toast back in my life Hope you and Vegas get well soon! Have a better weekend you two newlyweds! ๐
I think I prefer protein sauce over syrup too. We’re both nuts, I guess! Hope you’re both starting to feel better!