Yesterday was a GORGEOUS day! It was nice to have a reprieve from the cold and ice even if it is grey and raining today. I ran around the park before dinner and it was almost too crowded to run. People-watching FTW.
Speaking of watching…
My friend Courtney shared a link to Food Gawker in the comments section yesterday.
I’ve long been a fan of the site, but it was a great reminder to visit another awesome sight: Food Porn Daily.
If you can look here without getting excited… kudos to you my friend. Don’t judge me. 🙂
It is from these sites, restaurant menus, and other blogs that I get the most inspiration. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a dish in one of these resources and run to the store for ingredients to make my own version.
Yesterday was one of those “buy all of these items you’ve been wishing you had on hand” days. We have a massive Farmer’s Market in Atlanta that has fantastic prices on veggies, spices, and wine. This place is epic. It is such a zoo so impressive that they have a strict “no cameras” policy.
It is easy to get carried away in there… and I’m proof. I live alone. There is NO reason I should leave there with more than $50 in groceries. Yesterday I almost hit $100.
In my defense, I was out of a lot of the basics.
And apparently I’ve been reading a lot of Indian recipes lately.
Garam Masala, curry, tumeric, cinnamon, coconut, ginger, tahini, chickpeas, chickpea flour (99 cents for a large container!)… it is going to be a fun week for cooking!
This is also going to work perfectly with my Recipe Pack Rat goals (does anyone else think “Rat Pack” when reading that?) – I have 5 Indian recipes saved and I already vowed to make Spicy Roasted Chickpeas.
I also would LOVE to try may hand at dessert hummus (how did I not think of this?!) by Evan at The Wannabe Chef.
Sunday morning I may have to try a Michelada. Thank you for a non-tomato hangover cure alternative, Tami @ Running with Tweezers.
Also purchased: a few squash varieties, wonton wrappers, pumpkin puree, San Marzano tomatos, too many oranges, bananas, jalapenos, poblanos, avocados, garlic, onion, kale, spelt flour, yeast, lentils, soba noodles, almonds, hazelnuts, dates, and roasted red peppers.
Suggestions for how to use all of this are welcome. 🙂
You purchased some goooooood eats! Love the food porn daily!