I’m a little behind due to all of the weekend’s festivities! I tried a new workout this weekend and LOVED it. Intervals that weren’t boring, killer biceps/back moves, followed by a core routine from Oh She Glows. All topped off with a Green Monster smoothie, inspired by the Green Monster Movement and fueled with protein powder from my Mission: Protein Powder exploration.
The interval workout is based on one from Fitness Magazine. It incorporates the stationary bike, elliptical, and treadmill and take 30 minutes total. Those 30 minutes flew by – I swear. (Note: RPE refers to your “rate of perceived exertion”)
The break down:
- Minutes 0-5 @ level 1-3 (about 3 RPE)
- Minutes 5-7 @ level 5-7 (about 7 RPE*)
- Minutes 7-8 @ level 6-8 (about 8 RPE*)
- Minutes 8-9 @ level 8-9 (about 9 RPE*)
- Minutes 9-10 @ level 9-10 (about 10 RPE*)
- Minutes 10-11 @ level 3-4 (about 3 RPE)
- Minutes 11-13 @ level 7-9 (about 6 RPE*)
- Minutes 13-15 @ level 9-12 (about 8 RPE*)
- Minutes 15-18 @ level 12+ (about 9 RPE*)
- Minutes 18-20 @ level 9-12 (about 8 RPE*)
- Minutes 20-24 @ level 3.5-4.2 (about 3 RPE)
- Minutes 24-25 @ level 5.2-6.5 (about 7 RPE*)
- Minutes 25-27 @ level 4-4.5 (about 3 RPE*)
- Minutes 27-29 @ level 7 (about 8 RPE*)
- Minutes 29-30 @ level 3 (about 2 RPE*)
Then is was time for 30 mins in the weight room working on back and biceps.
All of this was topped off with the Whittle My Middle 30-Day Challenge #2 completed by Angela at Oh She Glows back in January. My goal is to do this daily for the next month. Results to be posted here. Anyone else in???
My starting points:
- Front plank: 90 secs
- Side plank: 60 secs each side
- Torso twists: 20 reps
- Plank ups: 12 reps
- Boat pose: 20 reps
- Bicycle: 3 sets of 30 reps
- Side plank w/ twists: 12 reps each side
How do you follow up a killer workout like that?
With a Green Monster! I was itching to use the other part of protein sample #1 and had a drawer full of fresh kale in the fridge.

The Line Up
Pineapple-Strawberry Green Monster
- 1/2 serving Strawberry Jay Robb Whey Protein
- 1 giant kale leaf
- 1T flax seeds
- 1/2 C milk
- 1/2 C frozen pineapple
- Ice/water to taste
Throw it all in a blender…
Let run until your concoction is mixed into a lovely shade of green.
Enjoy on a patio with a crossword!
Yep, I do it with an ink pen. 🙂
Protein Powder 2nd Opinion: I am still liking this strawberry whey protein. It gave my smoothie a great flavor, and the sweetness worked perfectly in Green Monster-format. It was less pronounced while cutting some of the “healthy” taste from the kale.