The perfect end to an out-of-control b-a-n-a-n-a-s week is a new ‘do.
My hair is now blonde-ish.

I love Karen, Stylist Extraordinaire
I’ve been going to Karen since I was 15. She moved 5-ish years ago to open her own salon – Lava Hair Studio – almost 60 miles outside of Atlanta… and I drive all the way out there to see her.
If I moved out of state, I’d probably fly back to see her.
Crappy in-the-car-rushing-to-meet-friends cell phone pic, but…
- It’s no longer red-brown (therefore NOT clashing with my bridesmaid dress for upcoming wedding)
- It’s no longer bushy (why does my hair grow SO fast?!)
- I can style it in 5 mins flat.
FTW recently posted an article called 5 Reasons to Work Out in the Morning.
In light of my recent morning work out success, I got really excited to read this and decided to share my own Top 5. (There may be some overlap… they were spot on!)
My Top 5 Reasons to Work Out in the Morning
- It’s done – there’s no backing out because you’re too tired after work/would rather go to happy hour
- One shower – they listed this too and I couldn’t agree more. 2-3 showers/day es no bueno
- No crowds – the gym in my building is usually empty in the morning, so there’s no wait, I can control the TV, and no one is in the small-ish gym stinking it up
- Temperature control – in the winter months, it warms me up for the day and in the summer months it’s not unbearably hot
- Alertness – yes, it’s hard to actually wake up enough to get going, but once you do it’s almost better than coffee for my wakefulness
Speaking of being awake… I’m eating my pre-work out banana breakfast appetizer and hitting the pavement for a quickie run before resuming wedding shower prep!
It’s going to be 80 degrees and sunny today! If I leave the balcony door open, I wonder if Stevie will try to jump off…
Note to self: train kitten NOT to go on kamikaze missions.
I love grilled bananas – they caramelize and create a delicious banana syrup.
Plate them and immediately top with cocoa powder your favorite nut butter, letting the hot bananas turn the butter slightly melty. Mmmmm…
Caramelized Banana Bites
- 1 banana
- 1 T nut butter
- 1 tsp cocoa powder
Heat pan to med-high on stove top. Cut banana into 1 inch slices and place in pan. Grill ~2-3 mins, or until just turning brown. Flip and grill 1-2 mins longer until other side is browned. Plate, sprinkle with cocoa powder, and top each slice with your favorite nut butter.
Try not to lick and left over syrup/cocoa mixture off the plate if others are watching.
Make me feel more sane.
Do you drive a ridiculous distance to you stylist/restaurant/market/etc?
You new ‘do looks fabulous..I really love it, and it opening up your face!
In the matter of the bananas I never had this way, but it sounds so delicious, and pretty!
Well silly me, I forgot to put the name:))) sorry about that!:)
Thank you! Let me know if you try the bananas – they are delish on top of french toast as well. 🙂
Awesome cut and color. 🙂
These look like great little treats…I can never resist bananas.
Your hair looks incredible, but I thought it looked great before too! I wish I looked that good all bushy! Caramelized bananas for a morning treat = amazing! YUM! I am an AM workout gal for all of those reasons. I love getting it done and feeling great for the rest of the day! If I accomplish nothing else, at least I worked out for me!
Thank you!!!
I love this: “If I accomplish nothing else, at least I worked out for me!”
In theory, I prefer a morning workout, but in reality, I always reset my alarm.I do think the one shower thing would be nice. My hair feels like straw from multiple daily showers.
Your hair looks cute. I’m in dire need of a haircut. I
Love the new hair cut! And the banana bites! I work out in the am, during lunch, at night … I basically just get it in wherever I can fit it in!!!!
Thank you! I miss being able to consistently do a lunch workout. That’s awesome.
Love the new do! And I just added bananas and cocoa powder to my shopping list for tomorrow. Great snack idea! Thanks!
Let me know how it turns out! 🙂
Love the new do gorgeous girl. And I love that you are loyal to your hair stylist! That’s awesome. 🙂
You are too kind! I think it’s an unwritten rule that one cannot cheat on a stylist when you find a miracle-worker.