I don’t have a good intro (or title) for this post.
This is reflective of my motivation in general lately.
It’s hard to get excited when you have a few really bummer things happen in a row. I thought I’d try to help myself by joining Meghan’s Week in Review. Maybe if I talk about what I did manage to do, I can do more this week.
First of all, I ate a lot of delicious food. We had dinner with a friend we met in Greece two years ago. He happens to live down the street from us, so we became fast friends. He shares our passion for travel… and willingness to eat odd things like snails!
This restaurant, BO-beau, just opened in our ‘hood. Crossing a new place off my list was another accomplishment (it’s a long list). Plus, I LOVE their brussels.
That, and a wine tasting at my favorite spot, Royal Stone, cheered me up a little after getting my MRI results (I hurt my knee playing ball last week). Torn ACL and meniscus. I’ll have surgery July 21st. Then we have to figure out what to do with the one I tore last year and never repaired. Two surgeries back to back is just too much for my head right now. In conclusion, wine.
Vegas loves to watch the news; therefore, I watch a TON of news. These days it only makes me angry. I spent some time texting with friends about the stupid shit 45 is doing. Pulling out of the Paris deal, responding to the London attacks like an asshole… I could go on and on.
Sometimes I get into it with people on Twitter. I know it’s a waste of time, but I just don’t understand how people are so stupid. When MIT says climate change is real, how can you possibly think you have the brilliance to deny it? Clearly, I needed to get off the couch and back in the gym. At least I could share a laugh with Nicole over this:
After two days off from the gym (read: feeling sorry for myself), I finally went back… largely for stress relief. The doc said retaining as much quad/hamstring muscle as I can will help with my recovery. I decided to suck it up and go for a leg day.
It was really a leg and a half day. I used all of my right side and whatever I could of my injured left side. 4 sets, 15 reps of each exercise. I increased the weight wherever I could.
🔹 TRX pistol squats
🔸 Leg extensions
🔹 Hamstring curls
🔸 Good mornings
🔹 Weighted hip lifts
🔸 Inner/Outer thigh machines (I call them the “yes” and “no” machines 😉 )
It went… ok. I took a cleavage shot on the hamstring curl machine to commemorate it.
This is a good time to talk about another list item. I got my lashes filled. I’ve been getting them done for 3 months now and I’m totally addicted. It saves so much time getting ready!
Post-lashes, Vegas and I went to the fancy theater to see Wonder Woman. I’m not really a movie person, but I can be talked into seeing anything at a theater with recliner seats and rosé. That said, Wonder Woman was amazing. I’d even go see it again! I didn’t realize they used real-life athletes to play the Amazon women. They were incredible!
Since the two days of feeling sorry for myself included a lot of restaurant meals and wine, I went back to my roots and made some healthier fare.
There were smoothie bowls, chicken salads, protein mug cakes, and some #strangebutgood eats. Like this sweet potato deliciousness:
Now I’m lazing in bed, typing this and watching the Women’s College World Series. I’m supposed to be playing softball right now.
If you can’t be an athlete, be an athletic supporter.”
^Name that movie
[Tweet “ACL update (spoiler alert: it’s not good). Wonder Woman and rosé helped.”]
I feel motivated-ish. Maybe I’ll try a spin class this week…
Did you see Wonder Woman last weekend?
Have you been watching the college World Series?
I was going to comment the other day on your IG and say that your lashes are still looking gorgeous so you must have continued getting them done! I, on the other hand, am back to short little lashes & I miss my fake ones that I got before my brother’s wedding haha it is a beauty addiction!
Oh yes, fighting with idiots on Twitter… It’s virtually pointless, but when it comes to something like climate change after last week, I just can’t help myself. People can be such MORONS!!
And BO-Beau… there’s one in Ocean Beach and I used to pass it all the time when I lived down that way, but I never made it in there.
I can’t stop now! I even got my mom hooked. Oops… I literally don’t do anything else though. I rarely do my nails and I haven’t even dyed my hair since November.
Re Twitter: just wait until Thursday. 45 is going to LIVE TWEET during Comey’s testimony. WTF?!
GREASE!!! Hilarious!
And I’m so glad you’re getting over your sadness with food, wine and great memes about the stupidity of Trump supporters 🙂
Also, are those Vegas’ loafers or yours with the pink bottoms???? Adorable!!!
I can still recite EVERY line from that movie. 🙂
Mine! DSW find from like 5 years ago.
Ridell High was the best. I love Blanche (Stop blubbering)
I love how you coupled knee surgery and leg day. Only you. Im sorry about this mess of a knee situation that you are in. But at least your lashes look DOPE
You need to come on a San Diego vacay next time so we can commiserate. xoxo
the pre surgery rehab really helped get me into a better place before the surgery. You are already in fantastic shape and you will heal quickly. Not fun though 🙁
That’s what I’m hoping! At least I get to run on the AlterG…
So now I want to do a spin class, while drinking wine, watching Wonder Woman and bashing Trump supporters. I can’t even with that guy and his fan base.
I’m sorry about the knee. That sucks. Maybe you and the Hubby can get the surgery done together. We could get a two for one deal and then Vegas and I will combine forces to nurse you both back to health.
I love when you come to the Week in Review. You still owe me an audio though.
I’m pretty sure I’d fall off the spin bike, but I’d be game to try.
Tell your man that my surgery date is July 21st. I have a great surgeon. We have a spare room and a shitload of wine. Just saying…
Ugh, that’s so dreadful about your knee!! I hope you can find some motivation, dear. I have a date with mom to see WW next weekend 🙂
You are going to LOVE it! And I just found out I have a friend who was one of the Amazons. Crazy!
I know all too well this feeling! Be a supporter. Yes! Drink wine. Do what you can. But girl… no more
News! It’s sucks the life out you. Hugs bro! Here if you need me
I know, I know… it’s like a train wreck. I can’t turn away! Looking forward to some travel time – we’ll be in Austin in a month! You should visit your old home. 😉
Grease! It’s a fantastic line.
I’m sorry it’s a tear and that there’s more surgery in your future. Such a bummer.
I don’t even know what that means to fill your lashes but whatever floats your boat. I feel so bad for you with your knees! But hey your lashes look good right?! I did not see the movie. I prefer watching movies in my pjs so I tend to wait till they come out on video. But now I know that I will have to put that one on my TO WATCH list!
LOL! I wouldn’t expect you to know. It’s a vanity thing that women waste money on, like many other weird beauty things.
You need a theater with recliner seats and people serving you wine and food. I love lounging at home, but they really spoil you.
I have watched more news in the last year than I ever have in my life. I know all the folks at MSNBC by their first name. I’m so sick of it I could croak but I can’t seem to stop. Plus my husband always has it tuned in when I get home from work.
PS Your lashes look great! So does your cleavage. 😉
Same here! Rachel and I are BFFs (she doesn’t know it, but whatever).
P.S. Thanks. 😉
I’ve gone to a fancy vip movie showing with wine and those big comfy seats only once… but man oh man was it a nicceeeeeeee treat. I couldn’t believe there were servers and you could order food at your seat!! This needs to happen more often, for all of us.
So sorry to hear about the surgery news. Ugh. But your lashes look incredible and that sounds like a pretty kick ass booty routine. Silver linings right!?
It’s the only way to see a movie. Literally… I refuse to go otherwise. LOL!
I have to take breaks from the news because it just pisses me off so much! I frequently start typing long diatribes on Facebook and end up deleting them because posting them would make my mood even worse lol. That meme is hilarious, though!
Oy. I need to learn for you. I post the diatribes. Of course, I don’t have any people left on my friend list that aren’t likeminded. 😉
You may come feed me salmon. You’re welcome.
I am so sorry about all your ACL stuff.
I am going to see Wonder Woman on Friday but there will be no reclining seats or wine. I am a bit jealous.
Thanks. We really should be closer. UGH!
Enjoy WW!!! You’re going to love it – even without the wine. 😉
OMG, how did I miss such an important post! I’ve been dying to know what’s going to happen with your trick knee. It seems impossible to be excited when things keep on happening. My boyfriend is going through that right now and I’m trying my hardest to stay positive but it’s starting to effect me also. I’m a snail lover also, you put enough butter and seasoning on almost anything and I’ll devour it. I can’t watch the news or political shows much anymore. I cry like a baby. Food and wine always make me feel better. Happiness is at the bottom of a Rose bottle 🙂
Thank you Mary! It’s a hot mess… both knees! I hope your BF’s knee is ok. It’s a struggle, that’s for sure. At least god made wine. And butter. I swear, there’s nothing that’s not made better with butter!
I’m going to switch from the news to basketball right now. Go Golden State!