Babies are exhausting!
I know this may be stating the obvious to some of you.
Meghan and her mini-me, Ave, came to visit us for the week. Ave is 17 months old and an adorable ball of energy. I get tired just watching her! Living with a baby is a workout.
I also got full just watching her eat. I swear, this kid eats like an adult… and she’s a little girl! It’s impressive. I was really glad I found this Mini Mat placement + plate before she arrived. Meghan would fill this up twice before she was done!
We went to the beach a few times. I was amazed at how fearless she was! Big waves would come up and she didn’t care one bit. Meghan and I care slightly more and circled her trying to make sure she didn’t drown or bust her head open on a rock.
The water in the Pacific is freezing. Didn’t phase her! She also met some sea lions. If you’ve ever been around sea lions, you know they smell like ass. Literally. That didn’t phase Ave either!
Side note: she spent the morning sitting on my lap watching herself in the above video. She can correctly identify herself, mommy, rock, and beach. I don’t know much about babies, but I think that’s pretty impressive!
I was thrilled to learn that the baby genius has mastered the art of the selfie. That kids loves the camera. Have fun with that when she hits puberty Meghan. 😉
Some of you *might* be shocked by this… I bought Ave weights. She needs to work on her form, but I think she has a bright future as a bodybuilder.
She certainly eats like a body builder. I don’t know how something so tiny can eat so much! We’ve been through a whole can of black beans, two avocados, half a jar of peanut butter, two yogurt pouches, and a bag of pretzels. And she helped me with my protein smoothie bowl. Rawr.
Check out Meghan’s post for more pics of our weekend, the Week in Review link up, and a crotch shot of me feeding the little power eater ice cream.
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Vegas and I have kept a baby and a momma for 5 days. We’re totally ready to pop out a few babies. #oppositeday
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen a baby eat? I’m shocked that Ave LOVES beans.
Have you ever hosted blog-friends? I love it when Meghan and Lucie come to visit!
Aww I love the videos! And yes, babies/kids are a handful and exhausting for sure. I would have LOVED that placemat back in the day for my son. the bowl part being attached is key although he probably would have picked the whole placematup and threw it once he figured out they were connected (which is why for the longest time I couldn’t even give him a plate or bowl – he threw everything from the highchair and table lol)
Oh, she sorted that out fast. By the 4th day the mat was on her head and she was saying “hat.” LOL!
My kids were tremendous eaters as babies. They didn’t get picky until the got older. Beans, broccoli, quinoa, okra, kale, crawfish, calamari, lamb – there was nothing they didn’t love.
Okra?! I still won’t eat that. Too slimy!
GAH she is adorable! how fun that visit must be… I love other people’s babies. 🙂
HA! Other people’s babies are the best. 😉
Hey I made sure there was no peekage on the crotch shot. Your legs look good and your bug is hidden.
THANK YOU and Vegas so very much for opening your home to us, taking care of us and showing us a great time. It was a fantastic visit, and while Ave may not remember it, she’ll definitely remember you ladies and I’ll treasure the memories. Cue sappy music.
P.S. I’m gonna miss your wine selection.
I’m quite proud of my bug, but I’m not suer everyone needs to know how lovely it is. 😉
I hope she does remember us! We’ll have to Facetime her soon. We miss having her running around here!!!
(And come for some wine any time!)
I always think it’s funny when I see kids on the beach at sunset, when it’s starting to get chilly out, in the freezing water. They’re crazy little people!
My nephews also eat SO MUCH, it’s insane. If I spend a day with them, I can’t believe how much they eat. It’s like a nonstop eating fest! They love peanut butter and will just eat it with a spoon. When I was home last week I got them bagels, and my 2 year old nephew ate an entire bagel loaded with cream cheese, then asked for more. I was like, “You just ate that entire thing?!!”
It’s like they’re immune to cold! I get in up to my ankles and I was squealing.
She ate an entire fig bar… and then wanted more! I was like “where did the first one go?!”
She is so cute! I think seeing her eat pesto is the oddest thing I have ever seen a baby eat! Looks like you all had a blast!
That too!!! She love spreads – pesto, hummus, peanut butter. Why bother with a spoon?
I saw you with this cute little baby and I was hoping you blogged about your experience. I think I have the baby fever because whenever I see babies I get this longing feeling deep down inside of me. It’s scary and exciting all at the same time. Baby’s look exhausting, I can’t believe the cold water didn’t bother her at all.
It is scary! She has more energy in her pinky than I have in my whole body. She sure is cute though!
I swear Meg is superwoman – and Ave is just outstanding, seriously the smartest kid of her age I have ever encountered! I’m so glad you all had a wonderful time!
When I was young I was obsessed about Brie and asparagus soup… All about those strong flavours!
Ave really is brilliant. Meghan has done a great job with her – she’s constantly talking to her, explaining what things are. It’s really impressive how much she can retain.
Such a cutie! I’ll never be a mom but can say for sure that kiddos impress me the more of them I see and meet! I’d say this gal has a blessed future thanks to her fit aunt Laura as a role model! 😉
Other’s people kids are the best way to have them! 😉
I love the videos!! Ah you guys must be having just the best week. Friend visits with beaches and farmers markets = bliss. When I met Ave I was stunned by her fearlessness – I swear nothing phases her! Meghan has her hands full but she’s superwoman so she’s got it. Plus she knows the secret weapons. Avocados and all things edible…
Meghan and Ave and a combined super woman force! I can’t wait until they start cooking together. I might move in.
i think baby A is genius. If i have kids. I want one like her. Or I’ll just visit MEghan. LOL!
Do you think Meghan would just raise a couple more for us?
all your photos were super cute last weekend. Toddlers are so much fun especially when they are not yours ha ha
That is the TRUTH! 😉
I love this and both of you!
Thank you! <3
OMG she is sooo cute 🙂 I love that weights video too haha!
Baby #beastmode! Hahaha!
I just read my BIRTH CONTROL for the day! hahahahahahahahaha!
HA! You’re welcome. Maybe don’t show L though…
Yes, the freezing water does not freeze them at all. My nephew ran straight in when he was 2/3 and his parents both looked at me like go have fun auntie.
Next thing I know I am waist deep in freezing water holding him so he can splash in the “big waves”
Children have no fear and they exhaust me!
I’d have been like “Auntie doesn’t do the ice challenge!” LOL!
I am in LOVE with this selfie on the beach of you three! Brings back all the good memories of last years’ girls trip. I haven’t had a blogger visiting in YEARS, don’t you think it’s about time?!
I’m coming to Europe… not close enough?! 😉