Running and I are conflicted.
I ran pretty fast for awhile. (Hence the “sprint” in my name.)
Often time with running comes injuries. I had a PCL that was stretched thin and the only way I was going to run more than a mile or two again was to have surgery or build my quads. I chose quads and started doing figure competitions. I mean… go big or go home, right?

Tuesday morning run
It worked. I got to the point where I could run 6 or 7 miles pain-free! Then I sprained my ankle – BAD. Two years later, it was still bothering me to the point where I could only run a quarter of a mile at a time. Turns out… that sprain was actually torn ligaments in my ankle! Doh.
PRP Therapy fixed that perfectly and I was back on my feet in no time! Juuuuust long enough to tear my ACL playing softball. Doh again.
We tried PRP again. That didn’t work. I’ve been rehabbing it on my own and being conscious of avoiding fast lateral movements (that’s when it feels like jello). It’s been going well and – except for one torn hamstring – I’ve been running pretty well!

Balboa Park Trails
The funny thing about running is that the more your ability is restricted, the more you want to run. When I can run and feel like I “have to” do it for cardio, I dread it.
All of this to say I was thankful to be able to do the run I did yesterday morning. I stopped to take these pictures along the way and appreciate the view. It was refreshing and mind-clearing to run free in the cool air and watch the sunrise.

Balboa Park Rose Garden
[Tweet “Love-Hate Relationships. We all have them. Mine’s with running.”]
Now for the food. I’ve been fighting a cold, so I really wasn’t very good about eating like I should. Nothing sounded appealing. Read on for my whole day of eats, and link up to Jenn’s WIAW baby right here today!
The usual morning cocktail followed by my vitamin gummies.
I left so early for my run that I wasn’t hungry… and by the time I got back I was too hungry to bother with a pic. Soooo… you get an old one. I made more of my Flourless Pinto Bean Brownies. Legit healthy enough for breakfast!
Mom was still in town from the Thanksgiving holiday. When she told me she’d never done Taco Tuesday before, I knew what lunch needed to be!
We split 4 tacos at La Vecindad: beer battered fish, bacon-wrapped shrimp, chorizo, and pork carnitas. All really good… the shrimp was my favorite though! In addition to bacon and shrimp (which automatically make all things good), it had queso fresco cheese, avocado, and chipotle aioli.
The apple doesn’t far far from the tree. Mom shares my love for cheese… so we went cheese shopping.
Venissimo is a gourmet cheese shop in San Diego. This is serious stuff… and we sampled like it was our job! My two favorites are pictured: brie with truffles and the Ubriaco al Prosecco (it is soaked. in. prosecco).
By this time the cold was catching up with me and I was incredibly thankful for leftover chili from family cooking night. Hot and easy, just like I like it. 😉
Bean and turkey-based chili with a bunch of random stuff (including but not limited to: coca powder, cinnamon, beer, maple syrup, and liquid smoke). Side of leftover cornbread.
I’m already sore from the trail portion of this run!
Do you have a love/hate relationship with running?
What’s your taco filling of choice?
As I have mentioned before I have a hate relationship with running… I only do it when I have to. It’s not that I’m bad at it, I just don’t enjoy it. I hate being alone with my thoughts this way and start thinking about anything and everything – it actually stresses me out.
Isn’t cheese shopping the best!? I do miss the amazing cheeses we used to get in the UK and the ones shipped over from Europe. Actually I mostly miss the price of them – so cheap in the UK I compared to over here! So I just have to be a bit more selective now!
I can’t say I have a love hate relationship with running but there are definitely some mornings when I don’t really feel like running my usual loop or listening to my usual running songs. the burn out can set it so I try to mix things up to prevent it! thanks for the link up!
I hate to say it but I love all tacos almost all tacos. Fish tacos, chicken tacos, bean tacos. And most of the time I love running! I hate waking up early to do it though! Congrats on your great 5 mile run.
HAHA! I love all tacos too. No shame!
I think most runners can relate to having the same relationship, although without so many injuries!! Damn girl!!
I love that you were able to just truly enjoy the run and stop to smell (and take pictures of) the roses. You live in one of the most beautiful parts of the country so it’s practically a crime NOT to run there. No pressure 🙂
I dunno what happened… I’ve always been rough on my body. I guess it finally all caught up?! I didn’t add in the bits about playing roller derby, softball, and America ninja training too. Doh.
I know what you mean about being more restricted. I always crave a run when it’s raining, but am not the runner to run in the cold rain.
I think these eats look fantastic. Those tacos have me craving some from our local taco shop!
HA! I know that feeling exactly!
You know how I feel about running. But, that said, I think we have a tumultuous relationship, where it thinks that we need space regularly. I don’t like that. But it is so good when we are together….
Space if often good for both parties. We’re still talking about running, right? 😉
I also have a love/hate relationship with running. I like doing races. I hate training for them. But I also hate doing them without training.
Annnnnd welcome to my struggle.
Those tacos look so amazing! I love places where you can order one taco so you can try all different kinds. My favorites are usually anything spicy and with chicken though. And usually I love going outside for a run, but dread the treadmill sprints. Injuries definitely affect that love/hate relationship. I wasn’t able to run for about six months because of an injury years ago and since then I really appreciate anytime I get outside, go for a light jog, and clear my head.
i’m with you on outside runs – running is so much easier when you have scenery!
It’s so funny how like you said, when you can’t run (or do something), you want it more! The same goes for food. I can’t trust people who don’t like cheese 😉
I can’t trust people who don’t like cheese <-- wise words!
I have the same kind of running relationship haha! Sometimes I like it but then other times I despise it!
I know what you mean. I had this for a while, until I stopped running with a watch and running for time and pace. Also though I’m thankful for an injury that i had so I could take time off and realize that I didn’t have to run in order to be active.
My relationship with running “complicated” i think we all go through those same feelings and it’s not always easy!
I am so not a runner! Haha so I guess I just hate it.
Favorite taco fillings is a tie between pulled pork with pickled onions or lobster and avocado.
LMAO! No shame. I’d rather lift 99.9% of the time. 🙂
I always get runner’s envy when I see someone else running, but I don’t always love it when I’m doing it. I love the leisurely outdoor runs when I can stop to take pics, go on detours, and just not worry about the time or pace!
That is the perfect summary of my relationship with running!
Go back to the rose garden in the spring, it’s even more incredible!
Oh, I have! We love to picnic there when it’s warm. Such a peaceful place!
I feel the same about running as you do! Hope you had fun with your mom, and yay for Taco Tuesday!
ouch! A torn ligament in your ankle? That sounds painful Laura. Oh No a torn ACL 🙁 I’m happy you were pain-free on your 5-mile run. There’s nothing like an injury to inspire you to exercise; I know I’ve been there. I can’t believe your Mother has never partaken in Taco Tuesday! I know you ladies had a very good time.
I am a mess. A HOT MESS. Mwhahaha!
I definitely have a love/hate relationship with running. I found that I enjoy it more when I do intervals and don’t focus on distance. And I definitely don’t discriminate when it comes to taco filling. Just as long as it’s yummy and gluten free. Fish tacos are always a favorite though. There’s a great place in Carlsbad to get some but I forgot its name.
I never really liked fish tacos until I moved here. Now I can’t get enough! They really are better on the west coast. Let me know if you think of the place in Carlsbad!
Mm yeah, running and I have never been a natural match. I have gone through running phases where I have really enjoyed morning runs – but for the last couple years even one run really efts up my knee for an entire week. Don’t know what that’s about but I’ve just decided its not worth it. So I’ve changed to walking on the treadmill or outside – not quite the same but still good for mind cleaning.
And holy moly why have I never put liquid smoke in my chili!? My favorite ingredient! Now if I could get some prosecco soaked cheese on the side (um, what!!?!?)
I hear you know the knee problems! I only run 1-2x a week these days. I’ve become an elliptical queen!
And yes… you must find that cheese!
That cheese sounds amazing! My running/injury history is so similar to yours. And I’m exactly the same about wanting to run when I can’t, but not being bothered about it when I can. Oh, there are many things in my life that I want that are bad for me. Haha!
I’m SURE we can find something similar in France. Less than 4 months!!!
We need to visit this cheese shop the next time I’m in town. Blows kiss.
Consider it done. You’d pass out from excitement.
I wish I could beam my ART over to you, he is the only thing that keeps me running.
i have not run in over 18 months…. but you know why. Cardio is not good for me right now. And um. my colon would die. LOL! happy Friday
Sounds like you’re doing a sprint to Utah! HAHAHA!
I only run fast, when I am running to the table, much like what your blog title describes – and I figured that’s the only reason why you ran too! hahahahaha! Screw running for any other reason. Running only kicks ass if there is a MEAL at the finish line 😉
I mean… of COURSE the end goal is always the table. But sometimes it’s refreshing to run around outside. Especially when you’re angry. 😉
I just have a straight up hate relationship with running haha… it’s legit the only workout I can’t stand! My body hates it too, so I just don’t torture myself with running these days. Girl, I cannot believe all of those injuries that you’ve had… I think I’ve known about them all separately, but putting it all together, it sounds like a lot of injury & rehab!! Luckily you seem to bounce back pretty quick.
And those cheeses sound awesome!
I love when people just own that they hate it. The best workout is the one you LIKE. Don’t be fooling yourself that you’ll stick with stuff that makes you miserable, right?
Your history with injuries and running sounds so damn familiar. I only ran more than 5 miles at a time twice this year, which is super weird, but I think that might be my thing now. Short runs more frequently.
I like the short runs more any way. Who has time to run 10 miles every day?! I’d rather be lifting any way.
Miss you!!!
sadly i have a love/hate relationship with running too. i had such a rocky season last late spring/summer that i’m actually scared to run now, though i want that speed and thrill back so badly. :/
also, that prosecco cheese, are you trying to kill us with tempting us with what we can’t have?! :/
Oh no! I understand that feeling completely. It’s no fun! You’ll get it back though!