Life in the fast lane isn’t always satisfying.
“Forget about the fast lane. If you really want to fly, harness your power to your passion. Honor your calling. Everybody has one. Trust your heart, and success will come to you.” ~ Oprah Winfrey
Everybody has something in their life they are passionate about. That one thing they interject into practically every conversation. We often say “If only I could get paid to…” But people HAVE figured out how to turn those passions into a profession. Why shouldn’t YOU make money while following your passion?
Why not use the New Year as a starting point for a new career goal? #adulting
If one has an affinity for cars, that can be turned into a career as an auto mechanic. If the focus is on sports, avenues for coaching and physical rehab are open to those so inclined. And so it goes with a zeal for fitness and nutrition as well.
Although regulations vary from state to state, many states require an individual to be a Registered Dietitian (RD) in order to dispense health and nutrition advice as a professional. Typically, an RD must obtain a Bachelor’s degree in a related field. A BS in nutrition for example. The degree must, generally, be accredited by an Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) approved program to qualify.
As with any healthcare profession, there can be rules and regulations that must be followed for things like patient confidentiality (HIPAA laws) and electronic records keeping (Meaningful Use regulations). Fortunately, there are experts like iHealthOne out there who can help people, and companies, stay in compliance with these important issues.
For those whose interests lean more towards the “fitness” part of the equation, the path to employment nirvana can be very different. While not so strictly regulated as a Registered Dietitian, there are still accreditation programs that can enhance one’s bona fides. This, of course, can lead to better paying career options.
What kinds of things can a personal trainer help their clients with?
- Sports training
- Weight management
- Health supplements
- Healthier life choices
In tandem with sharing one of their life’s passions with others, a professional trainer can watch someone take the steps towards self-improvement. Doing a job you love while helping a fellow human being… that’s a pretty satisfying combination! It’s one of my favorite jobs (yes, I have a few).
Sharing a love of fitness and nutrition can be enjoyable even if you’re not a trainer or dietitian. A fitness “nut” can easily share what works for them with family and friends, even the whole world. Preferences on workout routines (how much cardio vs. weight training, for example), diet and lifestyle can easily be shared through a blog, YouTube videos, or a Twitter feed.
Obviously, common sense needs to be exercised at least as much as the body here. Emphasis should to be placed on these being personal choices and accomplishments. The idea is to share the passion and encourage others, not to put someone into the hospital.
A friend of mine has chronicled her personal journey from jogging around the block, to 5K’s, 10K’s and through to her first recently completed marathon. Had she jumped straight from the morning jog to the marathon, she may have given people the false impression that this is a quick progression. Everything takes work!
One of my clients, Farmer Direct.
Social media is my other favorite “job.” I’ve been able to combine my formal education with my experience blogging to obtain consulting clients. I’m on year two of self-employment and I couldn’t be happier!
While it may not always be an easy path to follow (trust me – there’s a lot of blood, sweat, and tears), the things in the world that bring enjoyment to your life can frequently be turned into a source of employment. I mean… we do spend at least a third of our days working. Why not make work fun?
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Most days I feel like I am “fun-ployed,” but is definitely not always easy!
Do you love your job?
What passion would you like to turn into a career?
I have a few different income streams, and I am absolutely love them all. It took me a few years to build up to exceed my previous income, but it was 100% worth it as I was much happier. Now I am happy and getting paid! haha I’ve had a couple of well-paid jobs that I hated and it really does make all the difference in the world. No amount of money is worth sacrificing my happiness!
You are a big inspiration… I want your life.
fun ployed! haha yes, i love that! I do love that i do. Although I put a lot of pressure on myself. Either way, it’s a passion. NO DOUBT!
You DO put too much pressure on yourself. You are rocking it xoxo
Funployed that ‘s me for sure! I’d love to find a way to make a little bit of money from some of my recipes. If it happens great if not I am sure having fun!
They all look so delicious – I think you should!
Self employment is nice, but I also feel like I’m working all the time. It’s crazy. I’m also still in school for another 6 months while juggling starting a business so perhaps things will get better once I graduate or maybe I just need more tips from you!
You do have a crazy schedule! I am s excited to see where you end up though!
I’m a licensed counselor and my passion is to help women learn how to live fit without feeling trapped by a certain number or degrading thought process. So I’m working to turn my passion of faith and fitness and helping women learn to live fit and free into a business.
I love your concept – it’s the perfect marriage of your interests and passions!
Thanks Laura
I’d love to be an RD specializing in infant nutrition.
I never even thought of that! I may ask your services one day…
I did not love my job which is exactly why I left it. I’m working on adjusting to the new gig now.
Your new job is quite cute though…
yes yes yes. I was talking to someone about their making just such a leap. I am lucky that I am able to dabble in several of my passions with Alex’s support. It enables me to keep things a bit more casual (because I couldn’t support myself with the amount that I am doing) so that I can still love it!
I’m lucky too. I’ve completely rejected structure. Although… some of that IS Vegas’ fault.
This is totally something I’ve been thinking about; I LOVE doing my blog, but I’ve figured out that i don’t think I would love making money off of it. It just puts too much pressure in it for me; however I would LOVE to make money someday, if God has that in His plan for me, by making food/having a restaurant cause I love to do goodies for people so much.
I’d love to have a restaurant too. One day…
Love everything about this! I did the same- following my passion to make it work to be self employed, with a variety of health coaching, running coaching and social media income. I’m coming up on 4 years this spring!!
Has it already been 4 years?! I remember when you started out! Such an inspiration!
Love this! I was lucky enough to start a career in fitness and am looking to take it even further this year
Congratulations to you! It’s a huge undertaking, but so rewarding!
I can totally relate — I’m in the process of combining a few streams of income into a “career” thanks to blogging, hosting wellness events and social media consulting. I wouldn’t have it any other way
Hosting wellness events sounds like much fun! I’d love to hear how it all turns out. Sounds like you have a great combo!
I’m definitely fun-employed. My new job lets me learn and try out a lot of creative things rather than just saying “nope” all the time.
My husband and I were just having this discussion the other day… I partly do what I love as work through the blog and health coaching, but I would like to expand both of those and possibly be fully self-employed in the future. This year I think I’d like to start doing freelance writing work again. In the past, those type of gigs are always interesting and exciting to me, so we shall see what 2017 brings!
I’m actually a little surprised you’re not already self-employed. But we’ve talked about this… it’s not a cake walk! You’d be an amazing full-time health coach though!