Atlanta is a great place to be if you love food.
I love all of the restaurants, markets, a food events. There is a Green Market across the street from my building every Saturday morning. It’s where I pick up my farm-fresh eggs, tomatoes, and various other locally grown produce.
The market also features a weekly chef’s demo. This week was Chef Daniel Chance from Campagnolo, an Italian restaurant in the neighborhood. He made a tasty basil risotto with green bean from the market and a seared lamb with rosemary. I was paying close attention as my next demo is in less than a week!
Atlanta also is a great spot to be a blogger. We have a ton of bloggers in the metro area, as we all make an effort to get together on a regular basis. This weekend was hard for people, but we managed to get a group of 5 together to meet in the park for a potluck picnic.
Clockwise, left to right: Alayna‘s Edamame-Avocado Hummus (to be included in her soon-to-be-released cookbook), Lee‘s Texas Caviar, Stacy‘s Oatmeal Cookies, and my S’more Bars. Heather brought coconut covered dates, but I failed to get a pic.
All of the food was wonderful, but even better was the chance to catch up with everyone. We sat in the park and talked for a few hours – I didn’t notice it had gotten so late until my stomach began to growl again!
Foodie friends aren’t always local! One of my favorite online blogger events is the Foodie PenPal program. I love getting to try new things from across the country!
This month my “pal” was Sharlene @ Solar Cooking. She was so sweet to put together a box of goodies I could eat on my training diet. Admittedly, I was leery of the turkey jerky at first. after a few people on Instagram encouraged me, I sucked it up and tried it. It was really good! Added bonus: it’s surprisingly low in sodium (for a jerky).
Don’t you want to get in to the action?
To sign up for a Foodie PenPals in September, click here to fill out the form on that lovely Lindsay’s site. It’s that easy! You don’t have to be a blogger, and the spending limit is just $15. The only requirement is that you be a US or Canadian resident.
Join in by October 4th as pairings will be emailed on October 5th!
Workout Recap
This week was hard for me. I have been feeling under the weather and wasn’t able to lift as heavy as I would have liked some days. Working until 2 am almost every night could have been the culprit too…
We also added 100 pull ups (assisted – for now) to my repertoire. Those are no joke. I didn’t get them in every day due to feeling sick-y and being pressed for time, but I’m starting out on Monday full-force! Bicep day always makes me feel a little better, so here’s a pic from my favorite day:
I also had my first posing practice in a competition bikini. I felt neekid. There are pics… but I lack the kahunas to post them. Less than 5 weeks out from competition… AHHHHH!
Workout Recap (9/24 – 9/30):
- Monday – Chest/Biceps, Calf raises, 60 pull-ups, 2 mile walk
- Tuesday – Legs, 100 pull ups, 2 mile walk
- Wednesday – Back/Triceps, Calf raises, 1 mile walk
- Thursday – Shoulders/Butt, 2 mile walk
- Friday – Chest/Biceps, Calf raises, 2 mile walk
- Saturday – Legs (with Trainer), 2 mile walk
- Sunday – Back/Tris
Closing in on competition will mean changes to the diet are coming. I’ll miss you, S’mores Bars…
girl, you are jacked.. in the most beautiful & good way :). come fly to Kuwait and be my personal trainer pleasee??
I don’t know about Kuwait… let’s meet in the middle in Europe! 😉
I’m surprised your diet hasn’t tightened up already with only five (!) weeks to go. It must be because you’re so lean already! And 100 pull ups a day? Yikes!
Yeah, it’s the good part – I cringe when I hear what the other competitors at my gym are eating right now.
Ah not being able to push through workouts when you’re not 100% sounds like me last week- being sick BUT wanting to work out is no fun! For me it depends whether the 100% is mentally or physically. If it’s mentally, i keep reminding myself how much better I will feel once I am done. If it’s physically, I’ve learned from experience not to push through- I almost always end up feeling worse and it just slows down my recovery!
You are so right. I’m really looking forward to a rest day Friday!
Looking strong! I applaud you for even attempting 100 pull ups. Even the assisted ones are tough! I’m sure you’ll smoke it today!
Thank you!!!
uh your ARMS? BAD ASS!!
youll got those pull ups soon!
Atlanta is a great place period, but especially for foodies! Everything looks amazing and the blogger picnic sounds so fun!
What an EPIC weekend! Atlanta sounds like the perfect place for foodie fun 🙂
And dem guns are blazin, I can’t wait to see how the final weeks of comp prep go for you! How exciting 😀
The chef at Campagnolo was the one that gave me crap when I asked for the chicken mousse toasts without the chicken mousse at the Corks and Forks this year. People that don’t eat chicken need to eat too. Can you tell I’m still bitter?
Great seeing you on Sat!
What’s funny is that during the demo he was careful to keep the risotto meat-free to for veggies in the audience. Maybe he’s learned some sensitivity?
100 pull ups is amazing!!!! I’m dying to get my first strict pull up and you make them seem no problem!!! So awesome!
Oh no… those pull ups were TOUGH and I’m far from being able to do them unassisted. But thank you. 🙂
email me the deets on the competition! Travis and I want to come! #serious
I’ll send them when I know more. I’d LOVE to see you. 🙂
I literally gasped when I saw the pic of your biceps! Love it – all that hard work is paying off. 🙂
My god, you’re biceps are sick. Somebody call the vet because your pythons are ill.
I want the recipe for the green bean risotto, so I can do something new with all my green beans.
LOL! I heart you. Thank you. 🙂
the risotto was pretty traditionally made – he just added the beans in in the last couple of minutes so they retained their crunch and fresh sweetness.
I was so bummed I couldn’t make it! Sounds like it was great though. I think the smaller groups are easier to catch up with everyone better though.
I’m sure you did amazing with your practice! I neglect pull ups. I will work on that. I don’t know why I never think to add them to my routine.
I hope you have a great week!
You must come to the next one! We’re talking about a Buford Highway trip! 🙂
Your arms look stunning!
I’m taking part in the European foodie penpals swap, and my pal got (among other things) sauerkraut and a gingerbread heart. Can’t get more Bavarian than that! 🙂
I wish we had an International food swap! I’d love some Bavarian goodies! 🙂
100 pull-ups! Wow I doubt I can even do one 🙁 That’s so cool how you guys have blogger get togethers, haven’t heard of one going on in Toronto. At least I’ve never been invited to one 🙁
You should organize one! I know there are a few of you on that end of CAN…
five weeks is nothing! so close. love the package, looks yummy!
I loveee the Foodie Penpal program- there’s something so fun and exciting about recieving a box in the mail! Thankfully, I’ve lucked out and most of my matches have followed through and gotten me things that I like… There have been a few “Oh my, do people really eat this?” things that I’ve gotten- wonder if others pass those types of things onto their next penpal?! Haha 😛
P.S. Feel better soon!!! I’ve been under the weather too…
Haha – I’ve gotten some weird ones too, but overall I’ve loved my pals’ selections. If nothing else, it’s always an interesting experience!
Whoaaa lady, look at those arms…day-um! my old roommate competes in competitions..NY DIVAS – have you heard of them? her bikini pics are ridiculous.. in a good way. her dedication to the diets and work outs always amazed me… and she rocks total confidence to blast those all over FB ha. It was weird as she approached competition day because she would be in the kitchen HUNGRY..and feeling all bad about eating a STAWBERRY or a bowl of oatmeal that she was not supposed to ha. Is that how it is?!
Love the foodie penpal – so awesome to see what you all get! either way, hope you feel better and not working till 2 am this week…that blows..haha.
I haven’t heard of them… but I’m new at this! 🙂
It isn’t so extreme for me diet-wise… yet. I’m getting mods this week that should be pretty tough. I’m lucky that I need to gain… though that can be hard too. I’m still not allowed to snack on random strawberries though. Boo!
You are looking amazing and you have worked hard to look good nekkid….I say rock it and post those pics
I haven’t had turkey jerky since high school, but I remember liking it.
Awwww… thank you!! 🙂
Pushing through workouts when you’re not 100% means accepting your own personal limitations and being grateful for those days. Those are the ones that make you feel even BETTER on days when you’re kicking ass!
I love that mentality. 🙂
Oh wow, girl, your arms look fantastic! I definitely won’t be picking any fights with you! 😉 And you seriously deserve mad props for sticking to your workouts despite not necessarily feeling the best. For me, getting through a tough workout depends on whether it’s because I’m just not feeling it mentally or physically. If it’s a mental thing, then I’ll crank on a song I love, talk myself up, and remind myself that there’s only X number of minutes left and that I’ll feel better after. If it’s physical then I stop because I’ve pushed myself way too hard in the past and just ended up regretting it.
Thank you SO much! 🙂
Reminding yourself that you’ll feel better after is huge – it’s so true that you never regret a workout.
Glad the jerky worked out for you. I have a slight addition to jerky. I love that it is a quick protein on the go. I will have to check out this brand.
Thanks for sharing 🙂
Lord, girl! Those arms are insane!! You are going to do great with your competition.
Looking good there my friend…keep up the hard work!
How do I push my way through difficult workouts? Easy…think about all the beer and wine I get to drink later. 😉
HA! How did I know that you’d say that? Don’t forget the bacon too!
As always, your workout pic is so inspiring!! You look fantastic! I’m bummed I missed out on the blogger party… lets do another one soon, ok?! And I had no idea they did chef demos at the green market! can I come with you this Saturday?
We missed you! But I think a trip to EUR was a decent excuse. 😉
You MUST come with this Saturday! Allie is going to be be in town (Forgotten Beast).
You are looking STRONG girl! I think it’s good to push through sometimes because I often feel better after but I can usually tell when that will be a bad idea, because if you’re going to end up needing a rest day because you’re pushing too much, you might as well just take it now before you get ubber fatigued.
I know… it’s just hard when you have a program to stick to! I get a rest day Friday and I’m so ready!
I think I might be hard pressed to do 100 pull ups in a week, but alas I am not trying to do fitness competition.
You look great and I trust eventually you will have the fortitude to show us the full outfit (shoes and all).
You could do it! Slow and steady wins the race. 😉
Atlanta is an amazing place. I’m jealous of your food scene and blogger meet ups! You’re looking awesome, Laura… I can’t believe how fast the big day is coming!
Wowza. 100 pull-ups a day! Intense.
Sorry you weren’t feeling the best! I hope you start feeling better soon!
You are looking super strong! And so lean. Can’t believe there’s 5 weeks until competition day!
It must be exciting to be so close!
I think working out when your sick is a lot mental, especially when you are training. I probably would’ve taken it easy but obviously since your training for a competition you don’t have that option really.
Feel better!
Insane is EXACTLY what I said too. LOL!
Atlanta totally does seem like a FOODIE place! I always hear about underground dinner parties and festivals. I’m pretty jealous! I really want to visit Savannah too! I love Paula Deen LOL.
Your bicep is looking strong!
You keep sounding like you might come down here… I hope you do one day! Paula’s cousin has a bakery here that is AWESOME.
yay! glad you got a box that worked with your training!
Right?! People are so thoughtful. I love FPP. 🙂
You look fantastic! When I don’t feel 100% I always take a few rest days… just to rejuvenate my mind and let my body recover. But since you are in competition mode I know this is hard for you! I also try to take even just a few minutes just to sit… and do absolutely nothing else. It’s blissful. I can’t wait to see you on competition day! I am sure you look awesome!
That’s a great idea to just take a moment to sit. I NEVER do that… I’m taking your advice tonight. Thank you! 🙂
Damn your exercising and eating continue to inspire my friend – WHY ARE YOU SO COOL! 🙂
Choc Chip Uru
P.S. Come enter my international giveaway to celebrate my 1st Blogiversary!
LOL! You crack me up. Thank you!!!
P.S. Happy Blogiversary!
Dang girl! You looking competition great! But you are going to show your competition photos, yes?
And that’s very cool you get to potluck with the bloggers. Jealous!
Of course… if they are good. 😉
100 pull ups each day?! Assisted or not, that is a LOT! I’m smoked after 3 sets of 10! But dang girl, my biceps dream of being yours when they grow up! Lol Do you ever get embarrassed if someone walks in on you taking a flex pic? I try to do most of mine in one of the small classrooms that isn’t used much because I’m always thinking someone will walk in to the locker room and look at me like I’m a retard…a very narcissistic retard!
Sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling 100%…late nights and lack of sleep WILL do that to you (I should know, right?). I’ve been having the WORST time with insomnia lately and have actually missed my last two workouts because of it…it sucks, but I’m hoping that a couple of days of medicine-induced coma status will help to bring me back to life. I took a benedryl and melatonin this morning before laying down and was out for ELEVEN hours! Felt great, but I still feel a little groggy hours later. :-/ Most of the time when I’m not feeling up to par, I nix the cardio moves and lower the intensity of my workouts…focussing more on the form and movement in each exercise. That way at least I’m still doing SOMETHING and I don’t feel like a slug lying around waiting to feel better.
It’s so cool that your market does regular cooking demos! Ours had one ONCE and I thought it was going to become a regular thing, but sadly no…now I just cross my fingers that some of the vendors offer up samples! What can I say, I’m a sucker for free food! 😉
I found some of that Perky Jerky at Big Lots a few weeks ago! Actually, the main reason I bought it was because I was SHOCKED at how low in sodium it was…the whole pack doesn’t even begin to compare to the saltiness of most jerkies! But I haven’t tried it just yet….I keep forgetting about it and grabbing Popchips instead…god I love those things! Oh and I found a new favorite chip (this coming from the girl who used to hate chips…what’s wrong with me?)…Smartfood’s Feta Herb Hummus popped chips! Oh they’re even BETTER than they sound…just tried them today and was in absolute heaven! Of course it was a manager’s special score at $1.49 and I only got one bag…I’ll definitely be savoring (read hoarding) the rest of the bag for the next few weeks. Lol!
Holy rambling, Batman!…I think I should stop now before I take over your comment section! Sorry bout that…guess since I slept all day, I’m feeling extra chatty! Haha! ; )
YESSSS! I just did ’em – assisted and in 5 sets of 20. If someone walks in on me “posing”… I try to play it cool like i’m stretching. I’m 100% sure that’s not fooling anyone. LOL!
Poor you and your insomnia. I’m not surprised with your crazy schedule! You need a vaca (though I’m coveting your 11 hours of sleep).
I’m about to hit WF to see if they have Perky Jerky. I need more to take on my travels for work this week! Some of the Popchips actually have more sodium… isn’t that bizarre?! And sad, because I heart them. Oh, and YES Smartchips rock. I ate some Saturday night, in fact. 🙂
I love your rambling, Robin. How about this for a random ramble: there is a bar here that is offering one free ginger beer-based cocktail to gingers on Thursday. I’m considering dying my hair.
Wow look at those biceps! I usually give myself a night off so I have more energy (if I’m sick). If I’m being lazy I just get dressed, get out there and keep telling myself ten more minutes. Sometimes setting a reward at the end helps too.
Getting dressed is half the battle sometimes!
Still hated to miss it! Don’t worry – I don’t feel sorry anymore. 😉 Just wish I could have been there. I always know how much fun it is!
PS – HOLY COW, WOMAN! You’re so ripped!
GOOD! Did you guys get everything patched up?
P.S. Thank you. 🙂
Those biceps! wow! I’m sorry you are feeling under the weather and over worked… I can relate. Poor Grubarazzi has been neglected as of late because of it. sigh. five weeks away from competition! How exciting! I can’t wait to hear how you do.
Poor you! I miss your posts. 🙁 Tis the season, right? *sigh*
York sugar-free patties?!!! I’ve never seen this before! I want. These are one of my favorite treats!
I can’t wait to see your competition bikini! Hope your practice went well!
Feel better soon!
I’m excited for YOU! 🙂
They are actually good! Surprisingly carb-y though. Bah.
Dang, girl! Look at those arms! I can only imagine what you’re going to look like on stage in 5 weeks (even if you are forced to wear a “nekkid” bikini). I’m not a big fan of beef jerky but I think turkey jerky sounds yummy! And that edamame-avocado hummus looks delish.
I don’t think I could have eaten beef jerky!
You look awesome girl!! I’m so excited for you and your training! 🙂 I need to get motivated here….