Married 2 weeks and I’m already giving advice?!
No. Not even I am that arrogant confident.
When I shared that I got married, I asked you guys for advice. You delivered! Since there were so many wise words, I decided to summarize it to share with everyone. Mostly for Vegas’ my reference.
Below are some wise words, some funny words, and some random married-life pictures.

Apparently you still get flowers delivered when you’re married.
“Don’t take your partner for granted. Continue to make the effort to appreciate them as your partner and your best friend. It’s easy to let that go as the years pass.” -Christine @ Love, Life, Surf
“Hire a maid… I cannot tell you how much my husband and I fought over cleaning chores which were easily solved by splitting a housekeeper once a week!” –Courtney Bentley
“Sometimes you have to give up and give in. Winning an argument might make you happy for a moment, but it can hurt your relationship. It’s better to be happy than to be right.” -Sue
“I suggest at least one of you get really good at making coffee and bringing it to the other one while wearing very little. It’s worked for me for a while. FYI, I make terrible coffee.” -Cat @ Breakfast Before Bed

Champagne Breakfast – Red Velvet Waffles for Vegas
“Appreciate every minute together, but stay a little single too, have tons of spontaneous adventures and talk things out.” -Lucie @ FitSwissChick
“At least once a month plan something special to do together – keeps the love fresh.” –Dietitian Jess
“Remember to have sex a lot. When you’re with someone for a long time, sometimes it seems more important to vacuum the rug. It’s not.” -Lee @ In My Tummy
“Don’t forget to talk to your spouse. Like really talk not just about the day to day stuff.” – Angela @ Fit Happy Mamma

Watching the horizon in Arizona
“Make it a habit to say something nice every day, like “your hair looks good today or I appreciated how you handled this…” etc. I think it’s nice to just stop and take a moment to do things like that.” -Di
“Be kind.” -Beth
“Choose your battles. There are going to be things that annoy the crap out of you about your partner, that’s life. You either accept them or don’t and you move on because you’re not going to change that person. I used to get mad over little things… leaving dirty utensils on the counter, boxers on the floor… but that’s my husband and no matter how many times I gripe, it’s not going to change. Those little things, those are the things that build up to cause big fights. let them go and move on. It takes me 5 seconds to put his forks in the dishwasher.” -Taylor @ Lifting Revolution
“Keep the sex dirty and the fights clean.” -Alex @ Alex Tries it Out
“Laugh. Always find the thing to laugh at.” -Kristina @ Spa Bettie

First night out together in Vegas
“A wise friend once said to me ‘think of it this way- in ten years, is it really going to matter?’ Applies to so much! When you only have a little time together, as most marrieds do as we work and play and all, spend that time together in harmony and love. I might not like some of his choices in clothing but in ten years, it won’t matter what shirt he had on, just that we did that adventure.” -Morgan
“1. Communicate. So cliche, I know, but so true – much better to get it out and work on it than keep it bottled up.
2. Get away. Life together every day is amazing, but sometimes it takes actually escaping day-to-day life to truly appreciate how awesome you are together.” -Megan @ The Lyons’ Share
“Keep DATING each other. When you stop dating, you stop connecting and laughing and looking into each others eyes.” -Melissa @ Treats With a Twist
“When you have an argument, never say something you will later regret. Once something is said, you can’t really take it back… and never threaten to leave unless you mean it. Always listen and always talk things out. Never assume the other person knows how you feel and what you’re thinking. Be confident on who you are and be confident about your relationship… and don’t ever let your insecurities (if you have any) create problems… and never let your life together become a dull routine, even if you get older, always keep it interesting and dynamic. Best of all… spend most of your time being silly and laugh a lot together.” -Marlin
“Don’t be an asshole.” -Alayna @ Thyme Bombe
“Forgive, forgive, forgive. Always remember the wonderful parts of your spouse and the strong parts of your relationship. Don’t focus on the bad or weaker parts. When you focus on the good, it will blossom!” -Carrie @ Season It Already
“Talk. A lot. Your partner should be your best friend.” -Heather @ FITaspire
“It’s best not to argue when hungry.” -Jess @ Keeping It Real Food

We’ll never go hungry. Or champagne-less. Except during competition prep.
“Never let the sun go down on an argument.” – Jen @ Chase the Red Grape
“It’s ok to go to bed angry and yelling is still a form of communication.” Allie
Janet @ The Taste Space shared two really great links.
All marvelous words of wisdom, but my favorite is either hire a maid (you know I will!) or have sex a lot (no argument there).
What is you favorite piece of relationship advice?
Do you think it’s bad go to bed mad? I know from the past that sometimes I gotta cool down.
Oh wow this is a great compilation!! I think my favourite relationship advice, regardless of the kind of relationship, is to communicate…so basic yet effective!
All great advice! I love – keep the sexy dirty and fights clean. Wise words!
These are so cool! Look at how any people care about you two! I’ve never been married and probably never will meet a man who can tolerate my multitasking craziness, but I agree you should never go to bed angry.
Ha! Never say never. I just watched Vegas eat turkey and veggies cold out of a cup because that’s my diet plan. NEVER thought I’d find someone so willing to put up with my insanity.
Hahaha I love these tidbits. I can definitely concur with many oft them, having been married for almost 2 years now. W never fought about chores, but having a maid is like a gift from heaven.
And just forgive and forget the small stuff–let them know that it is bothering you, admit that you aren’t perfect, and then move on. But communication is everything.
We are 100% getting a maid. Eliminate the small stuff. 😉
I don’t think it’s a bad thing to go to bed mad. Sometimes I’m just not ready to stop being mad just because it’s bed time.
I didn’t realize you guys have known each other for that long!
I’m with you on that!
Yep… she lived here then!
Lots of awesome advice there! Jason and I have been together 19 years, married 14 1/2. Honestly, sometimes it’s best for ME to go to bed pissed off, fight unfinished so that I don’t say stupid things. I can sleep on it, wake up the next day and think more clearly. And usually the argument doesn’t mean nearly so much the next day.
I hear that! It’s like adult time out. 🙂
Y’all look so happy together, congrats again!
I would say to FORGIVE A LOT. haha. Be patient too and say nice things everyday. I still need to work on that. LOL! Love ya’ll!
I can’t imagine you really need to work on that. You’re so sweet!
Nice to see you so happy! Ha love your advice. We are going on 20 years this summer!
20 years… that’s awesome! Congrats! 🙂
haha I love the champagne less, I swear its liquid xanax sometimes 😉 haha love this post!! xo C P.S thank you for including me 😉
HA! It totally is Xanax!
sounds like you two already have some great traditions (sunrises and champagne are two necessaries in life), and these wise words from friends will fill in the rest.
I personally like Cat’s coffee idea…
When those became a tradition, I knew it was the perfect fit. 😉
This is great advice! Not going to bed angry is always something I’ve tried to follow in any relationship.
Great advice! Loved all of these – so true! So happy for you, Laura! 🙂
This actually made me feel a little weepy, reading all of those comments. 🙂 I’m so stinkin’ happy for you. Now send me some available dates so I can hang out with you and catch up please!
Awwww… thanks! We do need to catch up STAT.
Love all the suggestions but most of all, love the photos of you two!
Thanks Janet! I really loved the articles you shared!
I love all of these but Cat’s the best. Sex and coffee…nothing better!
I needed a quote about laundry fluffing!
Such a great round up! I think these words of wisdom could be applied to ANY relationship! 🙂
Yes! That’s a great point.
I love all of these! They ring so true nearly 6 years in to marriage 🙂
All great advice! The hire a maid one sounds heavenly! I am all for that!
I’ll remember all these words of wisdom when the time comes 😀
Choc Chip Uru
Love it all! Great advice and great pictures!
I’m loving all the “have tons of sex” comments!! This is especially true when you have kids…you have to remember that fun sex is so much better then trying to have a baby sex!
Isn’t it awesome?! Totally dispels the myth about the “magic” dying. 🙂
Great advice!!
I prefer going to bed mad over separating for the day mad. Those days are the worst – especially if you can’t contact your spouse to apologize during the day:)
I’m so with you. Being awake and mad is way worse for me!
Um, why didn’t my sex toy comment make the post? Just kidding, this was fabulous. I loved hearing everyone pearls of wisdom. It was fantastic.
Strictly because I’d already written the post when you commented. I don’t discriminate on the basis of sex toys.
All awesome advice.
I like ALL of the advice. Particularly any that mention sexy time because I know my fiance would approve of those. Ha! And I need all of the advice I can get as well since I will be marrying in the near future.
I loved how many people called out sex. It shouldn’t be so taboo.
WOW, great advices…. Now I just need to find a man and get him down on his knee! 😉
Happy 2-weekiversary, Laura!
Haha – easy as pie, right? 😉
I love this so so much and I want to rub this into the face of couples who are complaining about their relationship.
I know! I hate when people just sit around and bitch. Life is too short to be miserable.
A lot of great (and funny!) marriage advice! I hope you and Vegas enjoyed reading these together 🙂
Love them!!! And love the picture of you two from years ago – I didn’t know you had met earlier!
It’s crazy… I’d have never predicted we’d end up here. Life is funny. And awesome.
Allie’s advice is not wrong. Yelling totally counts.
So now I’m going to get on my soap box. You and Vegas are women. You’re married. Your friends and fans give (great) marriage advice. Every piece of that advice is about being married. This article could appear on any blog about marriage anywhere in the world. There’s no gay advice or traditional advice. It is just marriage advice – as it should be.
You know… I didn’t think about that until you commented. Pretty amazing… I love how fast our society is evolving.
1. I REMEMBER YOUR POST WHERE YOU SAID all you needed was your vibrator, LMFAO
2. I wasn’t invited
THANKS. However, I guess I kind of feel like I was there because I have been seeing ALL of your photos!
Vegas and I are both still shocked. LOL!
We’ll be closer now… maybe a reenactment with Elvis?!
Congratulations and best wishes! xoxo
I hear all the time that communication is most important in a relationship.. I think a lot falls under that umbrella, as well. 🙂 My Mom always said her favorite thing about my Dad is that he makes her laugh. I think that’s most important! <3
Laughing is one of my top priorities!
These are such amazing advice. I will definitely take these in consideration when I marry one day. And I am so loving the photo of you guys
I’m so happy that you shared this advice. I’ve been married for 53 days! I’m with you on wanting the wisdom of those who are living it! Good luck — I wish you so much happiness, Laura! 🙂
Thanks Erin! We’re at 3 weeks today… crazy how time flies! Much happiness to you too. 🙂
So many wise words here! Yes, yelling is absolutely a form of communication.
Congratulations! So exciting you got married. Gay marriage is still not legally recognized here in Australia. I hope that cchanges quickly. I don’t want to explain how ridiculous and unfair that is to my kids!
Thank you so much! That really means a lot. I hope AUS comes around soon too!
How did I miss that you’re married?!?! Congratulations! 🙂
I like the advice about being a couple, but having your own hobbies and adventures.
Thank you! That was really great advice… so important to keep your own identity.
HAHA arguing while hungry is a serious no-no. My fiance knows this very, very well.
Right?! Danger zone.