I’m a believer in “go big or go home.”
The following post is sponsored by Fitfluential LLC on behalf of Verizon Wireless.
The other day my trainer told me I’d never be big enough. Not that I can’t build, but I love it and I’ll always want MORE muscles. #truth I also submit that there is never enough chocolate cake or good red wine.*
*My stomach and liver may disagree.
There’s one more thing to have to add to the list. Verizon Wireless’ new More Everything plan!
When I first got a cell phone I was 17 and I bought my own because my dad said I had no business with a cell phone. It was one of those big Nokias and I thought I was the coolest kid ever. Time have changed! Now kids get phones for “safety” and their parents pay for it all. I must confess that I actually regressed and am on the family plan with Verizon. It’s cheaper to share with my mom and sisters… even if my mom and I are the only ones paying for said plan (slacker younger siblings!). Either way, I switched from a not-so-great provider to Verizon years ago and I couldn’t be happier.
This new More Everything plan is perfect for us budget-conscious people sharing with our families. It starts as low as $45 a month and, you can power up to ten devices with UNLIMITED TALK, UNLIMITED TEXT and all the data you can handle!
Since we’re all unique little snowflakes, you have the option to build your own package. Just choose the devices and data. You can also upgrade to a new phone without having to wait those pesky 2 years! I suggest the iPhone 5s. 🙂
Interested? Click here to learn more!
It makes all my over-sharing on Instagram possible. Like this week’s roller derby bout! I got to see my old teammates!
More can be Marvelous… even on Mondays.
What can you never have too much MORE of?
What was your first cell phone?
I’ve always been a Verizon user! More is good when it comes to cell phones!
i can never have too much ice cream. not where you were going with this post? oh. lol. first cell phone was nextel – remember nextel? those annoying walkie talkie phones?? haha now my fam has been with verizon for years!! #muchbetter
I totally forgot about the walkie talkies! That drove me nuts!!!
ahhh my first cell was a HUUGE BRICK.
Haha – remember the car-mounted ones? Crazy how fast we’ve progressed.
Isn’t it funny how cell phones have changed since they first came out! Crazy and all happened so fast! What could I never have enough of…..sweets! But that is definitely a bad thing 🙂
I feel your struggle… my sweet tooth knows no limits.
Can never have enough peanut butter…currently, crunchy pb 🙂
I always need more TIME
Amen to THAT!
I can never have too much SLEEP!!!
My 1st cell phone was this huge black one that was kept in the glove box of my car for emergencies ONLY!
ya, we’ve been itching to go to verizon for this very reason. VALUE! and i think you know my answer to the last question…. balls. LOL!
Duh. 😉
WE have been on Verizon for years & years & had the kids on it when they were under our plan. We should own that place by now! 😉 I want this plan just to get rid on my phone – I am not a fan of my HTC.
Yes I’ve been a Verizon ages since I was 19 yrs old HAHA… ummm that was… let’s say 13 yrs ago damn it HAHAHA!!! Love your blog! 🙂
they should give you a loyalty reward! Thanks so much for the compliment! 🙂
Kabocha…obviously! I want to take the boys to derby so badly! I think they would have a blast!
You should go!!! I won’t be in town in April but i’d love to go with if you guys want to go in May.
always been verizon girls!!
My first cell phone was so ridiculously huge! And we’ve been on Verizon forever. Nice to learn about this plan. I can never get enough sleep, probably because I don’t get enough sleep!
I need a sleep-cation. 😉
Forever a Verizon customer! OMG my first cell phone was a ginormous flip phone. I wish I would have kept it to show my kids. They would laugh non-stop!
Haha – they are antiques! I bet they don’t know what a pager is either.
I got my first phone when I was 16, after my first pager of course. Ah, I remember those days. 🙂
I had a pager too. Why in the world did I think I needed that???
I COULD NEVER HAVE too much more salmon! LOL! And Ryan Reynolds… And spaghetti squash… And SLEEP! Mmmmmm sleep! My first phone was a RAZOR! A black sexy one. When I was 14 years old because I went to boarding school. I remember playing snake. I barely remember when I started text messaging. So weird to think about!
I had a Razor too! I was so excited to have it after the boxy Nokia. Mine was silver, and I was addicted to snake. 🙂
Haha I remember my dads old cell phone it was as big as my arm when I was little 😛
Choc Chip Uru
Omg, those old Nokia phones were HUGE! And yeah, my liver DEFINITELY disagrees with you on the red wine comment! 😉 But you know what you can never have too much more of? Blue sky sunny days at the park! I’ve been LOVING the weather we’ve been getting this week!