…team back again.
Brittany tagged me inย this survey on her blog last week. ย I don’t do these often… but how can I turn down a ‘stache? ย #TWSS
Four names that people call me, other than my real name:
- Bacon
- WaWa (my baby sister… because she couldn’t say her Ls when she was a baby)
- Layla (when I played roller derby my name was Layla Beatdown)
- Random sock-themed names. ย Several of my friends saved me in their cell phones as the socks I was wearing when we met – stripes, rainbow… bacon.
Four jobs I have had:
- Sales Effectiveness Consultant
- TV ad sales
- Personal Trainer
- Bartender/Waitress… my first job was at Johnny Rockets. ย So. ย Bad.
Four movies Iโve watched more than once:
- Grease (I know every line)
- Charlie Wilson’s War
- Almost Famous
- Gone With the Wind
Four books Iโd recommend:
I used to read ALL the time. ย Life happened. ย Blogging happened… as a result I’m going to copy Brittany and change this to blogs.
- Fit Swiss Chickย – Lucie is hilarious, inspiring… and brave. ย She let me crash her place in Switzerland… and we’d never met.
- Kiss My Broccoliย – I can barely even look at Heather without laughing. ย She’s random and brutally honest in the best way possible.
- Cotter Crunchย – Lindsay is my brother. ย She makes (healthy) balls, has great taste in wine, and is a balls-to-the-wall athlete.
- Sweat Like a Pigย – I’ve never met Tara, but I have a feeling we’d be fast friends if I ever make it to the UK. ย She is a powerlifter and her ability to locate epicย burgers might rival mine.
Four places I have lived:
- Atlanta, GA
- Tallahasse, FL
- Athens, GA
- Marietta, GA (I need to GTFO GA)
Four places I have been:
- Italy – all over
- Barcelona,ย Spain
- Santiago and Valparaisoย (on a US Navy ship),ย Chile
- Copenhagen,ย Denmark
Four places Iโd rather be right now:
- Vegas
- Alba, Italy
- Greece
- At the gym (Are you really surprised?)

Truffle Festival in Alba, Italy
Four things I donโt eat:
- White potatoes. ย They are vile.
- Asparagus. ย If you’ve ever done a competition, you know.
- Fast food or chain food. ย I’ll never understand why you’d waste a meal on crap like that.
- Oysters. ย I keep trying them… but I just can’t.
Four of my favorite foods:
This is like trying to choose a favorite child… I could easily make this list 20 items long.
- Chocolate cake.
- Red wine (Don’t judge. ย Grapes = Food.)
- Really, really good burgers. ย Preferably topped with bone marrow. ย I have a running list of the top 5 in Atlanta.
- Sea bass. ย It’s the pork belly of the sea.
Four TV shows that I watch:
I don’t really watch TV. ย I haven’t had cable in 4 or 5 years… but I did have an affair with Netflix. ย And I still love a rerun.
- House of Cards
- Orange is the New Black
- I Love Lucy
- Will & ย Grace
Four things I am looking forward to this year:
- Going to Arizona for Thanksgiving
- Being in front of a fireplace
- Going to Lake Tahoe
- Rolling in theย grass
Four things Iโm always saying:
- Fuck
- That’s what she said (I’m guilty of over-using that one. ย And I’m not sorry.)
- Man up
- Hey
Four People I Tag:
Is it Monday already? ย What I really mean is it leg day already?! ย Marvelous…
Do you read more books or blogs?
Pick aย question andย answer it!
I read more blogs, listen to books. And I say “fuck” a lot, but didn’t mention it in my Mustache post. Love learning more about you (even if there is a lot of bacon involved ๐ ).
Fun survey! I have been so busy and so happy I had some extra time today to catch up on all of my favorite blogs ๐ I totally do not understand why people waste food on chain restaurants such a waste! All my love xo c
You have been busy! Your instagram makes me tired. xo
girl I am on the GO! Gotta move + shake it around ASIA <3
Hahah love that you’re always saying “TWSS”- glad I’m not the only one ;)! I started watching the tv show How To Get Away with Murder over the weekend- definitely check it out on NetFlix if you get a chance!
Are you trying to rekindle my Netflix thing?! Enabler. ๐
I read more blogs than books these days, say Fuck way more than I should (such a good adjective, verb, noun), and love House of Cards. Makes me wonder, is politics really like that??
I think politics are probably worse than that!
You’re awesome, I love learning more and more about you.
Thanks friend!
Now that I’m using the machines at the gym I always think…”it’s leg day,” “it’s arm day.” Of course for me it’s also, “ok, let’s do one more lap around this bloody track day.” I’m loving it and if I ever remember to take my phone in with me and after Gail stops rolling her eyes because I asked her to take my picture…I’ll post some photos of me working out! This was a fun post. Have a great day, Laura!
Awwww… you’re working out like me now! Rock on! ๐
Hold on…. when did you live in Tallahassee??
Waaaayyyyyy back. I did my first two years of college at FSU.
Speaking as an FSU alum, you earn points for that… but seeing as we are very close in age, maybe lets not say it was waaay back!
HA! Valid point.
ahhh to the dismay of MANY I am always saying FUCK as well ๐
LOL! I love you bro! can i come with you to tahoe? pretty please
Seriously… do you want to?
Aww you’re so sweet! I know we would be great friends too ๐ We would definitely hunt down the most epic burger in existence. Please come to London soon! I drop in a “TWSS” at least three times a day. We can annoy each other. Haha
I totally will! Can’t believe I haven’t been yet!
4 places I’d rather be right now (as I’m at work pretty much anywhere would be ok): beach, beach, beach or my bed.
What if your bed was ON the beach? ๐
ahahaha love this survey!
Love it! Tahoe? I wanna go so bad!
Lately I have been reading way more blogs than books… 4 things I don’t eat: 1) mayo 2) ranch 3) sour cream 4) steak –They all equally gross me out, but mayo is the worst. Bacon is a pretty sweet nickname and also the reason I can’t be vegetarian.
Sooooo… you have a problem with white creamy things? ๐
I would have probably changed it to blogs, too. ๐ I didn’t realize you banned asparagus… but after all those competition eats, I can understand!
I love Will and Grace!!! I miss that show! I used to watch it every morning before school and then one day it was no longer playing! Other shows I love are Scandal, How I Met Your Mother, and Revenge!
They need to do a reunion!
Im right there with you when it comes to oysters. Being from Boston, you’d think I would like them, but I just can’t. They creep me out!
Charlie WIlson’s War, one of my favorites (“I have a thing in my ear, get past it.”) and not just because PSH was my favorite. Almost Famous, yes, and Will & Grace.
I still read more books than blogs, although both are a lot. I say fuck way too much, and over the last few years, in front of my mom. Some things you go through and it gives you carte blanche, I think – she doesn’t even flinch now.
Oh, my mom gave up on my mouth LONG ago. There’s no saving me. ๐
That last picture of you is awesome – not the word, but you look jacked! ๐ I haven’t sat down to read as much over the past few years (something I want to change), but I do listen to a lot of audiobooks. Mazerunner Book 1 & 2 were both great!
HA! I thought that you’d love that shirt though… ๐
This sounds like a fun survey. I’d feel bad if somebody tagged me because I don’t keep up anymore. First time I’ve read other blogs (besides yours … of course) in WEEKS.
Obv you still wait for my blog to post. HAHAHAHA! Fuck it. We need to get together for real.
Well, since I’ve been tagged, I guess I’m going to have to wait and answer the questions myself!
I read more blogs. I read books quite a bit…but definitely more blogs.
so fun! Love learning all these random facts about you, like white potatoes… I’ve never met someone that didn’t like plain ‘ol potatoes! Totally with you on the wine front, though!
I’m not the only one! I like the sweet ones. ๐
Gosh, I MISS our mess so much. It was so crazy yet so cozy. I want to be your roomate once we’re really old. We would do workouts in front of the TV and then drink a lot of wine and gossiping wisdomly about life.
This is perfect for my last post before I go on vacation, thanks for tagging me. It will be a twin post of this one. Except rolling in the grass. I never do that. (#twss – lol)
You BETTER be my roommate!!! We are going to tear up Sonoma in a few months. We need to pick dates!
And you know you like that grass. ๐
I love surveys. I ALWAYS say that’s what she said. It’s so overly obnoxious at this point.
I read a lot more books I think!
Oh, I know I must be annoying… but ask me if I care. Mwhahahaha!
i read more blogs than book…okay 4 places i’d rather be now – portland (i have always wanted to visit), Vietnam, my bed ( im still very store), bali (i need some R and R)
You’re coming to AZ for Thanksgiving???? Lucky! Oh wait I already live here! Lol…
I am!!! Right outside of Tucson! I do love the desert. ๐
See if I did this, I would put chocolate cake 4 different times on the favourite food list ๐
I wouldn’t mind being in Greece right now either ๐
Choc Chip Uru
I totally agree that eating at a chain is wasting a meal.
Um, I need some I Love Lucy right now!
Heehee I love you…what is a book anyway?
Seriously… ๐
I feel like you’re speaking my language girl :). I LOVE Charlie Wilsonโs War, I love me some chocolate cake, and yes I agree you must move from GA lol. Most of my family lives there now. Great post
GA isn’t that bad… I really do love Atlanta. But it’s time.
I love that people call you bacon. And man, I want to go to a truffle festival!! I swear way more than I should. Love this!
The truffle festival was the coolest thing – it’s just like out of Under the Tuscan Sun with the flag throwers and everything!
I adore your roller derby name: Layla Beatdown. Flirty and feminine with a wallop of bad ass. It’s perfectly fitting.