Facebook is an indicator of narcissism.
Raise your hand if you’re in trouble…
According to a recent study, there is a link between the number of “friends” you have and narcissism.  The participants were assessed on the based on the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI).  Who knew that even existed?!
The study wasn’t fully representative, but the theory is that a high friend count indicates you need excessive attention.
Clearly these people never played in a ~100 person roller derby league or went to grad school.  That’s like 50% of my friend count!
But I digress.  Today is the last  green themed What I Ate Wednesday!  Give my day of eats some attention, and then give Jenn’s blog some attention by clicking here to see what everyone chowed down on.
I was in a rush, so I did a quick 15 min HIIT workout before breakfast… which left me starving.  I scarfed another Raspberry Barked Oatmeal To-Go (perfect in-a-hurry-meal), along with slices of the best grapefruit I’ve ever eaten.
This fruit was so sweet I couldn’t believe it wasn’t an orange or maybe an Ugli fruit.
Again with the busy theme, I ate lunch on the road. Â Literally – I was driving with my knees with a cell phone in one hand and my burrito bowl in the other.
Safe, I know… at least is didn’t try to take a picture!
I wish I had gotten a pic because Willy’s is the only Mexi-rito chain I have seen that offers tofu. Â Vegan tofu burrito bowl, FTW.
Random, but yummy:
- Cashews
- Squash sticks dipped in marinara
- TJ’s Sweet Potato Chips + Eggplant Garlic Dip (sooooo good!)
- Grapes
- Beer… it was a pre-tennis snack! 🙂
- Rick’s Picks Mean Beans – spicy pickle green beans
A quick post-tennis veggie stir-fry served with apple slices, and seed bread over a bed of mixed greens.
In my quickie stir-fry:
- Yellow cauliflower
- Squash and zucchini
- Collard greens
- Onion
- Garlic
- Nutritional yeast
- Liquid aminos
- Thyme
- S+P
One of these Chewy Granola Cookies from the freezer.  I love a low-sugar quickie dessert.  I may have had 2.
In the theme of narcissism…. it’s the last time I’ll post my weekly vote plea.  A nomination as a “Best Healthy Eating Blog” for the 2012 Fitterati Blog Awards on FitnessMagazine.com blew me away.  I know I’m never going to reach the 1000+ vote mark, but I’d be honored if you felt inclined to click here and vote for me. 🙂
What is your favorite burrito-chain order?
Let’s talk Facebook… do you believe the theory? Â How narcissistic are you?
Seriously, I’ll be eating your baked oatmeal for the next few weeks. YUM. Thanks so much for the idea and recipe.
Thank you soooo much! I love/am flattered by the feedback. 🙂
Eggplant garlic spread… yum! Okay checking out the raspberry baked oatmeal and granola cookies. They both look equally addicting. 😉
Every time I stop over I feel I should eat healthier and definitely start running. 🙂 The baked oatmeal is on my list for the weekend.
LOL! Every time I look at your blog, I think I should invite myself over.
That burrito sounds phenomenal!
And so does the looks of that stir-fry =)
I haven’t tried the combo of the eggplant dip + sweet potato chips yet… a must I’m sure!
Ohh I 100% agree with that Facebook study- I find for some people, having a higher number of friends kind of validates who they are…which is sad! I just had a look at your cookie recipe and it sounds yummy…love that the possibility of mix-ins is endless…but even if they weren’t, getting ‘bored’ of a cookie is impossible ;)!
I’m never telling you how many friends I have… in my defense after playing on sports teams and going to grad school the numbers climb a lot! 😉
Cheers to unsafe driving! [In a…we both need to keep our hands on the wheel kind of way. ;)]
Can we please TALK about how good the grapefruits have been? (And how much I want that cookie..)
I know, I know… I’m just glad you’re ok after that crazy driving thing!
I need to find a place that has tofu in their burrito bowls. Then maybe I would *have* a burrito-chain order. Because I currently don’t have one and I am feeling rather uncool about that. (Yum on all of your food. As usual.)
I can see how the FB theory could possibly maybe be sort of true. I couldn’t care less how many friends I have (on my personal site). There are only a handful that I honestly care about what they are doing, saying, eating, or whatever anyway. And I’m not a very active participant–there aren’t enough hours in the day!
Same here… I really just use Twitter and that feeds into my FB. Social media is cool, but takes a lot more effort than one would think.
I actually think you’re right about the number of facebook friends. To some extent anyhow. I mean, I haven’t got that many friends on facebook and I’m fine with that. Obviously a spuriously affected matter.
I love grapefruit as well. I haven’t had one in quite some time though. obviously time for a change there.
“Obviously a spuriously affected matter.” <--- sentence of the day!
You had a burrito BOWL while driving? Props!
Right?! I’m a talented knee-driver.
Everything looks delicious! Where is Willy’s? I need a tofu burrito! You can get tofu at Moe’s also.
Really?! That’s trouble – there’s one by my office.
Oh man, I bet that TJ’s eggplant garlic dip is goo-oo—ooood! I used to be addicted to their Eggplant Caponata. Literally, I had to stop buying it.
I haven’t tried the Caponata… maybe I shouldn’t! Eggplant is a weakness. 🙂
It’s so rare to find restaurants/fast food chains that actually have tofu! I always get super excited when I actually come across one.
Also those granola cookies look good! I love how many delicious but healthy cookie recipes there are in the blog world. I even managed to impress my mom with some – and she’s a cookie purist haha.
There are more and more around ATL that have it… though still not enough! I wish I could find tempeh at more places.
Your baked oatmeal looks lovely!
I’m a Chipotle girl myself, and burrito bowls are the way to go for me too!
I love Chipotle because of the fresh ingredients they use. Oh and the guac there is amazing!
And I don’t know if I totally believe that study about the FB and narcissim connection. I think someone can have a great personality, attract a lot of people to them, and not be narcissistic. Just my 2 cents!
I tend to agree with you on FB – plus after going to grad school your umber of friends grows quickly!
Moe’s has tofu too but it’s not as good as Willy’s.
There would have to be a correlation of the narcissim of your fb friends to the number of friends you have, provided they add you. That’s a whole other mathematical dimension added. Plus how do you objectively measure narcissism?
I don’t have a favorite burrito chain… but I guess I’d go for QUizno’s.
Ohhhh… good thought. That’s deep. 😉
I love that you snack on so many different things! I thought I was the only weirdo who does that, but finally I’ve found a fellow “I can’t decide what to snack so I’ll have a few nibbles of everything” sufferer! haha. Love the blog! <3
Totally! Why limit yourself where there are so many options? 🙂
I can completely buy into the need for more Facebook friends to make you feel validated and liked. Hopefully people can grow their self-esteem in other ways and realize having a gagillion (yep it’s a number) friends isn’t a competition.
As for burrito chains Moe’s offers tofu and so does Chipotle…both of which also source their food from local farmers (yeah Farm to Table).
It looks like a good day of eats and I had no idea you should be drinking beer before playing sports…I bet if I start that I will play like a complete MVP 🙂
Have a great day and stop driving with your knees
Rachel… drinking beer and playing sports goes together like peas and carrots! 🙂
uh YES to those chewy granola cookies!
Dangit, I’m hungry now.
My college boyfriend was ALL about Facebook friends. Ugh. Annoying.
I think we bloggers are all a BIT narcissistic. 😉
LOL! I can agree with that.
Will you be my FB friend, Laura? 🙂 🙂
I have more friends on FB than I keep in touch with regularly, but I blame that on having moved around for school, school, more school and work. 😉 Each place brought new friends. 🙂 And there’s the blogging community.. actually I think I am FB friends with only 2 other bloggers.
Of course! And I have the same FB friend thing – school and sports added a TON!
As usual fantastic healthy foods. Love those spicy pickle green beans. where did you find those? Have a happy day.
Thank you! They were a Whole Foods find – definitely worth the $$!
I always love your food. LOVE. I could eat it all up!
I think your my FB friend, but maybe not? I’m sure I sent you a friend request. Maybe I’m not cool enough? 😉
I have a bunch of friends on FB that I would probably never keep in touch with otherwise, many that just sent me a request and I accepted, and some that are real-life friends that I see every day. I don’t have a page for my blog. I actually don’t make my blog very public. I think I have shared about 3 posts that I know that a lot of my friends would enjoy seeing (mostly if it features them) but that’s it. But, to each his own.
I like talking about myself (clearly, most bloggers do) but don’t consider myself “needy” for attention. I like to have a proper amount, but I also like my privacy too- big time.
I’m bad about catching up! We’re friends now. 🙂
Agreed on the privacy – I don’t friend random people. Like you. 😉 KIdding!!!! xo
Safety first, young lady! 😉 I love Willy’s. I wish we had them in CLT instead of Moe’s – not that I’m hating on Moes… just sayin
Moe’s isn’t my fav…. but now that I know they have tofu I’m going to try it again!
omg! i will be extra careful running in atlanta now that i know about your insane driving habits! watch out for laura! 🙂 i wish chipotle had tofu!
Don’t worry! I was on 400. 🙂
Cool post!! I think that study is really funny! I guess I have “a lot” of facebook friends but I’ve actually been trying to delete people lately. It makes me feel mean haha! Did you get your grapefruit from Whole Foods?
Don’t de-friend me. 🙂
I did! I was surprised – usually my best produce is from YDFM.
I won’t de-friend you, I promise! 😀 The WF grapefruits of late have been incredible.
Facebook is becoming just silly to me haha. I just do it because it is a great way to keep in touch with people since I have moved from state to state so much.
All you yummies look…well yummy!
It IS useful as you get older and people move away.
That is a busy day! I didn’t know you play tennis… do you play every week? I love having healthy cookies stashed in the freezer….I went a little crazy baking the last few weeks, so I’m set for quite awhile (providing I have strong willpower)!
I wouldn’t say I play tennis… but I like to hit the ball! I don’t get to play nearly as much as I’d like. No one I know plays!
SOO making those granola cookies!! And, of course, I voted for you!!
Thanks, Linds!
I’m not sure about the Facebook thing…have a number of friends but barely ever look at it. What does that mean? Good topic of conversation, though!
Haha, I hope that’s true–then I’m horrible UN narcissistic, I think I have about a third the number of fb friends as most people I know. I also happen to have a large percentage of the ingredients needed for those cookies. I think I know what I’ll be nomming on for dessert tonight!
I don’t think your narcissistic anyway! 🙂
Did you make them? Let me know what you think!
I got out the ingredients last night…and then somehow morphed into making pancakes instead, haha. I have no attention span in the kitchen. Whatsoever. But you were the inspiration behind some delicious oatmeal pancakes!
A vegan tofu burrtio? Really? That is awesome! The granola cookies look delicious.
Don’t you just love those ee cards?
So, when will they do a study on bloggers?
LOL! They NEED to do a study on bloggers. Though I’m a bit scared… 🙂
I had a grapefruit this morning that was so sweet as well! Is it the season?? I have no idea… Also congrats on being nominated!
Maybe so! Could it be the warmer-than-usual weather?
Thank you. 🙂
I eat Willy’s at least once a week if not more 🙂 Love it! That grapefruit looks delicious… just added them to my (never-ending) grocery list.
OK. We need to have a meet up on at Willy’s. Margaritas and tofu on the patio! 🙂
Oh My Gosh yum! Those cookies look soo tasty 😀
And your breakfast? I have never tried grapefruit but I definitely will now 🙂
Choc Chip Uru
Latest: Maple Raisin Ice Cream
Thank you! Broiled grapefruits is the best! Especially when they are a sweet at they are right now. It’s like dessert breakfast. 🙂
My boyfriend is always telling me I have too many FB friends 🙂 But I’m a performer and it’s really business networking and keeping slightly in touch with all the myriad of people you’ve worked with in the path and could possibly work with again. I’m cool with it and it makes keeping up with my 4 brothers and 1 sister MUCH easier. being out of the US I miss Chipotle like crazy…
I totally agree about keeping up with people! What did we do before FB? 🙂
What I don’t get about fbook is that these people with like 3 trillion friends don’t even know three quarters of them! I also think that anyone who has a profile picture of themselves taken in a mirror with no top on needs to be deleted… and then shot. But thats a whole nother rant all together! And poking?? Don’t even get me started on poking! Haha! Great eats btw and of course I have voted for you!
Who has a pic with no top on?! That’s so tacky. I don’t get the poking thing either… I’ve never even used it. If I want to say hi, then I’ll say hi – no need to poke!
LOL! I read about that study and thought the same thing – man, this doesn’t even take into account the fact that I am unfailingly naccissistic and do not have a FB page. Love it and love your eats!
Right?! I think they are off-case and I’m proof. LOL!