Welcome to the new Sprint 2 the Table!
Thank you guys for putting up with my outdated look for so long. I am no web designer, so I finally decided to do the smart thing and enlist help. I hope you like it, and that it makes it easier to navigate around here. If you run into any bugs, please let me know. There are always kinks to workout. Kinky.
ALSO… I added a tab for training and nutrition. I earned my certifications a few weeks back, but hadn’t had the time to really promote it. With the new site in place, I’m ready to take it to the next level. Wheeee!

This has nothing to do with anything except that I think it’s hilarious. Although… if Target had a bar… that would really be taking it to the next level.
Speaking of taking it to the next level (how’s that for a smooth transition?), I took my kitchen tools to the next level with a new handheld spiralizer. It’s the easiest, most awesome thing ever.

New toy!
I immediately put it to use with a zucchini. I made a salad of zucchini noodles, red bell pepper, avocado, and salsa. I ate it with a piece of salmon from a special delivery that arrived from Sizzlefish.
They also sent over scallops in my box this time. I hadn’t tried them before, but I’ll definitely be getting them again. I seared them in a pan, then added in tomato sauce and chickpeas – my first time trying their scallops. It was easy and delicious!
Then I had an amazing dinner with one of my favorite people (Jessica, who thought of my new tagline) at one of my favorite places, Better Half. Zach, the chef and owner, has a really cool story and makes some of the most amazing, innovative food in Atlanta.
This is going to get long… Clockwise from the top left:
- Stuffed cherry peppers with goat cheese and cream corn with pickled okra, tomatillo sauce, and lemon popcorn
- Olive oil poached shrimp with cucumber, watermelon jelly, and tapande
- Trout with tomato water, cream corn, bacon, and dehydrated tomato
- Compressed pork shoulder with peach molasses, pickled watermelon, and corn pudding croutons
- Toffee cake with curry ice cream and peaches
- Lemon curd with burnt meringue, condensed milk ice cream, and lavender jelly.
The weekend was starting out strong! Then arrived the fail boat.
I got up early and hit the ninja gym… running on these things is fun. I like to do it to warm up.
I’d tweaked my ankle the day before, but thought it was fine. I guess it was weaker, because the next thing I knew I hear my ankle pop. I tried to tough it out. That wasn’t a good strategy. I decided I needed to get get it x-rayed since I couldn’t walk and the whole popping sound had scared me.
Next thing I knew I was staring at this sign:
If I’d been pregnant, we’d have had MUCH bigger problems than my ankle. Read Monday’s post for more on that. 😉
It’s not broken. Just a bad sprain. So… I went to the gym. Don’t need feet to do upper body! Click here if you’re interested in seeing the gimp workout I did. The shirt is ironic. I found pain pills from last year’s surgery and passed out slept like a little baby the night before. #doasisaynotasido
After than I went for a massage and was reprimanded by my brilliant therapist. He said he could tell I’d never had a sprain before. When I asked why he said “because you have to REST. It’s not something you just walk off.” Oh. My bad.
Soooo… I got worked on and went home. I did rest… after I food prepped and made dinner. Roasted poblano pepper stuffed with sautéed lean ground turkey, red and yellow bell peppers, onion, and Mexican spices. Topped with Cypress Grove’s Sgt. Pepper goat cheese. It was marvelous.
Resting is so boring. How do people that don’t workout or have hobbies do it?
Have you ever sprained an ankle? Any magical cures are welcome…
Any feedback on the new look? Or content?
Awesome new site, it looks amazing! Congrats on getting your qualifications as well, I got my personal trainer qualification last year and it’s a great feeling 🙂
Thanks Ellen! Congrats to you too. 🙂
Love the new look, Laura…very clean cut and sleek design!
site looks great! sorry to hear about your ankle!
Whooo! Congrats on getting your PT qualification!! You will make an awesome, if a little scary (totally a compliment btw!), trainer! I have literally just applied for mine as well! I feel like I’m constantly saying “Oh I would LOVE to get paid to train!” So, why not!? 🙂 Well done again, love!
Hahahaha – scary is totally my goal.
And YES you should totally do it!
LOVE the sleek look my non sleek friend 😉
Can I just say I kinda want your shoes. You keep the t shirt. Congrats on the certification too- let’s turn the world #strangebutgood
HA! Those shoes are probably older than you are – they’re so stretched out they’re the only ones I can get on my foot.
I didn’t mean to sound like an a-hole. You’re a pretty spring chicken. 😉
Love the new site! And I’m the queen of sprained ankles. Of course most of them were from being drunk in college and doing stupid things. I don’t believe I rested with those either…
LOL! I have a friend that had to have knee surgery and walk with a cane due to a drunken stumble. In grad school.
I love the new look! Easy to read and navigate. And, no, I have no advice on broken ankles. 🙁
Site looks great Laura, your posts are funny.
I need to resubscribe to the blog please, there isn’t a link to do that is there?
I agree with your massage therapist. The magical cure for a sprained ankle, which usually take longer to heal than clean breaks, is rest. I have sprained both ankles more times than I can count and dislocated knees about the same number of times. It’s never pretty and back in the day, I used to go back to gymnastic practice and do things where I used my ankle or knee minimally. In hindsight, not the best approach. Resting it is though. Lots of ice too. Maybe some physical therapy. I’m sorry my friend. I wish I had different news.
I love the new look. Very clean.
Ewwwwww… you didn’t need to over-share all that. Pass me the champagne.
Loooove th new look! Congrats!!
And ewww, the ankle pop sound. Never experienced it before, but tit sounds like no fun. If you’re bored, make travel plans!!
Aha, the therapist.
The new site looks awesome! Clean and easy to read! Hope your ankle gets better soon lady!
boo for your ankle… but your site looks great!!
It’s a good thing I’m… errr… my site… is pretty… 😉
Beautiful! Love the new site! It feels so good to get the blog revamped 😉
I hope you ankle gets better soon girl! Sending well wishes XOXO
Thanks friend!
Nice new look, Laura! I thought I sprained my ankle while on vacation. A month later, still not healed and had its xrayed when I got back to Canada. Sadly, it was a fracture. 🙁 At least it was healing well since I made it my job to stay off my feet… take it easy, girl! 🙂
Oh man! That’s the worst. I was worried and so I got it x-rayed right away. Felt a little silly for doing it at the time, but this makes me feel better.
Sorry to hear about your ankle. I’ve sprained mine a bunch of times (clumsy) and it really does get better in a few days with some rest.
New blog looks good! I should have gone to Better Half instead of the Argosy.
I guarantee tonight will be good! They know we’re coming. 🙂
New look = approved! Very nice.
Also, congrats on the spiralizer. NEED ONE!
Thanks!!! It was a wise $30 investment. 🙂
oooh sorry about the ankle –wishing you a speedy recovery
Love the new look! And now I’m craving stuffed peppers. I would probably break my neck if I tried to do any of that ninja stuff haha
I’m hoping my neck isn’t next! LOL!
Yay! I am really loving this look so much better! 🙂
Love the new look!!!!
I have indeed sprained my ankle and to this day it’s still a lot weaker than my right ankle. It’s not uncommon to sort of roll it while running. I think the popping would have freaked me out. And I don’t know how people just do nothing either. When I had my blood clot and they told me to basically just sit on my butt I was so completely stir crazy it was insane. Not good. I thought my husband may commit me.
I remember your blood clot… I felt so bad for you. Glad you’re back at it!
I need to get a spiralizer! Bummer about the ankle–I’ve sprained mine before–and you’ll find to just get creative in your workouts to do what you can while it’s healing 🙂
LOOKS GREAT Laura!! I love how sleek, clean, and simple it is!! Very modern, professional look!
Thank you so much Kaila!
Love the new look! I’ve been checking into designers as well, I’m also needing a little facelift. Glad the ankle isn’t too serious. But rest- yep, that is HARD!
Thanks! I would recommend Murnan – found him through the FF board. 🙂
Omg I love your new look! Aren’t Jeff and Kevin awesome?
They are! I didn’t realize they did your too. I loved your design!
I definitely struggle with rest…it’s hard when fitness is your stress reliever and hobby but then you can’t (whether because of injury or illness). It doesn’t usually go over well for me and people often reprimand me for trying to push through it too! LOL!
Exactly! I’m stressed about being stressed at this point. *sigh*
It was so much fun working with you! I love how the site turned out — please do let me know if you notice anything that you’d like tweaked!
Thank you again! It’s 100x better. You guys rock!
i love the new site! it looks so fresh and so clean clean 😉 but really! it looks awesome! i really need to update my kitchen tools too. I am lacking in that dept 🙂
LOVE the new site! I’m a huge fan of white backgrounds – makes it easier to read content and navigate. 🙂
New site looks great! I love my spiralizer too. And no quick cure for ankles-time heals all wounds right?!
Hazards of Ninja Lifestyle. Consider it a Badge of Badass.
Blogs looking good lady! And you are too, you can work a boot!
Thanks for that someecard find. Target, get on it!!
BoB. I like it. 😉
Thank you!!!
Aaaah I want a spiralizer so badly.
The new site design looks really amazing!
I love the new look of the site!!!
lookin’ good around here!
I have a sprain right now too, so it is upper body all the time (I have been wanting to focus on my arms anyway…).
have fun with the spiralizer – looking forward to seeing what you put through there! 😀
Damn… we should hang out. 🙂
Side note: I just recommended Departure to a food-friend who’ll be visiting in a couple of weeks.
awesome! we are having our rehearsal dinner there… 😀
What day? I’ll tell her to crash. (Kidding…)
haa HAA!
Loving the new look lady! I watched a bit of American Ninja Warrior last night and now I really want to do that running thing…preferably minus the sprained ankle though 😉 I sprained my ankle when I was like 8, and ya – lots of rest is necessary!
Ya… it’s actually one of the easier things to do. I just didn’t to the smart thing and warm up. 😛
I absolutely love the new look! Wow!! I’m sorry about your ankle! I have sprained mine before, but I was in like middle school or something and was excited to wear crutches. I was a weird one, haha.
Kids are like that – I broke my knee and was excited… for the first week, anyway.
Love the new site and the tagline fits you perfectly! Sorry to hear about your ankle, hope it heals fast and you’re feeling 100% soon!
Thank you!!! I’m luck y to have creative friends. 😉
Amazing!!! Love the new site!
I LOVE the new look – so fresh & clean!! And I’m glad it was only a sprain. I’ve never done that either, so I’m not sure I would know what to do. 🙂
Thanks friend! I’m kind of surprised you haven’t done it with all your running. You’re a beast though. 😉
Oh no! I hope you feel better. I’m horrible about resting when I hurt myself.
Love the new site lady! Yeah, I find that when you injure yourself you’re more likely to want to do all the things you shouldn’t. It’s just how it is. Get better SOON, but to do that you must rest my friend. The worst part of injuries is not giving it time to heal and experiencing difficulties for a long time after. Not worth it!
LOL! You are hilarious! I HATE resting too. I try to swim or take a walk those days just to prevent myself from going crazy. Love the new design!
Your new site looks so gorgeous, a little easier to read and navigate around as well as super refreshing 😀
Choc Chip Uru
LOVE the new look!!!!! OH CRAP on the injury! Best go read but does it have something to do with that Warrior training!!! 😉
Thank you!!! I posted the video of what I was doing above. 😉
sorry about your ankle
i was wondering about your site, as yesterday every time I wanted to come over and comment I couldn’t
new site looks great
Love the new look! And all your food looks soooo good, I have been slacking in the kitchen lately. I sprained my ankle pretty badly back in June (hence my brace at Blend!) and it was really hard to stay off of it. It definitely would’ve healed faster if I had just taken a couple days of rest, buut of course I didn’t do that!
I’m trying realllly hard to be good. 😛
Yay, new look! (not that we all didn’t love the old one too….) Dinner looks fabulous. Hope the ankle is better soon!!
Thanks! But yeah… it was realllly dated. 😉
love the new site, not the ankle, boo rest… don’t get pregnant resting.. just sayin. Most people that are bored get pregnant. LOL!
LMAO! No worries there, I assure you. 😉
Love your new look and tagline. I’m so sorry to hear about your ankle. Boo. Hope it feels better soon and yes! Rest!
Your site looks awesome!
So sorry about your ankle – not sure there is any quick fix sadly.
Love the new website and congratulations on the certification! I recently got a spiralizer and I’ve been loving it–I use it daily.
Your website looks freaking awesome!! So sad about your ankle, I hope it gets better soon. I’m kinda with you on that though.. tweeked mine this morning at the gym and I do NOT want to just rest it haha. I like that attitude though.. don’t need legs for the upper body workouts 🙂
Love the new site. KICK IT GIRL!!!!
Thank you Tess! 🙂
Lookin’ good, lady! I’ve had the same look on Spoons foreeeeeever and I keep wanting to switch things up, but people tell me to leave it alone. Hope your ankle feels better soon — I have no idea how people do the rest thing either. I can’t even watch 10 minutes of TV without wanting to go do something else.
I think it looks great! Mine was just so heavy.
First off. I love the Target bar Some e-card. But more than that—-i LOVE the new website. I’m a graphic designer by trade (though my job has evolved into a more techy, web development/pre-press position), but white space is beautiful. Less is more, since it highlights what REALLY matters. You may have stumbled across my blog…granted, it’s a stock template, but it’s simple. White. Clean. Direct. That’s how a website should be! Your content and info tabs are solid. Very straight forward. And as you progress as a trainer, you can update/change the content pretty seamlessly. Sometimes it takes reading and re-reading a few times before loving those general overviews (I’m working on a real estate “overview” project right now, and when I’m 100% sure it’s awesome…the next day, I rewrite it). But it all looks and reads great. And on the thumbs-down side of your post…the sprain. I sprained an ankle once. High school basketball practice, right before playoffs, I went up for a layup, someone knocked me off kilter, and I landed all wompy on my ankle. Oh. My. Golly geez. It snapped. It was awful. I went to the ER for an x-ray that night. But a sprain, as painful as it is, if you wrap it tight, you’re golden. I played in a game the day after with a tight wrap. My trainer did it, but you can self wrap with proper guidance. If you can stick to weight stuff with less active cardio and weight on the ankle, you’ll recover faster. But at the end of the day, or at work if you can, ice it down. A sprain is mostly inflamation. If you can reduce the inflamation, it will be way more tolerable. Not saying that challenging a sprain is the smartest move, but I’m stubborn (I think you are too) and a sprain is an injury that can be poo-pooed (hehee poop) if handled appropriately. I think I successfully used “poop handled appropriately” in an advice post.
Thank you so much! They did a great job. 🙂 (And of course I have been to your blog!)
You are a beast playing on your sprain… I couldn’t even stand! Totally offended you think I might be stubborn. Never… LOL!
I love your new site! Its gorgeous!
I got a spiralizer for my birthday in June and have been OBSESSED. It makes zoodles so freaking easy.
Sorry about the sprain, I spent most of grade school on crutches due to sprains. Ice and rest ice and rest! Heal fast!
Love the new look, hate that you sprained your ankle. I know that rest sucks, but if you do you will get better faster (mostly because if you don’t you will get better slower).
I had checked out the mobile site, but this is my first time on the “real” site … looks so good! And so happy about your training & nutrition offerings … you will be phenomenal. Still so sorry about the ankle :(.