My baby sister and I never really lived together.
I left for college when she was 10.
It’s funny to think about. My baby sister, Madison, was still a baby when I left for college. We all still lived in Georgia. It’s not like we didn’t see each other, but that’s a lot different that sharing space.
I had to laugh when this popped up in my Timehop last week:
She came to San Diego to vacation/house sit for us 2 weeks ago and now here she is! I swear we’re generally not impulsive people.
The plan is for her to stay with Vegas and me for 2 months while she looks for a job and an apartment. However, she’s threatening never to leave…
Truth be told, I’m enjoying having her here. It’s fun to see her as an adult! I mean… she just walked by and asked if I needed to put any clothes in the delicate cycle. 🙂
I also LOVE having a running buddy.
We’ve already taken her to her first Padres game. She was impressed with the best baseball stadium in the US (according to USA Today). Truth be told, I think she was most impressed that we could buy a bottle of rosé to drink at our seats.
There have been a few toasts, obviously.
We need to get in the habit of cooking at home more. It’s been fun to take her to some of our favorite places in the first week though!
Yesterday’s brunch was so delicious and filling (and late) that we ended up having popcorn, hummus, and veggies for dinner while watching the Olympics. #sorryimnotsorry
My FAVORITE story is about her “date” with her first San Diego douche bag. He asked her to go boating, invited her for lunch prior to the ride, and then asked her to join his roommate and friends for grilled pizzas at home for dinner… and then he REQUESTED MONEY for the expense.
Literally. He send a Venmo request. I can’t make this up.
Oh… and did I mention she spent $20 on beer to share???
I’m SO glad I don’t ever have to date again.
[Tweet “Ever lived with a sibling? Living together as adults can be fun!”]
Having more family on the west coast is marvelous. Now we just need to convince mom to move…
What’s the biggest douche move you’ve ever encountered on a date?
Have you ever living with a sibling as an adult?
You’re lying about the date!!! That is amazing. A true classic.
Right?! Unbelievable.
SD is surfer douchebag mecca. Especially in the Pacific Beach area. I was recently dating a guy for a month (coincidentally he was born and raised in Pacific Beach) and then I found out he has a girlfriend. But he’s been trying to hang out with me “as friends” still for the past week. Such a douchebag! Tell your sis to hang in there.
HAHA – I had to read this to her. She wants to live in PB. Sigh…
What is WONRG with guys?!
I love seeing my girls so close & enjoying life together! You three continue to make me proud!
But to hv all three of you so far away😥 Tht is not what I ever thought would happen‼️❤️❤️❤️😘
When are you moving???
Omg that did not happen that’s terrible!! Ugh dating sucks hahaha ugh the life I live hahaha. And I have never lived with my older sibling as an adult. She visits me but that’s about it haha. But I love my big sis so I would hope wouldn’t be a big deal lol!! Yall look to be having a great time!!
I. Know. We were like… can he read this and see how ridiculous he was??? HA.
I had a creeper ask me if I wanted to go smoke pot in his van on a first date.
Did you say yes? 😉
Ugh. Dating is the worst. Douchebag to the max.
Thats awesome! I am sure it feels great to have some family there now! Douche bags… i count my lucky stars every day that i don’t have to date. I love my husband but even he has his douche moments… makes me cringe at the thought of real dbags.
That cracked me up. I guess we ALL have our moments. 😉
I love my brother, but I don’t think we could live together as adults!
What an ass! Geez I can’t believe the nerve of some people. I feel so lucky that I fell in love and married the first man I dated!
I could spend a holiday with my brother and have a great time. Living together, eh probably not. He makes such a mess! ha!
You ARE lucky! It took me a while, but I’m so glad to have found the one.
Love that you have your sister to live with!! I lived with my brother a few times after college and it was an absolute BLAST!!!
Cannot believe the douche-baggery of the dating scene. I’m with you and SO SO SO happy I never have to date again!!!
I think it would be so fun to have a brother to live with! Not that we don’t act like little boys half the time… 😉
Can I move in?
I am terrible, but I’m so glad that I am married. I just could not even deal with dating. I got so lucky with Alex, and without much effort!
Sure! We need to get a pullout couch…
I don’t think I could ever live with either of my sisters as adults. (I hope they don’t read your blog LOL). Looks like you are having a blast enjoy!
Shhhhh… I won’t tell!
WOAH, that boyfriend experience sounds unpleasant… That’s so awesome that you and your sister get to spend time together and that you are such good friends. I love that you get to go running together.
LMAO on your sister’s first date with a San Diego douchebag.
They exist in every state. Yay married life!
So cool your sister moved in-yay! I always wanted a sister. Guess it’s too late for that, huh? 😉
I’m really lucky to have to of them (thought I didn’t think so as a kid… shhhh!).
Awww, I’m looking forward to meeting your sister sometime soon! My sister and little brother (with his fiancee and baby!) both moved back into my parents’ house recently, and I’m staying on the east coast for 2 weeks.. so it’s been funny “living” with them again for a bit! We keep joking that it’s like childhood all over again, minus our other brother staying here.
I can’t wait for you two to meet. I think we’d all have a great time SUPing and acai bowl eating!
Sound like you two are having a fabulous time.
Doesn’t Madison want to see what Los Angeles is all about?
Girllllll… I’m still recovering from the last drive. Aren’t you coming here this weekend???
I am but sadly I don’t think I am going to have any time to have fun! 🙁 Well with youuuuuu I mean! haha!
OMG I hope she didn’t pay that douche!! If you cooked like that for me, I would never move out either haha
She did… and then sent him a request for the beer. HA!
Sounds like you and your sister and having a blast! I would love to live with one of my sisters- I think it would be so fun! Some guys seriously are something else. Ive actually heard a few stories of guys using venmo to ask for money after the date?? Its gross. At least you get to share in her stories and laugh about the ridiculousness!
REALLY?! I can’t believe any guy would do that. I just rad this to my sister and she said “Venmo is killing chivalry!” Ha!