I’m doing what I was doing exactly a year ago.
Minus the whole being married and having the flu part.
Vegas and I are playing in the softball world series with our old Atlanta team. We’ve won both games so far! Last year it was in Vegas, and that’s when I claimed MY Vegas. 😉

Coors is the series sponsor. Incase you couldn’t tell.
Prior to this we were visiting my best friend and her husband and two kids. I’d never met the one year-old, Sophie, before and the 4 year-old, Jackson, I hadn’t seen in 2 years.
They were super cute. We played with light sabers, cooked dinner, and went to the pumpkin patch.

Note that the baby looks a little concerned.
It was lovely. Until the plague hit. First the baby vomited. She went to the doctor and she had strep. We chalked it up to that and carried on. Kids went to bed, we ate pizza and drank too much wine while playing board games.
We sobered up reallllll fast when Jackson came down stairs announcing he “throwed up” in his bed. Then the hubby went down. And then, at about 4am, my best friend came down with it. I asked what I could do for her and she said “take care of the baby when she wakes up.” She must have felt like death to do that.
Vegas and I rocked kid duty. Really. Until mid-afternoon when I got sick.
I recovered-ish, but was still feeling not quite right yesterday, the first day of the softball tournament.
All this to say, this day of eats is sparse, and why I’m not the that first beer picture. And this is why I’m typing this post rather that being out celebrating our wins. And why Vegas is next to me curled up in the fetal position… I feel SO bad for her.
[Tweet “Eating gingerly and playing softball with the stomach flu. #fitfluential”]
Read on for my eats, then check out Jenn’s WIAW baby over at Arman’s this week!
I had half of my usual morning cocktail. I know I’m sick when that doesn’t even sound good anymore.
We got to the field and I ate like 4 pieces of fruit and some lemon water.
Still not feeling the food, but I ate a White Chocolate Raspberry Quest bar. And a few of Vegas’ fries… shhhh…
Apple slices and D’s Vanilla Maple Fluffbutter. This butter is so incredibly good. I should just give in and buy a truckload of it.
You could also click here to enter the $100 Vitamin Shoppe giveaway to buy your own crack-butter.
Vegas and I met up with the team for a dinner. I ordered a Cobb Salad with shrimp and chicken… and then ate half some of Vegas’ chicken fingers and sweet potato fries.
I finally felt like eating again, so I was excited. In retrospect, we should have stayed at the hotel. By the time we got home Vegas was SICK.
Everyone please send healthy thoughts Vegas’ way so she can play today!
Have you had the flu yet this season? I hear it’s going around early.
Did you play ball growing up? I could play forever!
Fingers and toes crossed that you are all feeling better soon – it’s never fun being sick, especially when you are away from home. 🙂
Playing ball sounds like so much fun, I don’t want you to miss out!
Oh dear sorry to hear you guys are feeling down! At least you can get it over with for the season :)! Fortunately I can’t even remember the last time I was down with the flu- banging on wood as I type!!
Oh Noooooooo!!!! I’m not sure who I feel the worst for since I’ve heard those dreaded words “I threw up in my bed” also while having libations. There is almost nothing worse then not being able to eat well. Here’s to a quick recovery for Vegas and continued recovery for YOU!
I’ve never sobered up so fast in my life!
I just got my flu shot! I hope you both recover soon!
Ugh! The flu sucks!!! Hope your are feeling better. If there is one thing I can’t stand, it is throwing up.
Yuck… getting sick is always inconvenient! I think plague is the right word for it.
Also, I want to get in on that fluffbutter action… sounds amazing.
I pray everyone is feel 100% very soon!
You must try that fluffbutter. Not even an option. 😉
Oooh no!! Hope you all feel better so so soon. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for another year without the flu. I played softball growing up but you wouldn’t know it today. I never got that hand eye coordination down!
UGH oh no… any sort of stomach bug seriously feels like death- last time I had one I ended up in the hospital for dehydration so make sure you guys try to force down fluids. Feel better!!!
Oh no! That happened to my sister once. We were downing gatorade and water!
Oh no! That sounds really really really not fun. I never feel like eating much when I’m sick and usually the only thing that sounds good is grilled cheese. Here’s hoping I don’t get sick this season!
Ugh, I feel you! While I don’t have a stomach thing, my family is cycling through a rough cold which is pretty miserable, and I’m pretty sure my son just caught it! Good vibes to Vegas for a quick recovery!
Hope they’re feeling better soon! ‘Tis the season… *sigh*
Oh no! So sorry you all got so sick. That’s terrible! Good thing you all had each other to lean on to help with the kiddos. Good vibes are coming your wa for a speedy recovery. That fluffbutter sounds delish!
We are vigilant about getting our flu shots around here! If I go down the whole family will too. 🙂 Hope you feel better soon
Hope they work for you! They make us sick so we try to tough it out… and get sick any way. LOL!
O NO :O I hope you all are 100% soon! xoxo
Oh no! The gift that keeps on giving and not in a good way. Hope everyone recovers quickly. I always panic when the stomach bug or the flu starts making its rounds through the office. I feel that’s the ideal time to work from home. Congrats on the wins though!
Same here – I was paranoid as soon as the first baby got it.
Oh gosh I hope y’all recover quickly! The flu is the worst.
Oooh that fluffbutter sounds amazing, adding it to my shopping list!
My Mom keeps reminding me to get a flu shot! Guess I should listen!! 🙁 Hope you guys are ALL better soon!
Right?! They make Vegas deathly ill, but I should have gotten mine.
I hope you ladies get better soon! Aaaand this is why I don’t want kids! haha
Amen to that.
The stomach bug is the worst! When I puke, I automatically turn into a 5-year old, cry, and want my mom. Well wishes to Vegas.
I have had my eye on that specific Nut Butter – I love Justin’s Vanilla Almond and Maple Almond Butters, so, to combine those two loves??? Sounds like something I want to be a part of. I will have to get me some of ‘dat.
I’m the same way! Thank god I didn’t puke this time… but Vegas… it wasn’t pretty.
That baby is so stinking adorable! Sorry to hear you were not feeling good and I hope that clears up ASAP!
oh no, what a terrible situation. I just got my flu shot so fingers crossed nothing happens from it. I played softball practically my whole life, I miss it. I haven’t played in a few years, but it looks like you girls are having fun!
Yuckkkkkk the flu is the worst. I feel like I get it every winter at some point. Hope you feel better soon <3
Harbingers of disease I tell you.
Sending Vegas healthy, get well vibes.
That fluffbutter looks delicious! I never heard of it. Do you get that at the Vitamin Shoppe? Feel better, Sweetie!
Yep – their protein selection is amazing!
Oh man, feel better both of you! Not the way you want to celebrate a year of togetherness!
i hope you are feeling better! I hate when i know that I’m hungry but i have no appetite, thats the worst, especially when you can’t eat veggies!
I know! I was trying to shovel in the fruit just to have something that wasn’t carbs. Nothing sounded good!
Ugh, Barfageddon! I catch stomach flu really easily, so I totally feel your pain. Hope you’re all back to 100% soon!
LOL! It seriously was Barfageddon!
Kids ARE the harbingers of disease! Every time Matiilda gets something we know it’s just a matter of time before she takes us down with her. I’m glad your feeling better and I hope Vegas does soon! I do love that white chocolate raspberry flavored Quest bar, but I think the chocolate chip cookie dough one will always be my favorite.
Haha – it’s amazing how the smallest one in the house can take everyone out.
Ditto on the cookie dough bar!
Ugh your friend sounds awful. Can’t believe she’d expose you to her sick brats. 😍 Love you both so much,….we would have died without you.
Seriously. I don’t know why I stay friends with her. xoxo
I haven’t had the flu this year. I’m thankful for that, but I’m so sorry you were sick. It’s NEVER fun to have the flu, and I hope you get better soon.