I’m baaaack!
You missed me, right?!
Just over a week after surgery, I’m feeling more “normal” (in my own, #strangebutgood way) and the swelling is starting to go down. They say some people freak out at first, but – thanks to many of you and some good friends – I had a good idea of what to expect post-surgery.
That’s not to say there weren’t some surprises…
5 Post-Surgery Surprises
1. All modesty will go out the window. You will not care that you are naked in the shower at your mom’s house and she is (gently) scrubbing the surgeon’s pen marks off of your chest.
Proof that mamma doesn’t mind – she gifted me with a little boobie prize. 🙂
2. Using a knife is impossible. I can cut most* things now, but at first I couldn’t apply enough pressure to cut a pear.
*I still cannot cut the kabocha squash taunting me on the counter
3. Surgery and/or anesthesia does a number on your digestive system. My muscles were so tight it took an effort to pee. And let’s not even talk about the issues with going #2.
4. Not being able to stretch your arms is torture, particularly after being propped up on a couch for days.
5. The boobs will not be a normal shape. I knew this and didn’t really freak out (thanks in part to the pain meds). They have to settle. No matter who warns you of this, it’s still bizarre the first time you see them.
This snack-themed WIAW is dedicated to post-surgery eats. Another observation to add would be my appetite. I have NEVER experienced a loss of interest in food. When I’m happy, I eat. When I’m depressed, I eat. When I’m bored, I eat. When I have surgery… I don’t care to eat. Instead, I snacked.
Read on for my post-surgery eats, and then check out Jenn’s link up for everyone else’s snack-y ideas.
Morning Snacks:
This was eaten just because I had to take my medicine. Bribe me with pain pills the day after surgery and I’ll find something to eat! I mixed almond milk with half a scoop of vanilla protein powder and cinnamon, added multi-grain Cheerios, and topped with sliced peach.
Greek yogurt did taste good to me. I finished off a container of Fage mixed with cinnamon and vanilla liquid stevia. Topped with delicious spring blueberries and cereal crumbles.
When you are stir crazy and just can’t get excited for breakfast, a good alternative is to walk to your local coffee shop (relax Mom, it was only 2 blocks) for an Americano and some light-hearted Wall Street Journal reading.
Later in the Day Snacks:
Greens are good for you. I tried to get my fill of the fresh stuff, and add protein where I could!
This salad was baby kale topped with no-salt deli turkey and nutritional yeast. Side of heirloom tomato and basil, shredded butternut squash salad (thank you, Whole Paycheck), and blackberries.
More salad with kale, turkey, butternut, and tomato. This time I added avocado and pineapple (good for inflammation!).
I also sprinkled lemon juice, pepper, red pepper flakes, and cumin on top for flavor.
That thing about not wanting food? I take that back. I always want #yolkporn.
On my first day home I grabbed a Tempeh Mole Muffin from the freezer and topped it with a delicious local egg. Eaten with a side if cucumber slices.
The nice people The Good Bean at sent me some roasted chickpeas to try out. I sampled them all… most were a bit salty (I prefer to make my own roasted chickpeas), but I really liked the cinnamon flavor! They also sent a few of their fruit and no-nut bars, of which I loved the chocolate (surprise, surprise).
Actual Meals:
I was really proud of myself on Sunday night – I cooked dinner for Mom and me all by myself! I started rattling off my meal idea to Mom and her reaction was “Have you ever made that before?” I said no… but doesn’t it sound GOOD? #strangebutgood
What resulted was a sort of fried rice. Except I used spaghetti squash instead of the rice, and topped the whole thing with sea bass (that wasn’t exactly cooked by me… it was leftovers). I started by sautéing some pre-cut veggies – red pepper, leeks, asparagus, and zucchini. Then I added the spaghetti squash, and then the eggs. Mix it together, plate, and top with sea bass! Easy. 🙂
The other “real” meal I ate was on my first night home. Kat (who blogs here every other Thursday), came over and made me a delicious meal! She made perfect shrimp and served it over a fresh salad of mache lettuce, avocado, raw corn, and cherry tomatoes.
It was all great, but The real star was her baked goat cheese balls (balls!). She simply formed a ball of soft goat cheese, rolled it in a mix of hazelnut flour and curry spice, and baked it. I don’t know if she’ll post her exact recipe next week (Kat???), but I’m going to have her write it out for me at least!
We also enjoyed it with a shared bottle of rosè. My first wine in over a week. Sweet nectar of the gods.
A Treat:
Mom surprised me with fro-yo! Chocolate and strawberry topped with coconut shreds… we added the blueberries and cacao nibs at home. Holla at being cheap saving money!
I seriously considered posting a pic that shows how swollen and high the twins were… everything was covered… but that mayyyy be too far even for me. More appropriate pics will come when things calm down. 😉
Have you ever lost interest in food?
Do you ever bring your fro-yo home to add toppings yourself? I thought this was a brilliant move by my mom!
I know exactly what it’s like to lose interest in food. When I have chemo, for about four days I literally have no appetite and the idea of food disgusts me. It’s awful because I know that the only thing that will help me get stronger again is eating – particularly protein-rich foods. Hang in there! Check out some of my posts while you’re still recovering 🙂 Your food looks delicious!
I bet! I remember my mom having to force-feed my dad when he was getting treatments. Definitely going to check out your blog – thanks for stopping my and commenting!!!
Impressive eats for post surgery! Mine were definitely not as colorful, unless my Mom made things for me;)
And you’re right about the anesthesia and surgery doing a number digestive wise, yah that was not a ton of fun for sure! But, at least you’re feeling on the mend! That’s awesome.
I went to the grocery store today! Was so proud. LOL! Thaks, Lisa! 🙂
THAT CAT IS MY TWIN!… SPEAKING of TWINS – I cannot wait to see yours!!! I am so curious! LOL!!
LMAO! Come to ATL and I’ll totally flash you.
Buahaha you both are my favorites!!!! 😀
Yeah – the boobs definitely look odd for a while as they settle. Mine took about a month until I stopped feeling “beefy” and then 3 months to really be completely healed. I’d definitely suggest waiting a bit until you buy your new bras!
Beefy is the perfect word. I feel beefy.
Ha, your eats are certainly a lot better than my post-surgery meals! I wasn’t supposed to prepare any food – no chopping, cooking, etc. So I lived on crackers, bread and ice cream! As creepy as this sounds, I’m looking forward to seeing the final (non-swollen) results!
How did you apply pressure to scoop the ice cream??? I’ve been almost melting mine. There were plently of crackers and PB involved too. 😉
Ha, that’s what husbands are for!! If he wasn’t home, I’d just take the whole pint and eat it very slowly as it melted. Good times.
Your mom is awesome 🙂 Creepy as is, I am in the SHOW US YOUR BOOBS corner as well;)
Haha – I think they need a little longer. But I will flash you all. Appropriately, of course. 😉
I love the cat pic!!!! Lol. Agreed on the yolk porn – never enough! Glad you are doing well and hopefully things will start “moving.” 😉
Thank you, Angela!!!
Glad you are feeling better, looks like you are eating well which is great for recovery!
That’s what I’m hoping! Thanks. 🙂
I’m impressed with your post-surgery eats…especially that you were able to cook dinner for the mother and you! Hope you are feeling better! When are you back to work?
Thanks! That stuff was pre-cut… I couldn’t have cut it myself! 🙂
I was back to work on Monday, but working from home.
haha i’ve definitely added some toppings at home before but i’m not a huge toppings person and usually sprinkles suffice 🙂 glad you’re feeling better and your appetite is coming back. i think goat cheese must just taste better in the summer. i made seriously the best salad ever with it last night. even my hubs was like WOAH!
oh my FAVE THING? how your mom supports you completely.
I love than and strive to always be that mom.
I bet you ARE that mom. And yeah, my mom rocks. 🙂
girl, pain meds suck on the old stomach. I feel ya, been there. Wish i could have chopped things for you. And yay for rose! Life saver!
So do we get pics yet?
hahaha.. not joking!
I would have been begging you to make me balls! 😉
Pics soon… they are still SO swollen.
Glad you’re starting to feel at least a BIT better! I used to only put the sweet toppings on my froyo and then bring it home to add the fruit. I thought it was pointless to pay extra for strawberries when I already had some at home I’d paid for. 🙂
You are so right! And the fruit weighs a lot!
Anesthesia is the worst! I had a headache for 2 days after my last surgery.
Love that your mom surprised you with a post-surgery gift. So nice to get support from family.
I know! She blows me away. 🙂
well I cannot wait to see the new you – with added toppings 😉 (I laughed out loud at the bring fro yo home to add toppings – just… struck me as funny?) 🙂
I cannot even imagine the inability to cut a pear, I wish I could have been there as your sous chef! I do understand the lack of appetite (I think we’re pretty similar in appetite-ways, meaning we eat any and all the time), when I was in the hospital recovering from the emergency appendectomy, well for one I could not walk upright… but I was not hungry for anything the first couple days, I drank a lot of apple juice and soda water. Third day? my dad smuggled in some mashed potatoes from Ruby Tuesdays. those were bliss 😉
hope you continue to feel better and better! XO
LMAO! Added toppings. I love it.
Your dad and my mom would get along famously. 🙂
I want to see your boobs. And that was my creepy comment of the day.
I love how your mom is taking care of you. My Mama would do the same 🙂 Whenever I’m sick..she always wants to take care of me. It’s like no matter my age, I will always be a kid! Love her!
Glad you are recovering well. My friend just got some boobies…she’s back to training now after a few weeks off! She said training chest feels different now lol
Just a few weeks off? That’s good to know! I’m itching to get back.
So glad to have you back, Laura!! Your guest posters were great though. Yours is the second post I’ve read today with spaghetti squash. I really have to try that. Continue to feel better, my dear!
Glad you are back! You had some great people covering for you though! You have a very nice momma to be taking care of you! 🙂
She is nice. 🙂 Thank you!!
Moms are the best! And I would never have thought about not being able to use a knife. Bet that makes you realize just how much stuff you cut huh? Glad you’re starting feel more normal.
Yeah, when I get stressed or upset, I don’t have any interest in food at all. Especially after surgery and sadly, that’s really when you need it the most! Everything looks and sounds amazing! I’m so glad you’re on the road to recovery. Can’t wait to see the transformation! Is it wrong to covet thy neighbor’s boobs?
LOL! I think that was one of the commandments… no? 😉
Ugh, pain meds, so much effort to feel better. When I had my son everyone warned me how hard and how painful going to the bathroom would be. My nurses were awesome and gave me laxatives to take, going #1 however, way worse than #2! Who would’ve thought?
I know! It took an insane amount of concentration.
I’d say you ate extremely well post -surgery! Especially with doing a bit of cooking and eating a lot of veggies. I’ve never had surgery so I can’t say how it would affect me or not – although I find it hard to imagine that anything would make me lose interest in food!
Happy that you’re doing well and excited to see the final results!
So glad to hear that you’re able to get out a bit now, if even just for a short coffee break. I think you’ll understand when I say that my interest in food has only gone up in the last 9 months, though I definitely don’t have as much enthusiasm for creating new things. If it takes longer than a minute to put breakfast together I start having a meltdown. Pancakes? Ain’t nobody got time for that.
LOL! Ain’t nobodoy got time, indeed. Are you read to POP?
YES. I’m convinced human gestation goes on about 2 months too long. I hit my wall a while back and have just been banging my head against it ever since. Get this kid out of me!!!
I TOTALLY take my froyo home to add toppings!! I really like cereal on my froyo, and most places only have Cinnamon-Toast-Crunch-looking stuff (which is delicious, but so is my healthier cereal at home!). Also, your spaghetti squash looks like something I would make. I might give it a shot this weekend, although inevitably it will be completely different based on whatever I have in the house :).
I like cereal on mine too! I need a contrasting crunch, ya know?
Glad to hear that you’re starting to feel a little bit more like your fabulous self! Although those surprises don’t exactly sound like a walk in the park. And neither does losing interest in food. Gah! The only time I’m not interested in eating is when my stomach is acting up. All other times? I’m more than ready to go…
I’m glad you are feeling a little bit better! Total creeper moment, but I am in the “I want to see your new boobs” category! 😉
All you creepers make me smile. 🙂
So haopy to have you back and that you are feeling better!! I think your eats look delicious and perfect post-surgery. Your Mom is the sweetest!! Mine is the same. I never grow up in her eyes 🙂
The only thing I could eat post surgery was yogurt. My digestion was dead, so I didn’t want to stuff the gut up 🙂
That’s what I was doing with the yogurt and the greens. I don’t think it helped, but I tried!
I’ve never heard of them being weirdly shaped after surgery..mine were perfect right away, which I guess is good because I wouldn’t have been ready for the irregularity lol
I remember feeling like I had a huge piece of tape or a giant bandaid on my chest that I needed to rip off, due to the skin stretching. I also remember not being able to wash my dishes after cooking so my mom did that for me for a week – that was awesome haha
Do you have to wear a sports bra for a month? My post-surgery dressing was a Lululemon Ta-Ta Tamer and I was supposed to wear it at all times for 4 weeks. I didn’t really obey that though… Couldn’t wait to go bra shopping haha it couldn’t wait
Really? I’ve never heard of them perfect from the start! I need your doc’s name. 😉
I just have to avoid underwires for 3 weeks, and can’t go bra-less even to sleep for 6 weeks. SO excited to go pretty bra shopping after they “settle.”
Funny–I totally did that froyo move the other week when I had my wisdom teeth out. I brought it home with only a few chocolate chips on top, and added my own fruit. 🙂 Glad you’re back, and you’re past the first week. It will only get better from here!
Glad you are back! This is so helpful 🙂 Thank you!
You did good for post-op! I have a feeling I would be mainlining white flour and msg heavy chinese soup. (0:
PS- Jealous that your Mom will eat your adventurous eats!
LOL! Oddly, the idea of anything like soup wasn’t appealing. I just wanted COLD.
Oh I totally add my own toppings all the time! I used to live close enough to my froyo place that I could rush home without it melting. My other fav froyo place was a little farther away and didn’t have rainbow sprinkles (because someone must have gotten kicked for their birthday every year) so I’d bring my own in my purse!
I LOVE that you brought sprinkles in your purse. You rock.
Glad you’re recovering okay..hopefully the pain will start to subside soon and everything will settle down and you’ll be able to go back to your normal day to day living!
It’s horrible when you lose interest in food 🙁 my appetite goes whenever I’m ill, even with a cold or something, I just can’t really face to eat anything.
That fro yo looks really good though, great idea to take it home to add extra toppings!
Thank you!!!
When I have a cold, all I want is grilled PB&J. So bad… but so good!
🙂 Yes, I will post the recipe! 🙂 And I’ll come cut your squash if you want, too!
Pleaseeeee! I’ll give you some!
Surgery scares me. You are a brave woman! Glad it went well and hope you are back to normal in no time!
I was scared for sure! just told myself millions of women have done it… and it wasn’t so bad!
Looks good to me for post-surgery! My best friend got her boobs done and she couldn’t do much afterwards either. It took a wile for hers to “settle” or “drop” whatever you want to call it, but when they did she thought one popped! Lol
So happy to hear that you’re doing well and healing up!
I saw my sister’s pics right after her surgery, so I can well image!
Stay strong and eat up!
I had no idea they have to settle- good to know! Lots of good eats and treats. I need to roast chickpeas soon… can’t remember the last time I made them, but I love them!
Oh yes… I can almost rest my chin on ’em. LOL!
So glad you’re back! And that the girls are healing (if high)–can’t wait for the great reveal! Well, I’ll assume it’s going to be a partial reveal..but you know what I mean!
Hahahaha – yes, partial. 😉
Wishing you a speedy recovery, especially to cut that kobocha squash on the counter 😉 I have experienced a loss of appetite. I had the flu in the past and it was a terrifying experience. I always bring froyo home, then too! I mean who else had the nut butters and cereals that people like you and I keep stocked?
Thanks! Yeah – this fro yp place has good toppings, but I’ve yet to find one with cacao nibs!
Those foods look so delicious! And we eat our vanilla yogurt the same way 🙂
And no, I NEVER ever ever lose interest in food. If I do, there would have to be a serious problem ;D
Great minds… 😉
*hug* Love that grumpy cat.. I hope this rest and relaxation will be enjoyed, too. 🙂
Welcome back! It’s good to see you again, and I can’t wait to really see you, if you know what I mean. I’m a creep.
Pain meds really do jack up your digestive system; been there, awkward. I love the salads by the way, although I was hoping the shredded squash was cheese…I can pretend right.
I need to tally all the people who’ve admitted to being creepy on this post. It’s quite impressive! 😉
So glad that you are doing well and starting to feel better. Love that your mom is so supportive. I remember after my knee surgery, all I wanted to do was bend my knee. Just bend the damn knee just a little bit!! It’s the little things!!
glad that your recovery is going well!! moms are the best aren’t they 🙂
I’m glad that you’re feeling somewhat back to normal! I can completely agree with everything you mentioned! I remember flushing the toilet was difficult for me so I wouldn’t. Of course my mom would for me. 😉
I also experienced the loss of appetite. I remember my mom begging me to eat and I just couldn’t. Nothing sounded appetizing. One morning I had melon and a peach Light n Fit yogurt. I felt sick. I never had Light n Fit again after that!
You have a great mom for helping, it’s so necessary after surgery!
I can’t believe I forgot to mention flushing! I was two-handing it and that was hard. SO bizarre.
I’m so glad things are going well girl! I love the idea of bringing your froyo home to add in your own toppings. Sadly the closest froyo place to me is 30 minutes away! It would melt!
PS..Magnesium will work wonders for your bathroom problems. 🙂 Feel free to email or text me.
I’ve been doing magnesium for years! Unfortunately, this was beyond its powers…
been thinking about you! glad you are doing well.
I’m glad your recovery is going well so far! Those surprises definitely sound…surprising! 😉
I love the idea of adding my own toppings to fro-yo when I get home, but I don’t know that it would make it home in time!
I know! Mom asked for lids. Maybe the barrier helps?
Hahaha that cat picture just made me laugh so hard!
Glad to hear you’re feeling better! I’ve been thinking about you. Holler if you need anything 🙂
Thanks Stacy! We need to get together soon!
I think you did DARN good with food considering, better looking than mine would have been I bet! And I’m so glad you’re starting to get back to normal. I can’t wait to see the new additions in person!!!!!!!
Oh, I’m totally flashing you. 😉
I would never think to add peaches to my cereal, but I am loving it!
And yay for yolk porn. That is awesome! 😉
I think it’s a Southern thing – we used to just eat bowls of peaches and milk. Mom called it peaches and cream!
Colace & H2O! Just suggesting as I work with post op patients daily. Also, do your massage like a boss. Yes, wait a while before investing too much in bras! I got a few myself immediately to survive & waited for more. My girls were high & tight for a good 3 months! They do settle down, I promise! Totally will be worth it all in the long run.
Thanks for the advice!!! I’m trying to remember the long run… it’s hard some days though!
Welcome back to the land of the living with new boobies! Your mother sounds like a life saver/angel/awesome person. Don’t you worry, you’ll be feeling 100% very very soon (crossing fingers).
She really is! 🙂 Thank you!
Check you out! You did a lot better eating after surgery than I did. Totally understand the modesty thing too. My mom had to help me sit on the toilet after knee surgery. You learn to get creative too! I really wanted to bake Christmas cookies so I set myself up an assembly line in my kitchen and sat down in a chair with my leg propped on the counter while I made 3 different kinds! Glad you are feeling well!
PS Just wanted to let you know I totally am in support of your decision! (not that you need it…) But I think its cool when you want to be more womanly. I had a birth control pill that miraculously gave me great boobs overnight, and then when I went off it, and lost a lot of weight they went straight back down to 32 as. Boo. Anyway, I know the feeling of having both, and filling our shirts and bras, and standing up with confidence is really fun! Props to you for going through this AND for telling the blog o blag world about it! Youre AWESOME!
That’s some cookie dedication! Love it. 🙂
Thank you so much for the kind words. The support from this community has meant a LOT. xoxo
I’m quite impressed with your meals post surgery. I think I would be living off of crackers & juice.. oh and throw some smoothies in the mix. I would have desire to cook anything!
I waivered… I was so bored, cooking entertained me.
I’m so glad that you are feeling a bit better. I think I’d still want to shove everything in sight into my mouth.. doped up or not !
I’m also guilty of the “show me the pics” feeling 🙂 Of course, when you’re ready to show them off!
I’m sure you’re anxious to get back into the gym. Just take care of yourself!
Thank you! Pics will come. 😉
Not that I enjoy reading about your pain…but it is so interesting to hear about all of the side effects and the weirdly shaped boobs. Filing that info away for later! 😉
I am definitely more snacky when I’m not feeling well. I also get cranky when I can’t get up and do normal things…especially for days on end! Hope you’re back to your normal self soon! <3
Also…give your mom a big hug when you can…not all moms are that supportive!!
Haha – you let me know if you have more questions for later. 🙂
Great to hear from you again and like everyone else said, really fascinating insights! Hope you’re able to stretch soon, but it sounds like you’re making the best of it 🙂
Thanks, Laura!!! I’ll be back on the road soon. 🙂
The twins?!?! You didnnn’tttttt?! Haha! Good on you girl!! I’m just sat with a fresh cup of coffee trawling through backdated posts! I hope you’re healing well and you’re happy with the results!? Lot’s of RnR for you right now! If I had the money, I so would… might help with my swimming / buoyancy issues as well!! Haha! Any chance of a post recovery trip to Europe!? 🙂
I diiiiiid! I’m loving the results so far. Can’t WAIT for them to settle more though. Europe will happen… eventually. I swear. Come to ATL too!
Ohhh man, good to see you’re doing so well, lady! Good to know that it takes a good while for the “girls” to settle afterwards in case I decide to move forward with getting mine done. If you come out to visit Heather again, I’m going to totally ask you to flash me, too hahahahaha #ifeelsopervertedandcreepy
Haha – I love it. Creepy is my middle name. 😉
As long as you’re still making jokes (heh… boobie prize) then I know all is well in Lauraland. So happy that things are easing up for you, and I know you’ll be stretching and waving your arms in the air like you just don’t care again in no time. xo
HA! I am gently waving my arms.
YES I HAVE MISSED YOU!!!!!!! Loving your updates AND YOUR EATS sista!!!!!!!!!! I still freaking love that cereal bowl you put together, but I tell ya! Try puffed rice/kamut/etc. with chopped banana and almond milk 😉 YUM!
xoxoxoxox love you
oh and that spaghetti squash made my mouth drool! it’s been SO long
Thanks Meg!!! I actually prefer flakes or “o”s to puffs, but love banana cereal too. 🙂
Last time I had surgery I ate two things. Applesauce and ice cream.
For three days, that is all my pictures would have been.
I am impressed by your kitchen talents even when recovering and welcome back! 🙂