I don’t have a #strangebutgood recipe for you today.
Cankles are a good excuse, no?
Vegas and I came down from Big Bear and went directly to the doctor. I didn’t get injured – this time it was planned. Remember when I was going to be an American Ninja Warrior? Then I sprained my ankle so badly I couldn’t walk properly for weeks? Turns out it wasn’t just a sprain.
My ankle has been bothering me ever since, but it got really bad last spring when I was playing ball. I tried acupuncture, heat therapy, rest… nothing seemed to work. Next step was an MRI. The MRI showed that what I THOUGHT was a sprain was actually torn ligaments. Since I didn’t know what I’d done, I didn’t heal it properly. My choices now are either dealing with pain, surgery, or PRP therapy.

Vegas has been waiting on me all day since I can’t walk – she even made me a Greek yogurt bowl with a green M&M! (You know what the green ones mean 😉 )
I chose PRP as my plan of action. PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma.
They draw blood, separate it to create super-concentrated plasma, and re-inject it into the damaged area. The whole thing took less than an hour. I walked out of the office just fine, but with a warning there would be pain to come. After a 15 minute drive home, I was limping badly. By the time we got to dinner an hour later I was struggling to put any weight on it.
Dinner was fantastic, btw. Sushi from a little place down the street called Azuki.
After the injection, platelets release special growth factors that lead to tissue healing and repair. It sort of re-creates the injury which causes inflammation and pain.
They said it would hurt… but WOW! I cracked myself out on pain pills and valium and still couldn’t sleep for more than a few minutes at a time. Apparently the pain and swelling will get better in another day or so. In 3 months I hope to be good as new. Knock on wood.
Check out my cankle though. It wasn’t swollen at all pre-injection.
Vegas has been so good to me. As I type this she’s in the kitchen making chicken, brussels, and sweet potato for us. She also just delivered a glass of red wine. This is no time for sobriety.
Obviously she thinks cankles are sexy.
[Tweet “Have you ever heard of PRP Therapy? Attempting to heal my ankle. #fitfluential”]
For the record, that wasn’t MY bruised ass Wednesday. Ye of little faith…
Have you ever heard of PRP?
Does your spouse take care of you when you’re incapacitated?
Bless your heart! So, the green M&M’s were the only ones I would eat as a kid, and no… that’s not an indicator of anything!😉 I had a thing for green everything – Kermit the frog, Oscar the Grouch, green crayons, etc. Should have known I’d become a veg lover! In all seriousness, though, feel better and rest up!!
Haha – either a veg lover or a banker. 😉
Thank you so much for the well-wishes. 🙂
Ha! Def not a banker, I hate math! 🙂 You’re welcome!
I was shocked when I saw on the book of faces you DID THIS TO YOU 🙂 BUT BUT BUT it’s so smart.
Heal up.
Let yourself be loved up and doted upon as you do <3
Yeah. I’m still a little shocked. LOL!
Thanks, friend. 🙂
Wow, I hope you are as good as new in a few months. That sounds so interesting, and like such a better option than surgery.
I’ve heard of PRP and it was something that I might have had to do if my ankle wasn’t better with a last ditch effort of treatment. I’ve heard it works really, really well so you did the right thing. Your cankle will be gone before you know it!
Holly wow! I never heard of this therapy. Hopefully this will work and hopefully the pain will be shot lived too!
I’m surprised with all you’ve been though! I think it’s still really new. It’s bigger among pro sports teams right now.
WHOA!!! That is awful but sounds like you are in really great hands 🙂 And no, this is no time for sobriety.
Also, now I’m curious what your tattoo says?? I love the placement of it!
Sending all my fastest healing vibes your way!!
Thanks! It’s from Dr. Seuss – it says “Oh, the places you’ll go.”
Umm, oww. I still think you’d kick ass on American Ninja Warrior though.
Thanks Lee. 🙂
That is intense. My husband had surgery where they went in and cleaned up the bone spurs and crap out of his ankle and then went in and repaired all the ligament damage (he snapped a few playing basketball). How long before you can be expected to walk?
That sounds terrible! I am hobbling around now. It’s not pretty, but I’m SO glad to be out of the bed.
OMG that scary that is was much more serious than you thought- I’m glad you are hopefully entering an easy road to recovery. I’ve heard of PRP but would be interested in hearing more about it and how it works out for you. Wishing you well and normal ankles again soon 😉
Thanks! No miracles yet, but at least I’m walking. I think in another week I’ll have basic functionality back – maybe not running by at least no pain walking. *knock on wood*
I’ve never heard of PRP, but it sounds awful! You poor thing!
dude! why didn’t you tell me? or did you? James did PRP twice. It DID WONDERS!!! Keep me posted. ok?
How long until he healed? I need to just email you… but yay miracle PRP. I hope.
That’s what my ankle looked like last year when it randomly just failed me! Still don’t know why it happened, but I was out for a month! I was supposed to use crutches (in DC!!!) but gave up on that and hobbled in SOOO much pain.
Heal up!!!! NOT fun!
That happens to my sister all the time! She has an old injury though and doesn’t really have any ligaments left in the joint. She can be sitting at her desk and it’ll go out!
oh wow that is swollen! I’ve never heard of that therapy before but if it works I assume it’s better than surgery. Feel good friend!
Thank you! I’m hoping so!
One of coworkers did this with her knee! She is walking fine now, so I am assuming it did the job! I’m glad you’re being taken care of because nothing sucks more than feeling like crap but still having to feed and bathe yourself. I am blessed in that department too- Terry is great!
Oh, that’s really good to hear! I had no idea it was going to be so bad. It’s a little scary! Worth it if it works though.
Good luck with your PRP treatment. And you’re so lucky to have someone to take such good care of you. <3
I really am. 🙂
I’ve done it! I had high hamstring tendonopathy and it is one of those conditions that just doesn’t want to budge sometimes. I feel like the PRP jumpstarted the healing process and the right PT after finished the job. Good luck with it!
AH! Thank you for telling me. I don’t know anyone personally a who’s done it and it’s a little scary in the dark. I’m so glad it worked for you!
I have heard of that Laura!! I was super curious about it due to my knees… I will be watching closely to see how you heal & how it all goes.. keep us informed and HUGE HUGS!!!!!! Yahoo for Vegas!
I’ll definitely let you know! As soon as I started learning about it I wondered if it would work for my knees too. The only bad part is that insurance doesn’t cover it. Too new I guess. 🙁
Ouch, cheers to this being the step to recovery though.
The Hubby does a pretty remarkable job taking care of me and even leaves his empty beer bottles around so I can sniff them. Mmm, beer.
Podcast idea: weirdest places we’ve found beer bottles around the house.
Manfriend/Fiance has been friggin’ AMAZINGGGGGGG!! When we were in Europe, wow, his patience for me was unmatched!!!! I can be QUITE CRANKY *understatement* when I am hungry and/or tried (who isn’t?) but he took it and just kept telling me how much he loves me! UM, SERIOUSLY?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?! I am the spawn of friggin’ satan. LMFAO!!
Not sure how he would treat me if I had your sexy cankle though !LOL!
PS: STFU about that sushi restaurant. I HAVE ONLY EATEN AT ONE PLACE IN SAN DIEGO… AND IT WAS THAT SUSHI RESTAURANT – with manfriend, on the day I totally FACEBOOK MESSAGED YOU saying I was in San Diego lol!
You? Cranky? NOOOOOO… LMAO! Let’s just say Vegas has the patience of a saint.
You need to come back to SD. Actually, you need to meet me in Oceanside. I have another mother fracking AWESOME sushi joint. You know you want that salmon in yer mouth.
I have never heard of PRP. If it helps to prevent surgery, it sounds worth trying out. I hope you feel tried soon enough. I thought I sprained my ankle a few years ago but instead, it was broken. It took me a year to graduate from my physiotherapist and even then, I think she knew it would take even longer to be back at 100%. 😉 Take cars of yourself. It sounds like Vegas is super awesome!!
Ouch! I’m glad you were able to rehab it properly. I did get mine x-rayed. I knew i something was wrong, but I guess I had no idea just how bad!
And yeah, Vegas is pretty incredible. 🙂
Give me a spouse first then I can tell you…..ok, and wine now.
Speedy recovery Babe! I’m glad all went well and hope the pain is gone by now. I wish I was there to entertain you with my inappropriate stories.
LOL! Wine it is! And chocolate.
I wish you were here too. I’ve made a mess of your room cleaning the closets whilst trying to be a minimalist.
You are so brave! Knowing from the word dot that it was going to recreate the feeling injury again and still going through with it… Major balls. Then again surgery sucks so I would have probably done the same thing.
Go Vegas! What a star! Then again I know you would do the same for her <3
Thanks Jen! I have to admit, I didn’t know it’d be QUITE this bad. But that’s probably a good thing.
Hope that your ankle is feeling better lady! PRP kinda sounds like blood doping, yes?! LOL That’s crazy that it was so painful! Well if it winds up healing it, it’ll be well worth it in the end right? 🙂