Today I have a guest spot!
I was flattered to have been asked by Laura @ Mommy, Run Fast! to write a post for her series, Purposeful Running. Click here to check it out Laura’s site and my post on why I run.*
*Disregard the fact that I haven’t been able to run much due to my knee… in the words of Ah-nold: I’ll be back!
Blend was amazing! More to come this week! For now, a workout recap:
Workout Recap (4/30 – 5/6):
- Monday – This Pinned workout, Bis/Back w/ plyo, 2.3 mile run/walk
- Tuesday – This Pinned workout, P90X Cardio, 100 push-ups
- Wednesday – Shoulders w/ plyo, 2 mi run/walk, 100 push-ups
- Thursday – This Quad + Core tabata workout, 2.5 mi run, Legs/Core
- Friday – This Pinned workout, 3 mi walk/run, upper body weights
- Saturday – Blend Boot Camp and Hike
- Sunday – Blend Boot Camp
I need a weekend after my weekend!
What was the best part of your weekend?
If you are a runner, why do you run?
I am not a runner, I love running sgort distances no more than 5miles, and I do it to break a sweat or to just get some alone time, I usually run without music so I can concentrate on my thoughts! I love spinning and I go 4 or 4 times a week!
I am the same way – I want to be a distance running but my body starts yelling at me. 🙂
I need a weekend after my weekend too!! This morning has been harrowing haha. I don’t know why I run really… I think it is mostly because I use to not be able to and I decided that wasn’t good enough and I taught myself to run and now I don’t want to lose the ability. It feels great to be a success story and be able to do something a lot of people struggle with.
Isn’t it neat that you can teach your body to run? If you had told me that a few years ago I wouldn’t have believed it.
I think you know the best part of my weekend – BLEND!! 🙂 Had an awesome time hanging out with you. 🙂
Did you see the article on running on NPR this morning? It was really interesting – about how runner’s high fits into our evolution and why we are addicted.
I run because it’s the only thing I like to do. I enjoy swimming but it’s not something I can do every day. Working out at a gym is an occasional pleasure, but I’d almost prefer to buy a machine at home. And I don’t like to play team sports. Running every morning has been a great way to center myself and prepare for the day. I don’t feel right without it.
I didn’t – will have to go look that up!
I completely get that. I cannot wait until I can run more regularly/longer distances again. It’s amazing how “off” you feel without it.
great guest post!
Thanks for checking it out!
Lovely guest post! 🙂
So glad I could feature you– and I had no idea that you had lost your dad. Hope you’re back at it soon! 🙂 And I’m looking forward to hearing more about the retreat!
Thank YOU for the opportunity!
Ah, running. How I love it so, but how it does not love me back. I actually ran today for the first time in many months–just interval sprints on the treadmill, but it felt so amazing to move quickly and get my heart rate pounding. I will probably regret it tomorrow, but today I am ecstatic.
Looking forward to hearing about your weekend!
Ah, running. It hurts so good. 🙂
I love your guest post.
I run to prove to myself that I can. When I was in high school and college, I was about 30 lbs overweight and i never thought I could be a runner. 10 half-marathons (and one full) later, I found out that I can.
Thanks, Lee!
That’s amazing you’ve already done 10. You are an awesome runner!
Great guest post, and what an inspiration. Keep running, lady! I’m so happy to have found & to be following you.
To answer your questions, my weekend was okay (I worked mostly), and my workouts were “eh.” But this morning! This morning was amazing — honestly the best run I’ve ever had. It was 12.75 of the best miles of my life, and I was as fresh on the 11th as I was on the 2nd, literally smiling the whole time. Long-run Mondays are my favorite way to start the week.
I run because it brings me such profound joy to be out there, in touch with myself and my environment and my city, hearing my own footfalls and singing along with Lionel Richie. (Yup.)
Thank you so much!
Congrats on the great run! I love that feeling when everything is going well on a long run.
Cheers to Lionel Richie. 🙂
Great guest post! I run for a sense of mental release, achievement, the endorphin high abd also to stay in shape & keep my heart healthy :). Can’t wait to read about Blend!
Great guest post Laura! I can’t think of anyone else who’d be able to pull this off. 🙂
You’re too kind. 🙂 Hope your week started off well!