Many “food” bloggers have mentioned that it is rare for them to make the same meal twice. When you feel like you have to create new content constantly, it is understandable!
I definitely have that problem… but it was an issue before I ever began blogging. Content is a driver, but my original problem was simply excitement over trying new things. (Much like my grocery shopping problem.)
This morning I am proud to announce that I did repeat a meal!!!
I’ve been traveling since Friday afternoon.
There isn’t much food in mi casa.

The basics: champagne, eggs, PB, random flours, lemons, and limes
The chammy is leftover from the bridal shower. Really. I didn’t drink the leftovers… yet. 🙂
Aside from being tasty, Qu-egg-sadillas don’t require a lot to make: tortillas and egg. The rest can be improvised!
Today’s modifications:
- 1/2 tsp lemon zest
- 1/2 C sautéed kale
- 1/2 tsp ginger
You can find the original recipe here.
Lucky me had a little of my favorite Atlanta Farm Fresh Greek-style yogurt leftover!
I keep pureed ginger in my fridge. It’s fresh and I don’t have to worry about the root drying out. Plus it’s much easier than grating it myself! This was a Whole Foods find.

Nom Nom
At the risk of blasphemy, I may like this better than oatmeal.
23g of protein and I am full for hours after. FTW.
Do you repeat meals?
Do you even care if you do?
I have the opposite problem: I always make the same things over and over!
LOL! Just hang out with me – I will barely go to the same restaurant twice. 🙂
I don’t have a problem with repeating meals – it’s the fact that when I do, I always find ways to change the actual meal, so really, it doesn’t get repeated… just perfected =)
THAT is what I need to make my next challenge. Repeat to absolute perfection.
My blog isn’t food based, so I don’t mind making the same thing over and over again- I like my favorites:)
I always find new foods I want to try and forget to go back to the ones I love. This Qu-egg-sadilla looks really good. I will have to add it to my list!
That looks really good!
I’m a big repeater. There are a handful of meals I could live on and be fine. I used to cook something new every single day, but I got tired of that really quick! Now, I probably make something totally new around 3 times a week.
I repeat meals all the time! No spontaneous stuff over here 🙂
That looks so frickin’ yummy!
Quick and easy….I like it. 🙂
That reminds me of one of my fav quotes: If I am what I eat then I’m fast, cheap, and easy!
(NOT that this applies here…)
That is funny! I’m kind of the opposite.. i’ll eat the same things constantly over and over again LOL. Glad you had a delish repeat 🙂
This looks delish! And I ALWAYS make the same meals over and over! … And feel the need to share with folks when I do! 😀
I like egg burritos, quesadillas, and sandwiches better than oatmeal too. I am rebellling and will never post oatmeal on my blog. haha. ever. Even though I like it =) I’m weird like that. and I totally make my recipes over and over again too! if they’re good — they go into frequent rotation! <3
have a great weekend!!!
Yummy! That sounds really nice!