Merry Marvelous!
Are you ever so cheerful you annoy yourself?
It’s false cheer. Sort of. I’m not in a bad mood… but does anyone really look forward to a Monday like they do a Saturday? Yet another reason to love Katie’s Marvelous Monday link up. 🙂
First up in the world of marvelous is this #vitamixporn. That’s a legit hash tag, no?
This deliciousness is a Chocolate-Beet protein smoothie. It was so thick and creamy I ate it with a spoon… like I do with just about every smoothie. It’s the only way to go after a hot, sweaty romp in the gym. 😉
You can make this in a regular blender, it just might not be quite as ice cream-like. I posted the recipe here on Facebook.
Marvelous item #2 involves one of my favorite movies – Grease! Saturday it was playing it on the big screen at a the Fox Theatre… it was done like a sing-along! The words to every song were scrolled across the bottom of the screen and they handed out little props for people to use throughout the movie.

They had a costume contest before the movie started!
The less-then-marvelous part is that I was supposed to go with my best friend, but at the last minute she got the stomach flu! So I went by myself. It was a little awkward due to the interactive nature, but I sat back and enjoyed the show and the people watching. It was rich – the over 50 crowed came out in full-force dressed like Pink Ladies and T-Birds.
In the end, I was happy. I was in a loner mood for some reason anyway. When I got home there was more marvelous = clean sheets! I put myself to bed with a book and a handmade mason jar candle.
This next item is more hilarious than marvelous. I was in the gym, minding my business, when I came upon a full spread of beauty supplies in the locker room.
The pic doesn’t even show it all. I couldn’t fit in the towel wrap, 2 pairs of shoes, flip-flops, bobby pins, comb… and dirty clothes on the floor. I chuckled… and then I Instagrammed. (She was in the shower… I’m not quite that ballsy.)

Yes, that is a hair weave on the counter.
I had to take a picture.* If I had to bring THAT much crap to shower at the gym, I’d just go home. (I have never showered at a gym, actually.) If I hadn’t been in a hurry, I would have waited to see what she looked like after getting all dolled up.
*Nothing shocks me anymore at my gym – last week there was a girl there carrying a dog around in her purse. In the weightroom. While using the leg extension machine.
Lastly, I have to include food in the weekend marvelousness. This happened before I made it to the market. you can always tell when it’s the end of the week because I’m eating a random hodge podge of protein. There are 3 types of fish on that plate.
The real marvelous part was the salad. I managed to end the week with a lot of veggie goodies left over, and throw together a fresh, raw salad.
If you haven’t had corn raw before, check out this #strangebutgood Berry Corny Salad too. It fabulously sweet and crunchy!
Raw Tomato Corn Thyme Salad
- 1/4 C sweet corn kernels
- 1/4 C cherry tomatoes, sliced
- 1/2 C raw asparagus, sliced
- 1 T diced shallot
- 1 tsp fresh thyme
- Drizzle champagne vinegar (or other vinegar)
- Freshly ground black pepper
Mix together veggies and drizzle of vinegar. Finish with fresh black pepper.
Note: You could also add olive oil, nuts, or other herbs!
It must be the crazy humidity, but I’m craving raw foods lately… which simply means I’m (re)learning you can put just about anything in a blender. 🙂
What is the strangest thing you’ve ever seen in the gym?
Would you go to a show at a theatre by yourself? What is your favorite character from Grease? Mine’s Rizzo!
3 types of fish on the plate. LOL. Dang, that’s a lot going on the bathroom counter. too funny. it is an added bonus at the gym – people watching. I’ve seen interesting peeps myself.
And I love ice cream from my Vitamix. will check out the recipe. Glad you’ll be having a marvelous Monday!
Variety is the spice of life! 😉
Need that chocolate beet protein smoothie in my life, looks amazing! I’ve been too obsessed with my vitamix these days.
Haha, nothing shocks me at the gym much now, it’s all very individual and odd sometimes.
Whatever floats your boat I suppose:)
I love grease honestly its my all time favorite movie!! I would go to the movies by myself heck why not! The strangest thing I’ve ever seen at the gym is a lady wearing high heels on the treadmill! She also had a full on work outfit I guess she really wanted that workout to happen! Have a great start to your week love + shine Courtstar
Heels on a treadmill?! I’d kill myself.
I haven’t seen Grease…… spank me;) i’ve seen bits and pieces, but never have i ever watched the entire thing :O oh my! shall i change that?? 😉
you know how much i love the beet smoothies! i am pretty addicted to my sweet potato chocolate smoothies tho 😉 i think i had one a day since i posted that recipe lol
oh and i will love this salad i loooove corn yum yum yum
you and your thyme lately 😉 hahaha
p.s. clean sheets are the best! couldn’t agree more 🙂
Whaaaaat?! That is your homework assignment this weekend. You’re Sandy, all the way. 😉
Thick and creamy with a spoon is the only way to do smoothies, am I right? 😉 And I just have to mention that I was sitting alone in the middle of the park (I promise there was a good reason for that haha) when I saw that gym stash/hair weave picture on Instagram and I almost died laughing and attracted the stares of the 10 million plus kids running around me.
I only wish I could have gotten a pic of the lady with the dog… 😉
I LOVE Grease! And Rizzo is definitely my favorite character too, as is Kenicke and Frenchie. I think I saw the movie about 25 times and 2 times as a musical theater.
Oh my Gosh, a DOG in the weight room? Now that would be impossible in Switzerland, we aren’t even aloud to talk on the phone at the gyms.
OMG – I wish they would ban phones in the US!
LOL! That’s too funny about the lady with the dog. Well, I know one or two gym weirdos. I just found out some *interesting* information about one older guy, covered in hair, who takes 3 hours to work out. He spends so much time standing around, and he will literally spend half an hour on the toilet in between sets. When he benches and squats, he apparently pees himself. He just throws his pants into the locker and leaves them to air dry for next time! Ew. The one thing I will give him is that he lifts a LOT. He can squat/deadlift 600+ lbs. No wonder women are afraid to work out in hardcore gyms haha
Hahahahaha! I literally just spewed my coffee reading this. And I thought letting out a little gas was the sign of a good heavy squat… 😉
Three types of fish! Nice one!
My friend in NYC once won 2 tickets to Mary Poppins on broadway, but pulled out at the last second so I had to go alone….me and 100 little girls in the audience. Worst. Lucky they sat me next to this family which I ‘pretended’ to be part of lol!
Beets in a smoothie…your creations. I just can’t.. What will be next!?
THAT I would have loved to see. Makes me feel less creepy going to Grease alone. 😉
A dog in a gym..that’s crazy unless it’s a seeing eye dog 🙂 Poor dog and seriously, amazed no one at the gym told her to go home! The weave however, is AWESOME:)
100% not a seeing eye dog. More like an ankle biter. 😉
Haha that’s hilarious about those gym characters- carrying excessive amount of products is exactly why I DON’T shower at the gym! There’ve been a couple of instances where a guy has walked into the gym in his pyjamas…unfortunately I wasn’t as ballsy with taking photos! ANother guy was swigging out of a vodka bottle- I’m just hoping it was refilled with water otherwise things could’ve gotten messy!
Vodka?! Was that person also wearing PJs? Maybe he’s just keeping the party going… LOL!
A dog in a bag at the gym. Really? Some people…
Love the salad-yum!
Oh Grease definitely takes me back… I haven’t seen it in ages, but I’m pretty sure I still remember all of the words to the songs. It was actually playing on the big screen here too, and now I’m kind of kicking myself for not going to see it. And I kind of -do- look forward to Mondays as much as Saturdays…. what can I say? I like the fresh start feel of a new week.
That gym photo is hysterical, Laura!! THAT’S why you have short hair…me, too! The salad looks wonderful. I love the Fox Theatre. What a cool idea to do Grease as a sing a long! I love it!
you really are going to make me try beets again with all these great looking recipes…i just haven’t liked them in the past!
OMG that bag is like more than i pack for a week long trip!
They have grown on me. one of the frist recipes I made with them that I could tolderate was a Orange-Beet smoothie. The citrus goes a long way in taming the earthiness!
A dog? That is something that I’ve never seen before! There’s someone at my gym that uses all the cardio machines with rubber dish gloves on. Germaphobe, I guess.
LMAO! And I thought I had a germ problem…
FUN weekend! I love Grease & got to see it years ago in a movie theater for the 25th anniversary! That smoothie sounds so good.
I think I would have stolen the hair weave had I seen it just laying there all casually, Ha Ha!
Try adding some cajun seasoning to your raw salad. It’s delicious! 🙂
Ewwwww… but then I would have to touch it! I don’t know where it’s been!
did you give that lady at the gym the stink eye? Like… you must really stink if you need all that crap. haha
I’ve never showered at the gym either; I always just went back home. And a dog at the gym? Really? She couldn’t leave the pup at home for an hour?
It’s definitely been a few years since I saw Grease…I need to change that! And I can honestly say that I’ve never seen a dog at the gym…maybe I should try that with Atticus? 😉
Just not at my gym! I’ll give you the stink eye too. 😉
First off – are you making fun of people over 50!!!! 😉 As I told you, my youngest stepdaughter went to one of those here & loved it!
On the gym – are you allowed to bring a dog in there – even in a purse!!??? And leg extensions with the dog – ummmmmmm, hello!!! 😉
I take a lot to get ready but I don’t think I even would come close to the pic! 🙂
Never!!! It was just awesome to see everyone so enthusiastic. 😉
I have been so into corn lately! I just actually made stuffed tomatoes with corn haha, we must be on the same wavelength
Great minds! 😉
this looks like a perfect summer salad!
I haven’t been to a gym in so long, I had forgotten all the crazy that goes on in there!
It’s a good show! 😉
I was obsessing over the Vitamix at Costco this weekend. Someday! Gym pic cracked me up. Seriously, does she think she owns the place?! 😉 haha
You should get one! It’s pricey, but I swear it’s the best $500 i’ve ever spent.
The gym story made me laugh. Every Tuesday I come straight to work from cross country practice and have to shower here (I work at a gym). I don’t carry quite as much as your friend, but I do have the bag, hair stuff, and makeup to do the whole get ready for work thing.
Years ago, when I worked at Gold’s Gym there was a woman who worked out there regularly. She worked hard and had a great physique. She always carried a small gym bag with her from place to place as she worked out. It took several weeks before I realized that she carried her dog with her.
What makes the story even better is that years later when I worked at my current gym, I was chatting with a woman who was working on the elliptical. I knew she was a dog lover and had three small dogs, but it wasn’t until she was talking to me that she mentioned that she used to have just one dog, used to work out at Gold’s and used to bring her dog to the gym. I’d never recognized her or even thought about it until she mentioned it. Funny.
That’s so funny! It is a samll, small world.
Grease Sing-Along?!?!?! AMAZING. How could your Monday not be marvelous after that?
A Grease sing-a-long??! So fun! There is a lot of crazy that goes on in the gym bathrooms, some of which I wish to never remember!! And #vitamixporn is a totally legit hashtag. Looks delicious!
Oh my word- I have to make that chocolate beet smoothie for my boys!! And that muffin from your previous post……. Umm… yum.
Next time you’re in CA we are sooo meeting up at Menage in Napa. I didn’t know it was there!!! 🙂
That would be SO much fun!!! Are you close-ish to Napa?
NO, but I could always use an excuse to go there. LOL.
Hhahah I would so bring my dog to the gym, but I’d probably just end up sweating all over him. 😉 The funniest thing I’ve seen lately is an old lady who uses a standing ad/abductor machine with a too heavy weight? so the roll bar just kept slamming into her crotch. wtf. what is that working woman? lol. aye #youredoingitwrong
Oh wow…. didn’t that hurt her crotch?!
yum, I want this salad instantly. It will have to wait for a trip to the market for more tomatoes though, first! Luckily, there is pinterest. I checked out the berry corny salad too and those flavors are ones I’ve sort of seen in different salads before but never tried either, I’m feeling very inspired all of a sudden 🙂 Cheers!
That’s a huge compliment – thank you!!!
in this weather, I too am going towards more cooler options. even roasting things and letting them sit in the fridge before actually eating.
I do that too! Best eaten with your fingers standing in the fridge door. 😉
My only guess is that lady at the gym was traveling. God, I hope that lady at the gym was traveling. LOL. Off to make that chocolate smoothie now!
I doubt it… but who knows…
Wow, that chick goes through a lot of trouble to shower at the gym & get ready! Crazy! I’ve never actually showered at the gym either… kinda grosses me out. lol
Never gone to a show alone, but good for you on still going & having a good time! 🙂 Hate to admit, but don’t really know any of the Grease characters names…
oh I love Grease! I don’t have a favorite character but can totally sing along to all the songs 🙂 when we went on our “honeymoon” cruise last winter, they had the huge ship screen on the deck playing Grease one night & we sat out in the big bubble chairs & watched it (we don’t have outdoor theaters here plus the novelty of it being 11pm & 80+ degrees was amazing!) & I embarrassed my hubs by singing along super loud (blamed it on the fruity drinks! ;-))
So much fun!!! You can’t watch that movie and NOT sing along. 🙂
I don’t know which one I want more- the chocolate berry smoothie or that corn salad… yum! Since you’re coming for dinner, can you bring both?
I need to get me on the beet bandwagon! I have NEVER tried them before -NEVER! OMG lol
For real?! I thought all you fancy CA people lived on beet juice? 😉
I wish I could have gone with you to the show. Damn work! When I was a member of Crunch a few years ago there was gentleman who would work out, shower, and leave as a woman. And all in less than an hour. His workouts were never more than 30 minutes but it always made me chuckle at how fast he would get ready. Maybe he switched gyms and that was his stuff. haha
Awwww… that would have been so much fun!
I want to find this dude. I am impressed and fascinated. LOL!
Nothing beats clean and fresh sheets! So marvelous 🙂
I think it’s funny when people finish a set and then flex in the mirror. It definitely makes me chuckle. I wont lie…I’ve done it too and it makes me laugh at myself as well lol
I do that too… and take pics. 😉
I used to hate doing things like that by myself, but I’m getting much better about going solo at times (like my winery day in Australia!). It can be really fun!
You meet the best people that way!
I am SO jealous of your Vitamix!! Want to give me yours?? 😉
Hahahaha. No. But you can come over! 😉
Not quite the gym but last week I saw a man smoking while walking on a WALKING PATH…I held my breath and ran by him as fast as I could. Then I looked back and shot him a super annoyed look. GAH! It still makes me so mad!
That pisses me off even just running down Peachtree. I always give them nasty looks too.
Oh I wanted to see Grease at the Fox also but knew my husband wouldn’t go and couldn’t find anyone else to go with. I actually thought about going along but wasn’t sure if that would be weird, guess not! The girl in the gym with the dog is insane! What if someone accidentally dropped a weight on her”purse” good lawd!
I wish I’d known! You could have come with!!!
I commute so I go to my work gym in the am then I shower there… and i bring all my products /clothes. But at least I don’t spread everywhere!
I get bringing stuff… but the sheer volume of things… that’s a LOT of effort!
I love Grease and sing-a-longs; not that anyone wants to hear me sing. I’m a huge fan of Rizzo and “bad” Sandy puts goody two-shoes Sandy to shame. It’s a classic, and I’m always amazed by how young Travolta looks. Sounds like a really good time.
I spent a solid portion of the movie in awe of how young (and skinny) he looked!
i see crazy stuff at the gym on a daily basis but my biggest pet peeve are the women in the locker room that spread their stuff out ALL over the bench, preventing me from getting to my locker. Then they get all tudey with me when I ask them to move their smelly sneakers. Psh. But I’m with you. I don’t think I could handle bringing that much crap to the gym, only to pack it up again. Cray.
Nom nom on the raw salad! Perfect for summer and I love me some asparagus!
After seeing the crap people put on benches in gym locker rooms, I refuse to even sit on them.
My mouth literally dropped open when I saw your ‘dog in the gym’ aside. Seriously? I would love to see the reactions if I brought Tink to the gym!
xx Kait
Ah! That smoothie looks great!:) I eat all my smoothies with a spoon too and they just taste better like that, but I’ve always preferred ice cream to shakes anyway;)That fish looks great too! Sounds like you had an interesting and tasty day!:):)
Thanks! Now that I have my vitamix I refuse to eat them with anything other than a spoon. 😉
I love Grease and that sounds like it was really fun. I was just telling a co-worker I need to find a good pink ladies jacket.
I’ve seen people carry a ton of stuff into the gym but that looks excessive.
A dog in the weight room? Really?!!? Crazy!!!
I have to ask… why do you need to find a pink ladies jacket? Will you wear it to work. I think I’d do it… 😉
I love raw corn. It’s so… milky sweet. Which is funny, really, seeing as I’m a lactard.
Oh my gosh, I can’t believe that beauty spread! I just can’t (and won’t) get ready at the gym…I always feel like I’m gonna forget something important. Knowing me, I’d show up with all my clothes, my hair stuff, and makeup and forget my frickin’ towel! Hahaha! There tends to be some pretty interesting people at my gym too…since it’s the Y, there’s always an eclectic mix of seniors and youngins to people watch…my favorite though is the girl who works out in FULL make up with HUGE hoop earrings. I mean, aren’t you just asking for a trip to the emergency room with that?! Oh, and the best part? She busts into random dance moves on the treadmill sometimes! Lol
That Grease show sounds like so much fun! I’m not sure if I would have gone by myself. I’d like to think I would have. I’ve dined out solo before and it was actually pretty fun…I sat outside and had a great time people watching while sipping my half price glassES of Chardonnay! 😉 I’ve told myself that one day I will go to the theater by myself, but the trouble is that I don’t really like going to the movies all that much…there’s just not that many movies that I feel are worth the money! I’d rather just wait and rent them from Redbox! #cheapass
Hoops earrings? I’d walk over to her and yank that shit out. She probably has a dog in her hand bag too. Dumb ass. LOL!
I love going to eat by myself. I always eat at the bar and try basically everything. I only get free desserts with you though. 😉
Awww, I feel so special!
PS, I went through a random FB purge the other day and deleted Grady 🙁
Hahaha that weave cracks me up!! Also a dog in the gym?! Words fail me…
I have had Sunday Night Anxiety for most of my life, I think. It starts around 4PM on Sunday afternoon, and it lingers…you know, until Monday. 🙂
A dog at the gym?!?! I still think people talking on the phone while attempting to elliptical is bad.
I bought two ears of corn at the farmer’s market this weekend with the intention of eating them raw. You don’t ever have to convince me how delicious that is…