My name is Laura and I am a recipe addict.
If you ever want to keep me occupied for hours, drop me in the middle of the cookbook section of a bookstore. Or give me a list of food blogs. Or a stack of Food & Wine magazines.
While I do cook a lot, this has resulted in my having an excess of recipes. I can’t make one item before I find 5 more I want to try my hand at!
I have 292 recipes bookmarked. This is only those online. That I’ve remembered to save to Delicious.
Intervention time.
Can I get on Oprah for this? (Did you see Oprah discovered she has a sister? That must have been the best day of her sister’s life… being Oprah’s sister would be better than winning the lottery!)
For the next 6 months, I will make one recipe from my Delicious bookmarks per week.
Originally, I was going to start with the first bookmarked page and work from there. Makes sense. Start at the beginning.
The issue is that I started saving in April, so I would be making springtime recipes when it is below freezing outside. 86 that idea.
Does it really matter where I start?
Start from the most recent.
Here are the first 3:
1. Avocado Creamcheese Cookies
I’m declaring tomorrow Avocado Cookie Tuesday!!!!
Tonight, it’s derby-time!
Do you have a recipe problem habit? How do you keep track/keep up?
Side note: While I was looking through old bookmarks and writing this, I found no less than 10 new recipes to try. Oops.