This bum-friendly leg day workout is focused on lifting and strengthening the glutes. Because can you really ever have enough buns, hun?
By Laura
This bum-friendly leg day workout is focused on lifting and strengthening the glutes. Because can you really ever have enough buns, hun?
By Laura
If you made it through Monday’s long post, congratulations.
My apologies if this one gets just as long.
After my adventures in poker and another late night, I spent the next morning repenting at the gym. I had an unpictured Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Quest bar, which is my favorite flavor for breakfast. They are lifesavers on the road!
I was really excited to be able to incorporate some VERY light weight glute work into my workout. Progress! It’s so good to be able to activate those muscles again.
By Laura
A month into recovery from ACL surgery and I’m walking like a boss! A boss that limps, but a boss nonetheless. I’ve been released from the brace and I wan ride a stationary bike!
By Laura
Life gets hectic in the fall. I love to cook, but there’s no shame in having help. My newest discovery is Clean & Colorful Kitchen. You can’t go wrong with a made-from-scratch meal, created from fresh and local ingredients!
By Laura
Week three of recovery from ACL surgery is MUCH easier. Of course, it’s all relative. I’ve been out and about more, started driving again, and kept up at the gym.
By Laura
Week two of recovery from ACL surgery has done much better. The staples are gone. I’ve been doing upper body workouts. Also, I still have wine.