Is it really Wednesday?
I feel like it’s Monday.
Isn’t my mom gorgeous?! We took mamma to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens this weekend for Mother’s Day. I have the BEST mom.
This is about to be the quickest #WIAW post ever. I’ve been under the weather lately. Vegas just left (again). Honestly, I’m pretty over this long distance thing. I don’t know how people do it! We’re really lucky that Vegas can come visit as often as she can, but it’s not the same.
That said, I’m grateful for the time we have together… even when we spend 2 days of it sick. Doh. You know it’s real love when you’d rather be sick together then well apart!
Here’s my super fast (semi-accurate) #WIAW.
Be sure to link up to Jenn’s WIAW baby at the bottom!
I made out morning cocktail as per usual.
Breakfast is more of a snack for me, especially when I don’t feel good. I was thankful for the (salted pecan-bourbon) balls in my freezer. (It was shrinkage! 🙂 )
Another pre-made win. These Jalapeño Baked Hummus Falafels have been my go-to. I love the heat – something I oddly crave anytime I’m sick. I later paid for it… maybe net my best idea when my stomach is jacked up. HA!
Another odd thing I crave when I don’t feel good is sushi. Vegas thinks I’m nuts, but I want some raw salmon when I’m not feeling 100%. (She opted for fried rice.)
I also crave hot sake. Don’t judge.
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My BFF is coming to town this weekend. Get ready for the mildly inappropriate IG stories!
What do you crave when to you’re sick?
Have you ever been long distance with your SO?
I hope you feel better soon! I can’t say I crave sushi when I am sick, thats an odd one. I crave plain carbs when I am sick like a piece of bread, dry cereal, or saltines. And I can imagine how annoying the long distance thing must be!
To be fair, I pretty much crave sushi all the time.
It’s too nice outside to be sick! I hope you’re feeling better soon and I think the longer you are married you may find you like a little distance 🙂 LOL!!! < – – my husband works from home so I can't be held responsible for my comments!!
HA! I have heard that from a few people, actually. At least no one is here to complain if I pass some gas…
Hope you feel better soon, sushi is definitely an interesting sick craving, but I’m not one to judge I always want a sweet potato, brussels sprouts, chicken sausage, and egg bowl when I’m under the weather.
I would go for all of those things too! I can never have enough brussels.
“You know it’s real love when you’d rather be sick together then well apart” ——> annnnnd que all the cute heart shaped blushing emojis. I was super sick this weekend, too! And I just heard of three of people who had the same sounding this as me… what’s going on? I had absolutely zero appetite. But funnily enough, sushi WAS one of the things that crossed my mind in terms of things I could stomach. Didn’t get any, but I think it would have gone down well. Sushi always goes down well. Hope you are feeling better now. Allie’s right – its far too nice out now to be sick.
Um….. your Mom?!? IS BEAUTIFUL. Geez louise.
Yassssss… sushi twinning! I’m sure the extra wasabi is cleansing or something like that. 😉
And thank you from mamma! XO
Cravings when I’m sick always fascinate me. Often, I want to eat yogurt, which sounds weird, but maybe it’s the probiotics? I also find really tart berries are on my mind a lot—I once at a whole bag of frozen raspberries on a sick day. Whatever works!
Hope you’re feeling better : )
I get that. I’ve been known to just grab a berry and yogurt bowl for the ease (and the taste, of course).
oh bro! feel better. I am so over this week already too. WAAAAAHHHH! I think we all might need a vacation. And you need your wife back. 😉
YES to both. Double YES.
I’m not a good eater when I’m sick. Too much work to get off the couch. But you’re supposed to starve something right? I never remember if it’s a cold or a fever.
I can’t remember either. What did people do before Google?!
The long distance is rough! We ended up doing it for 6 months last year… fortunately it was a five hour drive not a 5 hour flight in between our destinations but it makes being back in the same city so much sweeter <3
I’m not sure if I’d rather drive or fly… at least the drive would be cheaper! I keep trying to remember that this will seem like a teeny blip on the radar one day.
Your mom is gorgeous! And so young 🙂 Hope you feel better soon
Thank you! I’m praying I got her fountain of youth genes!
Your mom really is gorgeous! I hope you’re feeling better!
Thank you! I think so. 😉
Oh dear I hope you get better soon. It sucks that you and Vegas are still apart. Any signs of it changing soon?
David and I met through friends but went to different universities. We took it in turns to travel 2 hours by train every weekend for 2 years before we could live together. It was tough but you do what you need to do right?!
Maybe in a month… le sigh. It keeps being pushed back, which is getting depressing.
Feel better. That is an order. Awww the ABG! I got married in the rose garden!!!
You DID?! I love it there. If we’d gotten married here, that’s what I would have chosen.
This year is already flying by, I love it and I hate it at the same time lol. Your Mom is stunning! I saw this picture on Instagram and I’m positive the camera lens doesn’t do her justice. I adore falafel, they are crazy addictive, these jalapeño baked hummus falafels look BOMB! I crave sushi all day everyday.
Thank you!!! All my guy friends try to hit on her, which I now think is funny. Notsomuch in high school. LOL!
I’m with Vegas. Fish would be the last thing going in my mouth when I’m sick.
Your mom is totally gorgeous! You have good genetics lady! Also, I followed your sister’s health page on IG and it’s funny because sometimes when she posts a pic of herself, she looks exactly like you! Just with long blonde hair haha
Hope that you are feeling better by now! My throat has been feeling funny the past few days — crossing my fingers it just goes away & doesn’t get worse (Sore throats are so annoying!).
Thank you! I’m hoping she passed some of that down to me. 😉
get better soon laura! i really like rice porridge with a little bit of ground meat for flavor if i’m under the weather. vietnamese is my comfort food! girl, that long distance thing is tough though! i did it over the summer once but that seemed too long. hope ya’ll get to live in the same city soon!
You know, I’m not sure I’ve ever had rice porridge. From the sound of it, I think I’d like it though!