Day 2 of liquid diet.
Wasting away to nothing. Famished.
I kid, I kid.
Still broken. The whiplash part is worse today and my head is killing me. And I still look like a swollen Frankenstein-chipmunk:

Exhibit A
But I enjoyed some butternut squash soup with fennel, onions, jalapeños, and Sriracha sauce for lunch. Pureed, of course.
In a moment of psychic planning, I scheduled a photo shoot with Ed Selby last Saturday (the day before I wrecked my face). Ed is an awesome photog. He sent me an email a few weeks ago asking if he could shoot me. I was so excited and we set up a time before the season began. Smart, eh?
Below are a few of Ed’s shots. Pretty awesome, right? Through the magic of Ed and photoshop, you can’t even see the massive zit I had right between my eyebrows.
The Dr. said that when I feel better I can run and lift weights. Just no contact sports for a while.
Therefore, I’ve been plotting my body building debut. Kidding.
What I HAVE been plotting is my race schedule. I’m revising my 2011 goals to include 1 race a month.
I don’t know if I can stand the pounding enough to effectively train for the Publix Georgia Half in March, but I do really want to run a Half-Marathon again this year. In preparation, I’m committing to run a race each month beginning March 12th with an adventure race I am already registered for: Tough Mudder.
This is a 10 mile race with obstacles that will have me swinging across a mud pit, walking through fire, and running UP a slippery motorcross slope. Check out the obstacle map.
It is 4 weeks post-jaw break and it isn’t a contact sport… so I’m good to go!
2 weeks later is the Atlanta Women’s 5K. That’s more than 1 a month, but I need to make up for January and February. 🙂 All the finishers receive a flower at the end – how sweet is that?!
April 16th I will definitely do a race. Perfect way to celebrate surviving Tax Day. I was planing on Run the River. But I just realized that is also the day of the Gerogia Tech Pi Mile (Pi = 3.14… get it?) AND the Sweetwater 420 5K. The Pi Mile starts at 8a. The Sweetwater 5K starts at 10a… are you thinking what I’m thinking???
Tonight I am really excited to try the Garbanzo Bean Soup Angela@ Oh She Glows created.
One of the saddest parts about breaking my jaw was the thought of not being able to have hummus. I could eat it by the spoonful… but people would stare. Angela has solved that problem!
More on that when I make it this evening. 🙂
The smooth creation of the day so far was an Orange Cream Smoothie.
This Orange Cream Smoothies is a glass of creamy, vanilla-orange deliciousness. Reminiscent of those yummy push-up pops from the ice cream truck. 🙂
Orange Cream Smoothie
- 1 medium orange
- 1/4 C Greek yogurt
- 1/4 C unsweetened vanilla almond milk
- 1/2 banana
- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
- 1T Twister Power (sprouted omega blend)
- 1/2 packet of Stevia
- Big handful of spinach
- Water + Ice to taste
Throw it in a blender, mix until smooth, and enjoy!
Two 5Ks in a day would really only be a 10K with a really long break in the middle…
What races are you planning this year?
Have you ever done 2 5Ks in a day?
OOh, your jaw looks painful! It does make you very hardcore though, especially since it was from Roller Derby.
I am actually wearing a Sweetwater 420 5K shirt right now. I actually hate that race – it’s too hilly! I guess the free beer at the end makes up for it though.
Ohhh… don’t scare me!! Too hilly to do after a warm up 5K at Tech?
As I said yesterday to you… Bad Ass! You could take on Bangkok and come out in one piece probably carrying some poor tuk-tuk driver who missed a turn.
Best mental pic I’ve had all day. And now I’m craving street food.
I was looking at my web stats and noticed a few referrals from some new website – tah dah! It is YOUR site!
Sorry about the chin, and thanks for the shout out. The soups do look really good!