I make a lot of strange stuff.
Relatively speaking – I think it’s totally normal! 🙂
I must confess that there ARE certain things that intimidate me. Heather’s Meatless Monday A-Z ingredient this week one of them. Yeast. I am inexplicably intimidated by the thought of using yeast to make bread. Bread seems so complex to me! It’s only a few ingredients, I know.
For this week’s recipe I decided to be sneaky with the ingredient and use beer. Beer has yeast. It counts, right?
This was actually created for another reason: I had an Oscar party! I wanted to have food in the theme of the movies this year, and this killed two bird with one stone. Hummus for the Middle Eastern-set Argo and Zero Dark 30, and beer for the tailgate theme of Silver Linings playbook!
What resulted was a funky hummus, with the nutty tahini and cumin flavors we all love, combined with hoppy, brown sweetness from the beer.
The beer I used is a limited release. Laguanitas came out with a seasonal beer – Brown Shugga’ – a few years ago and apparently it was SO good that when they didn’t bring it back the following year due to capacity issues people were outraged. Laguinatas Sucks is their apology.
It’s awesome. It says brown shugga,’ but it has notes of citrus and pine that make for a really interesting marriage of flavors with the more tadtiional lemon and tahini in the hummus.
Brown Beer Hummus
- 1 can no salt added chickpeas
- Juice of 1/2 lemon
- 2 cloves garlic
- 2 T fresh rosemary
- 1 T tahini
- 1/2 tsp cumin
- 1/2 tsp paprika
- 1/2 tsp black pepper
- 1/4 tsp coriander
- 1/3 C beer (I used Lagunitas Sucks, a hoppy beer)
Add all ingredients to a food processor and process until smooth. Add additional beer for a thinner dip.
Serve with chips and veggies.
Makes 1 1/4 cups.
I wish they wouldn’t do these shows on Sunday nights. I’m SO tired… but how awesome was the Les Mis performance?!
Did you watch the Oscars? What was your favorite performance?
What are your thoughts on yeast? Does bread intimidate you?
I’m with you! These shows should not be on Sunday’s. That’s the day I’m in bed the earliest. I’m super exhausted at this point in the week.
This is the most interesting hummus ever! And kind of genius. I’m trying to imagine how it all tastes together!
LOL! It’s definitely interesting, but I liked it. You could really have fun with it trying different styles of beer!
I was happy that for a change we on the west coast don’t have to watch a tape delay. Show starts at 5:30, over by 8:30 perfect!
You hummus looks interesting. Something I would never have thought of trying.
VERY interesting!! I bet this hummus is fantastic.
I love everything about the Academy Awards… so today is one of my favorite days. I liked several things about tonight: Adele, the mention of Adam Yauch at the In Memoriam (R.I.P.), and the Les Mis was fantastic. I also loved DD Lewis in Lincoln, and thought his speech was the best of the night.
yeast? I overcame my intimidation years ago! 😉 but I agree it CAN be intimidating, baking is an unforgiving science.
I am STILL smiling about the Adele and Les Mis performances! And how about Catherine Z in Chicago?
I love making my own hummus but I’d have to hide this one. My kids love hummus so I can just see them getting into this one day. Not good! But the humus sounds awesome!
LOL! I don’t think there’s enough in there to do any damange. Maybe next time I’ll try tequila… 😉
Interesting about the beer! Bob and I were just driving around the other day and saw a liquor store that had Laguanitas Sucks on the sign, and we couldn’t figure out if they were describing the beer or if that the name of a new type. lol. This explains it!! Thanks–I’ll have to let Bob know. 🙂
That’s awesome they had it – it’s really hard to find!
YUM! I wish they didn’t do these shows when I have to wake up at 3:30 the next day. I don’t even allow myself to start watching for fear I’ll be sad that I can’t watch it all or the awards I’m most interested in. But I got the general impression (via Twitter while lying in bed last night) that overall the show wasn’t that great, so maybe I didn’t miss much?
3:30 in the morning??? Why? Ouch!
I t hought the performances were really good. The winners don’t interest me… I’m not a big movie person.
This sounds amazing! MMMM ….
I love our normal abnormality. 🙂
Haha beer?! Definitely the most clever way to work yeast into a recipe. I’m not a fan of beer myself (just can’t get that acquired taste) but I adore the idea!
I bet it would work with a cider, too! Maybe even wine… something to ponder…
oh i soooooo want to find a good GF beer to make this!! any thoughts?
Did you see my sister’s response on FB? She says: harvester brewing (great all around) , o-mission (noah even says it tastes normal and drinks it with me), and daura estrella (tastes like a regular light beer).
Another thought is using cider. Apple or pear would be cool!
I watch 2/3 of the Oscars and then proceeded to pass out on the couch. Adele’s performance was amazing. Her voice…beautiful!
She blows me away! Would kill to see her live.
Ha, of course I would love this. 😉 Lagunitas Sucks has been selling like crazy here in CLT.
Can you find it in stores? I had to ask them to hold me a 6 pack when they got a shipment it!
I’m definitely intimidated by bread. I’ll do quick breads and stuff, but real bread scares me. I should get over that. And I thought the Les Mis thing was great…until Russell Crowe started singing.
Poor Russell… at least he has pretty eyes. And lots of money.
I didn’t get a chance to watch the Oscars last night but will be watching the reruns tonight- I heard Adele’s performance was fab!
Oh wow, love this idea! I like baking bread actually. Though, I do sort of cheat. I have a bread machine and I use the dough setting to do all the hard work then I can roll it out after it’s done. I’ve got a few go-to recipes that I use for some amazing rolls that you can freeze and for a ciabatta bread.
Do you ship? 😉
Hmmmm perhaps that could be arranged 😉
You had me at beer! 🙂
I watched the Les Mis performance 3 times thanks to my DVR and cried all 3 times.
It is the only time I’ve wished I had cable so I could do the same thing!
Ahhhhh it’s gorgeous!!!!!! Love it girly!
Thanks, Lady! I’ll make you some with non-alcoholic beer 😉
I seldom watch the Oscars let alone television. I like movies though. I wonder if any I watched got nominated lol
Love the recipes 🙂
Too funny – I don’t like movies but I like the Oscars. 😉
We had beer on the brain, too, this weekend. Although I hate the taste of beer but was in love with beer fries Rob made. Couldn’t taste the beer but the fries were delicious! I wonder what Rob would think of beer hummus?? HA!
I bet he’d love it! It doesn’t taste like drinking a beer though – the creamy chickpeas mellow it out. 🙂
LOVE beer fries!!
You are soooo creative. I would have never thought of beer and hummus! I don’t drink beer, or any alcohol for that matter. I’ve tried to force myself to like it but it just won’t happen…that’s not to say I wouldn’t like the hummus though!! I love any and all hummus. It’s the best.
Hmmm it doesn’t intimidate me to EAT bread. That is actually very easy for me hahaha. Making bread….I’ll leave that to the experts! 😉
I remember your beer run post… hahaha!
Thank you so much again for inviting me to come over and partake in your delicious food!! Did you stay up and watch the whole thing? Even though I went home early, I’m sleepy too!
I did! But I’m usually up that late anyway. 🙂
Jeff is hooked on that beer right now. I could definitely get down with some beer hummus.
Are you guys going to try to re-create it? I still want to taste one of your brews!
He hasn’t brewed anything in a long time, mostly because he’d have to drink all 5 gallons of it by himself right now. I would love it if he tried to remake this one though, from the teensy sip of it I tasted it was definitely delicious.
Just a few mor months… I’ll gladly volunteer to sacrifice myself by helping him drink it in the meantime. LOL! 🙂
I need to find tahini near me, I am on the hunt
Most grocers carry it – check out the nut butter section!
As a craft beer lover, I love this recipe! Nomz
You should come to ATL sometime… we have a TON of breweries, and 2 bars that have beers lists it would take a lifetime to taste your way through.
I’ll have to put it on my list of places to go in the near future! Sounds amazing!
The BF has just started eating hummus.. and I definitely think this is one he would love! Thank you 🙂
Thank you! Let me know if you try it!
As I said in my post, I didn’t want to use yeast, but mainly just because I’m lazy and it seems like such a waste of precious time. I also don’t think that it did much of anything for my flatbread. But then again, who knows until I try it without it…
I love this recipe. I almost cheated and used beer, too. Of all the hummus I have made, I have never thought to put beer in it! Look at you, getting all creative.
Perhaps this beer hummus should marry either my hamburger hummus or Heather’s pizza hummus? Maybe a menage a toi-mmus?
Laziness may have something to do with my aversion too… oops.
Menage a toi-mmus is bbrilliant!!! A Blend activity???
Now that is a really strange kind of hummus! I actually love working with yeast because I just love the taste. I mostly use it for pizza dough or my Granny’s pancakes (note to self: make those asap!). But bread also needs sourdough, usually, and that one intimidates me a lot. So I cheated a little and used a packaged bread baking mix for my latest experiment. That mix does contain some yeast, though. Does that count?
Pancakes made with yeast? I’ve never heard of that! I must google…
Look for blini (Russian) or racuchy (Polish)!
Thank you!!
oscars we love to watch but agree why Sunday nights ?!?!
we started to watch it but we were so tired from our long weekend that we feel asleep during it LOL
I don’t blame you! You guys rocked it this weekend. 🙂
I make sourdough bread and sourdough dog biskets all the time and don’t find yeast intimidating, but bread making can be time consuming. I love Lagunitas “Little Sumpin’ Wild”, which has 8.8% alcohol, but I didn’t care for “Brown Shugga'”, for some reason. Your hummus recipe has all my favorites spices, will have to try soon.
I loved Little Sumpin’ Wild too! In my mind, Lagunitas can do no wrong. 🙂
OK – crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bot my thing BUT you are so amazingly creative!!!!!
Wow, brilliant! And yes, I loved the Les Mis performance… still haven’t seen the movie yet, but now I really have to!
Oh yes – I’m not a movie person and I loved it!
I love that I have friends who like weird food like me!
Holy [expletive] yes. YES.
LOL! I heart you.
Oh my I have some unused beer siting around the house and no I know a perfect way to use it up. Awesome idea 😀
Try living in a different country.. the oscars didn’t air here until 4:00 in the morning! haha. Thank goodness I’m able to squeeze in naps throughout the day if need be.
But you got up to watch them?? That’s hard core. 🙂
Mmm what an awesome idea, need to stop this underage thing right now 😀
Wow, that beer sounds amazing! And I’m totally in love with the fact that you put it in hummus…AND braved the cold by taking pics outside I see! 😉
It’s been so long since I’ve had a good beer! I think it’s about time I paid a visit to our local pub/brewery and ordered myself a vanilla ale! Mmm, it’s like hoppy cream soda! So good!
Sorry girl, not a fan of the Oscars…or any awards/celebrity shows for that matter. Call me uncultured, but I just don’t get the hype. :-/
Heather. You should make vanilla ale PANCAKES!!! With bacon.
Yum! What an interesting combination. I bet it is delish!
I’m making hummus this weekend!! I keep putting it off but no more. I’ll let you know the combination I do–gonna be wild 🙂
Awesome! I’d love to hear what you do – you know I love my Strange But Good. 😉
I did not watch the Oscars, I just get too tired to stay up that late. I saw Les Mis in the theater and on stage a couple of times, hands down it is one of my favorite shows (and I think the movie did it justice).
What a cool hummus. If I can find a comparable beer maybe I will try my hand at this one.
Bread did intimidate me, but i got a bread machine and that has eased some of my anxiety.
I’ve never seen the stage version, but after seeing Les Mis in the theater it’s on my list!
Yeast intimidates me a bit too, that’s why I started with an established recipe. I LOVE your interpretation and really need a batch of this to enjoy while watching TV. No oscars for me, but regular TV will work. 🙂
Mmmmm… I bet this would be so cool with your PB beer!
We are out, but that would have been a great idea!
Yes you make a a lot of weird things but I wouldn’t consider beer hummus to be one of them, especially when using some brown shugga. If you like that you should try their “The Censored” Rich Copper Ale which makes some phenomenal caramelized onions.
I have tried Censored – it’s awesome. I love anything Laguanitas puts out.
Genius! Love the beer addition 200%. I think this calls for beer bread to dip in. We should hummus guest post for each other! Holler!!!
That sounds dangerous…. I’m IN!